Sunday, March 8, 2020

Watering the plants correctly

Watering the plants correctly

         First of all, must understand first that Not all trees need the same amount of water. Some types of trees like water very much, such as night trees, bamboo shoots, Canna, Mok, Mak Daeng, etc. But there are trees that don't like water, such as bougainvillea, frangipani, cactus. For us to water, fertilize, and properly look after every tree In addition, watering plants for maximum benefit Must consider the following other factors as well

         For those who have just planted seedlings Should have to water a lot, even if the soil looks good. Because the seedlings are plants that are not yet grown The roots of the seedlings suck water from the underground, not very good. Therefore must always maintain moisture in the soil around the base of the tree

 Vertical Plant
         Vertical cropping Or growing plants to be gardens by fences Is a beautiful and exotic tree planting idea. But the disadvantage is Trees will rarely receive rainwater. And the dew from the air as much as it should Because it was obstructed by walls and eaves Therefore, the soil to grow these trees is very dry. Which the solution is Trees should be planted at a distance of about 45 centimeters from the fence to allow the tree to escape from the shadow of the wall. Also have to water a little more And should plant the ground cover around the base of the plant with

 Plants grown by seeding
         If choosing to plant crops by sowing seeds Must always provide moisture to the soil and seeds planted Because if the soil is dry and lacking water Roots will easily die immediately. Therefore, it is best to put the seeds in the water. Or at least watering the plants And find mulch plants to protect the plants with moisture

         Every pine is a plant that likes water a lot. Some species are dehydrated and die. Never sprouting up again Or some people can withstand drought If thinking about planting pine trees Should be planted in wetland reasonably And try to give him a lot of water too

         If just laying the grass for the new lawn, keep watering all the time. Until the grass can seize the topsoil Because if the grass receives little water The grass is yellow, dry, not beautiful, but it will not die. Just have to wait for the grass to receive rainwater before it can be revitalized and green again.

 Fruits and vegetables near the harvest
         Who grow vegetables and fruits that yield Should have to water the plants more moist than usual During the harvest Especially if you notice beautiful flowering trees Close to being a baby, in order to make the tree bloom more beautiful

 A thousand years rose
         The thousand-year-old rose is also water-loving. Especially during the hot season Or on a sunny day, water the plants more than before And try to turn the top of the leaf into the shade as much as possible To prevent the thousand-year-old rose plants from dehydration

 Potted plants
         For plants grown in pots Then should be watered a lot Because the soil in the pot has a shallow soil layer than normal ground Make the water disappear And dry faster Tree roots may not be able to absorb enough water. Especially if going into the summer Then have to double watering and always check the moisture in the soil as well.

Watering the plants correctly Help the tree grow beautifully.

Watering the plants correctly Help the tree grow beautifully.

Planting trees in the house. Considered as another help to make the atmosphere in our home cool and comfortable, as well as helping to purify the air. However, care is regarded as important. Both shoveling, fertilizing, watering are important components that help our trees grow and grow beautifully. Therefore, Decor.mthai has picked up Water the plants correctly. Leave all your friends for what they say. Better to watch

Watering the plants correctly

1. Soil moisture Before we start watering Observe the surrounding soil. That still has moisture If the soil is still wet, it should not be watered. Because it may cause the Cao tree to die

Rubber strap

2. Hose: Choose a watering hose that can adjust the water level. Because each tree has different water requirements. Therefore should find each tree well So that we can take care and water properly


3. Areas that should be watered Should be watered to the roots of the trees Because the roots are an important part That will nourish the parts of the tree and be careful to water the blooming flowers Because it is a delicate part, should be gradually poured gently

4. Watering time The morning is a good time for watering plants. Because it helps to reduce water evaporation But if on some days That we may not be convenient to change into the evening of the day either.

Choose the right watering method

Choose the right watering method

Watering at the right frequency. General watering rules exist that Plants need about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water per week, but some plants require more water - less than that. The easiest is to know and study the plants that they have grown. How much water is needed And keep an eye on the health of that tree. [3] Indicating that having to water more than that
Another method that can be tested well Taking a finger to dip into the ground for 2-3 inches (5 - 10 cm). If the soil feels dry Shows that it's time to water, but if the water is almost wet to the surface, wait.
How often will water the plants? Sometimes you have to consider the criteria yourself. For example, if it rains all week It means that you do not have to water as much as usual. But if during this period there is no sunshine, it will have to water more than before

Water the plants around the roots, don't water the leaves. The roots will absorb water to feed the tree. If watering the leaves Will drip or evaporate Therefore, when watering, point the watering hose or low sprinkler at the base of the tree like that.
Pour water directly until the leaves are completely saturated. Can cause the tree to die If the water remaining in the water In addition to being easy to mold Can also overheat the tree
If using a hose and watering the base of the tree is too difficult Install a grounded watering system such as drip tape or water leakage hose.

Water deeply, but only for the most part. Trees are strong when they can be rooted in the soil. Not growing out beside a wide path or row of soil surface Therefore water deep in the soil so that the water will reach the roots. Helps the roots to be more plunged into the soil as well
Correct watering methods And good for the health of the tree Therefore is watered down deeply, but not often Instead of watering a little, but watering every day, choose 1 - 2 days of the week And watering the base of the tree to moisten it better
This means that you have to water each point for 30 seconds or more, not watering all over quickly.

Signs that you water too much. Even if you say it is a long time But if the plants get too much water, they can die as well as lack of water, so watering should be spaced appropriately. But don't pour too much Signs that you may be watering too much and then

  • The leaves begin to turn yellow or brown.
  • The leaves wilt.
  • Pretending to rot

Must choose watering equipment that is suitable for the area of ​​the garden. If the garden takes up a large area and needs to be watered daily May have to install a sprinkler (actually have to read that the sprinkler) and set the time for automatic watering instead

How to choose the most suitable watering time

How to choose the most suitable watering time

Choose the right watering time.

If possible, water in the morning. Morning watering is best. Because it follows the cycle of natural growth of plants The flower tree will be ready to receive water early in the morning. Is the sunrise But not yet high in the sky You can keep watering from this moment on. Until the sun is too hot Especially if the weather is very hot and regularly watering regularly Will make the tree strong and resistant to heat [1]
If waiting until noon or afternoon The sun is too hot. Watering will become a careless tree instead. The sun makes the water too hot for delicate stems and leaves. If burned up, it will be damaged for a long time.
Try to water before 10 o'clock in the morning. This will ensure that there is a time for the water to seep into the soil and slightly dry before the sun is too bright. If watering in the afternoon will waste water. Because most will evaporate before seeping into the soil

If morning is not convenient To water in the evening instead. Many people have a tight mission It is impossible to sit and water the plants early in the morning. If already missed the golden minute Had to wait until evening Or when the sun is shining The tree won't burn And had time to dry before the evening [2]
If waiting for the afternoon To water at around 4 o'clock onwards Because before that it was an afternoon Sunny and hot The tree definitely burns.
If really watering is necessary Do not do it regularly. Please only the days that are unavoidable.

Do not water at night. Night time watering The water will remain as per the leaves. Not volatile as normal The soil may hold water. Instead of absorbing and draining like the sun Makes the tree rot easily Because there are rato on the root Including the leaves and stems
The only case that can be watered at night Meaning that day cannot be sprayed on other parts of the day The trees were so dry that I couldn't water the day. Or can't wait until morning
If really need to be watered at night To water the land The tree will not get wet. And not much watering The soil will not absorb water. It is best to use drip tape or a waterproof hose.

How to water the plants properly

How to water the plants properly

Usually watering the plants 2 times a day in the morning or evening when the weather is not too hot. In the morning watering should be around while still having light sun around 6.00 am - 8.00 am. In the evening, watering should be done before sunset around 16.00 hrs. - 18.00 hrs. So that some water in the soil will evaporate. Do not store too much moisture. Because if after this time Then the excess moisture can cause the tree to rot But there is caution Should not be watered during sunny days

In the summer, the water temperature in the pipes or tanks is quite high. When opening the tap, watering down is no different from bringing hot water to water the plants. Therefore should bring water to rest in the tank to cool down first and then watering at the base of the tree So as not to cause residual water droplets on the leaves which may cause subsequent burns problems By watering down from the top of the tree to wash off the dirt left on the leaves Will help increase water absorption efficiency And reduce dehydration While also helping to improve photosynthesis

During the rainy season, water as appropriate. It's not raining that you don't have to water the plants. Because the amount of rainfall may not be sufficient to seep down to the roots Therefore needing to provide additional water

Meanwhile, during the winter Dry air, we need to water more frequently. Or sprinkler water By spacing the soil to dry somewhat To allow the plant roots to breathe If the soil is still moist, it is not necessary to repeatedly water it. Although the short winter period The air is dry. But the water in the soil does not evaporate as fast as summer Therefore have to keep observing Because if you give more water than necessary, disease may occur as a consequence There is also a way to maintain moisture in the soil by using materials such as flaky straw, chopped coconut, bamboo leaves, fresh or dried leaves covering the field.


Trees cannot grow without water. Therefore, watering should be done at least once a day in the morning, which depends on the water needs of each type of tree. Some like water very much and some like water to little or very little. Therefore, before planting, should study the basic information of that tree well first. So that our plants are always beautiful.