Sunday, March 8, 2020

How to water the plants properly

How to water the plants properly

Usually watering the plants 2 times a day in the morning or evening when the weather is not too hot. In the morning watering should be around while still having light sun around 6.00 am - 8.00 am. In the evening, watering should be done before sunset around 16.00 hrs. - 18.00 hrs. So that some water in the soil will evaporate. Do not store too much moisture. Because if after this time Then the excess moisture can cause the tree to rot But there is caution Should not be watered during sunny days

In the summer, the water temperature in the pipes or tanks is quite high. When opening the tap, watering down is no different from bringing hot water to water the plants. Therefore should bring water to rest in the tank to cool down first and then watering at the base of the tree So as not to cause residual water droplets on the leaves which may cause subsequent burns problems By watering down from the top of the tree to wash off the dirt left on the leaves Will help increase water absorption efficiency And reduce dehydration While also helping to improve photosynthesis

During the rainy season, water as appropriate. It's not raining that you don't have to water the plants. Because the amount of rainfall may not be sufficient to seep down to the roots Therefore needing to provide additional water

Meanwhile, during the winter Dry air, we need to water more frequently. Or sprinkler water By spacing the soil to dry somewhat To allow the plant roots to breathe If the soil is still moist, it is not necessary to repeatedly water it. Although the short winter period The air is dry. But the water in the soil does not evaporate as fast as summer Therefore have to keep observing Because if you give more water than necessary, disease may occur as a consequence There is also a way to maintain moisture in the soil by using materials such as flaky straw, chopped coconut, bamboo leaves, fresh or dried leaves covering the field.


Trees cannot grow without water. Therefore, watering should be done at least once a day in the morning, which depends on the water needs of each type of tree. Some like water very much and some like water to little or very little. Therefore, before planting, should study the basic information of that tree well first. So that our plants are always beautiful.