Sunday, March 8, 2020

Watering the plants correctly Help the tree grow beautifully.

Watering the plants correctly Help the tree grow beautifully.

Planting trees in the house. Considered as another help to make the atmosphere in our home cool and comfortable, as well as helping to purify the air. However, care is regarded as important. Both shoveling, fertilizing, watering are important components that help our trees grow and grow beautifully. Therefore, Decor.mthai has picked up Water the plants correctly. Leave all your friends for what they say. Better to watch

Watering the plants correctly

1. Soil moisture Before we start watering Observe the surrounding soil. That still has moisture If the soil is still wet, it should not be watered. Because it may cause the Cao tree to die

Rubber strap

2. Hose: Choose a watering hose that can adjust the water level. Because each tree has different water requirements. Therefore should find each tree well So that we can take care and water properly


3. Areas that should be watered Should be watered to the roots of the trees Because the roots are an important part That will nourish the parts of the tree and be careful to water the blooming flowers Because it is a delicate part, should be gradually poured gently

4. Watering time The morning is a good time for watering plants. Because it helps to reduce water evaporation But if on some days That we may not be convenient to change into the evening of the day either.