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Showing posts with label Drink-Protein. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ensure Original Nutrition Shake with 9 grams of protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Dark Chocolate, 8 fl oz, 24 Count

Evolution of Systems - 3: Muscle System and Biology of Body Work

Ensure Original Nutrition Shake with 9 grams of protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Dark Chocolate, 8 fl oz, 24 Count

The feedback we receive from our readers and what we see - and we are very satisfied - in general youth in today's world - are increasingly increasing in sports , muscle building, and so on. We think and see that our muscles and skeletal system are the most familiar and curious curiosities of our people. Therefore, in this article, after briefly mentioning how the musculoskeletal system has evolved , the body will address some points that our working readers should pay attention to, and also how the muscles developed through that thousand labor, how they work biologically, how they grow and how they can be grown more easily, Evolutionary Biology and Development We will try to give examples from biology. We think that many readers will read with curiosity.

Pounds of muscles, flesh and bones ız Our essential structures that encircle the body of almost all animals and provide their movements. The average number of individual muscles in an individual varies between 650-850. The muscles that work in so many different and interdependent ways allow us to make countless movements that we see when we go outside, in a gym, on the streets, at home and everywhere. Many bodybuilders are trying to increase the number of these muscles as much as possible. Below are the names and locations of some of the muscles in our body:

However, these two visuals give very superficial names. To see and recognize the number of muscles mentioned above, you need to get closer to our different regions as shown below:

As another example, we can give the facial muscles, which are one of the most important steps of human evolution, which are the basis of social relations and which enable us to make about 7000 human gestures and mimics:

As you can see, there are too many, too many muscles in our bodies (and in the bodies of other animals). Therefore, our readers interested in muscle development need to know especially the muscles in their bodies. But we're not going to get into the individual tasks of the muscles here, because we have no place or time for it. But you can easily find it in numerous anatomy books that you can find in Turkish on the market. Let us now look at how these muscles evolved, which made animals perhaps "animals" in the evolutionary process. We will also learn what muscles are.

Evolutionary History of Muscles

The evolution of the muscles is still an issue under investigation. The evolution of muscles fits exactly with the pattern of change in the evolutionary biology shown by Evolutionary Biology, and while we have never seen muscles in earlier life forms, we see that the muscles were first formed in simple forms as we evolved more recently to the present day, and then we see that the muscles are becoming more specialized. Therefore, we can see the evolutionary processes in the muscles clearly, as we can see which creature and its characteristics.

As we have mentioned in our previous articles when we describe the evolution of systems or organs , it is possible to follow the evolution of each system first to living things, single-celled bacteria and their intracellular structures. As we can do in the evolution of our eye, which enables us to see, we see that these systemic behaviors can be performed within the intracellular mechanisms in our nervous system, circulatory system, urinary system and all other systems. Thus, simply, the so-called "system" is the combination of certain intracellular mechanisms on a large scale, on a supracellular basis, to perform certain functions.

The first structure we see in the evolution of muscles is the tubule and filament structures that control intracellular contractions and movements. These microscopic and sometimes even nanoscopic structures form the cytoskeleton structure. In other words, the skeletal and muscle structure that we see on the basis of a gigantic organism is actually found in the cell in a similar way. We see this below:

The filamentous structures that we see in this drawing form our intracellular skeleton and allow the cell to move from place to place; it also prevents the cell from collapsing into itself. If that didn't mean anything to you, let's see the colored stained intracellular skeleton:

What you see in these two photographs are real images taken under a microscope . Those dyed in green are relatively thick strips that we call microtubules . Those stained in red are a mass of proteins that we call actin , and are critical to the movement of our muscle structure. What you see as blue are cell nuclei and organelles . Therefore, there are two conclusions that we draw from these visuals: The first is that even though the inside of our cells does not call it "muscle", it is composed of strands and strands that provide movement like muscles, and even most of the cells are full of them. Secondly, the structures that enable the movement of our muscles on a large scale are found in our cells in the same or similar way. This, in turn, shows a wonderfully illustrative way of Evolutionary Biology. Because, thanks to Evolutionary Biology, we know that even the most complex structures are formed by simple cells coming together and differentiating into generations. Therefore, on a large scale, we can expect to see similar features within the cell, which we see on the basis of organisms. And indeed, whatever system we look at, we see the subcellular counterpart in the cells.

All these yarns and tapes do not only support the cell but provide its movement; it also allows the structures within the cell to move from one point to another. Therefore, in the case of "movement", the presence of specialized chemicals is essential. Moreover, as in our every structure, the proteins in our muscle structure are extremely simple, but chemicals that undertake very important tasks in the evolutionary process. We will return to these again.

The first structures were those that emerged slowly from the first 4 billion years to 1 billion years ago, and then formed into the structure of single-celled cells that became increasingly specialized. As we progress through the Evolutionary Process, we reach increasingly complex life forms. Below, we see the relatively underdeveloped and simple-structured intracellular skeletal structure of a prokaryotic structure (bacteria and archaea). When compared to the above image, the differences can be easily seen.

First, about 900 million years ago, single-celled organisms began to come together and evolved multi-celled. In this process, eukaryotic structures, the more complex cellular structures, have begun to evolve. This has resulted in the complexity and further specialization of intracellular proteins. For example, below we see a more complex cellular skeletal structure than in a eukaryotic protist:

The following image represents the cells coming together by forming colonies, and thus the evolution of the first multicellular organisms and then the specialized tissues and systems. In the image, cells forming colonies are shown:

Subsequently, up to 540 million years ago, multicellular reigned and the foundations of many systems were laid. In this process, according to genetic research, approximately 700 million years ago, proteins that will participate in today's muscle structure began to be produced. In other words, while these strands and strips appeared as simpler structures in unicellular cells, 700 million years ago, for the first time more complex cellular skeletal structure was introduced. 540 million years ago, there was a rapid diversification of multicellular cells, and cells that specialized in movement started to work together and provide movement. In other words, from 900 million years ago to 540 million years ago, the privatization of cells began to work together. From 540 million years ago, vertebrate- free animals began to evolve and rapidly diversified. In this process, although very strong bones such as vertebrates have not evolved (and therefore no muscular structures have been formed at first), special adaptations have been made to enable the movement of their bodies. First, let's look at the first animals, namely sponges, which are more organized, larger than the above colonial cells, and which are formed by stacking cells:

The sponges are still unable to see muscles or similar real tissues. These primitive cell colonies, which began to appear about 550 million years ago, are regarded as the first steps of animals. Cells in communication with each other; however, sponges that direct the flow of water with their independent contraction and relaxation movements absorb and consume simple, single-celled water organisms. Therefore, they have very early motions and are animals that are already stable throughout their lifespan.

As the animals became mobile during the evolutionary process, these cellular muscle movements began to be more coordinated. For example, in flatworms, one of the earliest living things, cells within the body coordinate oscillation / wave movement and the creature moves in this way. This is an example of muscle structures at first, but muscle is still unlikely:

In the first stages of the evolution of invertebrates, there were living things that underwent different adaptations instead of muscle-like coordinated movements. An example is jellyfish:

These creatures, which consist of 95-99% of water, often passively displace with the movement of water, but can also be actively displaced by the movement of the jelly-like fluid they secrete from their cells. Instead of evolving the proteins that make up their cellular skeletons into the muscle structure, these creatures underwent this kind of adaptation.

Let's look at the trilobites, one of the best examples of the evolutionary process of invertebrates:

As we move through invertebrates, we see more complex muscle movements taking place and body plans evolving to allow for the evolution of muscles. For example, trilobites were able to move their tail and whip that provided their eyes and movements using simple muscles. As we progress further in invertebrates, there is a significant evolutionary development in the structure and quantity of muscles, especially by the insects' initiation of the invasion of land. The following is a highly primitive "wing up" and "wing down" muscles that allow a winged beetle to move its wings:

As we move forward, we can see that with the evolution of vertebrates 500 million years ago, the muscular system is becoming more complex. At first, fish have a relatively limited number and variety of muscles, while the number of muscles is increasing in higher-order organisms, such as reptiles, birds and mammals.

For example, below are some of the muscles of a lizard (reptile), a bird and a whale (mammal) respectively:

Therefore, when we look from this perspective, we see an evolutionary process in the development of muscles parallel to all other systems.

Structure of Muscles

Here again we do not see the need to go into anatomical extreme detail, because a basic explanation will be enough to understand how our muscles work. Those interested can access details from many medical sources. But here we want to talk about the basic structure of the muscles.

The first thing we need to know about our muscles is that it has a structure that gradually increases from thin to thick. Thus, the contraction of a muscle is primarily contraction of fibers measured in thin, microns . Subsequently, depending on the severity of the contraction, the fibers become thicker and ultimately the whole muscle is contracted as a whole. Moreover, by combining these fine fibers, larger fibers and strands are formed. So these are not independent structures. The easiest way to understand this is to examine the following image:

Here we see the structure of a layered muscle. At the far left, unnamed wispy, streaked structures are piles of proteins that we just stepped above and joined to the inner skeleton of cells! In other words, the special feature of these long cells that make up our muscles is the formation of fibers and fiber bundles by combining these proteins. This is a very clear example of the explanatory power of Evolutionary Biology. The names of those thin yarns were identified as actin and myosin . Actins are thinner than myosins, and the protein structure of the myosins allows the actins to shift through them due to a chemical change that occurs when stimulated by nerve cells. So when our nerves want to move a muscle, various chemicals, such as calcium , are sensed from the nerve into the muscle and these chemicals cause the actins to begin to slide on myosins. If we take a closer look at these actins and myosins:

As seen above, the thin actin strips are actually several microns apart, as given in the upper section. However, when neural stimulation arrives, thick myosins begin to shift actins and bring them closer together. In this way, the muscles contract as the billions of actuals approach each other. But in fact, of course nothing is as simple as these facilitated drawings that we see in books. The more realistic structure of actin and myosin is given below:

Returning to the above muscle structure ... As you will see, these thin strips come together to produce thicker strips called myofibrils . Myofibrils come together to form a segmented structure called sarcolemma . Fasciculus is formed by the combination of many sarcolemma. When the fasciculus structures come together, a large cell mass is called muscle . Thus, there are billions of small strips stuck in the muscles and their movements can move.

From this structure, the basic principle of muscle development arises: Proteins . Proteins are the most important component of muscle formation, structure and repair. Muscles consume sugar when consuming energy; however, the main component of their structure is proteins. For this reason, the balance of protein and sugar in the diet of athletes and their intake during nutrition are linked to a certain order, order and quantity. Uncontrolled consumption of sugar, protein and muscle damage more than benefits.

Now, let us conclude our article by giving a few biological advice to those who develop muscle.

Biology of Body Work

The human species is the only living species we know, who can be so clearly aware of their own self through intelligence. Of the remaining animals, especially mammals, they know that they are independent of other individuals; however, they cannot elaborate too much on this phenomenon. The reason for this is that the brain capacity is not at the level to perform this operation. However, man is aware of his own self-consciousness thanks to his intelligence, which is his only weapon against nature. In this way, it can approach itself more precisely and work to improve its properties. Since the dustiest pages of history, one of the areas in which man develops most is the muscles. Nowadays, especially in the abroad, especially at every corner body body salons, this is the most beautiful indicator.

Unfortunately, unconsciousness often leads to failure. Unfortunately, human beings have the delusion that he is always superior to himself due to the flaws of his intelligence and he is inclined to think that his body is not ordinary. For this reason, he consciously thought that his body would be interpreted properly by his body and that his body would develop and that he could find the target of the training even if the training was not suitable for the purpose. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Human is an extremely ordinary animal, and our intelligence is far, far from sufficient to make our body different from other living beings. For this reason, body workers should be supported by professionals and health personnel. Because each animal has an upper limit to which it can develop its muscles, and after a certain point, exceeding this limit will adversely affect the body.

At this point, it is useful to emphasize this important emphasis: There is an upper limit of enhanceability in your skeletal muscles, just like your intelligence. This limit is determined by your genes. When we are born, we are extremely below this limit; because in the evolutionary process, we have received a muscle limit determined by the combination of various genes from our wild ancestors and their non-human ancestors. This limit is often much higher than what an ordinary individual needs. Especially for a species like human beings that are severed from the wild.

Therefore, the individual should be aware of this limit and put his health ahead of the ambitions of exceeding this limit. If a person gets distracted with this, it could look like this:

The photo above was probably produced with Photoshop; but the following are extremely real:

But remember. The muscles exist to provide and facilitate your movements. But most of the time, the maximum limit of a person is high enough to limit one's movements. The reason for this is that in the evolutionary process, a selection for this top limit has not been realized. Because in the wild, animals do not reach an upper limit, especially by working muscles, and often remain at an average value. Therefore, an individual who develops a body should first determine his / her own limits and choose what kind of body he / she will have. After that, plans are made according to this objective.

Bodybuilding has some very important points. Since we do not intend to teach a lesson here, we will briefly explain them:

Muscle Exercise: Of course, someone who wants to develop muscle, muscles to strengthen the weight training must do. Soon, we're just going back to this title.
Nutrition: Nutrition of an individual working body is more important than the weights he lifts. Because the growth and development of the muscles, which will be discussed in a short time, sufficient nutrients must be present in the muscle environment. Moreover, as the muscle mass increases, the amount of nutrients will need to be increased. A bodybuilder has to know how much, at what times, how to consume proteins, sugars and fats. Simply put: Sugars , as everyone knows, are the energy stores of our bodies. However, they are not used in bodybuilding solely to give energy to the body. When sugar enters your body, the immediate secretion of insulin hormone increases. This hormone tries to lower blood sugar. However, it is also known to play a role in enhancing protein synthesis . However, excessive consumption of sugar will be stored in the body first as glycogen and then as fat. Therefore, the balance should be adjusted by very good and professional dietitians. Proteins, as mentioned in detail above, are the main substances of the structures that enable muscles to work. Today's professionals say that between 25-30% of total calories taken by bodybuilders should come from proteins. However, this idea is not universally accepted, so you have to choose according to your needs and goals. Fats are important long-term sources of energy for the body; however, as the body workers need sugar which is consumed in a short time, they do not put the fat into their diet. But this is not a very correct move, let's say right away. Because cholesterol in fats, although "bad substance" is touted, is essential for our cells to work. For this reason, we should also act according to the dietitian's recommendation, not according to what we hear from our heads and from right to left!
Supporting Vitamins and Drugs: This issue is also becoming a widespread phenomenon today. The people who work the body prefer the artificial products because they cannot get the exact amount of natural nutrients they want. Obviously, although not natural, this is an important goal-oriented effort. We are in favor of natural nutrition because we do not think that muscle building is such an essential one. However, as long as the contents are strictly followed and consumed from brands whose reliability is assured, support pills do not carry any critical damages. Nevertheless, be you, try to reach your goal by feeding natural. Longer time, but natural.
Rest: If you want to lift weight 20 hours a day, unless you sleep your body will not be able to ensure the proper development and production of muscles. Because most of the production and repair in the body occurs during sleep. Therefore, rest is more important than working muscle. Especially as we will talk about later, when you learn how the muscles develop and increase in mass, we think you will understand the importance of this more clearly.

Those who comply with these essential substances will be able to develop muscles without any problems.

How Our Muscles Develop? How are new muscles formed?

This question has long been a question of scientists, and there is still no clear answer. However, our theories can provide very powerful explanations, especially with the advances in imaging techniques. Therefore, we are able to give clearer answers about how muscles are produced day by day.

First of all, how does our existing muscles develop? The answer is not that difficult. Because as you can remember from above, our muscles are composed of muscle fibers and we can think of them as simple cellular structures. Muscles have two basic types of contraction: isometric and isotonic contraction. For example, suppose you are trying to lift a 40 kilogram mass. At the beginning of lifting, your muscles contract until you move the mass; but will not relocate . The contraction in this process is called isometric contraction . Then, when we give enough force, the mass begins to move and our muscles contract by applying the same force (or increasing force). We call it isotonic contraction .

Continuous repetition of this process, that is, the constant stimulation of certain muscles, results in the accumulation of nutrients and protein in these muscles. Therefore, the cells here will grow more and grow in volume. This is how our existing muscles develop. That's why you feel your muscles swollen when you go to the gym and work for about 2 hours. This swelling is a sensation of volume growth as a result of continuous stimulation of your muscle cells.

But how are new muscles formed? In fact, how does the existing muscle mass increase? This question is still being questioned by many researchers. We have two types of muscle growth:

Hypertrophy (Hypertrophy) , just like the swelling of existing muscles, is a state of continuous swelling of muscle cells. About 15 hours after the muscle has been released from the gym, the size of the muscle cells is restored and the feeling of bloating disappears. However, when these exercises are performed regularly and continuously, after a while there is an increase in the average volume of the muscles. This is called hypertropy. For this reason, muscle mass appears to have increased in a few months. In fact, it is a state of continuous bloating. If the muscle is not worked for months after this type of growth, the muscle cells return to their original state and the muscles "dim out". Generally, hypertrophy occurs due to the diameter growth of the cells or the increased amount of intracellular fluid.

The other mechanism of muscle proliferation is called hyperplasia (hyperplasia) and it is very interesting. As long as the muscle is working, the fibers contract and relax. However, when the weights removed and the weight per fiber are calculated, it is seen that the masses are removed far above the strength of the fibers. In this case, the muscle fibers are simply torn. However, because there are millions of fibers in a single arm muscle, this tear is not felt as pain or deficiency. It only manifests itself after a few days of pain in the arms after working out the muscle. However, the number of fibers broken at each time is so small compared to the total that these breaks have little effect. However, the effect of rupture begins to be seen after long periods and months of work. Let's explain this:

Here, let's take a single muscle strip again. What we're dealing with here is the strip (myofibril), shown in grayish color at the far end, not the thicker ones. A small myofibril is 1-2 micrometers (one millionth of a meter) thick, and each myofibril is about 2.5 micrometers long. Consequently, they are added end-to-end and overlapping to form long muscle strips.

When we work out the muscle, when we force 60% of the maximum load we can remove, the blood flow to the muscles is temporarily stopped and myofibrils begin to rupture during this process. As we said, we're talking about a few tens or a hundred breaks out of billions of myofibrils. During the study, many myofibrils break off in this way and therefore our muscles begin to ache.

However, the body begins to repair the muscles within 24-36 hours after the study. At this moment, something interesting happens: Imagine that a myofibril connected to myofibrils other than two ends broke during the study. This strip is regenerated after it is divided into two. However, the two ends of the myofibril cannot find each other and connect to other myofibrils on the opposite side. This is why two new myofibrils are produced by treating a single broken myofibril. If this is continued for months, new muscles will be produced and muscle mass will increase.

For this reason, the muscles should be rested and allowed to repair for at least 72 hours after muscle training. Working daily ks will not help you. Relaxation is not a waste of time in muscle development, but rather a benefit. In this process, you should feed, support the fast and powerful repair of your muscles, and ensure that the repair is done by sleeping a lot.

How Muscles Work?

If the above mechanism of muscle development is revised, it will be seen that the main factor for the formation and development of muscles is rest . Therefore, the more important it is to lift weights, the more important it is to rest. For this reason, muscle workers never enter the hall, do everything at a time, dozens of times and do not go home without weight lifting. Each movement and work is divided into repeating pieces called sets .

When we look at our muscular system, we have hundreds of muscles. Everyone loves certain muscle groups within their own background and tastes and wants to work harder, to look stronger in those areas. For example, it has recently become very popular and goes down to the waist groin, popularly known as adonis muscle ; however, the definition of the official anatomical books is quite fashionable among people with side muscle. Similarly, the biceps and triceps muscles in our upper arm are the muscles most people prefer to develop first. The number of our muscles, however, is much greater than that of muscles that only affect the opposite sex. Conscious muscle builders work not only these muscles, but also all their muscles separately. Because, as can be understood from the mechanism of muscle development, almost no muscle development will ensure the development of another. The load on each crate and the development dependent on this load are independent of each other. That is why there are dozens of different instruments in the salons, and the muscles that each instrument operates are different from each other.

Bodybuilders work on these instruments to make a certain number of sets in each of them within the program prepared before starting the sport. Usually, each set requires 6-15 runs. So the set is the following: When you take a dumbbell (the simplest load device) and raise and lower it 15 times at a time, you complete the set. Usually set repetitions are 3-4 times per instrument . Thus, to improve each muscle, each movement is repeated about 18-60 times each time you go to the hall. There is no break between these repetitions, but the muscles should be rested with a break of at least 1 minute between sets.

Now, let us illustrate an ideal work with examples:

For example, a person who goes to the hall first starts warming after warming up (this is very important, lifting weight without opening the muscles with warming movements has no effect) usually within the program prepared by the salon specialist. Let's start with the tool called bench press , which we show below (we won't give all of the tools, because there are dozens and you won't remember, you can learn more and more into the hall):

Whether the body coach will make this movement 3 sets . You get 10 sets on each set. So in one sitting, it will lift a certain weight 10 times in a row, so that one set will be completed. He will then rest for 1 minute and again, on the same instrument, complete the second set by lifting the same weight 10 more times . Then he will take another 1 minute break (it is useful to walk slowly and drink a few sips of water during these breaks) and again, one last time, he will lift the weight 10 times and complete the third set . Bench press is now over for that day. Then, it can switch to another instrument that is specified in its program. For example, the following device called flat press (barbell) :

Similarly, here he will make 3 sets of 10 times and switch to another tool. This will take about 2 hours . Relaxation movements and muscles should be rested after training. After the exercise, high protein foods and plenty of water should be drunk. Training should be done once in 2-3 days at most (48-72 hours after each training). There is no use going to the training every day, as the muscles will be damaged under weight before they can repair themselves. Remember that the repair of the muscles takes at least 72 hours .

How to Choose Weight?

This is an issue where many experts have different views. However, it is generally agreed that:

If the goal is to force the muscles and the training is done in sets, the loads that the muscles are increasingly difficult to lift should be selected when the 7-8th repetition is reached within each set. If the individual can easily do all 10 repetitions in 1 set, the muscles are not strained and will not develop. Therefore, the individual should determine a weight that will force him / her at the end of each set and increase this weight gradually in weeks / months. At one time, it would be stupid to force a weight on the floor, which can be lifted. Remember that as you load your muscles, you break the fibers, and if you load too much, your muscles will rupture completely and become unusable for long months and will hurt a lot. However, it is pointless to fear that it would be too low to weigh under very light weights (unless very fast repetitions are done). Below we will examine this again.

How to Choose Weight-Set Balance?

Many experts have different opinions. Therefore, one's work pace, desires, goals come into play. Let us explain the situation as follows:

1) Less Weight, Much Repeat

In this case, the weights are often not heavy enough to tear the muscle strips. For this reason, this limit is tried to be exceeded by making many repetitions. But in this way, it is never possible to produce muscle as much as those under heavy loads. However, when you lose a lot of weight and do it again, a high heart rate and blood pressure, called a "cardio effect", is activated. The individual dissolves fat much faster. This results in the development of more durable muscles than those under heavy loads. Those who prepare for long-term races, such as Triathlon, prefer to work this way. In the meantime, repeating 10-15 times in 1 set falls into the category of "many repetitions".

2) Too Much Weight, Less Repetition

When under heavy loads, the muscle fibers tear much more easily and thus the growth rate of the muscles increases. However, the danger here is also to be seen: to increase excess muscle to be lifted or to be removed under the weight of more than entering, "muscle rupture" can lead to the extreme pain we call. You may not be able to use that muscle for a longer time. Lifting high weights has a positive effect on the body, accelerating metabolism and increasing bone strength. Usually 6-10 repetitions mean "less repetitions".

For this reason, the individual, as we said in our article, should work towards its goals. A universal direct cannot be mentioned.

About Protein Values ​​of Nutrients and Supporting Drugs ...

We can show the average protein values ​​in different foods in a mini table as follows:

Parmesan Cheese: 41.6 grams of protein per 100 grams
Green Beans: 39.6 grams of protein per 100 grams
Steak: 36 grams of protein per 100 grams
White Meat (Chicken, Turkey, Pork, etc.): 33 grams of protein per 100 grams
Fish (Tons, Anchovies, Salmon, etc.): 30 grams of protein per 100 grams
Caviar (Fish Eggs ): 29 grams of protein per 100 grams
Crab and Lobster: 26 grams of protein per 100 grams
Peanuts: 24 grams of protein per 100 grams
Octopus: 30 grams of protein per 100 grams
Almond: 21 grams of protein per 100 grams
Sunflower: 21 grams of protein per 100 grams
Egg: 13 grams of protein per 100 grams
Milk: 3 grams of protein per 100 grams

While these values ​​will of course vary from food to food, on average these data will be sufficient.

Body workers often use side drugs and powders because they do not find these proteins sufficient, or because they want to take only proteins from food. They have little side effects other than weight gain and some other excess protein diseases (such as gout), if they are tightly controlled by health care units. Therefore, they should be taken under supervision of the dietitian.

We can create the following table about these promoters:

Unsweetened Dry Gelatin: 86 grams of protein per 100 grams
Egg White Powder: 82 grams of protein per 100 grams
Soy Protein Isolation: 81 grams of protein per 100 grams
Wheat Gluten: 75 grams of protein per 100 grams
Low Fat Soy Flour: 47 grams of protein per 100 grams
Skimmed Milk Powder: 36 grams of protein per 100 grams

It is important to be careful here that excess protein is a weight-gaining effect, except for diseases. Because proteins can be converted to fat and stored. Therefore, the calorie values ​​of these foods are very important. If the work is overdrawn for protein intake, fat will begin and will deviate from the objective.

About Muscle Studies in Children and Adolescents (0-18 Years)

There is no agreement in the scientific community as to whether muscle building at a young age affects height growth. The main reason for this is the limited number of studies in this field and the fact that the existing studies give open or inconsistent results for interpretation. This inconsistency can also be attributed to the growth tendency of individuals resulting from physiology and genetic differences. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics reports in their reports that proper muscle work has no known negative effects on growth. The notification can be found here . Many muscular trainers (instructors), in accordance with this statement is a myth and the issue of muscle at a young age is not a problem that says.

However ... Our biological and physical structure is determined by our genes and changes with the effect of the environment. In the evolutionary process, each creature has developed a body size and an average muscle-bone distribution, depending on the burden it needs to bear, according to its habitat. In fact, the changes in the evolutionary process of many species of animals, such as humans, directly affected reproductive and birth modes, and bones and muscles adapted to this evolutionary change. Therefore, constantly and regularly under heavy loads during development and lengthening will cause physical stress on your newly developing and growing bones and may have a slowing and stopping effect on growth. In other words, as the American Academy of Pediatrics stated, an appropriate study should be carried out.

Here, the difference must be well understood: working muscles or being muscular does not create any negativity for your growth (at least as agreed by the scientific community); however, the burdens you will get during growth can have a negative effect on your elongation. Remember, the only way to build muscle is not to get under loads that will apply a force to your height. As we have mentioned here and you can get more information from the trainers, muscle training is a very technical issue. For this reason, instead of directly under load (such as stepping on the ceiling with your foot or lifting dumbbells standing), you can improve your muscles by training in a different direction from your body axis. In addition, the loads that you will remove are actually important points. Lifting dumbbells with non-exaggerating loads according to your age and body condition will not have a noticeable effect on your height; What we mean by underload is to take under load in the real sense and in the amount you will have difficulty lifting (hence you aim to develop muscle).

Another issue that needs to be considered at this point is that there are serious hormonal changes in your body until the age of 16 in males and 13-14 in females, and the hormonal structure that causes your muscles to swell due to the evolutionary reasons we have just mentioned is not developed yet. So you can't see people with huge muscles at a very early age, no matter how hard they work, these muscles don't develop (we assume no steroid effect - which is already one of the hormones we're talking about). Therefore, instead of aiming to obtain large muscle masses at these ages, you can actively do sports and maintain a healthy life by keeping the muscles vigorous and can prepare for the muscles you will develop after your hormonal structure is balanced. Remember, muscle building is not a hurry, because your body cannot produce muscle (or fiber) in a hurry. Don't be in a hurry and keep in mind that this is a long-lasting effort.

We talked about steroids. Steroids are one of the easiest ways to stop your height growth and experience growth / development problems. Therefore, stay away from these hormones and at a young age (even in adult ) certainly do not consume. You can develop your muscles more or less at any age; however, your height will not grow or grow slightly after the average age of 18-20 years. You don't want to interfere with your development in a chemical way. Because these chemicals are normally produced in our body; but they are produced according to your age. If you take external hormones, such as steroids, these chemicals will activate different genes in your body and slow down and stop cell division before your growth is complete.

We recommend young people who are confused about this to sleep well, drink plenty of water, do not neglect their breakfast, and exercise on a daily basis (such as cardio training after stretching, and then supervising the trainer, lifting the load in moderation). Again, we would like to add some of the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics here:

Young people who will start to work muscles must undergo medical examinations first. Hypertension , cancer (even if survived), cardiomyopathy, Marfan syndrome , people with problems such as excess weight should be kept under medical supervision and work programs should be prepared according to their situation. In addition, people with previous conditions such as injury and injury should carry out their work carefully.

Since the balance and posture abilities of the human species develop at the age of 7-8, it is not right to start weight training before this age.

It should be noted that the tools and equipment in many gyms are designed for adults! Improperly used tools can cause serious injury, as mentioned earlier in the article.

Sudden and overload lifting is never recommended.

In children and adolescents, 8-15 repetitions seem to be appropriate with 10% load increases during muscle work. More repetitions with lighter loads may also be appropriate. Loads of average weight should be preferred, which will not overload. In order to be successful, at least 20-30 minutes of training should be done and these studies should not exceed 2-3 times a week. Research has shown that training more than 4 times a week is not worthwhile, or even increases the risk of injury. There should not be more than 10 students in 1 coach. 10-15 minutes of warm-up before the work should not be delayed. After the training, 10-15 minutes of cooling should be done.

Pre-adolescent individuals (children) and adolescents should stay away from overload and muscle building exercises until they are out of puberty.

Anabolic steroids and other chemicals that support performance should not be used.


As a result, our muscular system is very important in terms of evolution and development. It is among the primary elements of our health and is the basis of all our actions. A problem in its communication with the nervous system can have distressing consequences that can lead to paralysis. From this article, it is possible to deduce how important sport is for our lives and health.

Ensure Original Nutrition Shake with 9 grams of protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Dark Chocolate, 8 fl oz, 24 Count

Protein2o Low Calorie Protein Infused Water, 15g Whey Protein Isolate, Tropical Coconut (16.9 Ounce, Pack Of 12)

Fitness Guide for Beginners

Protein2o Low Calorie Protein Infused Water, 15g Whey Protein Isolate, Tropical Coconut (16.9 Ounce, Pack Of 12)

If you've decided to do fitness but don't know where to start, this article titled fitness fitness guide for beginners göre is for you.

If you have done a short research on the Internet about fitness , how to do fitness , bodybuilding , abdominal muscle , the best fitness program , 10 pounds a month , the best slimming methods under the headings such as thousands of different articles may be confused and confused. For this reason, in my fitness guide for beginners , I gave you some basic information about fitness instead of talking about miracle exercise programs.

I would like to point out that almost all of the programs that you see while browsing the Internet are suitable fitness and training programs that can work. The golden rule for exercise programs is: “there is no bad program, there is bad practice and absenteeism”.

My advice to you is to avoid misuse by gaining comprehensive knowledge on fitness and exercise before setting up a work program that suits your goals (gaining volume to your muscles, losing weight, a healthier and healthier life, etc.).
If you're thinking about starting to do fitness , but you're looking for an answer to where to start, here's the fitness guide for beginners:
Fitness and jogging

Fitness Keeps Healthy and Fit
What is Fitness?

The meaning of the word fitness means being in shape, being healthy. Fitness includes many sports activities, physical activities and exercises to be healthy and fit. Fitness and body building are often considered the same concepts. However, Fitness is not a bodybuilding sport in itself. Like any sport, fitness promotes muscle development and gives the body an athletic look.
Fitness Is Not Just Bodybuilding

Fitness Is Not Just Bodybuilding

Fitness exercises have five components, including body composition, flexibility, muscle strength, muscle endurance and cardiovascular endurance:

Body Composition refers to the percentage of fat, bone, muscle and organ mass in a person's body. (eg the body types of two people with the same height and weight may be completely different.)
Flexibility is the range of motion possible in a joint.
Muscle Strength is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to apply force.
Muscle Endurance is the ability of the muscle to perform activities without fatigue.
Cardiovascular Endurance relates to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to provide oxygen to the body during continuous physical activity.

These five components can be improved with long-term fitness exercises that are selected according to age, weight and health.
If you want to browse the publications about fitness, you can reach here.
Why Do Fitness?

It is now scientifically proven that there is a close relationship between regular exercise and health.
The benefits of fitness include preserving ideal weight, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, providing an aesthetic appearance and reducing the risk of chronic illness.

Fitness Makes You Feel Happy
Fitness also makes you happy.

Many studies have shown that exercise increases the secretion of serotonin (happiness hormone). When serotonin is elevated or sufficient, your morale is extremely high. Regular exercise, accelerates your metabolism, increases your energy, regulates your sleep. It allows you to think healthier and faster. Strengthens your cardiovascular system. Long-term fitness players are at low risk of developing cancer and heart attacks.

WHY SHOULD WE SPORT FOR A HEALTHY LIFE to learn more about it ? we recommend that you read our article. Of course, besides having a healthy life, having an aesthetic body can be considered as a reason for doing fitness in itself.
General Exercise Types:

Exercise; planned, structured, voluntary, continuous activities aimed at improving one or more elements of physical fitness (cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition).

Types of Exercise: (A) Aerobic exercises, (B) Muscle strengthening = resistant exercises, (C) Flexibility exercises are divided into three:

A. Aerobic exercises (Cardiovascular endurance exercises): Continuous, rhythmic and dynamic exercises involving large muscle groups. Endurance (endurance) is the ability to work and maintain for a long time. The system affecting the endurance is the aerobic system. Aerobic means ile with oxygen ”(which needs oxygen). Aerobic exercises improve the oxygen system. They are loaded into the heart and lungs, causing them to work more; activities such as walking, running, climbing stairs, cycling, dancing and swimming are aerobic exercise types that increase maximum oxygen consumption.

B. Strengthening exercises (strengthening exercises, resistant exercises): Strengthening exercises are exercises to increase muscle strength and endurance by applying resistance. If you plan to do strength exercises, you will need to know the number of repetitions, set, resting time, intensity and frequency.

• Repeat: The number of times a weight is lowered and lifted.
• Set: Repeats in a sequence without hesitation.
• Resting time: Waiting time between two sets. Usually 2-3 minutes.
• Intensity: The amount of weight lifted.
• Frequency: Number of sessions per week.

• Flexibility exercises: Such exercises increase the range of motion of the joints. Age and immobility tend to shorten the muscles, tendons and ligaments over time. Stretching exercises should be performed on the main muscle-tendon groups for at least 10 minutes, with 4 or more repetitions per muscle group. Static stresses should be kept for 15-60 seconds.
Fitness and Exercise

You can also exercise with your body weight
Basic Terms Related to Fitness

Abdominal : Abdominal.
Amino acids : The building blocks of proteins. Compound that is effective in development
Anaerobic : Short term and high intensity studies. Example HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).
Bond : The tissue that connects the bones to each other.
Bench : Bench .
Bench Press : Benche is an exercise done by lying down and pushing weights over the chest.
Calisthenics : Basic body movements without gym equipment and at moderate aerobic speed. Examples include sit-ups, push-ups and pull-ups, dips.
Compound exercise : Describes compound exercises. More than one muscle is active movements. For example, deadlift, squat and so on.

Deadlift : Exercise for lifting the dumbbells to the waist and running the hips and back.
Deltoids : Shoulder.
Ectomorph : Fine-bony, narrow-shouldered body structure name. See body types
Endomorph : Chunky and broad body. They gain weight as easily as they do muscle relatively easily.

Glycogen : Storage of carbohydrates in muscle and liver.
Glucose : Carbohydrates in the body transport.
Glycemia : Blood sugar level.
Glycemic index : Refers to the level of carbohydrates in raising blood sugar.
Insulin : The hormone that transports glucose and amino acids in the blood to the cells.
Insulin resistance : Difficulty in showing the effect of secreted insulin to control sugar.
Muscle : The organ that provides all kinds of movement of the body by contracting or opening.

Calorie : It is a unit of measure, used to determine the energy value of food.
Lactic acid : Residual exhausting system caused by degradation of glucose.
Mesomorph : Neither very thin ectomorph nor endomorph has a thick body structure. In fact, it is a body type that has athletic physics in the middle of these two body types and has an advantage in bodybuilding.
Overtraning : Decreased efficiency due to excessive training. The risk of disability is also increasing. Training loads should be well adjusted.
Protein : Basic nutrient consisting of amino acids.

Squat : Squats and back up exercise in the form of hip and leg exercise.

Recovery : Reduction of post-training stress from the body and applications to better prepare for other training.
Do sport

Health Check Before Starting Regular Fitness
How to get started?
Before starting an exercise routine, the following should be considered:

1. Pass Health Check:
It is important to consult your physician and have a physical examination before starting an exercise routine. This is particularly important for individuals aged 45 and over and those who are not used to compelling physical activities.
An early check-up can detect any health problems that may disturb you.

2. Make a Plan and Set Realistic Goals:
When you decide to exercise regularly, try to develop a plan with achievable steps and goals. Some may think that aggressive training will produce fast results. However, in general, people tend to be unable to continue their work in the long run, which they started with a challenging program. What really needs to be done is to develop a life-long habit. Therefore, it is much more useful to start with a program that is easy to follow. Then, as your fitness level improves, you can take more challenging steps towards your goal.
For example, if your goal is to finish a five-kilometer run, you can start by creating a plan with shorter runs.
After you finish these short runs, increase the distance to five kilometers.
Starting with small goals will not only increase your chances of success, but will motivate you at every step.

3. Make the exercise habit :
Another important component of success in fitness is to stick to your routine.
If people make a habit and do it regularly, it seems easier to maintain the exercise routine in the long term. However, no matter how good it is to exercise, no matter how fast the results are, making it a habit that will last a lifetime is not as easy as it is thought.
Everyday Fitness

Make Sports a Part of Your Daily Life

To make exercise a daily habit:
a. Choose a time that suits your day and exercise every day at this time.
b. Keep a record of your exercises. Running your work regularly helps you to be motivated by seeing your progress.
c. Get your workout companion. Perhaps the most effective method is to have a friend that can trigger each other and play sports together.
D. Whichever sport makes you happy, turn to it. It is already impossible to make a habit of something you do not like to do.
to. Reward yourself. Give yourself a variety of rewards as you reach your goals.

To summarize how to start Fitness; Before you start working, go through a health check, avoid starting an aggressive and challenging program, and make a step-by-step plan with realistic goals. Then, add the exercise to your daily routine and make it a habit. Give your body the last substance 6 months. Do not expect to see the impact of your physical activities immediately, be patient about it.
How many days a week to do sports?

According to various scientific articles published on this subject, it is sufficient for 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week for general health.
It can be configured in any way you like with the condition to spread to 150 minutes at least 3 days a week. For example, you can train 30 minutes five times a week. In general, it is important to increase intensity as you start slowly and increase your fitness level.

Finally, although daily physical activity is necessary for your health, it is also important to allow your body to rest.
Not allowing your body to get rid of exercise stress both prevents adequate development and may result in various disabilities. Excessive exercise can also weaken your immune system and increase your risk of infection, hormonal imbalances, depressive mood and chronic fatigue.
How to eat correctly while doing sports:
Sports and Nutrition

Exercise and Nutrition Balance

The best idea about nutrition is to go to a dietitian and follow the diet according to your body values. If your goal in sports is to lose weight, you should consume as much calories as you need to maintain your fitness. In fact, with the food we eat, our body receives the energy it needs to perform its daily functions. So nutrients are a kind of fuel of our bodies. Here's what we need to know to give our body the right fuel:

1. Carbohydrates :
Carbohydrate = energy.
Carbohydrates are mainly fibers found in sugar, starch, fruit and vegetables. Carbohydrates are one of the macronutrients, that is, one of the three ways in which the body can obtain energy or calories. 1 g carbohydrate means 4 calories.

An adequate amount of carbohydrate is stored in the body to prevent the use of proteins for energy purposes. Considering the importance of protein for muscle development, sufficient carbohydrates should be taken especially during intensive exercise periods. Let me reiterate that not enough carbohydrates should be taken. If our body does not need energy, the energy taken from carbohydrates is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscle cells. When glycogen stores are full, carbohydrates are converted to fat and stored as fat. We have learned the answer to the question of why the body is lubricated as part of the answer to the question of how to burn fat.

As a general measure, 50-60% of the calories we need daily should be from carbohydrates.

2. Proteins : Protein, carbohydrates and fats together with the body is one of the three main nutrients needed. Its main task is to ensure the construction and maintenance of tissues.

Proteins are composed of amino acids. In particular, 9 essential amino acids are needed for muscle development. Proteins in animal foods; foods such as milk, meat and eggs contain basic amino acids.

As a general rule, the need for daily protein is as much as the weight of the person expressed in grams in adults who do not exercise. In regular individuals, it is 1.5-2 times its own weight according to the intensity of exercise. For example, a person who does not exercise spores weighing 80 kilograms needs 80 grams of protein per day. If this person starts to do moderate sports, he should consume one and a half times his weight, 80 * 1.5 = 120 grams of protein.

Our body grinds a certain amount of protein taken at one time, the excess remains as waste. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to divide the protein into meals and not to consume more than 40 grams at a time.

Most protein-containing foods:
Low Fat Beef: 36 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Chicken breast or turkey meat: 30 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Cottage Cheese: 32 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Fish (Tons, Salmon, etc.): 26 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Kidney Bean: 17 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Egg: 13 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Yogurt (Milk, Soy Milk): 6 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Nuts (Hazelnut, Pistachio, Almond, Pumpkin Seed): 33 grams of protein per 100 grams.

3. Oils :
It is one of the three main nutrients needed by the body along with fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Fats are vital for organs to function properly. Especially for cell health, fats are an extremely valuable food. How much fat should we consume daily? 1 gram fat contains 9 calories on average.

Ideally, 25-35% of our daily caloric needs should come from fats. For example, a person who needs to eat 2000 calories per day should consume about 55-77 grams of fat. Of course, these values ​​will vary according to your diet (weight gain or weight loss).

Are the oils as bad as they think?

No, contrary to popular belief, not all oils are harmful to our body. There are good fats and bad fats. Which oils are good and which oils are bad? Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are good fats. Trans fats should be avoided because trans fats increase cholesterol levels.

Monounsaturated oils are olive oil, canola oil, avocado oil and hazelnut oil. There are two kinds of polyunsaturated fats, one of which is Omega-6 and Omega-3. Omega 6 is found in vegetable oils, while Omega 3 oil is found in flax seeds, walnuts and fish (tuna, salmon).

Trans fats are found in hydrogenated vegetable oils, packaged products, bread, crackers, chips and many processed foods with special additives added to extend shelf life. Saturated fats are usually found in animal foods, excessive consumption of cholesterol, heart disease, cancer, obesity, such as can cause diseases. Because saturated fats cause both total cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL-low density cholesterol) to rise in the body. Although there are different rates for each type of body and nutrition, experts say that saturated fat should not exceed 10% of the total calories taken daily.
For your daily calorie and macro calculations, see the Nutrition Facts Table.

4. Pre-sport and post-sport nutrition:

Sports and nutrition are an integral pair. You need to know how to eat before and after exercise to improve your performance while doing sports.

The general rule for carbohydrate consumption before exercise is to start feeding 4 hours before the exercise and to stop it 30 minutes before the exercise (this does not apply to fluid consumption). In addition to the carbohydrate foods you will eat before the exercise, a protein diet will significantly affect your performance.

2-3 hours before the training, on average 1-2 g / kg (your own body weight) carbohydrate and about 15-30 gr. Consume protein is a good option. If you do not have the chance to eat a large meal 2-3 hours before the exercise, you may prefer to consume protein supplements in liquid form such as appropriate supplements or your own shake / smoothie 30 minutes before the exercise.

After exercise, it is recommended to consume some protein in addition to 60-80 g of carbohydrate as soon as possible (within 15-30 minutes) for the regeneration of glycogen stores. Protein consumption after exercise has a positive effect by stimulating muscle protein synthesis to a large extent. Increased protein synthesis is achieved by a combination of carbohydrate and protein. In this way, protein degradation is prevented and muscle mass is maintained and developed.

Incidentally, I would like to briefly mention the subject of supplements, one of the most curious issues.

It is the most widely known supplement protein powder. However, a lot of fat burner, performance enhancer, or weight-loss products are available. The question whether supplements are harmful to health has always been on the agenda in the world of sports and nutrition. Let's answer this question to another post and see how to use supplements.

In general, these products are food supplements, so if you don't have a healthy eating habit, no supplements will give you the expected effect. If you want to create a proper sports-nutrition balance and intend to add supplements to your diet, you should do it consciously.

Take protein powder as an example. Whey protein powder, casein protein powder and complex protein powders are available on the market. Whey protein is also available in three different forms: concentrated, isolated and hydrolysed. Each has different characteristics and tastes. Concentrated whey protein is fast, isolated whey protein is faster, hydrolyzed whey protein is the fastest digestible protein powder.

As you can see, there are many varieties of protein powder alone that serve different purposes. My advice is to use the appropriate supplements consciously according to the type of exercise and difficulty level. Another important issue is to examine the characteristics of all brands in the market before taking any supplements. The best protein powder, the best fat burner, such as advertising, regardless of price / performance in terms of research if you avoid wasting extra costs. I'll close this issue here, stating that I will publish a much more detailed article on supplements.
As a result:

Starting a new exercise routine is difficult, making it more difficult to regulate. However, if you have realistic goals, you may be able to maintain a fitness program in the long run.
There are many different physical activities to choose from. Choose an exercise program that is suitable for the daily routine of your own home and work life.
The initial objective should be to gradually improve your fitness level and prevent disability without tearing yourself down.
Never forget the rest of your body and adequate sleep required for recovery and muscle development.
Keeping track of your progress by taking notes, joining a fitness group or practicing with a friend, if possible, can help you to keep your motivation and reach your goals.
Finally, it is very important that you observe the rules of a healthy diet before and after sports (with or without supplement).

Protein2o Low Calorie Protein Infused Water, 15g Whey Protein Isolate, Tropical Coconut (16.9 Ounce, Pack Of 12)

Protein2o Low Calorie Protein Infused Water, 15g Whey Protein Isolate, Mixed Berry (Pack of 12)

15 nutrients that make muscle

Protein2o Low Calorie Protein Infused Water, 15g Whey Protein Isolate, Mixed Berry (Pack of 12)

Unfortunately, the body muscles that are imaginary are not easily formed. In addition to strict sports, nutrition should also be considered. Instead of consuming foods such as chocolate, chips and cola, it is not that difficult to achieve your dreams by eating healthier.

Many different sources of protein, vegetables, fruit, carbohydrates and healthy fats are needed to build muscle or in other words to develop existing muscles and burn fat. When it comes to muscle building, a healthy muscular body can only be reached with a beautiful nutrition program with exercises.


Each egg contains between 6-8 grams of protein. It also has vitamins, zinc, iron and calcium. In addition, vitamins A, E, D and cholesterol increase the level of testosterone provides the energy required before exercise.

Fish oil

Fish oil is an important aid for your body. It speeds up your metabolism.


Each chicken contains between 30 and 100 grams of protein. You can consume them by frying or baking. Moreover, many different dishes can be made with chicken and boiled salads can be used.


Oat is healthy. Fiber, protein, mineral and vitamin stores. Always eat oats.


The pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which digests the protein. After exercise, you can consume for breakfast, between meals. It also reduces muscle inflammation.


Researchers have proven that phytoecdysteroids in spinach can increase muscle growth by up to 20%.

Sweet potato

It is an excellent source of vitamin A and C, potassium, riboflavin, copper, pantothetic acid and folic acid.


Omega 3 fatty acids play an important role in muscle development. Eating salmon also accelerates metabolism. 100 grams of salmon contain about 25 grams of protein. Salmon is also a very good source of vitamin D. These fish can be a good choice if you are going to get protein from another source instead of red meat.


Add broccoli to your salad with spinach, tomatoes, corn and pepper. This vegetable is a source of minerals and fiber.

Brown rice

This nutrient is a very healthy carbohydrate. It gives energy. It also supports you during exercise.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is very rich in protein. Provides a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Chocolate milk

Effective in muscle building. A glass of chocolate milk you will drink after the exercise will pass your exhaustion.


It is a very nutritious fruit and healthy. Sugar content is a bit high but it is very supportive in muscle building.

Lentils and chickpeas

You don't have to eat meat for protein. Vegetarians use these nutrients for protein. You can consume these legumes which are effective in balanced nutrition.


It is an important source of protein and fat. It has vitamin E content. It is a powerful antioxidant.

Protein2o Low Calorie Protein Infused Water, 15g Whey Protein Isolate, Mixed Berry (Pack of 12)

Ensure Clear Nutrition Drink, 0g fat, 8g of high-quality protein, Blueberry Pomegranate, 10 fl oz, 12 Count

How much muscle can you make in a month?

Ensure Clear Nutrition Drink, 0g fat, 8g of high-quality protein, Blueberry Pomegranate, 10 fl oz, 12 Count

After a week of intense workouts at the gym, you'll be eager to find out how much muscle you're doing. But you probably didn't build any muscle.

Unfortunately, muscles do not develop overnight. It takes considerable effort and determination to see change.

Visible and satisfying development of the muscles lasts for years, not months. The amount of development in a month is quite low.

The weight change within the same time period is not caused by the conversion of the fats into the muscle, but the loss of fluid.

How much muscle is made in a month?

Physiotherapist Marc Jacobchick, the amount of muscle that can be done in a month varies from person to person, he said.

Speaking to The Independent, Jacobchick said:

“While an average man can build about 0.5 kg to 1 kg of muscle per month, this figure is about 0.5 kg per woman. The maximum muscle rate that can be achieved in a month is not only different between men and women, but also in each individual. ”

In addition, the intensity and frequency of training, the volume of individuals, the genetic structure, rest and hormone levels also have a significant impact on muscle development.

However, even if your diet and exercise program is flawless, do not expect to see a significant change in your weight in as little as a month.

Exercises to speed up muscle building

You do not have any exercise that will allow you to make one kilo of muscle at a time. But there are certain exercises that can help you.

Dr. Jacobhick said that heavy resistance exercises accelerate muscle development more than light exercises.

Accordingly, these exercises, together with rest and good nutrition, allows the muscles to be larger and stronger than before.

You should use them to improve your muscles

Weight training is very suitable for muscle development, while cardio training is inadequate.

According to Jocobhick, who explains this with the 'overloading principle', your muscles don't have to look bigger and stronger to do actions like walking, running or swimming. But if you want to lift heavy loads, your muscles must be really big and strong.

Similarly, trainer Benji Tiger stated that weight lifting exercises should be done for muscle development. Tiger used the following statements:

“Just cardio helps you get rid of excess body fat. But too much of the cardion can cause the muscles to be burned. ”

How do eating habits affect your muscle building ability?

Another thing to consider for muscle building is the nutritional habits.

Consuming mainly fatty foods is an obstacle rather than supporting muscle development.

According to Jacobchick, the quality, quantity and timing of dietary habits have a direct impact on muscle development.

The most appropriate nutrients to make the body, natural foods with high protein value. Timing plays an important role in feeding tired muscles.

Jacobchick recommends eating within 30 minutes to 1 hour after exercise to get good results. This is the best time for the muscles to use protein and initiate the restructuring process.

Muscle building can take time. But a healthy lifestyle is really satisfying.

Ensure Clear Nutrition Drink, 0g fat, 8g of high-quality protein, Blueberry Pomegranate, 10 fl oz, 12 Count

Muscle Milk 100 Calorie Protein Shake, 20 Grams Protein, Vanilla Creme, 12 Count

Burn fat and make muscle

Muscle Milk 100 Calorie Protein Shake, 20 Grams Protein, Vanilla Creme, 12 Count

People around the world are experimenting with countless dietary and exercise plans, but have discovered that they never get the results they are looking for. We want to have a muscular body or bulging muscles. In this article, you'll see fat burning and muscle building, but you'll need to push yourself to your full potential and be prepared to make some changes for it to work. Are you ready?

Choose a high protein diet. Right, you've heard it before, but there's a reason. Protein is made from amino acids, which are the building blocks of your muscles. Without them, your muscles will not fully develop. You should never eliminate anything in your diet, you should consume a lot of protein to force these fats and carbohydrates to be put aside.

To facilitate muscle development, 1 to 1.5 g of protein per 2.5 kg body weight is recommended. Good sources for this are soybeans, legumes, leafy vegetables, meat, eggs and plant milk. One of them should be a basic food for every meal.
Your body burns carbohydrates, fats and proteins in that order. So when you eat a bowl of cereal before your workout, your body burns the cereal. But when you eat that egg for breakfast, your body should go after the fat reserve. This information will make your exercises more effective.

Carry out your carbohydrate consumption in a cycle. Yok No carbohydrates ”is what we talk about: Yes, carbohydrates are what creates extra weight around the abdomen, but they serve their purpose. They are the main energy source of your body. If you completely eliminate carbohydrates in your diet, your metabolism will decrease (and if you are a man, your testosterone level will also decrease).

The simplest answer to avoid this problem is to make your carbohydrate consumption in the loop. This keeps your body in anticipation, your metabolism increases and most of the time your body focuses on fat reserves. This can be done in two ways.
Choose a low-carb diet for a few days, then consume a reasonable amount for a day or two and then switch to a high-calorie diet to complete the week.
Choose a low carb diet for a few weeks and then a high carb diet for a full week. This requires extra care!
Brown rice, wild rice, sweet potato, whole wheat bread, wheat pasta, vegetables and some fruits are good sources of carbohydrates.
Avocado, walnut, almond, olive oil, natural peanut butter, egg yolk and some sunflower seeds should be used in your diet. It should only be consumed sparingly.

While what you eat will not affect the calories you burn during exercise, it will affect what kind of calories your body burns. And we want to burn these fats, so these are your options:

If you exercise in the morning, exercise before breakfast. Your body will go directly to fat reserves.
If you exercise in the afternoon or in the evening, eat 2 to 3 hours in advance and eat it in simple carbohydrates.
Always exercise caution when exercising on an empty stomach. If you get dizzy, stop.

You can consume caffeine before exercise. Research has shown that those who consume caffeine burn more fat before a training session. Exaggeration is not recommended, but a cup of coffee can be drunk (as black as possible) or a pinch of black chocolate can be eaten

Reason: First, it stimulates the nervous system, accelerates metabolism and tells your body to start breaking down fat reserves. Second, it increases epinephrine levels (the source of this difficult adrenaline drip).
Always watch this. It may cause dizziness or nausea, especially if you only drink coffee before training.

Drinking water . This is good advice for everyone. Cleanses your face, helps your organs, keeps you energetic and helps you lose weight. Your muscles need to remain hydrated to continue. It is very important to drink water when you wake up, sleep and eat any snacks and food.

Take a bottle with you. Drink from time to time without paying attention. You will also feel better, which will cause you to lose weight without a real job.

2- Training

Do your exercises. Your body burns more fat on an empty stomach . So if you can exercise in the morning, do it. In addition, your metabolism will intensify for the rest of the day and you will generally feel more energetic.

But if you need to exercise at night (often you have to), do not fill yourself directly with food. If possible, wait 2 to 3 hours.
Once again: If you need to exercise on an empty stomach, you run the risk of dizziness and nausea.

Do weight training. You will not get these muscles only with cardiovascular exercises. You have to lift weights. Try working out all your muscle groups equally for a beautiful look.

One day, working on the chest, the next day feet, the next day shoulders, etc. Add small lifts to your chest exercises, such as biceps, pullups and push-ups. On your days working out your legs, you can add small exercises such as riding a stationary bike and playing basketball.

Do a cross-training. This means putting your body to the test: sitting on a machine doesn't do you a favor every day. It is necessary to develop your muscles both inside and outside and to work at every angle, speed and time.

Your muscles need time to heal. Do something that is a different part of your body or your ability. Avoid working in uniform.

Change your rest periods. Rest is like a gap between words. Without this, words can be useless. Double exercise. One day his dog goes for a walk.

Many people believe that the key to losing weight is high-intensity cascading training.

The weight of your training changes. If you want to develop more muscle, you will need to increase everything you expect from your body. But the important thing here is not to do more than you can. Never raise more than 10% of any exercise to the next stage. There's a chance you'il hurt yourself.

Always includes heating, stretching and cooling as part of your training. If you train and do not flex, you may tear a muscle and risk it, and you will probably face more serious injuries. Extend all the muscles you are exercising; Use resistance bands and a friend helps a lot about it. Stretching also helps your flexibility and makes you feel better overall.

Muscle Milk 100 Calorie Protein Shake, 20 Grams Protein, Vanilla Creme, 12 Count

Glucerna Hunger Smart, Diabetes Nutritional Shake, To Help Manage Blood Sugar, Homemade Vanilla, 10 fl oz, 24 Count

Sample Diet Program for Bodybuilding

Glucerna Hunger Smart, Diabetes Nutritional Shake, To Help Manage Blood Sugar, Homemade Vanilla, 10 fl oz, 24 Count

If you want to build muscle, you should eat a balanced diet and consume the foods your body needs and exercise regularly.

Exercises by people who want to improve their body have a big role in their body development. However, if they do not pay attention to their diet, they will not be able to reach their goals fully. Nutrition is as important as the exercises. If a person is fed unidirectionally or does not meet the needs of his body, his muscles cannot develop sufficiently, his body's amino acid balance is impaired, fatigue increases, post-workout healing and general health deteriorate.

If you have entered the bodybuilding process and started endurance exercises, you should follow the most appropriate nutrition program to increase your lean muscle mass. You will need more energy than ever for endurance exercises. If you eat the right amount of the right foods, you can provide what your body needs.

Too much food certainly doesn't make your job easier, and if you can't keep the balance, you can move away from your goals every day. If you are going to follow a nutrition program with a bodybuilding goal, you should eat a metered amount every 3-4 hours, so that you can deliver the fuel your body needs in a timely manner and keep your metabolism running. When you adopt this diet, you can increase protein synthesis, feed your muscles and burn fat.

Your diet must contain protein. But you should also remember trace amounts of healthy fats and slowly digested carbohydrates.

You should consume 1-1.5 grams of protein per kilogram. Lean meat, fish, organic chicken, turkey, eggs, yogurt and cheese can consume your daily protein needs.

Carbohydrate consumption should not be missed. You should consume between 150-250 grams of healthy carbohydrates per day. Fresh potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, kinoa, beans, oats, such as carbohydrate-containing foods must be included in your nutrition program. These slowly digested foods provide the energy you need, keep them full, and support muscle growth.

You should not neglect healthy fat consumption as much as protein and carbohydrates. Oils such as pure olive oil, avocado, omega 3; calories you have taken to convert energy.

You should also make sure that you consume enough fruits and vegetables. Fibrous foods that keep your digestive system healthy will also prevent your hunger crises.

And water… When you do sports, you should increase your water consumption. Water that makes it easier to remove toxins from your body through sweat will also improve your kidney health.

If you want to build muscle, you should eat a balanced diet and consume the foods your body needs and exercise regularly. Breakfast should not be neglected; You should avoid sugar.
Sample Diet Program for Bodybuilding Sample Diet Program


2 or 3 eggs to meet protein needs
Low fat cheese
Milk and oats
1 teaspoon of honey or home made peanut butter
2-3 pieces of walnut, almond or hazelnut

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Therefore, foods containing both protein, fat and carbohydrates should be included in this meal.

2-3 hours after breakfast, 1 fruit which is a source of natural sugar and fiber should be consumed.

Lunch should be eaten 2-3 hours after a snack.

Grilled meat or chicken,
Low fat, lemon salad with plenty of greens
1 plate of uncooked pasta or bulgur pilaf,
1 bowl of yogurt


After lunch, healthy snacks can be consumed to keep metabolism up and running. Hazelnuts, walnuts and raw almonds are among the most recommended foods.

Foods that need to be consumed for dinner are just like lunch. Grilled meat, salad and 1 plate of bulgur pilaf or pasta will give the body the energy it needs.

This nutritional program is written for your opinion only. It is important for everyone to create their own nutrition program. If the nutrition program is prepared by the experts in line with the needs of the people and the work program, people can reach their goals quickly. The experts at Sakarya Gymnasiums help you with your nutrition and exercise program and contribute to your changes.

Glucerna Hunger Smart, Diabetes Nutritional Shake, To Help Manage Blood Sugar, Homemade Vanilla, 10 fl oz, 24 Count

Orgain Grass Fed Clean Protein Shake, Vanilla Bean - Meal Replacement, Ready to Drink, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Kosher, Non-GMO, 11 oz, 12 Count

What is Protein Synthesis?

Orgain Grass Fed Clean Protein Shake, Vanilla Bean - Meal Replacement, Ready to Drink, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Kosher, Non-GMO, 11 oz, 12 Count

What is protein synthesis? How does proten synthesis take place?

Scientifically, protein synthesis is the process by which cells form protein molecules using DNA, RNA, and enzymes. In short, it is a process in which your body uses amino acids in protein to build new muscle.

During one day, your body fluctuates between two processes: muscle development known as “ anabolism,, protein synthesis and muscle destruction known as bilinen catabolism ..

After taking a protein supplement, there is a short time in your blood that contains a large amount of amino acids. This period, known as hyperaminoacidemia, stimulates more during rest than muscle protein synthesis.

Hard training is catabolic because it causes damage to your muscles and you break them apart. But after training, your body becomes anabolic almost instantly and begins to heal this damage. Using protein powder before or after training or starting eating a solid meal that contains enough carbohydrates and protein around the training will help to start this process. The amino acid leucine, which is abundant in protein powders and protein-rich foods, is essential here.

Için To maximize the muscle building response, about 3 grams of leucine per serving is needed, which is what 30-40 grams of protein can give you at meals. ”

More deeply;

The tRNA molecules bind the free amino acids in the cytoplasm to their corresponding ends and bring them into the mRNA template.

The ternary nucleotide groups of the tRNA molecule that carry nucleotides matching the codons are called anticodons.

The weak hydrogen bonds formed between the nucleotides of the codons and the anticodons cause the tRNAs to be sequenced in a certain order, which in turn causes the amino acids they carry to be sequenced in the order expressed in the codons. The event occurs in the ribosome.


Amino acids must be activated before they can bind to the tRNA. This is accomplished by the phosphate group binding to amino acids from ATP molecules. Phosphate binding takes place with the help of the amino acyl synthetase enzyme. The activated amino acid binds to the appropriate end of the tRNA.

The explanations made so far show that protein synthesis occurs as a result of certain steps.

These steps are as follows:

1- Transcription: Transcription of genetic information from the meaningful sequence of DNA molecule into m.RNA language.

Thus, the resulting m.RNA sequence passes to the cytoplasm. Ribosomes attach to this sequence through their subunits.

2- Translation: (Read): The sequence of amino acids according to the genetic code given by DNA.

The tRNA molecules carrying amino acids bind to the ribosomes through their large subunits. Weak hydrogen bonds formed between two nucleotide sequences (between mRNA and tRNA) play a role in this binding.

Thus, as the ribosomes slide through the m.RNA, tRNA molecules carrying the anticodons suitable for the mRNA codons begin to attach to the ribosomes in sequence according to the order of the codons. Therefore, the amino acids they carry with them begin to be sequenced and peptide bonds are formed between them. Protein production takes place.

Orgain Grass Fed Clean Protein Shake, Vanilla Bean - Meal Replacement, Ready to Drink, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Kosher, Non-GMO, 11 oz, 12 Count

Ensure Original Nutrition Shake with 9 grams of protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Milk Chocolate, 8 fl oz, 24 Count

How to Use Protein Powder

Ensure Original Nutrition Shake with 9 grams of protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Milk Chocolate, 8 fl oz, 24 Count

As one of the body's most basic needs, the source from which you take the protein makes a difference in terms of digestion and absorption of the protein in the body. In this respect, whey protein is digested more quickly than other protein foods, but since it is in a different form from proteins from natural foods, the process and results of its use differ. In our article on how to use protein powder, which has an important place in the life of athletes and bodybuilders, we will discuss the usage patterns that you can prefer in order to get the most efficient results.

Effect of protein powder on your muscles

Protein is necessary to prevent damage to your muscles, especially after a hard workout. From a perspective, training and muscle exercises result in decreased muscle strength, destruction of tissues and fatigue.

In this case, when you consume protein, your muscles begin healing and new tissue formation.

Consequently, an increase in muscle mass, appearance and increase in muscle strength is observed. In other words, regular muscle training and regular protein intake to support this process helps the muscles to develop in the desired form.

How to use protein powder
When and how to use protein powder

Protein powder supplementation is important for people who form sport program when and how they use protein powder in order to obtain the expected efficiency. At this point, it is useful to know the working principle of protein powder and the effect system. In addition, it should not be forgotten that protein powder is not a substitute for general nutrition to provide protein intake.
Using protein powder before training

Consuming protein powder just before you begin your workout program and providing protein entry into the body may be beneficial to your overall body function, but you should not expect this protein to work during exercise. Because after the intake of protein, a certain period of time has to pass until digestion and absorption takes place. Therefore, you should consume your protein mixture approximately 45 minutes before the training session. In this way, you make an early move to repair the tissues in your body and while your muscles get damaged during the training, the protein that is necessary to return to their original condition is present in your body.
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Using protein powder during training

In the course of training, where protein intake is not commonly preferred, if you eat or drink something, blood is pumped into the stomach to perform digestive function. The concentration of blood in the body around the stomach means that the blood is not present where it should be located to support your muscles during training. This is not a problem for people who do cardio , because energy needs are high, but those who do weight training may want to collect blood at different points in the body.

How to use protein powder
Using protein powder after training

Protein consumption after training is of great importance for the development of muscles and repair of muscle tissues. The body needs energy immediately after the training is completed, and the resource to be consumed is sought to restore the lost energy. The body can easily digest nutrients and absorb more quickly after long periods of hunger and after intensive training. The average intake of 50 grams of protein after training is generally sufficient and it is recommended that you do not exceed the - / + 10 grams positively.

The amount of protein you take into the body is as important as when you take the protein into the body.

It is recommended that you consume protein within 40 minutes of training. This period is the period in which the protein requirement in the body is maximized. However, the fact that you are taking protein within 40 minutes of training does not mean that the energy lost by the body during the training is regained. After the exercise, after a period of snacking after the protein powder product, you can gain the lost energy more easily.
Using protein powder before sleep

You often come across negative statements about eating before going to sleep. While these statements are largely true, the situation may differ when it comes to protein. Carbohydrate consumption before sleep is not recommended. This is due to the fact that carbohydrates give energy to the body , but you cannot spend this energy during sleep, so you can gain weight. Drinking a low carbohydrate protein mixture 1 hour before sleep time does not cause any problems in this respect, but after the training activities you perform during the day, the muscles are still recovering itself, it is advantageous to make protein input to your muscle tissues during sleep.

Bodybuilders and athletes commonly take casein protein before sleep.

Casein protein is absorbed more slowly than whey. With this feature, casein protein is digested only during the 7-8 hour period, which is the average sleep time, and sleep helps to develop the muscles during sleep while the body is full of protein.
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How to use protein powder
Using protein powder for breakfast

Similarly, after the training, the body's need for energy and the consumption of resources that can be converted into energy in the body due to this need arises after sleep. Immediately after awakening, the body is in general hunger. For this reason, breakfast is the most important meal you will get throughout the day. After waking up, the body is ready for digestion in the early hours of the morning and the food consumed is quickly digested.

Therefore, starting the day with a protein-rich breakfast ensures that you are energetic throughout the day.

The foods you should prefer to eat protein-based breakfast; meat, eggs, milk, various nuts and various dairy products. If you don't have time to wake up and need breakfast, you can also choose to mix protein powder, but you should know that eating a meal is not a substitute for a natural breakfast.

Ensure Original Nutrition Shake with 9 grams of protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Milk Chocolate, 8 fl oz, 24 Count

MAXIMUM PROTEIN: BOOST Max protein provides 30g of protein, 160 calories, plus 24 vitamins & minerals to help you get complete & balanced nutrition. Perfect as a mini-meal or snack.

What to eat before and after sport

MAXIMUM PROTEIN: BOOST Max protein provides 30g of protein, 160 calories, plus 24 vitamins & minerals to help you get complete & balanced nutrition. Perfect as a mini-meal or snack.

You should pay attention to what you eat before or after the sport. Whether you are a professional or an amateur; The role of nutrients is very important for your exercises.

Energizing nutrients

With the right amount of calories, nutrients and liquids to be taken with a balanced diet, you can have the necessary energy and power.

Carbohydrates are one of the most important nutrients that provide energy for the body. The choice of complex carbohydrates is more important during sports. They are abundant in cereals, fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

Proteins are important for muscles, but there is a perception that high protein uptake enlarges muscles. However, this is only a rumor. Muscle growth is only possible with sports and weight training. Only adequate protein intake is sufficient for muscle formation.

Taking more protein than the body needs can cause:

• Can be stored as oil,
• Increases the risk of calcium loss,
• Causes the kidneys to over work,
• Carbohydrates can cause fatigue when taken in place.

Getting enough fluid

Adequate fluid consumption is necessary to perform well during and after sports. As important as preventing the body from dehydration, it is also important not to consume much water.

The easiest way to tell if you have enough fluids is to look at your urine color. A light yellow color indicates that sufficient liquid has been taken.

Before sport

You should get the nutrients your body needs before exercise. You should eat 2-3 hours before the sport. But if you are in a hurry, you can have a snack for 30-45 minutes before the sport.

Before sports, do not consume foods that are high in fat, protein and fiber. This kind of food slows down the digestive system and can cause cramps and weakness.

Before the sport, you can choose the following snacks:

• Oatmeal on a small plate,
•Skimmed milk,
• Fruit (apple) or juice,
• A slice of bread with honey or jam.

During sports

Carbohydrate-rich nutrients can be consumed during exercise for more than one hour. Such foods can prevent bowel problems.

After sport

If you have worked hard and long during sports, your need for energy and the necessary nutrients will increase. Try to consume something in the next 45 minutes after the sport. Because the blood pumping rate of the heart continues in this 45 minutes, the electrolytes are renewed to provide the necessary energy for the muscles and muscles are repaired.

Your meals may contain carbohydrates, proteins and small amounts of fat. For example, you can choose:

• Whole wheat bread, chicken and skim milk,
• Whole rye bread, brown rice and cheese,
• Vegetables, white meat and brown rice.

If you are not very hungry, you can also choose from balanced snacks. For example:

• Yogurt and fruit
• Banana and skim milk

MAXIMUM PROTEIN: BOOST Max protein provides 30g of protein, 160 calories, plus 24 vitamins & minerals to help you get complete & balanced nutrition. Perfect as a mini-meal or snack.