Friday, August 30, 2019

Protein2o Low Calorie Protein Infused Water, 15g Whey Protein Isolate, Tropical Coconut (16.9 Ounce, Pack Of 12)

Fitness Guide for Beginners

Protein2o Low Calorie Protein Infused Water, 15g Whey Protein Isolate, Tropical Coconut (16.9 Ounce, Pack Of 12)

If you've decided to do fitness but don't know where to start, this article titled fitness fitness guide for beginners göre is for you.

If you have done a short research on the Internet about fitness , how to do fitness , bodybuilding , abdominal muscle , the best fitness program , 10 pounds a month , the best slimming methods under the headings such as thousands of different articles may be confused and confused. For this reason, in my fitness guide for beginners , I gave you some basic information about fitness instead of talking about miracle exercise programs.

I would like to point out that almost all of the programs that you see while browsing the Internet are suitable fitness and training programs that can work. The golden rule for exercise programs is: “there is no bad program, there is bad practice and absenteeism”.

My advice to you is to avoid misuse by gaining comprehensive knowledge on fitness and exercise before setting up a work program that suits your goals (gaining volume to your muscles, losing weight, a healthier and healthier life, etc.).
If you're thinking about starting to do fitness , but you're looking for an answer to where to start, here's the fitness guide for beginners:
Fitness and jogging

Fitness Keeps Healthy and Fit
What is Fitness?

The meaning of the word fitness means being in shape, being healthy. Fitness includes many sports activities, physical activities and exercises to be healthy and fit. Fitness and body building are often considered the same concepts. However, Fitness is not a bodybuilding sport in itself. Like any sport, fitness promotes muscle development and gives the body an athletic look.
Fitness Is Not Just Bodybuilding

Fitness Is Not Just Bodybuilding

Fitness exercises have five components, including body composition, flexibility, muscle strength, muscle endurance and cardiovascular endurance:

Body Composition refers to the percentage of fat, bone, muscle and organ mass in a person's body. (eg the body types of two people with the same height and weight may be completely different.)
Flexibility is the range of motion possible in a joint.
Muscle Strength is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to apply force.
Muscle Endurance is the ability of the muscle to perform activities without fatigue.
Cardiovascular Endurance relates to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to provide oxygen to the body during continuous physical activity.

These five components can be improved with long-term fitness exercises that are selected according to age, weight and health.
If you want to browse the publications about fitness, you can reach here.
Why Do Fitness?

It is now scientifically proven that there is a close relationship between regular exercise and health.
The benefits of fitness include preserving ideal weight, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, providing an aesthetic appearance and reducing the risk of chronic illness.

Fitness Makes You Feel Happy
Fitness also makes you happy.

Many studies have shown that exercise increases the secretion of serotonin (happiness hormone). When serotonin is elevated or sufficient, your morale is extremely high. Regular exercise, accelerates your metabolism, increases your energy, regulates your sleep. It allows you to think healthier and faster. Strengthens your cardiovascular system. Long-term fitness players are at low risk of developing cancer and heart attacks.

WHY SHOULD WE SPORT FOR A HEALTHY LIFE to learn more about it ? we recommend that you read our article. Of course, besides having a healthy life, having an aesthetic body can be considered as a reason for doing fitness in itself.
General Exercise Types:

Exercise; planned, structured, voluntary, continuous activities aimed at improving one or more elements of physical fitness (cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition).

Types of Exercise: (A) Aerobic exercises, (B) Muscle strengthening = resistant exercises, (C) Flexibility exercises are divided into three:

A. Aerobic exercises (Cardiovascular endurance exercises): Continuous, rhythmic and dynamic exercises involving large muscle groups. Endurance (endurance) is the ability to work and maintain for a long time. The system affecting the endurance is the aerobic system. Aerobic means ile with oxygen ”(which needs oxygen). Aerobic exercises improve the oxygen system. They are loaded into the heart and lungs, causing them to work more; activities such as walking, running, climbing stairs, cycling, dancing and swimming are aerobic exercise types that increase maximum oxygen consumption.

B. Strengthening exercises (strengthening exercises, resistant exercises): Strengthening exercises are exercises to increase muscle strength and endurance by applying resistance. If you plan to do strength exercises, you will need to know the number of repetitions, set, resting time, intensity and frequency.

• Repeat: The number of times a weight is lowered and lifted.
• Set: Repeats in a sequence without hesitation.
• Resting time: Waiting time between two sets. Usually 2-3 minutes.
• Intensity: The amount of weight lifted.
• Frequency: Number of sessions per week.

• Flexibility exercises: Such exercises increase the range of motion of the joints. Age and immobility tend to shorten the muscles, tendons and ligaments over time. Stretching exercises should be performed on the main muscle-tendon groups for at least 10 minutes, with 4 or more repetitions per muscle group. Static stresses should be kept for 15-60 seconds.
Fitness and Exercise

You can also exercise with your body weight
Basic Terms Related to Fitness

Abdominal : Abdominal.
Amino acids : The building blocks of proteins. Compound that is effective in development
Anaerobic : Short term and high intensity studies. Example HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).
Bond : The tissue that connects the bones to each other.
Bench : Bench .
Bench Press : Benche is an exercise done by lying down and pushing weights over the chest.
Calisthenics : Basic body movements without gym equipment and at moderate aerobic speed. Examples include sit-ups, push-ups and pull-ups, dips.
Compound exercise : Describes compound exercises. More than one muscle is active movements. For example, deadlift, squat and so on.

Deadlift : Exercise for lifting the dumbbells to the waist and running the hips and back.
Deltoids : Shoulder.
Ectomorph : Fine-bony, narrow-shouldered body structure name. See body types
Endomorph : Chunky and broad body. They gain weight as easily as they do muscle relatively easily.

Glycogen : Storage of carbohydrates in muscle and liver.
Glucose : Carbohydrates in the body transport.
Glycemia : Blood sugar level.
Glycemic index : Refers to the level of carbohydrates in raising blood sugar.
Insulin : The hormone that transports glucose and amino acids in the blood to the cells.
Insulin resistance : Difficulty in showing the effect of secreted insulin to control sugar.
Muscle : The organ that provides all kinds of movement of the body by contracting or opening.

Calorie : It is a unit of measure, used to determine the energy value of food.
Lactic acid : Residual exhausting system caused by degradation of glucose.
Mesomorph : Neither very thin ectomorph nor endomorph has a thick body structure. In fact, it is a body type that has athletic physics in the middle of these two body types and has an advantage in bodybuilding.
Overtraning : Decreased efficiency due to excessive training. The risk of disability is also increasing. Training loads should be well adjusted.
Protein : Basic nutrient consisting of amino acids.

Squat : Squats and back up exercise in the form of hip and leg exercise.

Recovery : Reduction of post-training stress from the body and applications to better prepare for other training.
Do sport

Health Check Before Starting Regular Fitness
How to get started?
Before starting an exercise routine, the following should be considered:

1. Pass Health Check:
It is important to consult your physician and have a physical examination before starting an exercise routine. This is particularly important for individuals aged 45 and over and those who are not used to compelling physical activities.
An early check-up can detect any health problems that may disturb you.

2. Make a Plan and Set Realistic Goals:
When you decide to exercise regularly, try to develop a plan with achievable steps and goals. Some may think that aggressive training will produce fast results. However, in general, people tend to be unable to continue their work in the long run, which they started with a challenging program. What really needs to be done is to develop a life-long habit. Therefore, it is much more useful to start with a program that is easy to follow. Then, as your fitness level improves, you can take more challenging steps towards your goal.
For example, if your goal is to finish a five-kilometer run, you can start by creating a plan with shorter runs.
After you finish these short runs, increase the distance to five kilometers.
Starting with small goals will not only increase your chances of success, but will motivate you at every step.

3. Make the exercise habit :
Another important component of success in fitness is to stick to your routine.
If people make a habit and do it regularly, it seems easier to maintain the exercise routine in the long term. However, no matter how good it is to exercise, no matter how fast the results are, making it a habit that will last a lifetime is not as easy as it is thought.
Everyday Fitness

Make Sports a Part of Your Daily Life

To make exercise a daily habit:
a. Choose a time that suits your day and exercise every day at this time.
b. Keep a record of your exercises. Running your work regularly helps you to be motivated by seeing your progress.
c. Get your workout companion. Perhaps the most effective method is to have a friend that can trigger each other and play sports together.
D. Whichever sport makes you happy, turn to it. It is already impossible to make a habit of something you do not like to do.
to. Reward yourself. Give yourself a variety of rewards as you reach your goals.

To summarize how to start Fitness; Before you start working, go through a health check, avoid starting an aggressive and challenging program, and make a step-by-step plan with realistic goals. Then, add the exercise to your daily routine and make it a habit. Give your body the last substance 6 months. Do not expect to see the impact of your physical activities immediately, be patient about it.
How many days a week to do sports?

According to various scientific articles published on this subject, it is sufficient for 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week for general health.
It can be configured in any way you like with the condition to spread to 150 minutes at least 3 days a week. For example, you can train 30 minutes five times a week. In general, it is important to increase intensity as you start slowly and increase your fitness level.

Finally, although daily physical activity is necessary for your health, it is also important to allow your body to rest.
Not allowing your body to get rid of exercise stress both prevents adequate development and may result in various disabilities. Excessive exercise can also weaken your immune system and increase your risk of infection, hormonal imbalances, depressive mood and chronic fatigue.
How to eat correctly while doing sports:
Sports and Nutrition

Exercise and Nutrition Balance

The best idea about nutrition is to go to a dietitian and follow the diet according to your body values. If your goal in sports is to lose weight, you should consume as much calories as you need to maintain your fitness. In fact, with the food we eat, our body receives the energy it needs to perform its daily functions. So nutrients are a kind of fuel of our bodies. Here's what we need to know to give our body the right fuel:

1. Carbohydrates :
Carbohydrate = energy.
Carbohydrates are mainly fibers found in sugar, starch, fruit and vegetables. Carbohydrates are one of the macronutrients, that is, one of the three ways in which the body can obtain energy or calories. 1 g carbohydrate means 4 calories.

An adequate amount of carbohydrate is stored in the body to prevent the use of proteins for energy purposes. Considering the importance of protein for muscle development, sufficient carbohydrates should be taken especially during intensive exercise periods. Let me reiterate that not enough carbohydrates should be taken. If our body does not need energy, the energy taken from carbohydrates is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscle cells. When glycogen stores are full, carbohydrates are converted to fat and stored as fat. We have learned the answer to the question of why the body is lubricated as part of the answer to the question of how to burn fat.

As a general measure, 50-60% of the calories we need daily should be from carbohydrates.

2. Proteins : Protein, carbohydrates and fats together with the body is one of the three main nutrients needed. Its main task is to ensure the construction and maintenance of tissues.

Proteins are composed of amino acids. In particular, 9 essential amino acids are needed for muscle development. Proteins in animal foods; foods such as milk, meat and eggs contain basic amino acids.

As a general rule, the need for daily protein is as much as the weight of the person expressed in grams in adults who do not exercise. In regular individuals, it is 1.5-2 times its own weight according to the intensity of exercise. For example, a person who does not exercise spores weighing 80 kilograms needs 80 grams of protein per day. If this person starts to do moderate sports, he should consume one and a half times his weight, 80 * 1.5 = 120 grams of protein.

Our body grinds a certain amount of protein taken at one time, the excess remains as waste. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to divide the protein into meals and not to consume more than 40 grams at a time.

Most protein-containing foods:
Low Fat Beef: 36 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Chicken breast or turkey meat: 30 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Cottage Cheese: 32 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Fish (Tons, Salmon, etc.): 26 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Kidney Bean: 17 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Egg: 13 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Yogurt (Milk, Soy Milk): 6 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Nuts (Hazelnut, Pistachio, Almond, Pumpkin Seed): 33 grams of protein per 100 grams.

3. Oils :
It is one of the three main nutrients needed by the body along with fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Fats are vital for organs to function properly. Especially for cell health, fats are an extremely valuable food. How much fat should we consume daily? 1 gram fat contains 9 calories on average.

Ideally, 25-35% of our daily caloric needs should come from fats. For example, a person who needs to eat 2000 calories per day should consume about 55-77 grams of fat. Of course, these values ​​will vary according to your diet (weight gain or weight loss).

Are the oils as bad as they think?

No, contrary to popular belief, not all oils are harmful to our body. There are good fats and bad fats. Which oils are good and which oils are bad? Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are good fats. Trans fats should be avoided because trans fats increase cholesterol levels.

Monounsaturated oils are olive oil, canola oil, avocado oil and hazelnut oil. There are two kinds of polyunsaturated fats, one of which is Omega-6 and Omega-3. Omega 6 is found in vegetable oils, while Omega 3 oil is found in flax seeds, walnuts and fish (tuna, salmon).

Trans fats are found in hydrogenated vegetable oils, packaged products, bread, crackers, chips and many processed foods with special additives added to extend shelf life. Saturated fats are usually found in animal foods, excessive consumption of cholesterol, heart disease, cancer, obesity, such as can cause diseases. Because saturated fats cause both total cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL-low density cholesterol) to rise in the body. Although there are different rates for each type of body and nutrition, experts say that saturated fat should not exceed 10% of the total calories taken daily.
For your daily calorie and macro calculations, see the Nutrition Facts Table.

4. Pre-sport and post-sport nutrition:

Sports and nutrition are an integral pair. You need to know how to eat before and after exercise to improve your performance while doing sports.

The general rule for carbohydrate consumption before exercise is to start feeding 4 hours before the exercise and to stop it 30 minutes before the exercise (this does not apply to fluid consumption). In addition to the carbohydrate foods you will eat before the exercise, a protein diet will significantly affect your performance.

2-3 hours before the training, on average 1-2 g / kg (your own body weight) carbohydrate and about 15-30 gr. Consume protein is a good option. If you do not have the chance to eat a large meal 2-3 hours before the exercise, you may prefer to consume protein supplements in liquid form such as appropriate supplements or your own shake / smoothie 30 minutes before the exercise.

After exercise, it is recommended to consume some protein in addition to 60-80 g of carbohydrate as soon as possible (within 15-30 minutes) for the regeneration of glycogen stores. Protein consumption after exercise has a positive effect by stimulating muscle protein synthesis to a large extent. Increased protein synthesis is achieved by a combination of carbohydrate and protein. In this way, protein degradation is prevented and muscle mass is maintained and developed.

Incidentally, I would like to briefly mention the subject of supplements, one of the most curious issues.

It is the most widely known supplement protein powder. However, a lot of fat burner, performance enhancer, or weight-loss products are available. The question whether supplements are harmful to health has always been on the agenda in the world of sports and nutrition. Let's answer this question to another post and see how to use supplements.

In general, these products are food supplements, so if you don't have a healthy eating habit, no supplements will give you the expected effect. If you want to create a proper sports-nutrition balance and intend to add supplements to your diet, you should do it consciously.

Take protein powder as an example. Whey protein powder, casein protein powder and complex protein powders are available on the market. Whey protein is also available in three different forms: concentrated, isolated and hydrolysed. Each has different characteristics and tastes. Concentrated whey protein is fast, isolated whey protein is faster, hydrolyzed whey protein is the fastest digestible protein powder.

As you can see, there are many varieties of protein powder alone that serve different purposes. My advice is to use the appropriate supplements consciously according to the type of exercise and difficulty level. Another important issue is to examine the characteristics of all brands in the market before taking any supplements. The best protein powder, the best fat burner, such as advertising, regardless of price / performance in terms of research if you avoid wasting extra costs. I'll close this issue here, stating that I will publish a much more detailed article on supplements.
As a result:

Starting a new exercise routine is difficult, making it more difficult to regulate. However, if you have realistic goals, you may be able to maintain a fitness program in the long run.
There are many different physical activities to choose from. Choose an exercise program that is suitable for the daily routine of your own home and work life.
The initial objective should be to gradually improve your fitness level and prevent disability without tearing yourself down.
Never forget the rest of your body and adequate sleep required for recovery and muscle development.
Keeping track of your progress by taking notes, joining a fitness group or practicing with a friend, if possible, can help you to keep your motivation and reach your goals.
Finally, it is very important that you observe the rules of a healthy diet before and after sports (with or without supplement).

Protein2o Low Calorie Protein Infused Water, 15g Whey Protein Isolate, Tropical Coconut (16.9 Ounce, Pack Of 12)