Friday, August 30, 2019

Premier Protein 30g Protein Shake, Chocolate, 11.5 Fl Oz, Pack of 12

Nutrition for Successful Muscle Building (All You Need to Know)

Premier Protein 30g Protein Shake, Chocolate, 11.5 Fl Oz, Pack of 12

You want to build muscle and have an extremely fit body that grabs everyone's attention?

So what are you supposed to do and eat when you're ready to reach your dream body? You don't know exactly?

I know how you feel, because it took me four years to separate the most important information from the junk and apply it to the body I want.

But I have good news for you, you don't need to row for years without knowing what to believe as I do.

Because in this article you'll be able to learn and put into practice all the information you need to know in your diet to transform your body.

At the end of this article:

What is Bulk?
How many calories should you consume to build muscle?
What's the trap you shouldn't be doing when you're bulking?
How should your macro distribution be?
Does muscle build up without Bulk?

You will learn the answer to questions such as. So you can reach the fit body of your dreams by taking the steps you need to take correctly.

So let's get started right away vakit

First, let me tell you what happens quickly in case you don't know what it means to do bulk.

Bulk 's word meaning volume, heap. However, in bodybuilding, it means the period in which you aim to build more muscle by consuming more calories than you eat and burn .

The first thing I want to talk about is “why should we bulk?”

Can't you get your dreamy muscular and attractive body without bulking?

The most remarkable thing is that your body's ability to make muscles has a very strong relationship with the amount of food you eat.

So if you're thinking of building muscle as fast as possible, you're supposed to be doing the right thing in your diet.

DO NOT eat enough protein!

If you want to build muscle as fast as possible, you need to consume enough calories in addition to the amount of protein you eat. If you don't eat enough, your body won't build as much muscle as you can!

Yes, this may be a little different in the first 6-12 months of starting sports. Beginners can make muscle even when they are being fed in the calorie gap in sports… but ultimately you need to eat a lot of calories to reach an impressive body and build muscle fast.

We get a certain amount of energy from our food and drinks every day. Our body spends a certain amount of energy in various activities.

This relationship between our energy expenditure and energy (calorie) intake is called energy balance .

For example, to lose weight by creating a negative energy balance ”calorie deficiency” is necessary to create, otherwise it is not possible to lose weight. You can reduce your calorie deficiency by eating less calories than you do in a day.

For example, what you gain when you lose 2000 pounds of calories and lose weight, creating a 500-calorie deficit in your diet when you start to consume 1500 calories will begin to lose weight.

However, the lack of calories in the diet (trying to lose weight) creates some negative conditions in the body.

1. Low-calorie nutrition reduces the body's ability to synthesize muscle proteins.

In other words, the body can not do as much muscle as it can normally do while feeding on calorie deficiency .

2. While the body's calorie deficiency anabolic hormone levels decrease, catabolic hormone levels increase.

Decreased testestorone and increased cortisol hormones make it more difficult to build muscle when you are eating a lack of calories. (The body is generally in a more burning state)

3. Decreases performance in training

Have you ever felt the performance of your training decrease when you eat less than usual?

When you are just starting to lift weights or work your muscles in a way, you can build muscle despite the lack of calories and you may not feel the effect of calorie deficiency in this period. (the first 6-9 months you start sports are in a special period called “nooby gains…… but that's the subject of another article)

However, longer-weighted athletes know how much their performance in the sport is affected when they are fed with a lack of calories. If you've been through this, you know what I'm talking about.

Decrease in performance of the sport also affects your muscle building. While it can do 8 reps with 80 kilos, falling to 6 reps with 80 kilos is not a constructive thing in terms of muscle development.

You can better understand why a golden rule of muscle building is in my video .

In short, eat as much chicken as you want, salad, bulgur pilaf and high quality meals, if you don't consume enough calories, your muscle development will not progress as you wish.

I'm not saying that the choice of quality food is not important, but the kind of food you eat is not enough to make your body look muscular, lean and remarkable.

For these reasons, if you want muscle development in the best and fastest way, you should definitely not eat in the calorie range.

The easiest way to do this is to consume a little more calories in a day than the calories you burn.

In short, if your goal is to build muscle in the fastest way, you should risk some fat. But you must be very careful in doing so. You ask why? Let's talk now.

WHY LEAN BULK? (Lean = lean, lean bulk)

If you need to consume more calories than you just burned as we talked about, should you eat everything that comes before your bodybuilder?

This is where bulk programs often fail.

There is a bulk trap ları in which athletes, who feel that it is important to build bulk to build muscle, begin to bulk and step in the right direction, and I don't want you trapped.

It is generally advised by instructors or some bodybuilder that you should eat more calories than you should eat in a day to make bulk.

But it's getting you away from the body you want to do.

As a matter of fact: You don't need as much calorie excess as you think.

The mistake of giving Bulk advice is that a large excess of calories is considered to be more effective than a small excess of calories.

This is not true. The amount of muscle your body makes with a 10% calorie surplus is no different from the amount of muscle it makes with a 30-35% calorie surplus.

You may have thought that your body would make more muscle by eating more food with a 30-35% calorie surplus, but you should understand that; No matter how accurate you do everything, your body has the capacity to build a certain muscle over a period of time.

The calories you consume on it will be stored in your body as fat instead of turning into a muscle, and you will quickly see that your belly starts to come out.

Take a person who considers 2000 calories to conserve weight. There will be no difference in muscle building between consuming 2200 (+ 10%) calories by creating an excess of calories for muscle building and consuming 2600 (+ 30%) calories.

The body can make a certain amount of muscle at a certain time, but because of the excess of 30% of the calories used to make a portion of the muscle after the big part will begin to turn into fat.

You might think: If you give a worker 500 bricks every day instead of 300 bricks to a worker who can place up to 300 bricks per day to build walls, the worker will not be able to build the wall faster.

These excess bricks will start to accumulate around day by day, and they will stack up and cover a large area.

You can think of these bricks that accumulate around as oil. When you give excess calories to your body, the body will store the excess fat after the energy it uses for muscle.

This excess lubrication will not only distract you from the le atlefit ”appearance. Your fat storage rate will increase and your muscle building speed will decrease.

Because the body's fat level increases as the body's response to insulin begins to decline.

Insulin is a hormone that allows nutrients to enter their cells.

As a result, the proportion of fat in his body increases :

Your body's fat burning capacity is decreasing.
The probability of gaining weight increases.
The amount of protein synthesis is decreasing. (gains are decreasing)

In other words, the amount of muscle building decreases. For this reason, to keep the fat you get while muscle is the lowest "lean bulk" that is to do lean bulk is important.

It is also a good way to start this journey by getting rid of your excess weight before starting the bulky.

That's why it's important to have the best results when you start lean bulk after men reach 10-12% fat and women 20-22% fat .

In addition, the level of testosterone decreases while the level of estrogen increases.

As everyone knows, testosterone is one of the most important hormones for muscle development and high levels of estrogen cause the body to retain more fat.

In this way, let me build muscle to begin to excess fat will slow down muscle development and gradually increase the rate of fat.

And when it comes to the end of Bulk, it's going to be a long and painful way to burn all the fat while protecting your muscles. (Believe me, I know firsthand how bad it is)

As you can see, being greasy affects you in three ways. Over-lubricate:

Slows down muscle development
Increases oil storage rate
The amount of fat you need to get rid of is finally increasing

That's why making ”dirty” bulk (short of food) gives a bad name to “bulk ve and gives a blow to the idea of ​​feeding in excess calories.

However, eating in excess calories is a key point to maximize muscle growth and when the true strength of bulkin is done correctly.

Bulk's Correct Construction (LEAN BULK)

Now you know why it's important to bulk up correctly. How many calories should you consume in a day? How many of these calories are protein, how much fat, and how much carbohydrate is that you can effectively make your body?

To answer these questions for yourself, you can follow these very simple 4 steps.

By the end of these steps you will have found exactly how many grams of protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories you need to consume.

Are you excited? Beautiful. Let's start…
4 Easy Steps to Finding Target Macros:

1. Multiply your weight by 35-38 when you are male (multiply by 33-35 for women). The amount of calories you need to consume per day for lean bulk

The amount of calories burned in a day by everyone, age, gender, activity status, body type can vary according to many factors. So calculators and evaluating the resulting values ​​as final results.

Remember that the amount of calories released is a good starting point.

The way to get a good bulk is to make the necessary adjustments to your calories according to your body's response after a close start.

So a good point to start for lean bulk is to multiply your weight by 35-38. As long as you gain 1.5 to 2 pounds per month, you are doing lean bulk successfully. (1-1.5 pounds for ladies)

If you find that you can't gain weight in these values, you should increase the amount of calories you consume. (this is a natural process, we'll get to that soon)

2. Make sure you consume enough protein

For this, multiply your weight by 2 and eat up to grams of protein. For example, if you weigh 70 kilos, you should eat 70 × 2 = 140 grams of protein a day. This value is more than enough to provide muscle development.

Multiply your own weight by 2 and take a note aside.

3. Find the fat value you need to consume

When you multiply your weight by 35-38, 15-30% of the calorie amount should come from fats .

If you say 15% or 20% or 30% should come from oils, you should find the answer yourself.

Some people feel more energetic by eating more fat, while others feel better by eating more carbohydrates and less fat. This can vary from person to person.

On average, 15-20% of my calorie distribution comes from fats because I know that a higher carbohydrate diet affects my performance and overall energy level better, but this may be different for you.

For this reason, you can feed from fat in a range of 15-30%, this is a personal preference.

For example, if you need to consume 3000 calories, let's assume that we take 20% of this value. This indicates that 600 calories should come from fat.

Since 1 gram fat = 9 calories , it makes 600/9 = 66-67 grams of fat . It can be taken as 65 or 70 grams of fat for a straight account

After calculating your own calorie value, you now know how many grams of protein and fat you need to consume in bulk.

Now it's carbs.

4. After determining the amount of fat and protein, all remaining calories belong to carbohydrates.

1 gram protein = 4 calories

1 gram carbohydrate = 4 calories

1 gram fat = 9 calories

Now you can easily find out how much carbohydrate you need to consume.

Amount of protein to be consumed (found) x 4 = amount of calories from protein (x)

The amount of fat you need to consume (we found) x 9 = the amount of calories from fat (y)

weight x 38 (we found) = the total amount of calories you need to consume (z)

z - (x + y) = calories from carbohydrates.

When you find the amount of calories from carbohydrates, divide this value by 4 to find out how many grams of carbohydrate it makes. The value will indicate how many grams of carbohydrate you should consume per day.

Now you have the protein, fat, carbohydrate and calorie values ​​you need to consume to make the maximum muscle! Congratulations, you took the first big step in bulk =)

But remember: these values ​​are not final values. If you gain more than or less than 1.5-2 pounds per month, which is likely to see you, by adding and subtracting the amount of carbohydrate you consume per day, 1.5-2 kg per month, you should set up your diet.

This way, you will be able to find the ideal lean bulk point and make your body successfully.

So you can not lose weight, although you do all of them / you can not muscle ... What should you do?

As I mentioned before, you need to gain between 0.2-0.5 pounds a week to bulk effectively. (For women this value is 0.1-0.3 pounds a week)

So, what should you do if you gain less or not at all?

Given that you're running a well-organized program and giving your muscles enough time to rest, there's only one thing to do: consume more calories.

The point is that if you don't see a weight gain (which means increased muscle mass when you're in the bulk), even though you see it getting stronger in sports, you don't consume enough calories to maximize muscle development.

If this is the case, don't worry, this is a process that every successful bulk athlete (including me) can go through, and from that point on, you'll reach the ideal amount of calories for your body.
How many calories should you increase?

If you consume 2 grams of protein per kilogram, you don't need to consume any more protein. This value is more than enough when bulking for muscle development.

If you don't see an increase in weight, add 100-150 calories to the amount of calories you eat a day.

These excess calories should come from carbohydrates. So add 25-30 grams to the carbohydrate you consume per day and look at the course.

If you do not see a weight gain within 1 week 10 days, repeat step 2 and repeat this process until you start taking the right amount of clo.

That's how simple it is to make bulk successfully.

But there is one important exception that I cannot mention without mentioning.

You may have heard the term “hardgainer” or ct ectomorph.. Typically, it is tested for people who are fast in metabolism and have difficulty in gaining weight, and there is such a thing.

However, this does not mean that you cannot build g hardgainer ”yellow (ectomorph building) muscles, you only need to consume more calories than someone with endomorph or mesomorphs to see muscle growth.

For example, to see that a 70 kilogram hardgainer gets 0.5 kilos a week, it may need to consume calories as high as 3800-4000 calories.

In this case, if you have reached a point where you can't get the increase from carbohydrate continuously, you can go slowly to increase your calories from fats and proteins.

As a hardgainer, if you consume 7-8 times the weight of carbohydrate you consume per day and you can't gain as much weight as you want, it will be difficult to climb on top of it.

In this case, you can start to get the necessary calorie increase from some fats and proteins.

Yes, if you've read it here, you've learned a great deal about bulking effectively, congratulations !!
What kind of food should you eat to fill these macro values?

The majority (80%) of the food you eat should come from whole, unprocessed and high-value meals.

A few examples of good protein sources:

Chicken / Turkey breast
Milk, yogurt, cheese
The fish
Red meat
Protein Powder

A few examples of carbohydrate sources:

Bulgur pilaf / rice
Whole grain bread
Legumes (including protein)
Vegetables (starchy vegetables: potatoes, corn, etc.), but also pay special attention to other vegetables!

A few examples of oil sources:

Extra virgin olive oil
Oil seeds (sunflower seeds, kernels, flax seeds etc.)
Whole egg (there are many useful nutrients in the yolk)
Oily fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel)
Whole milk and dairy products (without exaggerating the amount)

Take care to consume vegetables and fruits every day. In particular, give place to green leafy vegetables such as spinach. In short, try to eat everything you buy from the grocery store.

If you do, you will be less likely to be affected by adverse nutrient deficiencies and you will generally feel better. This will reduce the risk of illness as well as good performance in the sport will affect.

However, I do not recommend that you make any serious changes to your diet without consulting your physician / dietitian if you have any specific requirements or circumstances.

In general, it is very important that 80% of the food you eat comes from healthy, nutrient-filled, unprocessed sources like this. But don't forget to enjoy life for the remaining 20%!

We do it all for a better body, but being happy in life is just as important as having a good body, and the good thing is that you can achieve both by staying within the limits I have described in this guide. This is one of the biggest advantages of calorie calculation.

So if you enjoy food such as ice cream, chocolate, popcorn, etc., as long as you stay within the macro value of this type of food you can eat without fear.

But if you don't just do the right things in this guide and do the right thing in the sport, you'll get fat instead of muscle.

So before I finish this guide, I will briefly focus on the most important points you need to pay attention to in order to build muscle. (I know we talked about a lot, but not without it)
A few important things to watch out for Bulk to be effective:

Give the necessary attention to heavy basic movements.

Compund movements such as bench press, squat, overhead press, rows, chin ups are essential for the muscle development of a natural athlete.

Because more than one joint and muscle groups work at the same time, you will be moving heavier loads than the isolating movements.

Over time, you can increase the weights you use seriously, and as weights increase, the amount of muscle you build will increase over time. (If you follow what we're talking about in the Bulk guide, you're going to have a terrifying body.)

Force yourself on every training session - but by applying a case of extreme movement, you can also cause overtraining.

Trying to outdo what you did earlier in training is key. For example, if you have made 8 bench presses with 80 kilos in the previous week, you should benefit from the principle of progressive overload by trying to do 8 reps with 82.5 kilos or 9 reps with 80 kilos this week.

In this way, you will be constantly pushing your muscles to adapt to a higher tension. When you do this for a long time, your muscles will grow, giving you the reward of your labor.

However, if you are moving excessively and the pain in your muscles continues for 4-5-6 days, you may need to reduce the number of reps and sets in your training.

The idea that “is much better“ does not apply here. Because the more important it is to keep your muscles working hard, the more important it is for them to recover and work again.

It is a good start to give a muscle group between 40-70 repetitions a week when starting new sports. This value can vary from person to person, as well as how long you go to sports.

A muscle group

So you can go above these values. If the muscles are well collected from training to training, you can push the boundaries over time and see what your body reacts to.

Consume plenty of carbohydrates and quality foods for your body and muscles to recover . In addition, at least 7-8 hours a day to sleep a good quality care.

Eat the li Delicious ”and“ Unhealthy ”foods you love during Bulk without exaggerating

One of the biggest mistakes made “I am already bulktay” to eat out of high-calorie food constantly.

When you do this for a few weeks, you can normally take 2-3 times the amount of fat you will get by lean bulk, and your belly starts to come out quickly.

So be careful not to exceed the target calories while rewarding yourself .
How long will it take to reach your dream body?

The more important it is to make everything right, the more important it is to have a realistic expectation.

If you expect things that you can't do physiologically from your body (for example, expecting a fitness model body in 5-6 months), no matter how good your results are, you'll be disappointed to think you've made a mistake somewhere.

However, there is a certain amount of muscle that your body can do at a certain time, and if you want to create an incredible change in your body that everyone will notice, you have to give your body time.
Time required for a truly impressive body

It is not possible to build up your body muscle to be a fitness model after the start in 2-3 months or even a year (unless you are a professional - if you are not doing this sport professionally, I would definitely not recommend using growth hormones and jeopardizing your health)

I'm not trying to demoralize this information. I want you to have realistic expectations.

The fitness trip is not a short ride, but you can expect significant changes in your body in 6-12 months.

Once you see that you can change your body, the rest will come.

So instead of thinking haf it's a very long time, how can I do it odaklan, focus on spending every week as well as you can.

In the end, you're almost at the point, and you'll find it's not that hard.
So how many pounds of muscle can you expect to make in a year?

If you have a good sports program and have dedicated yourself to effective use of what we talked about in this article:

In the first year, men can build muscle between 7kg-11kg , while women can take half of it .

Men can build between 3.5kg and 6kg of muscle in their second year , while women are able to make half as much muscle.

While men can make up to 2kg-3kg of muscle in their 3rd year, women can make up to half of this value .

In the following years, when the men have a successful year, they can build an average of 1kg of muscle, while the women can do half as much.

Here is a footnote: If you haven't been able to build muscle after years of sport, you're still in 1st year. Even if you started to do the right things in the 3rd year, you will see that you can make 7-11 kg of muscle per year as you start to do muscle for the first time.

Yeah, we're at the end of this long piece of information. Here's what you need to know to quickly build muscle:
As a result for Bulk:

Create a small excess of calories.
Don't let the oil percentage rise to very high levels. (for men over 17% bulk for women over 27%)
Give the necessary importance to compound movements in sports. In order to make maximum muscle in natural ways, the majority of the training program should form compound movements.
Work hard and try to beat the “you bir a week ago - work hard in your movements, but make overtraining by over- exercising your muscles.
Sleep and rest at least as important as your training
Set a realistic goal and be patient

If you follow these items and don't give up, I promise you when you look in the mirror, you will be worth it all and you will be a changed man.

In this guide, you've learned tons of information right from the beginning, which has caused me to lose time and work hard over the years, but not get results. Now it's time to put this information into function.

Premier Protein 30g Protein Shake, Chocolate, 11.5 Fl Oz, Pack of 12