Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dr Tobias Adult Multivitamin - Enhanced Bioavailability - with Whole Foods, Herbs, Minerals and Enzymes - Non-GMO

What is Vitamin K, What is Deficiency? Which foods are available?

Dr Tobias Adult Multivitamin - Enhanced Bioavailability - with Whole Foods, Herbs, Minerals and Enzymes - Non-GMO

Vitamins and minerals are as important as proteins, fats and carbohydrates for the healthy body system. Today you can learn more about vitamin K, which is often not remembered but essential for the body; We share a guide giving answers to the questions about what vitamin K is, what nutrients it contains, what causes vitamin K deficiency.

What is Vitamin K?
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Vitamin K, which is abundant in fibrous green vegetables, especially broccoli and brussels sprouts, is a micronutrient variety with different forms. (1) Essential vitamin K, which is fat-soluble, is used during the body's ability to produce certain proteins involved in blood clotting. Vitamin K takes its name from the German “Koagulation”.

There are 2 different forms of vitamin K naturally. These are vitamin K1 (Phytonadione, Fitonadion) and vitamin K2 (Menaquinone). The most preferred and used type of vitamin K is vitamin K1 because it has less toxic effect, provides faster benefits, is stronger and works faster. Vitamin K1 is commonly found in fibrous green leafy vegetables. Vitamin K2 is the k vitamins we mostly get from animal products. Vitamin K1 can also be converted by bacteria into vitamin K2 in the intestinal flora. Vitamin K2 helps protect bones. Finally, there is a synthetic vitamin K3 which is produced in laboratory environment, which is not used for vitamin K deficiency and has high toxicity. Since vitamin K is easily soluble in fat, the benefit of vitamin K will increase when consumed with fats.

What does Vitamin K do and what is seen in vitamin K deficiency?
To understand what vitamin K deficiency can cause, you should understand the benefits of vitamin K.

The most important issue of vitamin K is blood clotting. It can prevent the bleeding problem of blood thinners, antibiotics and some drugs. When vitamin K deficiency is recognized by physicians, the person may be prescribed vitamin K.

Click on the link to review and purchase vitamin k supplements that can support your vitamin K deficiency.

Vitamin K can perform the following tasks in the body:

Prevent bleeding problems (hemorrhagic disease of the newborn) in newborns with low vitamin K levels
Prevent the clotting problems of individuals with missing proteins that allow blood to clot
Preventing the lack of clotting factors due to vitamin K, which is a kind of hereditary disorder
Reversing the effects of drugs used to prevent clotting
To help reduce the itching after cirrhosis
Prevent bone weakness called osteoporosis
In addition to these benefits, people use vitamin K cream that is applied to the skin to help treat spider bite wounds, burns and bruises. Vitamin K can also be used to accelerate the recovery of skin tissue after surgery. In the treatment of advanced vitamin K deficiency, your doctor may inject vitamin K with injection.

When we look at all these benefits, we can see more clearly what vitamin K deficiency can cause. Vitamin K deficiency can prevent blood clotting, may cause weakening of the bones, it may prevent the reduction of cirrhosis-related itching.

Which foods are found in vitamin K?
The best sources of vitamin K you can get through natural nutrition: (2)

Spinach, curly cabbage, black cabbage, chard, beet leaves, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, parsley, turnip, endive
Green beans, soybeans, peas, mexican beans
Red meat, chicken, chicken livers, duck, kidney, liver
Eggs, dairy products, cress oil, yogurt, cheese
Grapes, kiwi, strawberry, avocado, pomegranate, tomato, blueberry, blackberry, plum, dried figs, red currants
Cashew, walnut, hazelnut, pecan walnut
Vitamin K absorption in these foods may be greater when consumed with vitamin K, cress oil or other oils.

Causes Vitamin K Deficiency?
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Vitamin K deficiency should be considered even if it is not a very common health problem. If you think you are experiencing vitamin K deficiency, we recommend that you tell your doctor. Your doctor will do the necessary tests to let you know if you have vitamin K deficiency.

The following factors can trigger the occurrence of vitamin K deficiency:

High consumption of alcohol
Severe malnutrition
Using drugs that interfere with the absorption of vitamin K
Having diseases that affect digestion, such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease.

Dr Tobias Adult Multivitamin - Enhanced Bioavailability - with Whole Foods, Herbs, Minerals and Enzymes - Non-GMO