Friday, August 30, 2019

Boost VHC Very High Calorie Complete Nutritional Drink, Very Vanilla, 8 fl oz Box, 27 Pack

Change Your Nutrition Style to Build Muscles

Boost VHC Very High Calorie Complete Nutritional Drink, Very Vanilla, 8 fl oz Box, 27 Pack

It's true that if you want to improve your muscles, you should start by lifting weights. The formula for muscle development is simple, the muscles ‘shatter ça as we lift up, and as the body repairs them, the muscles develop and the mass increases. How does the body increase this mass? Ye that one. So what and how you eat directly affects muscle development. Now let's look at the feeding ways that will lead you to your destination faster.
1. Must take protein

Protein is such a key substance in muscle development and continuity of life functions that there is probably no one who does not want to build muscle and does not hear the need to take protein. But if you do it according to your head, you miss the way to reach your destination faster. Knowing how much protein you need to take is the most important factor. This value of course varies from person to person. According to a comprehensive study, on average 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day helps muscle development. In other words, a 70-pound man needs to take an average of 112 grams of protein a day.
It's important to get protein from full food. This allows the body to break down protein into amino acids and use it for muscle development. Lean meat, fish and eggs, such as foods rich in protein is one of the leading foods. You can also use protein shakes to complete your daily needs.
2. Eat protein at the right time

Here is another key factor. According to our experts, it is great if you can consume at least 20 grams of your daily protein consumption within 45 minutes of your training. Thus, the body accelerates the muscle conversion of the protein with the advantage of hormonal changes during exercise. No problem if 45 minutes comes short to prepare food, this effect lasts for 2 hours. People often take a small amount of protein for breakfast and a large amount for dinner. Research says that for muscle development, protein intake should be balanced throughout the day. So if you need to buy 120 grams of protein, it's ideal to distribute it to three meals with 40 grams each.

3. You need to get more calories in total

To increase muscle mass naturally, body weight also increases, that is, you need to gain weight. However, there is an important point here, if you have excess fat in your body, first burn these fats, then you need to pass the excess calories system. If you get confused at this point, you can start by taking protein shakes in addition to your normal diet.
If you want to move more consciously, start with BMI (Body Mass Index). Using Fitwell you can get a free Body Analysis and learn BKE easily. Fitwell will also tell you whether you need to lose weight first, depending on your body values. It then prepares the ideal nutrition plan to increase muscle mass. So you can get rid of the protein from which foods, how many calories do you need to solve issues such as muscles to develop and begin to strengthen.

4. It's important to stay away from junk food
You need to increase your calorie intake, but never from junk food. The nutritional values ​​of chips, fried potatoes, processed foods, packaged products, fast food and so on are called ‘empty calories ve and are stored as fat for the body as well as not working. If you want to have a lean, muscular and attractive body, you should always eat healthy. Again, your mobile coach Fitwell will be your best assistant by offering you both a love and a healthy diet with a special diet plan.

5. Get enough carbohydrates to give strength

Your muscles are developing protein, yes, but you also need carbohydrates for energy during exercise. Muscles can absorb up to 35 grams of protein at a meal, so if you feed on protein only, more of it goes to other parts of your body or is excreted as it is. At this point, you have two alternatives to get calories, energy, either carbohydrates or fat. We know that fats are easily stored in the body, so it is best to consume healthy carbohydrates as well as protein. Not only in carbohydrate flour cookies, but in brown rice. The important thing is to focus on healthy, rich nutrient carbohydrate sources.

Boost VHC Very High Calorie Complete Nutritional Drink, Very Vanilla, 8 fl oz Box, 27 Pack