Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Nature's Way Sambucus Elderberry Gummies, Herbal Supplements with Vitamin C and Zinc, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, 60 Gummies (Packaging May Vary)

Elderberry shrubs healing properties. Infusion bath of leaves and roots. How is elderberry varicose veins treated?

Nature's Way Sambucus Elderberry Gummies, Herbal Supplements with Vitamin C and Zinc, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, 60 Gummies (Packaging May Vary)

The article describes black elderberry. You will learn what beneficial properties a plant has, how to prepare medicinal raw materials, how to apply fruits and flowers, and what contraindications to use.

Elderberry is a fertile woody shrub of the Adox family. People say Sambuk, Buzovik, elderberry, witch tree, pistilnik, without trees. Latin name - Sambucus nigra.
How does it look

View of elderberry black. The plant is branched at an altitude of 3 to 6-10 meters. The green stalks, which are brownish gray with age, are covered with many small yellowish tubercles.

In young plants, the root system is very important, grows with age and becomes fibrous.

The leaves are large, up to 30 cm in contrast, have a complex structure. Each leaf contains several elongated, pointed at the end of the oblong-ovate. Leaves darker on the outside, lighter shades on the inside, sit on small stalks.

Flowers - large, multi-flowered, covered with small flowers of white-yellow color. The flowers consist of five leaves, five organs combined with a corolla tube and a short three cephalic ovaries. Seniors bloom from May to mid June.

Fruits have dark-purple fruits with a diameter of about 6 mm. The flesh of the fruits is juicy and dark red. Fruit-making period is August-September.
Where it grows

Natural distribution area, Portugal, North Africa, Turkey, Iran, is the island's most European countries and the South Caucasus region. Elderberry was also brought to New Zealand and spread successfully.

In Russia, growing in the European part. Elderberry is found in wooded areas or on the edges of deciduous and mixed forests, along roads and in the dark.

In the European part of Russia, the cultivation of Aurea and Black Beauty varieties is practiced in the country and home lands. Planting and maintaining a plant in the open field is possible even for the novice gardener. Elderberry, light acid or neutral soils are planted in light areas. During the season, as the bush grows quickly, you need water and correction.

For more information about black elderberry, see the video below:

Flowers and elderberry berries

Elderberry contains many biologically active substances. In terms of therapeutic properties, it is similar to aged grasses.

For medicinal purposes, they collect flowers and fruits, bark less, roots and leaves are less.
Chemical composition

The Sambunigrin;
essential oil;
C vitamin;
acetic acid;
malic acid;
valeric acid;
cinnic acid;
caffeic acid;
mineral salts;

Fruits are rich in vitamin C and include routine, beta carotene, essential oils, sambuxine, tannin, tyrosine, amino acids and sugars.
Medicinal properties

Black elderberry has the following medicinal effect:

relieves fever and inflammation;
removes excess fluid from the body;
diuretic effect;
calms the nervous system;
increases sputum discharge;
heals burns, ulcers and redness;
has anthelmintic action;
has laxative effect;
helps fight viruses;
strengthens the immune system.

It is also known that it is capable of secreting toxins, heavy metal salts and radioactive substances.

The Black Elderly in Alternative Medicine is used to treat the following diseases:

ARVI and influenza;
inflammation of the genitourinary system;
burns and diaper rash;
throat ache;
throat ache;
chronic constipation.

It is used as a complex treatment tool in the early stages of certain types of oncology. It is treated for black elderberry, prostate adenoma, stomach cancer, lungs and ovaries.
How to collect

Elderberry berries are used in cooking and traditional medicine. Collection and collection of flowers produced during full flowering period. Flowering is completely cut off and dried on clean paper in sunny weather outdoors.

After drying, the flowers are separated from the pedicels and crushed. Store raw materials in fabric bags in a dark, dry place. Shelf life - 2 years.

Leaves and young shoots are collected in the spring. They are dried in the sun like flowers and stored in bags. Shelf life - 1 year.

Fruits are harvested in late August - early September. It is taken from rotten and exploding fruits, washed and dried. Dried fruits are baked at an oven temperature of 60 degrees or in an automatic dryer. Store in fabric bags. You can also freeze the fresh fruits of elderberry. Shelf life - 6 months.

The bark is harvested in early spring. It is cut with a knife, then the top layer and the remains of the core of the body are removed. It is dried at a temperature of 65-70 degrees. Shelf life - 3 years.

The roots are collected at the end of autumn for therapeutic purposes. It is cleaned from the floor, washed and dried at a temperature of 60-65 degrees. The dried roots are pulverized and stored in a tightly closed container. Shelf life - 5 years.
How to apply

It is grown as medicinal, edible and ornamental plant. In folk medicine, on the basis of elderberry, decoction and infusions are prepared for boiling, douching, lotions, poultry and rinsing. In addition, elderberry is one of the components of many popular beauty recipes.

In the pharmacy you can get ready-made syrup strawberries. It is used as a laxative, immune stimulant, antitumor and blood cleansing agent. The average price is 350 rubles per 100 ml.

See for yourself how to buy syrup from elderberry fruits in the video below:

With colds (flu)

With ARVI, it helps reduce body temperature, overcomes cough and sore throat, improves the general condition of the patient and shortens the duration of the disease. In the first symptom of the common cold, they prepare and take napar from dried elderberry flowers.

Napar with Cold


Elderberry black (flowers) - 2 tbsp.
Drinking water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Boil the broth. Elderberry flowers brew for 15 minutes in a glass. Strain through the tea strainer.

How to use: Take the product 2 bir3 times a day to warm up. Napar elderberry flowers can also be bought with honey.

Take fresh juice from fresh elderberry fruits for flu treatment. It helps to stop the development of viral infection in the first stage of the disease and facilitates the course of the disease with late treatment.
Flu water


Elderberry black (fresh or frozen fruits) - 2 kg.
Drinking water - 2 liters.
Sugar - 1 kg.
Wine vinegar - 100 ml.
Clove, cinnamon - tasting.

How to cook: Rinse the fruits and place in an enamel bowl. Fill them with water and boil for about 10 minutes. Then add the remaining ingredients. Boil the juice on low heat until more foam is formed. Fill the sterilized glass bottles with hot water and close tightly.

How to use: Drink 100 ml of fruit juice 2-3 times a day. Fruit juice can be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1 and flavored with honey.
in gynecology

In gynecology elderberry is used to treat inflammation of the vagina and cervix. Infusion of dried elderberry roots is used for the treatment of colpitis.

Infusion for douching


Black elderberry (root) - 30 g
Pure water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Boil the broth. Fill the old roots with boiling water and allow to infuse for two hours. Fold the gauze piece into several layers and filter the infusion.

How to use: Perform douching procedure twice a day for a month.

The elderberry is used as an adjunct in ovarian and cervical cancer. To do this, prepare and take the infusion into the flowers.
Cancer infusion


Elderberry black (flowers) - 1 tbsp.
Drinking water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the dried flowers and allow to infuse for half an hour. Cool the infusion and pass through a tea strainer.

How to use: Take the drug in 100 ml three times a day.
For constipation

Infuse elderberry fruits for intestinal cleansing for chronic constipation.


Elderberry black (dried fruit) - 10 g.
Drinking water - 200 ml.

How to cook : Boil the water and cool to room temperature. Fill the fruit with water and let it infuse for two hours.

How to use: Take 200 ml of the drug, preferably once a day in the evening.
For disinfection

It prepares the source of the dried leaves for the disinfection and healing of wounds, boils, small burns and rashes of diapers and prepares lotions with it.


Elderberry black (leaves) - 1 tbsp.
Clear water - 200 ml.

How to cook : Fill the raw material with water and boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Leave for about 45 minutes. Strain through gauze napkin. Bring the volume of the product to 200 ml with boiling water.

How to use: Fold clean gauze or cotton fabric in several layers. Moisten the water, squeeze it gently and attach it to the inflamed area for 5−10 minutes. Apply lotion several times a day.

In addition, lotions containing decoction are used for hemorrhoids and anal fissures. In addition, ready-made decoction is used for rinsing as disinfectant for stomatitis and sore throat.

When cooking, fruits are used to make compote, jelly, carbonated lemonade, wine, jelly, fruit puree and fruit pie. For winter medicinal jam is prepared from elderberry fruits. It is used together with a tonic and tonic to treat flu and colds.

Jam Recipe

You can make jam from fresh or frozen fruits.

You will need:

black elderberry (fruit) - 2 kg;
granulated sugar - 2 kg.

How to cook:

Rinse the fruits in running water and remove the spoiled ones.
Put them in a saucepan, add sugar and stir gently.
Wait an hour to bring the water forward.
Put the pan on a slow fire and cook the fruits for about 30 minutes.
Dispense hot jam into sterilized jars and close the lids tightly.


The calorie value per 100 g of product - 235 Kcal.

Elderberry has the following contraindications:

ulcerative erosive diseases of the digestive tract;
diabetes insipidus;
Age of children up to 12 years.


Elderberry has the following taxonomic classification:

section: Flowering;
Grade: Bichromatic;
Order: Teasel flowers;
family: Adoxaceous;
genus: Elderberry;
landscape: elderberry black.


Previously, the old family was connected to the honeysuckle family or separated into a separate elderly family. This genus includes about 25 shrub species, low trees and perennial lawns.

The most common types include the following types of elderberry:


Elderberry black infographics

Photo aged black, useful properties and application

Black elderberry infographics
Things to remember

Black elderly, used in traditional medicine and food.
For medicinal purposes, they collect flowers and aged fruits, less bark, roots and leaves.
Aged-based drugs are used as an adjunct in tuberculosis and oncology. Consult your doctor before use.

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Elderberry Sambucus ) - Shrubs or small trees (3-5 m), many of which differ in decorative fruits. Elderberry red or brushed ( Sambucus racemosa ) has various decorative forms, as well as unpretentious and funky mice. Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) also has decorative forms and is eaten fruits. Black elderberry, although less rigid, is still quite stable, especially when it descends to a place protected from cold winds. Easily restored in case of freezing shoots. Similar to Canadian elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) with decorative forms. This is a harder plant. The species listed are resistant to some degree of shade and moisture-like. Prefer rich soils. Well tolerated pruning including "on the stump". The elderly are spread by cutting with seeds and cultural forms.
What black and red elderberry looks like, how to bloom a bush (with photos)
Look at the elderly, look at the photos suggested below and admire its unique beauty:

This typical example of the honeysuckle family is a very attractive plant supported by unusual beliefs. Healers think that there is a talisman from evil spirits, an improvised material for making medicine. An elderberry, of course, knows every summer resident, a peasant and even a megapolis inhabitant who is far from horticultural. There are some kinds of old and old palettes known to about 40, the characteristic aroma of the greens scares annoying insects (eg flies), rodents and other pests. Shrubs are usually planted in the field of septic tanks and compost pits, street toilets, heaps of manure. In addition to common red and black elderberry, other varieties of this plant are also grown, for example:





in Zimbol
Different varieties of blueberries look at photos in each region:

In addition to red, herbaceous aged - inedible plants, the composition includes cyanoglycosides. Black elderly, on the contrary, are known for their healing qualities. Sometimes it is not easy to distinguish the poisonous fruits of red elderberry from medicinal black fruits. If there is no definitive interruption as to which plant is in front of your eyes, you should not risk it. Photographs of black and red elderberry are presented below, check them out to see important differences:

Most of the elderberry varieties are very suitable for the Moscow region, even in the North-West. If you provide the plant with reliable insulation for the winter, it is not affected by severe frosts. Ornamental plants are cultivated to decorate personal lands, country houses, gardens and park areas. Elderly people are in great demand in landscape design because the deciduous mass and flowers of this plant can be extraordinarily beautiful, in a variety of colors and shapes.
Reproduction of elderberry cuts and other forms
The elderly are raised by grafting, sowing seeds, splitting bushes or forming sheets. Elderberry cuttings reproduction - the most famous and convenient method. Cuttings are lignified and used as young. At least 3 internodes must contain several top pages. The material is harvested in June-July. Cut into adult plant segments (10-12 cm), placed in a jar-covered, sandbag mixture. The part of the root that will contact the ground, preferably before the process root force sowing - this composition will occasionally accelerate the rooting process. Requires regular watering. In autumn, seedlings are sent to open ground. Seeds are collected in late October, sowing is done immediately or in the spring. If the procedure is planned for spring, seeds should be prepared appropriately:

Soak 3-6 days in advance;
water is changed daily;
the seeds are then mixed with wet sand, placed in an airtight container and placed in the refrigerator for 50-60 days.

Sow seeds to a depth of 2-3 cm while maintaining the distance between rows. Seedlings grow significantly in the first summer season (up to 0.5-0.6 m) and are transplanted into permanent habitats at the beginning of the first year. Autumn cultivation does not require pre-treatment of seeds.

The key features of this aged planting and care method are shown in the photo - review them to make all the steps correctly:

How to multiply an elderly to get the survival rate of almost 100 percent of a young plant? The best option is to create layers added from an adult bush in autumn or spring. The branch of a 2-3 year old plant was folded and opened in a ditch dug the day before. Compost is added to the groove bottom. Shoots, leaving the top of the branch on the ground (after cutting 10 cm after planting), drip-tightly added, firmly fixed with a metal bracket. The plant needs frequent watering, especially until the root is released. Dividing of the root system is carried out in the autumn. A large, perennial shrub excavated into equal sections. This requires a saw or a sharp ax. Cutters / saws are stained with ash, immediately planted in prepared trenches or containers (if spring planting is planned).
How to plant elderberry
In order to get a strong, beautiful plant, you need to know how to grow older people correctly. Shrub is not particularly selective about the soil on which it grows, but should not be preferred, with a pH of 6.0-6.5, sod-podzolic soil. The excess acidity of the soil is neutralized by calcification (making dolomite flour). The plant can withstand excessive moisture and moderate shade, but it certainly cannot withstand drought - grows weak, loses its decorative effect and has the ability to die at all. This should be taken into account when choosing a place for planting and more carefully. It is recommended to draw attention to the open, sunny, eastern area of ​​the site. I looked at the photograph as a well-kept, well-kept elderberry bush, and look at the photograph:

Shrubs are planted in autumn or spring, depending on the breeding method. In any case, dig a hole in advance (one month before the intended landing). The depth of the pit is 0.8 m and around 0.5 m. The ground from the upper layers of the channel is discarded in one direction and the deeper layers in another direction. At the bottom of the trench is the nutrient "pillow" consisting of these components:

soil excavated from surface layers;
7 kg high quality humus;
50 g. phosphates;
30 g. Potassium fertilizer.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Cover 2/3 of the bottom of the excavated pit. On the day of planting, the inside of the ditch is slightly loosened, the root part of the seedling is lowered here, sprinkled with soil previously extracted from the lower layers. Top sleep with residual fertilizer mixture. The trapped area around the body is irrigated with water (1-15 liters). When the liquid is sucked, a dowel is carefully attached to the seedling. See some of the main stages of an old black planting and caring for it in the future:

Although distinguished by plant assertiveness, it still requires some attention, but the bush cannot perform its decorative functions. The nature and quantity of maintenance measures depends on the season:

Spring. In March, there is a risk that the plant will suffer from temperature changes if the bark is heated by sunlight during the day and cools down quickly at night. All the forks are stained with lime mortar to prevent damage. If there are cracks or injuries caused by rodents on the body, all these “injuries yıkan should be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate covered with a garden curtain. Continue pruning on a thin and cold day. Dried, unhealthy, frozen shoots are subjected to screening. With the help of a secretary, you are given a clean look of the crown crown. Cutouts and cut-off points are treated with Nitrafen or Bordeaux liquid.
Summer. After flowering, special preparations are sprayed to the elderly to avoid damaging insects and powdery mildew. The soil is loosened and kept wet. In winter, the growth of basal shoots in frozen shrubs is activated. They are destroyed until the elderberry kendisini takes over “itself.
Autumn. Autumn means maintenance, watering, harvesting, preparation for winter. In September, medicinal fruits ripen in black elderberry, collected and processed appropriately. After that perform sanitary pruning. When the plant leaves the leaves, the fungicides are treated with insecticides. At the end of the month, they dig the soil around the trunk, heating the area with peat, humus or straw. Sometimes pre-fertilization.
Winter. To prevent root freezing, periodically snow around the trunks. Also make sure that the insulation mulch does not collapse.

A sufficient amount of water is needed for all types of elderberry: black, red, Canadian and others. Reduce watering frequency or eliminate it even during a rainy summer and when tree trunks mulch. Mulch (compost, straw, rotten manure) slows the rate of evaporation of moisture from the soil. At a particularly hot time, 10 liters of water is poured once a week under each bush.
Black elderberry species: types, care and cultivation of the Moscow region (illustrated)
The most popular, all recognizable appearance is elderberry black. Look at the variations in the photo - all with proper care can perform all decorative tasks:

To better understand how seniors look black, read the following description. This is a very productive shrub or a small (no more than 10 meters) tree. She loves sunlight but feels good in the shade. In adult specimens branched stems, gray-crusted, quite large (10-30 cm), strange-pinnate leaves, consist of 3-9 separate parts. Black elderberry cultivation and future care for it is simple. The flowers are collected in the form of a large inflorescence, shield, with a diameter of up to 25 cm: snow white or slightly yellowish tint, less often - pale pink. To find out how the elderly are blooming, you must wait for spring-summer. During flowering, a characteristic aroma that attracts insect-gathering plants is propagated. Black-purple colored, brightly colored fruits ripen near September with 2-3 bones and red pulp. They contain permanent pigment materials. The fruits of the black elderberry bush taste sour-sweet, the fruits as well as the bunch contain many biologically active ingredients. Therefore, cultivation of black elderberry is very important in alternative medicine. Medicinal extracts with valuable properties are prepared from vegetable raw materials:

bile, diuretic.

Raw materials for external use for hemorrhoids, burns, diaper rashes, ulcers, wounds. Delicious jam, marmalade, compotes are made of fruit, they make liquor. There are contraindications to the use (pregnancy, Crohn's syndrome, colitis, etc.). Leaves and bark are toxic to humans. The cultivation and care of black elderberry do not have any particular characteristics, they are carried out according to the general principles described in detail in the article. Black elderberry is also produced in standard ways - every gardener chooses the most suitable technique for himself. The next most popular varieties of black elderberry will be listed, which loves gardeners and is actively used by landscape designers:

Aurea. Lime color grows in the crown.

Luteovariegat to. The leaves initially have a bright yellow color and then become white-yellow.

Aureo-Variegata. Diversity is characterized by golden-colored leaves.

Albomarginat to. The leaves are pimples surrounded by a white band.

Argentee. There are green leaves on white leaves.

Guincho Mor. In the spring, crowns summer green - bright purple. The flowers are pink, slightly boring over time.

Black Beauty Purple leaves, pink panicles with a pleasant citrus scent will conquer every person. Purple-black fruits are edible.

Rotundifolia. A broad-leaved, slow-growing shrub. Flowering openwork, not abundant.

Sampo. It is valuable for industrial production with average brush parameters, but with appetizing fruits.

Due to the relatively resistance to frost, most of the varieties close to old black and Moscow described with severe climate are suitable. Before using the various parts for treatment or food, you should talk to an experienced plant specialist, a phytotherapist. This is necessary in order not to mix toxic edible species or to harm health with wrong dosages.
Red elderberry species: photos and description of varieties

Red elderberry ( Sambucus racemosa ) - a small, deciduous tree lineage starts from the mountainous parts of Western Europe. Its unique feature is a peculiar smell and beautiful, but inedible little red fruits. From the outside, the plant becomes particularly attractive only during fruiting. A copy is quite shade resistant, but it looks more impressive in good lighting conditions. The formative pruning has a very interesting, decorative, old red variety that successfully tolerates adverse weather conditions:

Grandma. Dwarf, compact form. The leaves have a pleasant golden crown with notches along the edges. The flowers are green-yellow and the fruits are bright red.

Sutherland Gold. Differs from Nana announced that the boundary pages were further truncated. The variety is resistant to sunlight.
Elderberry black: definition, cultivation, elderberry cultivation

The popular name of black elderberry is buzovnik. plant, bases, grizzly-tree, boznyak, desert, sambuk, wild cherry.

The general scientific name "Sambusus" derived from the ancient Greek word " sambux" - red dye plants associated with the use of fruits of another kind to paint fabrics. According to another version, the name comes from the name of a musical instrument - sambuk wood . The name Foodstalker indicates the possibility of making musical instruments from black elderberry. The noun comes from Latin , translated as black.

Many folks worshiped as a sacred tree. It was believed that a tree would never be struck by lightning, could not be brought into a house, and that it was impossible to heat the hearth.

Seeds, branches, bronze ages found by archaeologists during the excavation of people living in stone. Our ancestors assessed the characteristics of elderberry, and it was believed to be called black because it caused black disease.

Description of Elderberry

It can grow in the form of a different plant, a tree, shrub, perennial grass. Bark of wart with an unpleasant smell. The leaves are complex, consisting of 5-7 elliptical leaves. Individual brochures oval with an irregularly serrated, pointed, wedge-shaped base along the edge. Old flowers are small, fragrant, white or cream colored, often have an unpleasant odor. Fruits are black fruits. Depending on their variety, they are edible or poisonous. Blossoms in May, July. Fruity August, September.
Where the elderly grows

Black elderberry is common - West, Central, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, the Central Land Territory of Russia. Along the way, there are different types of forests, growing a tree growing among forest mountain passages.

Decoration of gardens, use as personal plots. Suitable for creating a landscape in a natural style, it fits perfectly into such a garden, looks great. Usually planted as a background plant, outbuildings, masking fences.

Grows well in sunny place, on fertile soil. It loses its decorative effect in the shade - the leaves become less bright and attractive. Canadians grow on medium acid, best grown soils, because soils containing red limestone are suitable for acidic ones.

Better plant in a place protected from the wind from the north. It needs moderate humidity, nutrients.

May, July blooms, fruits ripen in August, September, the leaves remain until the fall. Elderberry flowers are harvested in June and July. Cut dried, blooming under a canopy. The yield of finished raw materials is fresh 12%. Store for up to three years.

Black elderberry berries, slightly dried in the sun, cut in clusters. Only ripe fruits are suitable. Dry at a temperature of 60 degrees in a dryer. When the fruits are dry, sort, remove the stems, branches. Store for 6 months.

The leaves are collected in spring before flowering. Suitable for dry year.

The crust is harvested in early spring before the start of stem flow. Only the top layer is suitable. Elderberry bark must be dried very quickly at a temperature of 40 degrees to maintain its beneficial properties. Store for 3 years.

Roots are collected in autumn, dried, pulverized. Retains healing properties for 5 years.
Chemical composition

Fruits include:

ascorbic acid;
essential oil;
organic acids;
amino acids

Black elderberry color:

ascorbic acid;
essential oil;
chlorogenic, caffeic, valeric, malic, acetic acid;
fatty oil;

Fresh leaves - ascorbic acid, dry - sambunigrin, tar, small amounts of essential oil.

Elderberry black roots are tannins, bitter substances, saponins.


essential oil;
triterpene compounds;
betulin, ursolic acid methyl ester;
seryl alcohol;
organic acids, sugars;
witness, pectin substances.

Black elderberry seeds - sambunigrin, oily oil.
Elderberry application

Flowers increase lactation, contribute to sweating. Skin diseases are used in the treatment of infectious diseases in childhood. Flower aroma eliminates headaches.
fruits reduce body temperature, contribute to sweating. Fresh fruits are useful for rheumatism, gout, kidney disease.
infusion of leaves - takes fluid from the body, simplifies the delivery process. The steamed leaves are treated with hemorrhoids used as lotions. Stemless bathrooms with infusion aid.
neuralgia, joint inflammation applied to the problem area, chamomile and elderberry mixture is obtained.
colds, flu, sore throat, tracheitis, bronchitis, as diaphoretic - there is a detailed article about;
liver diseases such as choleretic;
swelling, rheumatism, gout, constipation;
decoction of the bark - laxative, diuretic, emetic effect;
outward - boiling astringent as inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, throat, burns, disinfectant.

Black ashberry juice

In September of the flowers, ripe black elderberry squeezes the juice. Strengthens the body, activates hormone production, increases the body's resistance. Good remedy for treatment: peptic ulcer, stomach cancer, acute respiratory infections, diabetes, hepatitis, rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, hepatitis.

juice - leave fresh berries sprinkled with sugar in a warm place for 24 hours. Cover, then store in refrigerator for six days. The drained juice is stored in a cool place. A glass of juice from 1 l. Three doses of honey should be drunk daily. Flower water takes an equal amount of honey. Accepted at table 1. Fruit juice 3 times a day with the same diseases.

Cooking Application

Black elderberry berries, Canadian elderberry edible. Sweet has a sour taste. It is used for sweet food, beverages, marmalade, jelly, compote, boiling, vinegar preparation, pie filling as additives in the preparation of white grape wine. Flowers adds tea. The beverage becomes fragrant and healing.

Tonic: 8 crushed leaves, boil over low heat in 250 ml water for a quarter of an hour. For a drink before or after breakfast.

Berry puree : washed fruits, grind, add 1 kg sugar to 1.5 kg berries, boil. Cook for 10 minutes with constant stirring. After cooling in a water bath, boil to 1/3 of its volume. Ready for banks, sterilized for 15 minutes, closed, cooled.

Jam: Pour the warm syrup of washed black elderberry berries. 1 kg of fruit, 1 kg of sugar, 0.2 liters of water. Keep in syrup for at least 8 hours to prepare. Prepared in sterile jars.

Application in other areas

fabrics black, blue colors. Mix the juice of the fruits with green vitriol to get black, obtained by mixing the blue juice with alum;
There was a time when used to make ink;
scent scares harmful insects;
fruit juice used in the fight against bedbugs;
flowers contribute to the preservation of apples in the basement, improves the aroma;
detectors plozhozorok in the garden, fields, stains;
good honey plant can be planted next to beehives;
wood - making nails, crafts .

Elderly treatment

Infusion of black elderberry : take a tablespoon of finely chopped flowers for cooking, then add 250 ml boiling water, cover with a lid and wait a quarter of an hour. Take a warm 100ml 15 minutes before meals.

tincture: mix 150ml alcohol, 750ml fruit juice, 30g linden honey. Insist on a dark, cool place for two weeks. Drink 25ml three times before meals.

Infusion of fruits: about three spoons of fruit, add 0.6 liters of pre-chilled boiled water. Cover the mixture with a lid, leave overnight. Drink once a day as a laxative for 3/4 cups.

Infusion of leaves or bark : 2ch.l. Raw material, pour a glass of cold water, heat to boil, strain quickly. Take all day with swelling, urinary retention, irregular stool, rheumatism and small sips.

Broth: 250ml tablespoons of minced roots brew boiling water. Leave everything for 15 minutes on low heat, strain in half an hour. Sclerosis, heart pain, shortness of breath, insomnia, palpitations - one tablespoon of 3 times a day.

Tablespoons brew a glass of boiling water with finely chopped leaves : rheumatism, diabetes, dripping, edema, gout . Fire for five minutes. When it is cool to drink three times a day. You can also make applications.

Mastopathy, uterine fibroids, thyroid disease, good blood cleansing, tonic and anti-inflammatory agent: in a three-liter jar, a 2 cm layer on the fruit, then the same layer is poured on sugar. Cover with gauze, place in a cool place for one day. Drain the resulting water. Take one teaspoon, half an hour before meals, 3 times a day. The course is 3 months.

Inflammation of the eyelids: add 200 ml of water to a tablespoon of fruit, boil, reduce heat, boil for 3 minutes, cool, strain. Prepare the lotions half an hour before bedtime. Lesson - for healing.

pigmentation: 1st.l. dry flowers pour 200 ml warm water, leave for half an hour. Immerse a napkin into the infusion, add to the problem area after 5 minutes, moisten again in solution and reattach to the problem area. Do 4-5 times. The procedure is performed regularly once a day.

Hemorrhoids, boils, diaper rashes, burns: page 3 l. Young leaves are boiled in milk for 5 minutes, then wrapped in cheesecloth, lotions are used, compacted.

Hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis: put 5 layers of elderberry leaves on flanges, sprinkle baking soda, cover with paper, then with flannel. Perform a compression of the thyroid gland for 2 hours.

Treatment of constipation: 3 hl Elderberry berries pour 200 ml cold water, leave for 12 hours, strain. Warm interior. Or fill the ripe berries with sugar per 1 liter jar into a glass of sugar. Keep the mixture on low heat for 1/4 hour. Airtightly closed in sterilized jars. Take three. 3 times per day.

Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve: combines the juice of berries and fruit wine in equal parts. 3. 2 times a day before meals. The course is a week.

Boiling water 20 g flowers per liter, thermos night stand : colds, wheezing in the chest, dry cough, arthritis, gout, rheumatism . Morning strain. Drink a glass 3 times a day. Good blood cleansing agent.

Furunculosis, cleanser: Ripe fruits are put into a bowl for 5 days for fermentation, then boiled for 1 hour to low quarters. Strain, add an equal amount of sugar, 10 lemon juice, still fry on low heat for half an hour. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day after meals.

arthritis: aged, leaf, stem, willow bark, evenly mixed flowers. A tablespoon of collection 250 brew boiling water, boil for five minutes, cool, filter. Drink two glasses of broth a day.

bath: chops aged roots. Take 30 g dry leaves, roots, boil 1 liter boiling water, let stand for two hours. Bathe for 1/4 hour before going to bed. Temperature 36-37 degrees. Course - 12 bathrooms. Effective with gout, rheumatism, obesity.

Collection for angina: 20g black elderberry blossom, add 10 g with roots and flowers. The resulting collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Use for rinsing when it is cool.

Lotion: a handful of flowers, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist, filter. Keep refrigerated. Lotion tones rejuvenate skin Wipe your face with black elderberry lotion in the morning and evening.

Headache: applies infusion of flowers. Take 2ch. Dried flowers are added to 250 ml boiling water, filtered after 20 minutes. A quarter cup of honey before meals.

Contraindications: pregnancy, children under 12 years, individual intolerance. Overdose and nausea leads to vomiting.

Elderberry belongs to perennial plants and honeysuckle family. Both black and red - a large shrub or a low tree. Flowering starts in May and lasts until mid-June. The flowers are small, yellowish white in color and give a pleasant aroma. Fruits ripen from August to September. The healing properties of elderberry are known from ancient times.
Grows in gardens

Usually, gardeners plant a plant on plots for decorative purposes. For this purpose, special varieties are used, for example, “black lace olan with pink and black petals and pink flowers.

For rapid rooting, it is recommended that the bushes be planted in well-lit places by the sun and watered well. In early spring, fertilization plants are built and in summer, fertilizer is added to active growth in irrigation water.

Use the following mixture when transporting bushings:

on peat and some of the sand;
two grounded land.

Where is it growing?

In nature, red and black elderberry can be found on the edges of forests, meadows, waste areas, roads, cemeteries and dump sites. Grows in shade and sunny places, usually surrounded by thickets of kinoa and nettle. In Russia, is found in the middle and southeast belt.
Canadian elderberry

Homeland is considered North America, the plant is resistant to the climate of the central region. Landscape designers fell in love with the Canadian elderberry for their perfect decoration. Leaves can reach 30 cm and umbrellas of inflorescences of snow-white - 25 cm, fruits are burgundy, edible.

Forty different elderberry species are known in nature. Black and red are the most common in Russia. Culture, weather resistant, does not require special care.

Hippocrates believed that many diseases could be cured by applying elderberry. An eighteenth-century doctor, Zikkerot, suggested that the flowers of the plant dry out at home and take jams in the event of a disease of the bladder, kidneys or colds.

Almost all plants are used in folk recipes: from fruits and seeds to roots and leaves. They are used in pharmacology, folk medicine, cooking, as a decorative ornament and in other fields. A bright example of such versatile use is the black elderberry.
Kara Mürver: General Information

Black elderberry is a shrub of the same name belonging to the Adox family. Some examples reach 10 when its height can reach 2-6 meters . The leaves are large, reach 30 cm and consist of 3-7 leaflets. The flowers are small, up to 8 mm, individual specimens are white with a yellowish hue. In the spring and summer, in the spring and flowering period 10-25 cm in diameter, collected in elderly flowers. Fruits are black-purple color, flesh is red, fruits are small, 2-4 stones. Fruits ripen in late summer-early autumn. It has an unpleasant odor that helps to escape from animals.

Almost all parts of the elderberry contain useful substances used in medicine and folk recipes:

Roots include tannins and saponins;
In the shell - essential oil, tannins and pectic substances, organic acids and sugars;
Ascorbic acid, carotene, tar, essential oil (small amount) is found in leaves;
The flowers are rich in organic acids, glucose, tannins, mineral salts and resins, there are also some essential oils;
The seeds contain oil oil;
In fruits - acids and amino acids, sugars, carotene, tannins.

It contains 100 grams of elderberry, 73 calories, 11.5 grams of carbohydrate and 0.5 grams of protein and fat.
Distribution and reproduction of elderberry

Where does a black old grow? You can meet him mostly in subtropical and temperate climates . You can meet the bushes:

In Russia, black elderberry grows in the south of the European part and in some southern regions of Siberia. It grows not only in Central and South Africa, but also in South America. Selects plant forests, edges, meadows, empty spaces, roads, cemeteries and garbage areas. Nettle and quinoa thickets are easy to find.
Elderberry cultivation in gardens

Many of them grow a plant in gardens and in the garden. For decorative purposes, special varieties are often used, such as "Eve" ("Black Lace") with black and pink petals and pinkish flowers.

It is recommended to plant well in the bushes, planted on a sunny side and in plenty of water. If necessary and for a stronger growth in the summer, you can add fertilizer, it is recommended to make reinforcement in early spring. When sowing young bushes, it is recommended to use part of a torus piece, a piece of sand and a mixture of two pieces of humus and sod.

Seniors are spread in several ways:

Seeds: sown in the autumn, a year later spring sprouts emerge in a permanent place.
Cuttings: In summer, green cuttings are cut from the bushes, cuttings are cut and rooted.
Challenge: This is the most time-consuming and effective solution. Green shoots bend to the ground and are found in the grooves covered with soil. A year later, the shoots can be carefully separated from the main shrub and sown.

Elderberry collection and storage

Apply mostly flowers and fruits in traditional medicine.

Elderly needs protect in a dry and dark place , with a constant air flow. The logs are extremely capricious, easily molded in the presence of moisture and moisture. They must be constantly checked and spoiled.
Useful features

There is a legend that tells the exact healing properties of elderberry.Once, centuries ago, a prince disappeared in a hunt and came across a hut where an old man sat and cried on his porch. Asked about the cause of Prince's grief, the old man complained that his father had beaten him; because he accidentally transferred his grandfather from the bench to the stove and dropped it.

After entering the hut, the prince saw two older men who were still in perfect health. They said that the secret of their longevity was in the berries of elderberry, whose bushes grow near their gardens.

Elderberry is used to treat various diseases:

For the normalization of metabolic processes and in violation of the gastrointestinal tract, as diuretic and constipation;
In cases of influenza, viral infections, migraine, fever, perspiration, and expectorant cough of a large number of diseases;
Can be used for diseases of the female reproductive system;
Skin rashes, pustules, conjunctivitis;
Recommended as anesthetics and sedatives for strengthening and enhancing immunity;
Elderly seed oil helps the gut, root infusion cleans the kidneys, fusion of the shell helps to cope with the bladder.

In addition, the plant is used for:

Coloring in dark colors of silk and cotton;
As an active ingredient in cosmetics;
Branches and bark, mites and pests, small rodents;
When cooking jam, jam, syrup, compote, wine, tea and pastries are often added as a natural dye. The juice can be squeezed from the fruit, but should be applied with caution: no more than 200 ml per day and should be mixed with honey evenly. Drink half an hour before meals.

A few recipes

Use elderberry in the form of figs and decoction. .

Also elderberry can be used externally:

Rheumatism, gout and ear pains: Chamomile and old flowers are mixed in equal amounts, tied to a gauze bag, boiled with boiling water and applied to the throat area.
For inflammations, diaper rashes and burns: young leaves are boiled in milk for 5 minutes, then applied to the skin.

It should be noted that the old plant is poisonous. Except for the essence of fruits and flowers, there is weak poison in the entire bush, but is still found in the seeds. Pulp is required when using fruits.

Treatment with elderberry is only possible after consultation with a doctor and in full compliance with his recommendations. The plant is contraindicated in:

With allergies and intolerances;
During pregnancy and during the feeding of the baby;
Diabetes mellitus and gastric ulcer;
Children under 12 years.

Black elderberry has a number of side effects that can occur during overuse of the plant. The most common symptoms are vomiting, nausea and other poisoning. In this case, you should consult an emergency doctor. It is worth remembering that elderberry is particularly dangerous to animals - you cannot allow them to use it.

The relative of the black elderberry - the red elderberry - is extremely dangerous in any form. It is very toxic, but it is possible to distinguish both species only at the beginning of their maturation. If you are unsure, do not buy fruits from new locations. Less damage can not bring grassy elderberry.

Unripe fruits should not be consumed - they can cause serious poisoning.

Black elderberry is traditionally used in medicine to help cope with various diseases. It can be used fresh or dried, and can be dried or purchased at the pharmacy for future use. It should be remembered that the plant is poisonous and therefore its use as a medicine should be understood by the doctor.

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