Friday, August 30, 2019

Muscle Milk Pro Series Protein Shake, Knockout Chocolate, 40g Protein, 14 FL OZ, 12 Count

How to print the press at home? What to do to make the dice press? Exercises for overprinting

Muscle Milk Pro Series Protein Shake, Knockout Chocolate, 40g Protein, 14 FL OZ, 12 Count

Inflated press may seem an unattainable target for some people, but it is possible to achieve this by following the right methods. If you pay attention to your diet and your class with the relevant exercises, you can briefly "suppress" the cube. The fastest way to pump the press at home or in the gym is to evaluate the original data and capabilities in a comprehensive and accurate way.

Yes, it is not possible to press 20% subcutaneous fat and more pressure in a week. However, if you have a very flat stomach, but you want to bake cubes, you can adjust your diet and exercises slightly, do a series of exercises and see the result in a week.

It is possible to dice quickly on the abdomen, but pumping the pressure within a week containing a large amount of subcutaneous fat will not work. If you have a fat percentage of about 10-12%, you can quickly increase the relaxation of the abdominal muscles with the help of nutrition and the right exercises. If the percentage of fat in the abdomen is much higher, you must first shake the cubes with relief.
Include carbohydrates in the diet

One of the secrets of Germany is the ideal inflated press - Eat too much carbohydrates. If your diet is unhealthy, it is impossible to pump the desired balanced delivery pressure. Eat cereals because they are rich in fiber and are slowly digested. Refined carbohydrates are a fast source of energy, which is not suitable for long exercises. Eat buckwheat, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge and brown rice.
Eat healthy proteins

To build muscle quickly, your body needs the right proteins. Eat plenty of protein for breakfast. If the first meal contains protein, you won't get hungry. This will help you burn excess fat and make your abdominal muscles more visible. Chicken, egg whites and Greek yogurt.
Consume the right foods to quickly develop cubes.

Most processed food you purchase contains too many calories and too little nutrients. They contain a lot of sugar and fat and do not contribute to weight loss and excellent pressure. Avoid products that contain oil, corn syrup, artificial colors and sweeteners. Add vegetables and fruits to your diet to give the abdominal muscles the energetic nutrients you need to grow.
Drink plenty of water

Consuming large amounts of water helps to lose weight and . This is very important if you are trying to speed up perfect printing. Close all sweet drinks like soda and juices, because they contain much sugar.
Cooking in tricks

You don't have to open yourself if you want to get a taut belly When you do not eat, your body cannot take all the necessary calories and stores it as fat. When you eat more than one dose, your metabolism is accelerated and you have enough energy for training.
Quickly pump presses into cubes: training

A healthy diet is an important feature, but you can also play sports if you want to get the perfect press . Try to Kar cube ına your abdominal muscles, not just on them. All the muscles of the body must be tightened and you need to have a good muscle mass, it helps to burn more calories and lose more fat even at rest.

The best exercises for the muscles of the press:

Legs prone with lifting bending
lies lie

Regular exercise helps strengthen your shoulders, back and abs. To make muscles, you must work on the muscles of the entire body, not just the abdomen. Ideal weight training includes exercises for all muscle groups:

barbell presses
dumbbell exercises

Cardio workouts are valuable for those who want to get the perfect abs fast. Regular cardio exercises burn too much fat. Include some in your cardio routines:


We gathered in one place.

High intensity training with short breaks will be most effective. Diversify exercises to challenge your body. Your task is to train different muscle groups during each exercise. Exercises are useless if you do the same programs every day.
Quickly press the cubes: a series of exercises

Use these exercises to train your abdominal muscles.

According to the materials:

Greetings to everyone on my blog! My name is Vitaliy Okhrimenko And I am sure that today's article, regardless of gender and age, will certainly benefit everyone. After all, nobody wants to have a dangling belly and those who already have it want to get rid of it. It will also be useful to learn in general, well, for those gourmets.

It was quite logical to write an article about this blog from the first days of the press. In the end, the press is all about the subject of the blog. And I don't even know when I would have done it if it wasn't for my old friend who wanted me to write a paper on how to print it. So we can confidently say that this is the first private blog post!

The truth is, my old friend Nikita now lies with a broken hip moving from her own belly growth rate to crutches and one of them.

Nikitos, my friend, but now you can't shake a press, so these suggestions lie quietly until you get better. We wish you a quick recovery! The only thing I can say is to learn to live with someone drawn in the belly. Tighten the press muscles, always alert: sit down at the computer, eating, watching television. At first glance, this advice seems ridiculous, but it really works - if you constantly tighten your abdominal muscles, your stomach will go away!

When the hello is complete, continue the trial.
The charm of a powerful press

The muscle of the press is perhaps the most glamorous muscle in the bodies of both men and women. When we meet a representative of the opposite sex, we unintentionally decide whether a person is eligible by the press. If in winter there is still an opportunity to store a belly dangling, then summer will reveal who is eating up and who is so educated. Don't worry, before the summer you still have time to fix it! In addition to the visual jewelery, the pump press also plays a practical service:

The press holds all internal organs in the abdominal cavity!
The press plays a balancing role for the whole body.
The press has its own function in almost all sports (except perhaps poker and chess).
A man with a strong press is more determined, agile and agile.

Before learning the secrets of pumping the press effectively, it makes sense to understand what the press is.

The press is a kind of stabilization of four muscles of the body:

rectus abdominis;
internal oblique abdominal muscles;
external oblique abdominal muscles;
transverse abdominal muscle.

In addition to the transverse muscle, the internal oblique muscles of the press also play a stabilizing role and cannot be seen from the outside. Therefore, we have completely forgotten them, and in order to visualize our stomach, we remember that we must first pump the rectus abdominis muscle and, in parallel, we operate the oblique abdominal muscles.
Myths about the press

How to print quickly and effectively?

If you receive such a request on the search engine Yandex or Google, most of the top ranked sites are listed. On the one hand, this is good and right, the exercises are the foundation for building the body and the press. On the other hand, first of all, you just can't do a beautiful relief print to do your exercise. Why is that? Read to the end and learn!
How to press girls effectively pumped

When you work in the press every beauty that visits this page, it doesn't matter whether you're a man or a woman, especially I've created a separate title. The muscles are the same, the complexes are the same. Basically the only difference is that it makes it easier for boys to pump the dice that attract attention, rather than girls.

The essence of this theory is that the genetic level of the girl is predisposed to the thickened fat layer on the waist, nature does not do much to make fun of nice ladies, but gives every girl the opportunity to give and give birth to a strong and healthy child.

I don't want you to misunderstand my words: today will be a bad wife for your future baby. On the contrary, trained muscles will help your baby feel more comfortable in the womb. And here again, without the extremes, it is not worth shaking the press during pregnancy. It is better to wait a little and after reading the article to get the job actively.

Yes, and it's not worth the press to avoid abuse during menstruation. Three days a month, you can do it without training.

I can't see why you press the cubes

There are only two reasons:

The muscles of the press are not developed enough to draw cubes.
There is no pressure due to the fat layer.

It's not the most difficult to build abdominal muscles. The hardest part of getting rid of the fats. And if you still remember that the fat from the abdomen is going to the last place, it would be a bit uncomfortable. But don't worry, it's all in our power!
An integrated approach to effective press inflation

We're here with you and we went to the hottest place of this article. You can tell the fire. Now we took a fire extinguisher and drove it. Based on the above, we have set ourselves two goals:

Reduce the amount of oil.
Pump strong abdominal muscles.

Since it is not possible to remove the oil only from the problem areas, we will remove it from the whole body. It is good for health and overall appearance. What do we need for that?
Three conditions for the press

Cardio training.
Proper nutrition.

Let us examine the three points in more detail.
Cardio for the press

Perhaps there is no better way to get rid of subcutaneous fat from the cardio. Of course, with an adequate diet, then with it. The key to cardio is that half an hour of cardiovascular training can burn more calories than two hours of weight training. What kind of cardio is most effective? No recommendations. Cardio is good in any way. Cycling, swimming, swimming, etc. The main thing is to work our hearts in one mode for a long time, which will turn our oil into an energy source.
You should count your pulse for cardio.

How? Almost every cardio machine has a heart rate monitor, you can also purchase a heart rate monitor separately. Why is that? At the right pulse, 15-20 minutes after the start of cardio training, the body begins to use fatty acids as an energy source. If the pulse is below the lower mark, then the body will have sufficient glucose and muscle glycogen as an energy source. And if it's above the upper mark, you get tired before subcutaneous fat starts to burn.
How do you calculate the upper and lower pulse levels?

A Finnish medical scientist once prepared a formula for cardiovascular exercises that can calculate upper and lower heart rates. Formula for calculating cardio pulse rate (220 - age) * 0.6 = lower heart rate with cardio. (220 - age) * 0.8 = Cardio and upper heart rate. I will calculate in my own example:

(220-25) * 0.6 = 117 beats / min - lower limit;

(220 - 25) * 0.8 = 156 strokes / min - upper limit.

Accordingly, regardless of the cardio exercise I have chosen, my pulse should remain between 117 and 156 beats per minute throughout the exercise. Accordingly, as you approach 156, cardio is heavier and more effective, closer to 117, cardio is more noticeable.
When to do cardio?

Ideal for doing cardio on an empty stomach in the morning. But in the modern world, not everyone can afford such a distribution. If you belong to the majority, do cardio for 5 minutes before training and 30–50 minutes after strength training. Both morning cardio and cardio are good after training because there are very few glycogen reserves in the body and you don't want it, but our body will need to get energy from subcutaneous fat.
Proper nutrition for the press

Today we will discuss only basic information in this area and if you want to have more in-depth knowledge, then you can read it. Let's mark the difference now. We're talking about proper nutrition, but not about diet. The diet is nothing short term and after the completion of the diet, the body tries to fill a lost kilogram and even stock up new ones in case of another diet.
7 secrets of proper nutrition
Trainings for the press

I think you expect the most effective exercises to start from the first line. Initially, I was thinking of starting with them, but this article was so bulky that it would be a crime to force the exercises here. I put them on a separate publication:
How do I pump the press video effectively?

Powerful press! Until new, exciting meetings ...

Sincerely, Vitaliy Okhrimenko !

There are more people in the world who are constantly pioneering a healthy lifestyle and have never thought before. But sooner or later, each of us concludes that we have to change something in ourselves. Some of them dream of losing excess weight, others - pump the muscles and ask questions, for example: how to press the pump at home.

As winter progresses and the approaching summer grows more and more, especially with regard to the lower abdomen, the problem of a beautiful, pumped figure increases.

Not everyone can visit the gym, maybe you don't have time for it, but there are exercises that can even be done at home.

In addition to all kinds of exercise, you should ensure proper nutrition, which is the best expert in combating an ugly stomach. It is believed that 60% of the success in this difficult issue depends on what we eat.

Only the home press pump can be sampled all day long, but will not give a visible result. Yes, the abdominal muscles will gain flexibility and relaxation, but they will also hide under a thick layer of fat. First you need to get rid of unnecessary subcutaneous oils.

The percentage in the body should not be between 8 - 10%. Only at first glance, it is difficult to reach such a conclusion, in fact everything becomes much easier. Properly selected, regulates nutrition and then - the transition to a balanced diet - the solution to this problem.


Consider the situation when you need to pump the cubes. The stomach has a smooth muscle that needs to be trained. There is a conditional division into the upper, middle and lower press. From here, we can decide that focusing on the sub-press will use all areas.

The most effective is, of course, bending. We also bring your attention to a number of other exercises. 8 exercises will help you pump the pressure at home.

The program is called P90X Ab Ripper and requires only 15 minutes 3-4 times a week.

How to train a press at home (exercises for abdominal pressure):

Reverse twist. In this exercise, the highest load is given to the press. From him and start training. Take the supine position, put your hands on the seams and put your hands on the floor. Lift the straightened legs, bend their knees and try to curl into a ball. While doing this exercise, strain alternately and pull the pressure on yourself. Perform 4 sets of 15 times.
Bike. Sitting on the floor. Rest your palms on the ground surface, pull one leg, then the other on your chest, imagine cycling. Exercise is done "forward" for 25 seconds and "back" for 25 seconds.
Tighten the legs. Bend your knees to the floor with your feet without leaving the starting position of the previous exercise. Lean on the palms, stretch your legs, but do not flatten them to the end, pull them towards your chest and return to an almost flattened state.
Twist "Frog". Sitting position, feet touching the ground. Raise both legs and press on your chest, try to pinch your knees with your hands, but do not touch them. Then straighten your legs and spread your arms. You can also do this exercise with legs from a distance.
Full twist with divorced legs. Lying on the floor, legs apart. Raise the trunk and try to reach your left hand while your left hand is pulled to the left with your right hand. Repeat everything from the beginning by changing hands.
"Piper's Shears." Lying on the floor, legs folded, arms in stitches. Gently lift one foot up, then when you return to the second, back to the starting position, the legs should not touch the ground, but should always remain in weight.
Remove the knees and pelvis. The initial position is similar to the previous one, with palms resting on the ground. Feet knees together. Raise your legs without using your hands and try to pull the pelvis to the floor as far as possible. Knees should always be kept apart.
Lift straight legs up. Same starting position. Raise your straightened legs perpendicular to the base surface. Try as much as possible to pull the pelvis off the surface without helping the hands.

Stable exercises and diet - the key to success in getting a beautiful relief press. Now you know how to build a press at home and everything depends on your focus.

Modern life sets its own rules and from time to time it is difficult to devote one or two hours to a high quality muscle workout. There's no opportunity to practice in the gym, but you want a pressured press?

If you don't have time to go to the gym, it's time to set up a gym at home and learn how to quickly pump a press at home with minimal equipment! In this article, you will find advice on how a professional trainer can pump his press quickly and accurately.
Home exercise principles for the press

This is what expert Vladislav Berlizev said about home education:

Exercises for the press outside the gym are similar to gym exercises, with the exception of lifting feet hanging on bars without bars and exercises on the bench. Twist can be different: straight legs, legs, bent knees, legs lifting, body tilted with rotation, with weights - a great choice!

For harmonious development, pay more attention to the exercises in which all parts work. For this, it is necessary to point out the problem areas of abdominal pressure.

Do all the exercises before muscle failure. When you adapt to the load, you can add weight.
Best exercises for quick press at home


Install bends from the rear with the bodibar to pump the press at home. This exercise works well in the oblique abdominal muscles and offers several variations: one can be made inclined, sitting and standing.

Keep your feet in weight

Another effective exercise can be done such as sitting on the floor or on another surface and lifting the vise legs. Knees together and slightly bent. Pull your knees towards your body and do not lower it when you return to its original position. The feet must be in constant weight. Note that this exercise is also done with a short amplitude. Pressing muscles work effectively at home and in the gym.

By the way, if you can go to the gym for training, this perfect program will help you create the perfect print!

Training program to inflate the press at home

To start, warm up and continue the main workout. Bring each approach to muscle failure, the pause between approaches is 45-60 seconds. After completing the exercises, take time to stretch for better muscle healing.
Downloading the press at home

Try this work to press the press at home and you won't want to say that you don't have time to go to the gym and do sports! Now the gym is at home! If you decide to visit the fitness center, this is a suitable video program for the press.

Add to this the right nutrition and sports supplements and you will soon see the results. A great press real at home!



Every girl wants to have a beautiful tense figure, an equal posture. A flat stomach is one of the main advantages of an attractive female figure. Thanks to the improved abdominal muscles, the waist is thinner and the hips are thinner. Do I have to go to the gym and work on simulators to get great results on a flat stomach or at home? Many women are interested in how to pump a girl home as soon as possible.

Select the load for the press, considering the individual features. Decide when and when it is appropriate. Ideal time in the morning before breakfast. It is better to be busy once or three times a week.
When practicing, it is important to pay attention to proper breathing. Must be tense while breathing muscles. When you force the muscles to climb, try to pull the front wall of the abdomen as far as possible. Remember, the abdominal wall should be injected continuously.
Even with post-exercise pain, you should continue training.
When applying presses, it is recommended not to pump. Exercise quickly and repeatedly to get rid of excess weight. If the target is a steel press, perform all movements at a very slow speed. Develop various approaches. The optimal number of repetitions for women is 10 times.
Warm up the muscles before training. Warm-up, jogging on the floor, jumping with a skipping rope or dancing are suitable.
Do not exercise immediately after meals and before bedtime.
Carefully follow the technique of performing all movements. During physical exertion, the press is continuously stretched.
Actual results can only be achieved by intensive training.
Beginners should gradually increase the load. Start with a journey and slowly bring up to 4 approaches.
As you approach, make sure you follow your senses and watch for the muscles to work.

What is abdominal muscles

The abdominal muscles or abs consist of three groups:

Upper muscle group;
Lower muscle group;
Oblique or lateral muscle group (external and internal).

The rectus muscle has vertically placed tendons on the abdomen that contribute to the formation of cubes. Therefore, an erroneous view arises, which usually requires only an average press to load.

Rapid pumping of the abdominal muscles is only possible by the regular performance of the complex, which acts on three main muscle groups.

What to do to make the dice press?

Do exercises at home on the abdominal muscles, you can achieve the appearance of cubes. It will help with a special physical complex aimed at improving every area of ​​the muscles of the press.

Work on top. Accept the rope reach out, bending the knees, hands on the head. Breath - as you go up, while breathing - go down. Repeat 25 times for 3 sets.
Work at the bottom. Take a horizontal position, lower your arms across the body. Straighten your legs and lift them off the floor at a 45 ° angle. Repeat 15 times in two batches.
Work on oblique muscles. While lying on your back, bend your arms near the back of your head, pressing your legs to your knees, without pressing your hips. The right elbow leads to the knee of the left leg. The waist is pressed continuously to the ground. Twist had to do 25 times in two approaches. Little by little, try to increase the number of repetitions. By doing these exercises for women, you can create press blocks.

Press for the week - reality or legend?

Often, women have a question: “Can the press print at home in a week? Iyle With the proper performance of physical complexes, their alternation and proper loading will occur in seven days as a result of increased muscle tone and removal of excess water from the body during training. The actual result in the form of growing muscles, appearing cubes - normal classes of at least 1 month.

Training program for women designed for 2-3 lessons per week with different exercise systems. Perform 15-20 repetitions of three sets each.

Main exercise types:

Twist - From the supine position, bend the legs to the knees and the lock arms behind the arms. Rise with shoulder blades up to 30 centimeters from the floor, hold for at least 3-4 seconds.
Bend - lean on belly, legs straight arms tied behind back. The higher you lift your upper body off the ground, the better. After lifting, exhale slowly and exhale 5 times.
Lift your legs - lying on your back, gently lift your legs straight up.
Accordion - straighten your legs from the sitting position. Lift them gently up to 30 cm off the floor, rest for a few seconds, then pull them towards your chest.
Weight steps - an outstretched pose, legs straight, hands joined behind a head. Remove the legs at an angle of 45 degrees and begin to "walk" quickly.
Twist on the side - lying on your back, bend your legs to your knees and pull it towards your chest. The upper body is well secured, the legs pass from one side to the other.
Scissors - stand horizontal, lift legs 30 cm from the floor.

Complex No. The exercises of 1 are repeated 15-20 times in 3 approaches:

Raise the legs from the prone position;
Accordion ";
Side bending. "

Complex №2 consists of exercises that need to be repeated 15-20 times in three approaches:

Steps in weight ";
Lifting the legs and pelvis from the lying position;

Applies complex numbers of 3 to 15-20 repetitions each in 3 sets:

Correct the legs.

Every day, morning or evening, etkileyen Vacuum etkileyen exercise that affects the muscles in the abdomen is useful.

Execution technique:

While standing or lying;
Take a slow and deep breath through your nose;
Fully exhale the air and force it to pull;
Stop for 15 seconds and relax. 10 repetitions are enough for a start.

Muscle Milk Pro Series Protein Shake, Knockout Chocolate, 40g Protein, 14 FL OZ, 12 Count