Friday, August 30, 2019

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Muscle Building and Building (Giant Guide)

Glucerna Hunger Smart, Diabetes Nutritional Shake, To Help Manage Blood Sugar, Rich Chocolate, 10 fl oz, 24 Count

More power means more muscle. The heavier weights you lift, the stronger your body and the larger your muscles grow. Your muscles increase in size, so they can lift heavy weights. So the power is great - lifting heavy weights and gaining muscle mass naturally.
Most people try to build muscle by performing high-resistance exercises such as pumps and pain. However, this rarely works because you cannot lift it heavy enough to trigger muscle growth. Those who are already strong or doping can only build muscle by doing isolation exercises.

Natural athletes need complex exercises to build muscle. Mostly you need to stay at Squat, Bench, Deadlift, OHPress and Row. Do this and you can gain muscle as well as very good muscle without using doping or training more than three times a week.

This is the definitive guide to building natural muscle.

How to make muscle?
The biggest mistake people make is that they train like pro bodybuilders. Many bodybuilders use doping, but they won't tell you. And they seldom built the size of their muscle mass through routine routines. So bodybuilding routines don't work for most people. These are employees…
Get Stronger. The best bodybuilders out there are powerful. They knew more force was more muscle. Increase your Squat to 140kg / 300lb, Bench Press to 100kg / 220lb and Deadlift to 180kg / 400lb. The overall muscle mass will increase because the force is large.
Add weight. Forget the pump and the pain. Instead, focus on adding weight to the bar. Try to remove more than last time. You'll be more powerful that will increase your overall muscle mass. If you don't do more than last month or year today, you're not building muscle.
Do complex exercises. Do exercises that do several muscle workouts at the same time. You will be able to lift heavy weights that will trigger more muscle growth. The majority of the routine should consist of Squats, Bench, Deadlift, Overhead Press and Barbell Line.
Use Barbells. You can lift heavier weights with more barbells than other tools. You also need to balance the weight yourself. Barbell allows you to build more muscles and trigger more growth. Use free weights not connected to machines. Start lightly to avoid injury and use the appropriate form.
Increase the frequency. The more often you develop a muscle, the more you will trigger to grow. The more you exercise, the faster your technique develops, the more severe it can become. Squat, bench press and pully three times a week.
Improvement. Your muscles need to heal to grow stronger and bigger than your exercises. They won't get better if you work hard every day. Even the mind needs a break. Take three to four rest days per week. Help your muscles heal by taking plenty of food, water and sleep.
Eat too much. Your body uses food to feed the exercises and heals the muscles. If there is a lack of food, your muscles cannot heal or grow. Most men need at least 3000 kcal / day to build muscle. Weak men showing high metabolism need more to gain weight.
Eat protein. Your body uses protein to build new muscle and regains damaged muscle tissue after exercise. To maximize muscle healing and build muscle, 2.2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight is required. For a man of 80kg / 175lb there is about 175 grams of protein per day.
Be realistic. You cannot get steroid-like results without using steroid-like results. You can't go back to Arnold in three months because it takes time to build muscle. Celebrities set unrealistic expectations. Stop trying to look like them. Focus on improving yourself. That'il disappoint you.
Be consistent. Most men gain 0.25kg / 0.5lb lean muscle a week if they do an effective training program and eat well. You can't get a muscle faster than that. It takes a year to gain 12kg / 24lb lean muscle and see dramatic change. Consistency is therefore key.

Muscle Gain Rate
Most men can gain 0.25kg / 0.5lb lean muscle a week when they start lifting. This is 1 kg / 2 lb muscle per month or 12 kg / 24 lb. per year. This assumes that you are performing an effective training program, such as 5 × 5, and is consistent if you are well fed. After the first year, muscle gains slow down.
Effective Training
Weekly Muscle Gain
Monthly Muscle Gain
Annual Muscle Gain
1 year
0.25kg / 0.5lb
1 kg / 2 lb
12kg / 24lb
2 years
0.12kg / 0.25lb
0.5kg / 1lb
6kg / 12lb
3 years
too small to watch
0.25kg / 0.5lb
3kg / 6lb
When you begin lifting, your body weight may increase by 1 kg / 2 lb more per month. Your muscles store glycogen to feed your exercises. The glycogen binds to water, which causes water retention and a fuller appearance. This water weight increases your body weight. But it's not pure muscle.
Some men can gain more than 1 kg / 2 lb of muscle per month. Young people gain muscles faster because they have more testosterone. Weak children gain muscles faster because they do not gain weight. Thanks to muscle memory, there are people who have previously collected muscles faster. And drugs change everything.
On the other hand, older people gain muscle more slowly because they have less testosterone. The same in women - they usually gain only half of the muscles or 6 kilos in the first year. Powerful lifters get muscles slower than weaker ones because they have more muscle mass.
But on average, you can expect to gain 1 kg / 2lb of muscle per month during the first year with an effective training program. So if you're going to the gym for a while, but you've never done a program like 5 × 5, you can gain 12 kg / 24lb muscle in the next 12 months.
Most of your muscle gains will be in the first three years. Initially you have weak and little muscles. So you gain strength and muscle - these are new gains. Losing muscle is more difficult than losing fat or becoming stronger. By eating a little less you can lose 0.5kg / 1 lb of fat a week. With 5 × 5 you can easily add 2.5kg / 5lb per workout on Squat per week. But you can't build more than 0.5kg / 1 lb of muscle per week. By comparison ...

Squat Earnings
Fat loss
Muscle gains
1 week
7.5kg / 15lb
0.5kg / 1lb
0.25kg / 0.5lb
1 month
30kg / 60lb
2 kg / 4 lb
1 kg / 2 lb
3 months
90kg / 180lb
6kg / 12lb
3kg / 6lb

That explains why you can't look like the best bodybuilders, fitness models or celebrities in three months. They've usually been training for years - Arnold was lifting weights for eight years before winning the first Olympia.
You cannot gain more than 1 kg / 2 lbs of muscle per month. This is the human genetic limit. The only way to gain muscle is not to go slower. It takes 12kg / 24lb muscle gain a year and makes a big change. Be consistent and focus so it doesn't take two years to get where you want it.
Muscle Potential

Your maximum muscle body weight often depends on your height and bone structure. Tall people can build more muscle mass than short people.
Some experts use the following formula.

These numbers accept an ankle size of 17.8 cm / 7 ’22, 22.9 cm / 9‘ ’ankle size and 10% body fat. These numbers are for men only. Women have smaller muscle potential because they are usually shorter, smaller and contain less testosterone.

These numbers are based on the achievements of the best bodybuilders ever, including Reg Park. So it is unrealistic to expect to gain too much muscle. These lifters had better educational ethics and genetics, otherwise they would not become champions.
Be proud if you reach 90% of your muscle potential in lean condition.
These figures show that most men cannot make a 90 kilos lean and muscular body. The average height for men in the US is 1m75 / 5’9 ″. Unless you are tall, the only way to reach 90 pounds is to allow your body fat to increase almak or to take anabolic steroids. These ratios do not occur for natural lifters.
Reg Park had 18.5 ″ arms, competed at 97 pounds and was 1.85 tall. He could do 270 pounds of Bench and 226 pounds of Squat. It's not possible to do better than that.
It is true that education and nutrition methods are developed. Today people gain strength and muscle faster than the time of Reg Park. But human genetics have not changed - there's still a limit to how much muscle you can naturally gain. And it still depends on your size and body size.
What's changing is anabolic steroids. Arnold Schwarzenegger competed at 105 pounds / 1.88 feet. 30 years later, Ronnie Coleman competed at 135 pounds and 1.80 m. Both of them worked hard, both of them weighing more than 320 kilos of deadlifts, even Arnold admitted to using doping. But one of them used more to get 30 pounds bigger.
This is why natural bodybuilding competitors rarely weigh 90 pounds. They can't be lean enough to show that it's a treasure. Most people compete in the lighter 75 kg class because it ends when you fall into one-step body fat. 90 pounds treasured, lifelong natural physics is rare.

Muscle Shape

Your genetics determine the shape of your muscles. People's muscles look different for the same reason, their faces look different. You can increase the size of your muscles by lifting heavy weights. But you can't change their shape because you can't change your genetics. Examples …
Body size. People with a short body will look fuller than people with a long body. Less muscle mass is required to fill the same amount of space. People with a long body tend to look softer and have a smaller waist.
Muscle insertions. If you have biceps insertions, the biceps will be larger. If you have high calf appendages, your calf will look smaller because there is less muscle to work - most of your lower leg will have bones and tendons.
Length of limbs. People with long arms and legs will tend to show themselves more because it will fill more space. They need to increase their overall muscle size to enlarge their arms and legs. They will have to eat more and weigh more of the same size.
Remember that you cannot separate parts of a muscle. You cannot work your lower or outer biceps or your chest. Either you work out all the muscles or you don't. What you can do is increase the overall size of the muscle, so it fills more. You do this by lifting heavy and eating more.
Role Models

Do not try to resemble some celebrities or models. Everyone has been built in a different way as already described. Your genetics determine the shape of your muscles. So, if you don't have the same body size, limb length, and muscle addition as that celebrity or model, you can't recreate their appearance.
Actually, movie stars don't look the same. In the picture above, note how Hugh Jackman is the biggest of the three. Chris Hemsworth has a longer body with a smaller lean. Daniel Craig's body looks shorter and more bulky. Chest and shoulders in different shapes.
Even if you lift the same weights and eat the same food, you won't look the same. Most people, however, cannot remain faithful to famous works. They are tiring and time consuming. They get help from personal coaches and cooks.
The truth is, most actors don't appear in movies all year round. They just have to look good for a few shirtless photos. And the muscles are highlighted using special angle, makeup and even CGI. Of course there is a photoshop for movie posters.
And then there are steroids. The actors are making a tight schedule, but they still have to look treasured. Fees play a big role in their appearance. Competition is high. And that makes steroids attractive.
What's more important - don't try to look like someone else. Create a better body that makes other people look like YOU. Do this by first increasing your strength and muscle mass and then throwing away your body fat. This will make you look great regardless of your genes.

You can't build a great muscle on a weak base. And yet many people try to build a great body without making the basic principles. So many fail to gain muscle mass. You must build a strong foundation to build a great body. That's what it means ...
Basics of Dimension. You can't cut a marble statue without a big marble block. You can't pump muscles you didn't do. You should increase your general muscle mass in order to be able to identify with isolation exercises and fat burning diets.
Installing Power. With high repetitive isolation exercises, it cannot be strong and large - weights are very light. To go heavy and become stronger, you need complex exercises. You can then use this power to insulate with a heavier weight to shape your muscles.
Form basis. You can't lift heavy in bad shape. Proper form lift increases safety and efficiency. It increases your strength so you can work your muscles at heavier weights. But to master the right form you need to do the main exercises often.
It is tempting to skip this step and go straight after the high resistance pump. But if you build a foundation of size, strength and form first, then you get better results with what you decide to do - it's aesthetics, durability, and even more power.
The challenge is, everything works at the beginning. You can gain muscle by jumping directly into high-repeat isolation routines. But you won't create the maximum amount of muscle mass you can build as soon as possible. And you're gonna get stuck in the end because you never set a foundation.
This is where many people start blaming their genetics or their age. This is where they start getting more reinforcements. That's where they start thinking about anabolic steroids. It is inexperienced to see that the issue is their own training - they have failed to establish a strong foundation first.
This muscle building guide is about spending a year building a foundation of form, strength and size. After that, you can specialize if you want. Most people are happy with how they look at education for power. Some want more aesthetics. But they always start by creating a strong foundation.
Power is Size

More power means more muscle. If you're older, you're strong. Therefore, the best bodybuilders ever existed were as strong as bulls. They knew the power was equal to the magnitude.
Here's how it works: your skeletal muscles connect to your bone with tendons. Your muscles are moved to move your body and lift weights. The heavier the weight in the bar, the more gravity pulls down. This forces your muscles to work harder to lift and control weight.
Lifting heavy weights forces your body and muscles. It stimulates them to grow stronger and bigger so that they can handle the same stress better in later workouts. This is the stimulus - healing - adaptation cycle that makes you stronger. Simply, be big, you're strong.
Arnold Schwarzenegger agrees. He won the Olympia title seven times. But he also competed for Olympic lifting, strengthening and strong man before becoming a bodybuilder. Arnold was able to 320 kg Deadlift, Bench Press 200 kg and Squat 210.

So what did Arnold say about his own power?
The truth is that not all bodybuilders are strong, especially those who have done most of their training with weight machines. But the years I worked with power lifting and free weights had given me huge biceps and shoulders and back muscles and thighs. It just looks bigger and stronger than the others.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger in A Bodybuilder's Training Book
Arnold was not the first or only bodybuilder to understand the magnitude of his strength. There's a list of bodybuilders that can handle large, heavy weights. Here are some examples…
Franco Columbo. Arnold's Sicilian training friend. 340 kg of Deadlift, Bench 240 kg and Squat could weigh 300 pounds. Franco won the Olympia twice.
Reg Park. Arnold's mentor is probably the one who taught his strength. Deadlift can be 320 kg, Bench 225 kg and Squat 272 kg. Reg Park won Mr Universe three times.
Ronnie Coleman. Kez Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder but nobody wants to lift heavy weights, 8 he said eight times. It could lift 360 kg deadlift.
Sergio Oliva. It is nationally recognized as an Olympic weightlifter. It can lift a load of 130 kg over its head and can weigh a total of 450 kg. Olympia wins 3x.
Progressive Overload

In ancient Greece, Croton Milo trained for the Olympics, carrying a calf on his back every day. The calf grew and forced Milo to lift heavy weights. As a result, Milo's body became stronger. He was the strongest man at the time, winning the Olympics 6x.
This is a legend. However, it shows the principle of gradual overload used in effective training programs such as 5 × 5. Gradually increasing weight increases the body and muscles. It triggers them to gain strength and size to better cope with heavy weights in the future.
The strength is the size as already described. You must be big to grow up. Start light, focus on each workout, do it for as long as possible. Always try to remove more. Because if you don't gain a heavier weight today than last year or month, you're not gaining muscle.
You see that people become less active as they get older. They use less by immobilizing their muscles. They become skinny, thin and fat, because what you don't use, you lose. Your body needs a reason to be strong and muscular.
This is the simplest way to progress, as well as overloading. Sets, repeats and exercises may remain the same. Just add weight. So if you're making progress by looking at the weight in the bar, you're gaining muscle if it increases over time.
Most people become dependent on progressive overloaded training programs. They find it motivating to see that the weight in the bar increases every training. Finally, they look forward to going to the gym and see how far they can go. They don't have to drag themselves like they used to.
You can't add pounds forever. Otherwise, everyone would do 300 kilos of squat. But most people are amazed at how much weight they can add. Of course this is simple but not easy. This is hard work. Some people don't have what it takes to force themselves to lose weight over and over again…
Many people start to pump instead. Stimulates muscles with high repeat failure training. But all this inflates your muscles with water. As soon as you leave the gym, the pump goes away. If you don't have much muscle mass at the beginning, it's not effective to pump anything.
Other people suffer. They think being painful after a training session means building muscle. But there is no connection between pain and muscle growth. Innovation often causes pain - a new exercise, weight, repetition interval and so on. What makes the muscles is to increase heavy weights over time
Some people try to confuse their muscles. They continue to change their exercises, sets and repetitions. This makes it difficult to improve your form because you never exercise long enough. You also don't know if you're making progress because you've changed too many variables.
Muscle confusion is just confusing you. During the first weeks of a new exercise, you gain strength quickly. But that's not because you're building muscle. Because your form develops - you become more productive. You change the exercise before muscle growth begins.
If you want to mix your muscles, give weight to the stick. This gives your body a new stimulant to enlarge your muscles, stronger and bigger, but without disturbing you. Use small plates of 2.5 kg / 5lb per exercise.

To build muscle, you must do compound exercises that do several muscle workouts at the same time. Your routine size should be the big five - Squat, Bench, Deadlift, OHPress and rows.
Most people try to build muscle with isolation exercises like curl, fly and leg extension. This is ineffective because the weight is very light. Only one muscle group lifts the weight as it moves out of the remaining movement. This limits how heavy you can go. Still size requires power.
In Squat, you can get heavier than the leg extension because your hips help lift your legs. At Bench Press you can go heavier than fly because your arms help your chest. Because several muscle groups are involved, you can get even heavier with compound exercises.
The heavier the weight you lift, the higher the stress in your body and the greater the stimulus for the growth of stronger and larger muscles. Be big, you'il be strong. You remove larger weights with compounds rather than isolation exercises. So compound exercises are more effective to gain muscle mass.

Gradual overload is also easier to apply to compound exercises. The more muscle works and the heavier the weight. Compound exercises create more muscle symmetry. Compound exercises work the way you use your body in the real world. You will never use just one muscle group outside the gym. Your body always moves in one piece. Therefore, the power you do with isolation exercises cannot be transferred outside the gym.
Because compound exercises do several muscle exercises at the same time, you do not need to do more than three exercises per exercise. This saves time compared to isolation exercises where you need to double the amount of exercise that will run your entire body.
Many people think they need to work directly on a muscle to grow. Most of the confusion comes from seeing bodybuilders who are often isolated. But again, most of the upper bodybuilders are very strong. First, they developed strength and size by doing mostly compound exercises. Only later in their careers did they isolate.
Quote from Arnold again…
“Reg Park's theory is that you first have to lubricate to form the mass and then achieve quality; You work in your body so that a sculptor can work on a piece of clay or wood or steel. You make it smoother, more careful, better, then you start cutting and identifying. You gradually work until you are ready to scrub and polish. And you really know your time. Then all the failures of weak early education stand out as hopeless, almost uncompensated defects. [..]

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