Saturday, August 31, 2019

Centrum Adult (100 Count) Multivitamin / Multimineral Supplement Chewable Tablet, Vitamin D3

Psoriasis patients should pay attention

Centrum Adult (100 Count) Multivitamin / Multimineral Supplement Chewable Tablet, Vitamin D3

Psoriasis is a chronic disease with no treatment. It is seen in about 1-3% of the world. Although it usually starts in the thirties, it can also be seen from birth. 30% of psoriasis cases have a family history. In psoriasis, antigens are produced by the cells in the skin. The answer to the question n What is psoriasis? De

In the formation of psoriasis, the body's antigens activate the immune system. The resulting cells return to the skin and cause cell proliferation and the formation of plaques specific to psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic disease. In most patients, focus and dandruff are seen on the skin. Spontaneous healing may occur, but this is unlikely. Since it is a chronic case of psoriasis, the patient's idea should be taken in the treatment of the disease. During the treatment process, the patient should comply with the life of the patient while the treatment is being administered.


Psoriasis; It is a skin disease called psoriasis among people due to the observation of white, thick, bright and dry bran on a pink, red, slightly fluffy ground. It occurs in about 2% of the world's population. This disease, which can occur at any age, may appear and disappear unexpectedly. Psoriasis; in some patients it may last several months or several years, while in others it may be intermittent for life. It is not an infectious disease.

Although psoriasis is usually mild, the severity of the rash may vary from person to person. Psoriasis vulgaris is the most common form of psoriasis. The lesions are mostly seen in areas such as knees, elbows, scalp.


The causes of psoriasis are still unknown. In a healthy person, skin cells mature in 28-30 days. In psoriasis patients, this period can go down to 3-4 days. Rapidly proliferating cells accumulate on the skin and cause dandruff.

Genetic effects are the most important risk factors for psoriasis. In the family history, it is determined that people with psoriasis are more susceptible to this disease. Some of the conditions that trigger the disease in individuals with prone to psoriasis can be listed as follows:


Excessive alcohol consumption
Vitamin D deficiency
Some drug treatments


The patches on the mother-of-pearl are redness covered with a silver-colored shell. They can be of different shapes and sizes. Dandruff on the scalp form a heap and therefore may not be able to see redness. Symptoms vary according to the types of psoriasis:

PLATE TYPE PSORIASIS: It is the most common form of psoriasis. Plaques can occur anywhere in the body. These plaques, which can be itchy or painful, can sometimes be large and sometimes small.

INVERSE PSORIASIS: This type of psoriasis ; armpit, groin, under the chest, such as folds are limited. Since these areas are moist, it is seen that psoriasis causes redness and swelling without dandruff. Fungal infections can trigger this type of psoriasis.

NAIL PSORIASIS: Psoriasis can also be found in nails and may even be seen only on the nails. In this form of psoriasis; thickening of the nail, discoloration, pits can be seen.

ERYTHRODERMIC PSORIASIS: Erythrodermic psoriasis, the least common form of psoriasis, itchy and burning redness covers the whole body.

PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: Joint involvement may be observed in some patients. While the hand and foot joints are especially involved, large joints may be affected, although rare.

If psoriatic arthritis is accompanied by spills, the diagnosis can be made easily. Diagnosis is more difficult in patients with joint involvement alone.

How is psoriasis diagnosed?

Diagnosis of psoriasis in most cases is quite simple.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION AND MEDICAL STORY: The doctor takes the patient's medical history; can diagnose psoriasis by examining skin, scalp and nails.

SKIN BIOPSY: The doctor may occasionally need a small skin sample (biopsy) to diagnose psoriasis. The sample taken is examined under a microscope to determine the type of psoriasis and to eliminate other suspicion of disease.


Psoriasis can be controlled with appropriate treatments. Although dandruffs are reduced or disappeared completely, it is important to remember that there is always the possibility of coming back. Treatment of psoriasis may vary depending on the severity of the disease.

Treatment of psoriasis is basically divided into three:

1.TOPICAL (LOCAL) THERAPIES: This type of treatment cream, ointment and lotion drugs such as direct application to the skin occurs. In the case of mild psoriasis, this will be the most appropriate treatment. Moisturizers used in addition to topical steroids, tar products and vitamin D analogues help to dry the skin and help reduce dandruff.

2. PHOTOTHERAPY: PHOTOTHERAPY; ultraviolet light (therapeutic wavelengths of sunlight) is a treatment of different forms and sometimes using special tablets. This method is used when psoriasis is very common, does not improve with tropical treatments, or recurs immediately after treatment.

The simplest and easiest way of phototherapy treatment is to take controlled amounts of sunlight.

3. SYSTEMIC THERAPIES: It is the type of treatment applied with oral medications. Because of the side effects of the treatment, this treatment is not applied if the disease can be controlled in more simple ways. Before starting the treatment, the doctor makes the necessary explanations to the patient about the risks of the treatment. Female patients should not conceive during systemic treatment. Male patients are also advised not to have children while taking this treatment.


People with psoriasis should first get rid of psychological triggers. Away from negative emotions such as stress, sadness and anxiety; it will be a positive development for treatment to turn to things that make them feel better.

Scratching the skin, rubbing, shelling the skin can lead to new rashes should be avoided as much as possible.

The sun and the sea have the effect of reducing psoriasis. The duration of sun exposure should be controlled as much as possible. Sunbathing to burn can increase psoriasis rashes.

In winter, the moisture content of the skin decreases and makes it more dry. Moisturizing creams and lotions should be used more carefully in winter as dry skin will cause more itching in psoriasis patients.

Centrum Adult (100 Count) Multivitamin / Multimineral Supplement Chewable Tablet, Vitamin D3