Saturday, August 31, 2019

Vitafusion Women's Gummy Vitamins, 150 Count

What are the symptoms of iron deficiency? What is good for iron deficiency?

Vitafusion Women's Gummy Vitamins, 150 Count

Demic deficiency is the most common anemia in the world. Especially in underdeveloped and developing countries, the rate of iron deficiency anemia is high. According to World Health Organization (WHO) data; Anemia is defined as hemoglobin levels falling below 12 gr / dl in non-pregnant women and below 14 gr / dl in men. Hemoglobin is a protein that transports oxygen in the blood, which gives its color to red blood cells. Iron is also an element that enters the basic structure of hemoglobin and is of great importance in transferring oxygen from the lung to the tissues by binding to hemoglabin. In cases of iron deficiency, anemia occurs and is therefore diagnosed as '' iron deficiency anemia ''. According to statistics, 35% of women, 20% of men and 50% of pregnant women have iron deficiency anemia (anemia) in the world. Memorial Health Group Internal Medicine Department Experts gave information about iron deficiency and treatment.

What is iron deficiency?

Iron deficiency anemia, known as anemia in the community, is the transport of oxygen in the structure of red blood cells in the blood and the decrease in the amount of hemoglobin that makes these cells red. Iron deficiency may also be a symptom of many important diseases, primarily stomach and intestinal cancer.
What are the symptoms of iron deficiency?

Anemia due to iron deficiency does not show symptoms in some cases. Iron deficiency can be diagnosed by routine blood tests . Symptoms of iron deficiency include;

Skin wilt,
Body weakness, fatigue,
Impairment of concentration,
Numbness in hands and feet,
Howling of the ears,
Cracks in lips and sores on mouth
Quick break of nails,
Hair loss can be counted.

Severe symptoms of iron deficiency include; palpitations, eating earth or ice, slowing thyroid functions and restless leg syndrome. In children, iron deficiency symptoms may cause delay in walking-sitting-speech and learning difficulties in children.

What causes iron deficiency?

There are many causes of iron deficiency. Anemia occurs due to iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency and can cause major problems if left untreated. Inadequate intake of iron, one of the causes of iron deficiency, may be inadequate due to incorrect diet programs. In addition, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children in the age of growth, low birth weight and premature babies are also in need of iron. Feeding children with foods that do not support iron instead of breast milk, passing in cow's milk before the age of 1, feeding with ready foods and inadequate intake of animal foods may cause iron deficiency. The most prominent causes of iron deficiency in adults; tea, coffee consumption is more, meat roasted or baked in the oven with sausages, salami is consumed frequently such as processed foods. In some people, iron is not absorbed enough by the intestine. This is another factor that causes iron deficiency. Excessive menstrual bleeding in women, frequent and excessive births, miscarriages, having an abortion, benign or malignant tumors in the gastrointestinal tract are the causes of iron deficiency.

What good is iron deficiency? How is iron deficiency treated?

Correct diagnosis is very important in the treatment of iron deficiency. For the correct diagnosis, the patient's complaints and the progression of iron deficiency symptoms should be well known. During the evaluation, especially the patient's previous health problems, family history, drugs used and their current diseases are also considered. With the necessary tests, the cause of iron deficiency anemia is determined. There are many methods in the treatment of iron deficiency, from bone marrow transplantation to blood donation, depending on the type of anemia. The most effective part of the treatment is the treatment of the factor causing iron deficiency. If the patient has an ulcer, treatment of this will stop bleeding and prevent anemia from recurring. Controlling the menstrual process is also very important in the treatment of iron deficiency. It is recommended that women with intense menstrual periods receive hormonal support and arrange their menstrual periods. At the same time, the missing substances and minerals in the blood should be supplemented. Iron deficiency is given in iron, vitamin B12 deficiency in vitamin B12, folic acid deficiency in folic acid, chronic renal failure is given erythropoietin. If iron deficiency anemia is serious enough to reduce your quality of life, blood transfusion is another treatment option. Drugs that suppress the immune system are also used to treat iron deficiency. These drugs are used especially when the immune system stops or breaks down the production of red blood cells. In addition, bone marrow transplantation is an option for anemia due to bone marrow diseases.

What are iron deficiency medications?

In addition to a balanced and healthy diet, regular drug use increases the chances of success in the treatment of iron deficiency. Iron deficiency drugs should be used on an empty stomach and should not be consumed together with milk and dairy products. Drug use should be continued for at least 6 months in order to store sufficient iron in the body. Iron drugs should be used under the leadership of a doctor and should not be left without consulting a doctor. In addition to medication to prevent iron deficiency, foods such as offal, red meat, molasses and foods containing vitamin C are also useful.
What should you eat and not eat iron deficiency?

The question ne What should we eat for iron deficiency? Ir is one of the most curious subjects in society. Apricots, dried legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits should be consumed in abundance to prevent iron deficiency. One of the most correct behaviors about what to eat in iron deficiency is to consume vitamin C frequently. Because vitamin C increases the absorption of iron from the intestines. The question of what should not be eaten in iron deficiency is also very important. Caffeinated drinks should not be consumed frequently as milk and bran reduce absorption of iron. In addition, vitamin B 12 intake is very important in iron deficiency. Because B12 allows red blood cells to be produced in the bone marrow and can cause anemia.

What good is iron deficiency;

Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron. For this reason, consuming the egg with orange juice or tomato and meatballs with green salad is important for increasing iron absorption.
Iron in fermented bread is absorbed more than unleavened bread.
Well-cooked dry legumes or bran bread reduces the absorption of iron.
Feeding with pulp reduces the absorption of iron.
The aluminum, stainless steel and cans we use to store food also reduce the absorption of iron.

Do not consume tea and coffee with meals!

One way to prevent iron deficiency is to avoid consuming tea and coffee during or immediately after meals. Make sure to consume tea and coffee as much as possible between meals. In addition, it is useful to consume tea with lemon.
Foods good for iron deficiency!

Dried fruits such as dried apricots, raisins, dried mulberries
Green leafy vegetables (spinach, chard)
Nuts, peanuts and sesame seeds
Liver, red meat, chicken and fish meat
Molasses and grapes
Dry beans
Eat the egg with orange juice
Cook legumes with meat
Consume plenty of greens at every meal.
An important way to increase iron absorption is to consume these nutrients together with vitamin C!
Instead of boiling eggs, sometimes cooked like menemen; green, red pepper, tomatoes and onions are given vitamin C, iron uptake is increased.
When consumed with yogurt beside spinach, iron absorption decreases. Cooking spinach with eggs increases bioavailability.
Legumes and cereal dishes; Besides, when consumed with salad with lettuce, tomato and lemon with plenty of parsley, iron in cereals and legumes is absorbed more. In addition, when these foods are cooked with minced meat, pieces of meat or chicken, iron intake increases.
Individuals with advanced iron deficiency; milk, yogurt and buttermilk foods such as buttermilk should not eat next to the meals, should be consumed at meals. Because calcium has the ability to slow the absorption of iron.
For breakfast, 1 to 2 teaspoons of molasses meet most of your daily iron needs. Especially carob molasses iron contains high iron.
In intermediate meals; apricots, mulberries and raisins from dried fruits contribute to daily iron intake.

Iron deficiency in women

Iron deficiency is more common in women than in men. Especially those of childbearing age, pregnant and nursing mothers who have increased iron need are the first. Iron deficiency is most common after women in children and in long-term asprin and painkillers. Although the most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency, it affects women and children more than 90%. In the world, iron deficiency is seen in 30-40% of women and about 20% of men. Anemia is sometimes considered a symptom of uterine cancer in women. Therefore, anemia should be considered and the underlying causes should be investigated. Hemoglobin levels below 13 g / dl in adult men, 12 g / dl in women, 11 g / dl in children between 6 months and 6 years and under 12 g / dl in children between 6-14 years indicate anemia. The spiral used by women is another factor that causes iron deficiency. Birth control pills reduce blood and iron loss in menstruation by 50-60%. It can therefore be used under the leadership of a specialist gynecologist against iron deficiency.
Iron deficiency in pregnancy

Iron deficiency occurs in 50 percent of pregnant women. Iron deficiency may cause complaints such as palpitation, shortness of breath, and tendency to sleep in pregnant women. Pregnancy with iron deficiency treatment provides a much more trouble-free process. It is also recommended that they consume “blood-forming ve and iron-rich foods against iron deficiency. Folic acid use from the 4th month is also very important. Because from this month iron deficiency anemia can be found. If iron deficiency is advanced, iron medications can be started in the early stages of pregnancy. Iron medicines should never be drunk with milk or tea. Because these products reduce the absorption of iron ineffective. Taking it with vitamin C will increase its absorption. Use of iron medication during pregnancy should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Vitafusion Women's Gummy Vitamins, 150 Count