Friday, August 30, 2019

Protein2o Low Calorie Protein Infused Water, 10g Whey Protein Isolate, Variety Pack (16.9 Oz, Pack Of 12)

The Most Detailed Guide to Natural Muscle Building

Protein2o Low Calorie Protein Infused Water, 10g Whey Protein Isolate, Variety Pack (16.9 Oz, Pack Of 12)

With natural bodybuilding, you can gain muscle mass . More power can also be provided with natural muscle building to get more muscle . The more weights you lift, the stronger your body responds to it and the changes in muscle volume. As your muscles grow, the weights you lift can increase and naturally you gain muscle mass .

Most people try to develop muscle by performing high isolated exercises to get the feeling of pump. However, these exercises rarely achieve great improvements because you cannot lift them heavy enough to trigger muscle growth . Bodybuilders who already see it on the internet or on the television develop muscle by doing isolated exercises with additional supplements they take .

Natural bodybuilders need compound exercises to develop muscle. These exercises are squat, bench press, deadlift, over head press and barbell row . Naturally you need to lift heavy to improve muscle . You can reach your desired muscle mass and body without using additional factors and exercising more than 3 times a week.

How to Achieve Muscle Building

body building

The biggest muscle building mistake made by people is training like a bodybuilder . Many bodybuilders are using additional supplements, but they won't tell you. And they developed most of their muscle dimensions through their routines. Therefore bodybuilding routines are not suitable for most people.

grow stronger
The best bodybuilders ever existed were always strong. They thought they needed more strength training to get more power. Squat, bench press, deadlift exercises , such as lifting the right form to work with weights as well as increase your strength in addition to the total muscle mass will also increase.

Add Weight
Forget the Pump feeling and muscle pains. Instead, focus on adding weight to the barbell bar. Try to lift more weight than the previous day. Your overall muscle mass will increase and you will become stronger. If you cannot lift more weight than today, month or year, you cannot develop muscle .

Compound Exercises
Exercise many muscles running at the same time. You will stimulate more muscle growth and exercise more heavily. Squat, bench press, over head press, barbell rows should be the most part of the training.

Use Barbell
You can easily move up the weight in barbell exercises. You also have to determine the balance of the weight. Barbell exercises require more muscle and more muscle development is achieved. Use free weights not connected to machines. Take care to apply the appropriate form to prevent injury.

Increase Frequency
The more often you run your muscle , the faster your muscle development . Excessive exercise makes it easier to learn the technique faster and smooth the form.

Your muscles need to rest to strengthen and develop muscle . Now you will have the above article in mind but there is an emphasis on working at that level. Running your muscles often every day will take you back. Even a break to the brain is required. Relax 3 to 4 days a week. Help your muscles heal with healthy foods, water and sleep.

Increase Meal
Your body uses energy to exercise and uses nutrients to get that energy. Using these nutrients heals the damage to your muscles and if you have food problems, your muscles cannot heal and muscle development cannot be achieved. Most people require an average of 3000 kcal energy to develop muscle . Weak individuals with high metabolism should consume more of this amount.

Protein Consumption
Your body uses protein to develop a new muscle and heals the damaged muscle tissue after training. It is necessary to consume 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight to maximize the rate of muscle healing and for muscle development . For a man of 80 kilograms, he needs about 175 grams of protein per day.

Be realistic
You can't get the results you see in magazines without using steroids. Muscle building takes time, you can't turn into Arnold in 3 months. Celebrities set unrealistic expectations, stop trying to resemble them. Focus on improving yourself and you won't be disappointed.

Be consistent
Most individuals gain approximately 0.25 kg of lean muscle weekly if they exercise an effective training program and pay attention to their diet. You can't gain muscle faster than this. It takes a year to obtain 12 kg lean muscle and see dramatic change. Therefore, continuity is a key concept.

Muscle Gain Rate

natural bodybuilding

Most individuals can take 0.25 kg of lean muscle a week when they begin to develop their body . This can be calculated as approximately 1 kg of muscle per month or 12 kg of muscle per year. This muscle gain is an effective program, a fine nutritional program and a muscle mass that you can achieve as a result of continuity. Muscle mass gains slow down after the first year. Your body weight may increase by more than 1 kilogram per month when you start building .

Your muscles store glycogen to feed your workouts. The glycogen binds to water, which causes water retention and full appearance. This water weight increases body weight but does not provide any increase in pure muscle mass . Some children may develop more than 1 kilogram of muscle per month. Because they have more testosterone in young people, they provide faster muscle mass development. People who have previously been interested in bodybuilding or are familiar with weight gain muscle faster through muscle memory .

Older people, on the other hand, gain muscle mass more slowly because they contain less testosterone. In women, they enter this section, usually provide less muscle gain . Strong individuals provide slower muscle development than weak individuals because their muscle mass is present.

However, on average, you can gain approximately 1 kilogram of muscle mass in your first month when an effective training program is implemented. Most muscle development will take place in the first three months because initially you are weak and your muscle mass is low. So this will help you gain strength and muscle faster.

But do not expect much change in your weight. The more power and muscle you have, the less the muscle gain will be in proportion. Muscle building is more difficult than losing fat . You may lose 0.5 kilograms of fat by eating less than a week, but you cannot build 0.5 kilograms of muscle per week.

This is the human genetic limit. It is difficult to build more unless there are additional drugs. The only way to grow muscles faster is not to go slower. Great changes demand factors such as labor, determination and desire. Be careful not to miss the exercises and focus on it, you will see that your body will react perfectly to this desire and you will have a better body in 2 years.
Muscle Potential

muscle potential

The maximum depends on muscle, body weight, neck length and bone structure. Long people can build up more muscle mass than short people. People with large, thick body can gain more muscle than people with narrow and small wrists.

Casey Butt Phd has created formulas to determine the maximum amount of muscle mass you can naturally gain. His research is based on the muscle size of the world's top bodybuilders before anabolic steroids appear ( source ). Let's specify Casey's formula in a simple table

These figures are based on the achievements of the best bodybuilders ever, including Reg Park. Therefore, it is unrealistic to expect muscle gain and gain. The business ethics and genetics of these athletes were better than others, otherwise they would not be champions.

Be proud if you reach 90% of your muscle potential in the weak state. These figures show that most people cannot build a high lean and muscular body . Of course, this requirement is naturally possible, taking anabolic steroids will facilitate these things. Efforting, this makes you a natural bodybuilder .

It's not about lowering your expectation by speaking negatively. The opposite is to prevent you from getting wasted dreams. It is true that training and nutrition methods are improving and people gain muscle and strength faster than in the old days. But human genetics have not changed, there is a limit to how much muscle you can naturally develop. And this is still mostly linked by height and weight size. Remember, Arnold even used these chemical pills.

Muscle Shape

muscle shape

Your genetics determines the shape of your muscles. People's muscles and faces look different, so their shapes are different. You can increase muscle size by applying heavy workouts but cannot change their shape. Because you can't change your genetics.

Size Size
Short-bodied people like me will look fuller than long-bodied people. Less muscle mass is required to fill the same amount of space.

Muscle Joints
If you have high biceps muscles, your biceps peak will be a great spot. If you have high calves like me, your muscles will look smaller because you have fewer muscles to work with.
People with long arms and legs look more attractive because there is more space to fill. They need to increase your general muscles more to make your arms and legs bigger. They should cover this difference by consuming more food.

Note that you cannot isolate only one muscle group. You can't just work your lower or outer biceps or your chest. Either run the whole muscle group or not at all. What you can do is increase the overall size of the muscle and make it fill more. You do this by increasing weights and feeding regularly.


You can't build a perfect building on a weak foundation. And yet many people are trying to create a great body without first creating the basics. For this reason, most people fail to gain muscle mass . To build a great body, we need to build a strong foundation. That's what it means.

You cannot cut a marble statue without a large marble block. You cannot dimension muscles that you did not create first. To complete with isolated exercises and diets, you need to increase your overall muscle mass .
Repeat Counts
You can't get strength and muscle with high repetition and isolated exercises because weights are very light. You need compound exercises to lift heavy and get stronger. You can then use this strength with a heavier isolated exercise to shape your muscles.
You can't lift heavy with bad form. Proper form increases lift safety and productivity. It increases your strength, so you can work out your muscles with heavier weights. But you often have to do the main exercises to get the proper forms.

It may be tempting to skip this step and go back to high isolated exercises. But if you build the foundation of size, strength and form first, you get better results for aesthetics, durability, or more power, which you decide to do later.

The problem is that everything works at the beginning. You can develop muscle by jumping directly into high-repeat isolated exercise routines. However, you will not build the maximum amount of muscle mass you can do as soon as possible. And because you never build a basic muscle mass, you will have a stuck body.

This muscle building guide has been created to build the basics of form, strength and dimension for a year. After that, you can specialize if you want. Most people are satisfied with their training for power. Some may want a more aesthetic body. But it always starts by creating a strong foundation for this.

Strength Size

More power means more muscle. If you remove large, you become large. That is why the best bodybuilders that have ever existed are as strong as bulls. The forces are known to be equal in size.

Here's how it works: Tendons are attached to the skeletal muscle bones. Your muscles contract to move your body and lift weights. The larger the bar, the greater the gravity. This forces your muscles to work harder to lift and control weight. Lifting heavy weights emphasizes your body and muscles. Simply, if you remove the big, you're big.

Progressive Overload

In the ancient Greeks, Croton Milo prepared for the Olympics by carrying bulls on his back every day. The bull is larger by the day and Milo lifts heavier by the day. Milo's body has become stronger and bigger. He was the most powerful man to win the Olympics six times.

Gradually, weight gain puts strain on your body and muscles. It triggers strength and size gains to better handle heavy weights in the future. The strength is the size as previously described. You need to remove large pounds to be large. Always try to lift heavier because if you cannot lift more than last year or month, you are not gaining muscle. You realize that as you get older, people become less active, they use less muscles. They are skinny, thin and fat, because you lose things you don't use. There is a reason why your body is strong and muscular.

In addition to prograssive overload operation, this is the simplest way to progress. Repeats, sets, exercises can remain the same. Just add weight to the weight you are lifting. You know if you're making progress by looking at the weight in the bar. If it increases with time, your muscles are developing.

Most people depend on these training programs. Seeing each exercise increase motivates them. Many people try to mobilize muscles with high repetitive unsuccessful training instead. However, all of this inflates your muscles with water. As soon as you leave the gym, the pump goes away. The feeling of bloating is also difficult if you don't have much muscle mass to get started.

Other people suffer. To experience pain after exercise means that you create muscle. However, there is no connection between pain and muscle growth . Innovation often causes pain. A new exercise, weight, repetition interval and so on. What makes the muscles lifts heavier over time.

Some people try to tamper with the muscles. They continue to change exercises, sets, repetitions. This makes it difficult to improve your form because you will never exercise long enough. You also can't determine if you're making progress because you've changed too much.

Muscle confusion just makes you confusing. In the first weeks of practicing a new exercise, you will quickly gain strength. But not because you build muscle, we improve your form and become more efficient. You change the exercise before muscle growth begins.

If you want to confuse your muscles, add weight. This encourages your body to get stronger and bigger muscles, but it doesn't surprise you.

Compound Exercises

To achieve muscle development , you must use compound exercises that run several muscles at the same time. Your routines should include squat, bench press, deadlift, OHPress, rows . Most people try to build muscle with isolated exercises like curls, fly, leg extansion. This is ineffective as the weight is very light. A single muscle group lifts the weight while the rest is removed from the movement. This limits how heavy we can handle it.

The heavier the weight you lift, the greater the stress in your body. These are small adjustments that will encourage you to become bigger and stronger in your muscle size. Therefore compound exercises are more effective for gaining muscle mass. Compound exercises create more muscle symmetry . Since every exercise runs at the same time, you cannot opt ​​for the mirror and beach muscles. Instead, you build balanced physics.

Protein2o Low Calorie Protein Infused Water, 10g Whey Protein Isolate, Variety Pack (16.9 Oz, Pack Of 12)