Saturday, August 31, 2019

Amazon Brand - Mama Bear Organic Kids Multivitamin, 60 Gummies, 1 Month Supply

What nutrients are good for iron deficiency? Treatment methods of iron deficiency at home

Amazon Brand - Mama Bear Organic Kids Multivitamin, 60 Gummies, 1 Month Supply

What is iron deficiency, one of the most common anemia types in the world? What are the symptoms of iron deficiency that cause fatigue, fatigue, insomnia, hair loss and many other factors? What are the nutrients that are good for iron deficiency? Details of iron deficiency and treatment in our news

Iron deficiency, one of the most common types of anemia in the world, is higher in women than in men. In addition, 50 percent of pregnant women suffer from iron deficiency. With iron deficiency, there are symptoms leading to significant changes in the body, weakening of vital functions and bowel-stomach cancer. What should be done to prevent iron deficiency that causes hair loss, weakness, tired tumbling, headaches, and more? What nutrients are good for iron deficiency? What can be the home treatment methods for iron deficiency? Here, all those interested in iron deficiency and treatment ...


Iron deficiency anemia, known as anemia in the community, is the transport of oxygen in the structure of red blood cells in the blood and the decrease in the amount of hemoglobin that makes these cells red. Iron deficiency may also be a symptom of many important diseases, primarily stomach and intestinal cancer. Lack of iron that transports oxygen from the lungs to the whole body means a lack of hemoglobin.
In this case, there are also herbal methods that can be applied at home to increase the level of hemoglabin, ie to increase the level of iron in the blood. Iron deficiency is found in 35% of women and 20% of men in the world. This rate is 50% in pregnant women.


Fatigue and weakness; There may be many causes of excessive fatigue and one of the biggest causes is iron deficiency. Inadequate oxygen transport by blood to all points of the body caused by iron deficiency creates weakness and confusion.

Pale skin; When the hemoglobin rate, which gives the blood a red color due to iron deficiency, decreases the pink and healthy tone of the skin, the skin becomes pale. In particular, the lips are the first to show paleness.
Headache and dizziness; Among the early symptoms of iron deficiency, headaches and subsequent dizziness, darkening of the eye, such as situations, again as a result of the body can not find enough oxygen emerges.

Numbness of hands and feet, cold; Oxygen deficiency due to iron deficiency and changing blood flow due to this deficiency can cause frequent numbness in hands and feet.

Quick-breaking nails; Quickly broken nails may be due to the lack of oxygen in the body due to iron deficiency. Flattening and streaking of the nails may also occur.

Impaired concentration; It is very difficult to recognize the concentration disorder which is very common especially in children and causes many problems in school and education. fatigue, difficult lessons or laziness due to many reasons such as the lack of recognition of concentration disorder is possible. Therefore, blood tests should be performed especially in children.

Nervousness and tension; Anger and stress can be a sign of iron deficiency for no reason.

Lip fracture and mouth wound; Due to the deficiency of myoglobulin protein in red blood cells due to iron deficiency, tongue may swell and ache. In addition, cracks occur around the lips and around them.

Hair loss; Due to the decrease in oxygen supply in the body, hair begins to fall out.

The desire to eat soil, ice and lime; This is an indication that iron deficiency is advanced. In those with iron deficiency, there is an intense desire to eat against non-nutrients.

Restless leg syndrome; Restless leg syndrome, which is a feeling that can be felt in the legs but cannot be described fully, affects sleep greatly. One of the major causes of this incurable disease is iron deficiency. Iron deficiency was observed in 15 percent of patients with restless leg syndrome.

Shortness of breath; Iron deficiency, which reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood, causes shortness of breath. When our cells can't find the oxygen they need, our brain pushes us to breathe faster to provide oxygen. In this case, heart palpitations and chest pain brings.


Lack of iron in your body causes iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency is usually due to blood loss, poor diet, or inadequate absorption of iron in foods you eat. Iron deficiency; Inadequate consumption of iron-rich foods, wrong diet programs, excessive tea and coffee consumption, the lack of adequate intake of animal foods, nutrition may occur due to reasons such as nutrition.

Blood Loss; When you lose blood, you lose iron. Iron deficiency anemia occurs if there is not enough iron stored in your body to replace the lost iron. The reasons for low levels of iron in women may be prolonged menstruation bleeding, excessive or bleeding in benign uterine fibroids in utero.

Blood loss during childbirth is another cause of reduced iron levels in women. Internal bleeding (internal bleeding, bleeding in your body) can also cause iron deficiency anemia. This type of blood loss is not always clear and may occur slowly. Some of the causes of internal bleeding are:
- A bleeding ulcer, bowel polyp or large bowel cancer
- Regular use of aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (eg ibuprofen and naproxen)
- Bleeding in the urinary tract
- Blood loss due to serious injuries, surgical operations or frequent blood draws can also cause iron deficiency anemia.

Malnutrition; Foods that are the best source of iron are meat, poultry, fish, eggs and iron-enriched foods. If you do not consume these foods regularly or do not take iron supplements, you are more likely to develop iron deficiency anemia.
If the right foods are eaten, vegetarian nutrition can also provide sufficient iron. For example, non-meat iron sources include spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables, some types of legumes, dried fruits, iron-added breads, and cornflakes. In some periods of life, such as pregnancy and childhood, it may be difficult to get enough iron with nutrition. This is due to the increased need for iron at times of growth and development.
Inadequate Iron Absorption; Even if you have enough iron in your diet, your body may not be able to fully absorb it. This may be due to previous bowel surgery or bowel diseases such as Chron's disease, Celiac disease. Drugs that reduce acid in the stomach can also disrupt iron absorption.


Vitamin C is the most important vitamin that should be consumed to prevent or treat iron deficiency. In addition, people who do not want to experience iron deficiency, especially apricots, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruit derivatives should consume plenty. Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron from the intestines. People with iron deficiency should not consume caffeinated beverages, milk and bran products, which reduce the absorption of iron. Consumption of these nutrients should be limited. In addition to this, it should be paid attention to the consumption of vitamin B12 in sufficient amount which enables red blood cells to be produced in bone marrow.

What are the nutrients that are good for iron deficiency?

Dried fruits such as dried apricots, raisins, dried mulberries
* Green leafy vegetables (spinach, chard)
* Nuts, pistachios and sesame seeds
* Liver, red meat, chicken and fish meat
* Egg
* Molasses and grapes
* Dry beans
* Eat eggs with orange juice
* Cook legumes with meat
* Eat plenty of greens at every meal.

* Stinging nettle is one of the known plants rich in iron. Spinach and watercress (also high in iron) are like nettle.
* Beet: beet juice, apple juice and honey can be made by making a mixture. This provides exceptional support for beta carotene and iron content.
* Banana and honey; Ripe bananas are one of the richest sources of iron. Blood can consume with honey twice a day to promote hemoglobin production. Honey is an excellent solution to increase the level of iron in the blood. Honey is rich in minerals such as manganese, copper and iron, and increases hemoglobin in the blood.
* An important way to increase iron absorption is to consume these nutrients together with vitamin C!
* Instead of boiling eggs sometimes cooked like menemen; green, red pepper, tomatoes and onions are given vitamin C, iron uptake is increased.
* When consumed with yogurt next to spinach, iron absorption decreases. Cooking spinach with eggs increases bioavailability.
* Legumes and cereals; Besides, when consumed with salad with lettuce, tomato and lemon with plenty of parsley, iron in cereals and legumes is absorbed more. In addition, when these foods are cooked with minced meat, pieces of meat or chicken, iron intake increases.
* People with advanced iron deficiency; milk, yogurt and buttermilk foods such as buttermilk should not eat next to the meals, should be consumed at meals. Because calcium has the ability to slow the absorption of iron.
* 1 to 2 teaspoons of molasses for breakfast meets most of the daily iron needs. Especially carob molasses iron contains high iron.
* For snacks; apricots, mulberries and raisins from dried fruits contribute to daily iron intake.

* Kelp; It is a brown algae that grows on the ocean shores in America. This plant, which is rich in iron, can fall into the same category as other sources such as spirulina, chlorella, dulse and sea lettuce. This plant is not only high in iron and other minerals, but also a rich source of iodine. For this reason, it is often used to strengthen the thyroid and regulate its metabolism.
* Dandelion leaves contain only modest amounts of iron. However, the fact that this plant is food or supplementary iron helps to absorb iron in the body by bite. Dandelion is best when it contains large amounts of iron, such as spinach or nettles, or when taken with iron supplements or other herbs.
* Red Clover Flowers & Burdock Root are powerful blood purifiers. These herbs are useful when taken with iron supplements or other iron-rich herbs. These medicinal plants are beneficial for health and are highly efficient in terms of iron absorption.
* Thyme, high iron content, as well as a plant with strong flavor. Therefore, the plant can be encapsulated and taken in pill form. But small can only be consumed in small amounts. Oregano can be used with seasonal foods.


- Be careful not to consume tea, coffee and cigarettes after meals or after meals. Exaggerating tea and coffee consumption, that is, excessive caffeine consumption is one of the main causes of iron deficiency.
- Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron. For this reason, consuming the egg with orange juice or tomato and meatballs with green salad is important for increasing iron absorption.
- Fermented fermented bread is more absorbed than unleavened bread.
- Good uncooked legumes or bran bread reduces the absorption of iron.
- Feeding with pulp foods reduces the absorption of iron.
- The aluminum, stainless steel and cans we use to store food also reduce the absorption of iron.

Amazon Brand - Mama Bear Organic Kids Multivitamin, 60 Gummies, 1 Month Supply