Showing posts with label Anti-Dandruff Shampoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti-Dandruff Shampoo. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Head and Shoulders, Shampoo, Anti Dandruff, Clinical Strength, 13.5 fl oz, Twin Pack

How to get rid of dandruff

  •     There are a variety of natural remedies that can help you solve your dandruff problems, some of which you might even find in your closet. These simple home remedies include sodium bicarbonate, lemon, garlic and salt, among others
  •     Getting rid of this skin condition can be very frustrating and embarrassing, but these are some tips to address your scalp problems and keep your shoulders scale-free in a natural way

Almost all of us have suffered from dandruff at some time in our lives. If you have ever had this problem, then you may know the shame that comes with it. There is nothing more unsightly than the capillary scales that fall on your shoulders after giving in to the uncontrollable urge to scratch your irritated scalp.

If you want to know how to get rid of dandruff, then I suggest you try holistic remedies instead of spending your money on the anti-dandruff shampoos that are on the shelves of supermarkets.

Head and Shoulders, Shampoo, Anti Dandruff, Clinical Strength, 13.5 fl oz, Twin Pack
Head and Shoulders, Shampoo, Anti Dandruff, Clinical Strength, 13.5 fl oz, Twin Pack

There are a variety of natural remedies that can help you solve your scalp problems, some of which you might even find in your closet. These simple home remedies include sodium bicarbonate, lemon, garlic and salt, among others. But before going into details about the treatment of dandruff, let's first analyze what this irritating and embarrassing scalp disorder is.

What is dandruff?

Dandruff is a very common skin condition that can affect anyone, regardless of age, sex or race. Despite its prevalence, there are still a number of people who do not know what it looks like.

In general, dandruff manifests as greasy scales of skin 1 that become more visible on dark clothing. In the scalp, it could also occur in the form of scaly patches on the skin that are sometimes accompanied by redness or swelling. two

Some people often confuse the dryness of the scalp with dandruff, thinking that both conditions of the skin are the same. Keep in mind that these scalp disorders are not synonymous even though they have the same symptoms of scaling and itching on the skin. 3 These are the subtle but significant differences between dandruff and scalp dryness:

  •     Dandruff can develop due to excessive production of fat, while dry scalp is caused by lack of moisture in the skin.
  •     The scales that come from the dry scalp are whiter compared to those of dandruff, which generally have yellowish or grayish colors.
  •     Because dry scales are smaller compared to dandruff, they are much easier to remove from the scalp.

How to distinguish lice from dandruff

Apart from the dryness in the scalp, another common problem that is often confused with dandruff are lice . These parasitic insects are found on the hair or scalp. They are also characterized by being white spots that are observed in the hair. However, unlike dandruff, these particles are not scales of the hair skin.

The white particles produced by the lice are actually empty eggs, which are commonly known as nits.  In addition, as lice feed on human blood through the scalp, their saliva irritates the skin and causes itching.

Since the symptoms of lice and dandruff are virtually identical, it is easy to see why some people confuse one condition with another. However, the similarities between lice and dandruff end with scaling and itching on the scalp.

It is crucial to know the difference between these two conditions, since they require different methods of treatment. Here are some details to help you differentiate lice from dandruff: 9

  •     Nits are usually around 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the scalp, while dandruff is scattered throughout the hair
  •     Unlike dandruff, which is detached from the tufts of hair with some shaking, nits are more difficult to remove because they adhere to the hair strand using a sticky substance produced by female lice.
  •     Nits have a regular oval shape since they are real eggs, which makes them more proportional compared to dandruff scales.
  •     In addition to itching, lice can also cause tingling in the scalp. Dandruff does not cause any tingling sensation.

What causes dandruff?

Dandruff has been linked to a variety of possible causes, including lack of hygiene, stress and inadequate nutrition.

While it is true that there are different factors that could trigger this condition of the scalp, it is important to keep in mind that the real cause of dandruff is actually a fungus similar to yeast called malassezia globosa. This fungus lives on the scalp and feeds on skin oils. 10

Since the fungus Malassezia globosa metabolizes the oils it consumes using an enzyme called lipase, it produces a byproduct called oleic acid, which penetrates the scalp and causes dandruff.

In fact it is normal that there is a small amount of desquamation as the skin cells die to allow the formation of new skin. eleven

However, there are some cases in which a person experiences an abnormally large amount of scaling of the scalp due to one or more underlying problems that can increase the growth of the fungus that is similar to the yeast on the scalp.

Some of the possible underlying problems that can trigger dandruff include:

  • Skin conditions
  • Certain conditions of the skin, such as seborrheic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis, increase the risk of developing dandruff.
  • Neurological diseases
  • People with neurological diseases such as Parkinson's are more susceptible to dandruff.
  • Irritation by hair products
  • The hair products you buy in the supermarket contain a series of chemicals that could irritate your scalp and cause inflammation, itching and peeling.
  • Bad eating habits
  • Consuming insufficient amounts of foods rich in zinc and B vitamins could lead to the development of dandruff.
  • Age
  • Although anyone can suffer from dandruff at any age, this skin condition is more common in young adults and middle-aged people.
  • Weather
  • Cold weather during the winter season could promote the growth of the fungus similar to the yeast that causes dandruff.
  • Hormones
  • Hormonal changes could affect the natural production of sebum in the scalp. People who suffer a hormonal imbalance are more likely to develop dandruff.
Dandruff symptoms that you should keep in mind

There are some telltale signs that can help you determine if you have dandruff or not, and they are usually easy to detect. These symptoms include:

  •     Dead skin flakes : one of the first signs of dandruff you might notice are dead skin flakes on your hair and clothing. These scales vary in size, and can be white, yellow or gray.
  •     Itchy scalp : Another common symptom of dandruff is itching of the scalp, which is often hard to ignore.
  •     Inflammed scalp : It is common for some people to have to deal with redness or swelling of the scalp when they suffer from dandruff. fifteen
  •     Eruptions on other parts of the face : Dandruff can also cause rashes on other parts of the face, including eyebrows, nose and ears.

How to get rid of dandruff quickly: Do medicinal shampoos work?

People who want to get rid of dandruff as quickly as possible often resort to medicated shampoos. But are medicinal shampoos really the cure for your scalp problems? First, medicated shampoos are only effective while giving them continuous use-they do not cure dandruff.

This means that you would have to use such a shampoo several times a week in order to see the results, and you are likely to deal with dandruff once you stop using it.

In addition, most of these dandruff shampoos contain antifungal ingredients, such as zinc pyrithione and ketoconazole. Although these substances can be effective in controlling dandruff, they can irritate your scalp with continuous use and cause your hair to become curly and dry.

Other shampoos against dandruff also contain coal tar, which controls dandruff by slowing the regeneration process of skin cells. However, coal tar is a known carcinogen, so it is best to stay away from shampoos that contain this ingredient.

One of the surest ways to quickly get rid of dandruff without using any harmful chemicals is to use salt to exfoliate the scalloped skin of your scalp. Gently massage the salt on your dry scalp before taking a bath to make it easier to remove when rinsing your hair. 17 Always keep in mind that your skin absorbs everything that applies to it, so using natural remedies, such as the following, is always your best option.

Natural treatments against dandruff with proven efficacy

Most people often resort to the use of antidandruff shampoos and conditioners in order to treat this condition, but as mentioned before, these can cause more harm than good. If you want to help eliminate dandruff safely and naturally, here are some tried-and-tested home treatment methods that could work for you:

Apple Cider Vinegar : To prepare a solution of apple cider vinegar for the treatment of dandruff, dilute a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar in a quarter cup of water.

Place this solution in an atomizer and spray it over your hair and scalp before wrapping your head with a towel. Wait 15 minutes to an hour before rinsing your hair. Using this treatment twice a week helps control dandruff by reducing the excess growth of yeast on the scalp.

Tea tree oil : Using tea tree oil to treat dandruff is a quick and easy method. Just apply a few drops of tea tree oil to the scalp to reduce itching and excessive oil production. 19 You can also mix a few drops of this oil in your shampoo.

Coconut oil : Thoroughly massage your scalp with 3 or 5 tablespoons of coconut oil one hour before bathing. 20 This treatment not only helps you to be free of dandruff, but also to make your hair smell good. You could also mix coconut oil with lemon or camphor to achieve better results. twenty-one

Other essential oils you can use to help eliminate dandruff include peppermint oil, eucalyptus, lavender, patchouli, lemongrass, among others. Most of these essential oils are rich in anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce scalp inflammation and fungus. 22

Other natural remedies against dandruff that you should try

Vinegar, coconut oil and essential oils are not the only natural options for curing dandruff. Here are some other home remedies you can try:


Garlic is known as a natural antifungal remedy. You can stop dandruff effectively by just getting rid of the fungus similar to the yeast that causes it. Shred a clove of garlic and rub it gently on the scalp. You can also mix it with honey if you want to decrease the pungent odor it leaves on your hair.

Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda is a cheap and effective remedy for dandruff that you can find in your kitchen. Not only does it reduce the scalp fungus, it also makes the hair softer. Moisten your hair before massaging your scalp with a handful of baking soda, and then rinse your head thoroughly with water.

Aloe vera

Gently rubbing aloe vera fresh on the scalp can help reduce irritation as it has a cooling effect that can soothe the itching caused by dandruff.


The acidity of the lemon helps to balance the pH level of your scalp, which hinders the development of the fungus similar to yeast. Apply two tablespoons of pure lemon juice to the scalp before rinsing. For best results, wash the hair again with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a cup of water.

Preparing your own treatment for dandruff with natural ingredients can seem meticulous and complicated compared to the simple use of an anti-dandruff shampoo, but it is definitely worth the time and effort. If you still want to use an anti-dandruff shampoo, you can choose to make your own.

How to prepare your own anti-dandruff shampoo

The most important element you need to create a homemade shampoo effective against dandruff is aspirin. Aspirin contains salicylic acid, which is the active ingredient in most medicinal shampoos. Salicylic acid reduces flaking and releases dead skin to facilitate scalp removal.

Making a homemade shampoo against dandruff is quick and easy. Just crush two aspirin tablets until they turn into a fine powder and then add it to the usual amount of organic shampoo you use each time you wash your hair. Massage this mixture on your hair and let it act for a minute before rinsing it well and wash again only with organic shampoo.

Changes in your diet and lifestyle that can also help prevent dandruff

In addition to learning how to get rid of dandruff, it is also very important to know how to prevent this skin condition to prevent all your treatment efforts from being a waste of time.

Dandruff is usually related to poor nutrition, so you must first begin to correct your eating habits. Be sure to consume foods rich in zinc and vitamin B6, as they help regulate the production of fat on the scalp and keep the skin in good condition. You should also reduce your consumption of sugar and grains since they are known to promote the overgrowth of yeast or fungi.

Going out in the sun more often is another way to prevent dandruff as sunlight prevents fungi from thriving on the scalp. In addition, it increases your vitamin D levels, which helps improve skin conditions.

Stress is one of the most common triggers of dandruff, so it is also important that you learn to manage stress properly . Consider practicing new hobbies and staying away from stressors as much as possible. Finally, take good personal hygiene and avoid using too many hair products to avoid irritation. 2. 3
Patience and natural methods is all that is needed to be free of dandruff

We all know that dandruff is a shameful skin condition, but you should not settle for just using hair chemicals in order to treat this problem as soon as possible.

Getting rid of dandruff requires time, effort and patience to achieve lasting results. The natural remedies that I recommended have proven to be effective, but they may not give you any miraculous results overnight. Most should be used regularly until you notice an improvement.

By employing these holistic treatments with religious perseverance and adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can enjoy a life free of dandruff without endangering substances harmful to your body or the environment.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about dandruff

Q: Is dandruff contagious?

A: No. Dandruff is not a contagious skin disease because the fungus similar to yeast that causes it is not transmissible. 24

Q: Why do I have dandruff?

A: There are a variety of possible factors that can trigger dandruff, such as chronic skin conditions, sensitivity to chemicals in hair products, neurological diseases, poor diet, age, and poor hygiene habits.

Q: How does dandruff stop or reduce?

A: You can stop or reduce the appearance of dandruff by using natural remedies that contain antifungal and antibacterial properties. Some of the best remedies include apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil and coconut oil.

Q: How can I tell the difference between dandruff and lice?

A: The easiest way to differentiate lice from dandruff is to check if the white spots on the strands of hair fall easily or not. If those white particles fall when blowing on them or when combing, then it is very likely that they have dandruff. However, if the white spots are stuck to the hair shaft, they could be nits or empty eggs that leave the lice. 25

Q: How to know if you have dandruff?

A: The most common way to know if you have dandruff is to check your hair, scalp and shoulders for the presence of dead skin flakes. Itching and redness of the scalp are another common symptom of this skin condition.

P: Is dandruff curable?

A: There is no permanent cure for dandruff, 26 but the good news is that you can keep it under control with the help of organic anti-dandruff treatments and a homemade dandruff shampoo.

P: Could dandruff cause hair loss?

A: Dandruff itself does not directly cause hair loss. However, scratching the scalp with itching due to dandruff could cause the strands of hair to detach over time. 27

Monday, February 11, 2019

Organic African Black Soap Shampoo (8oz) - 100% Natural Ingredients - Anti-Dandruff - Clarifying & Moisturizing, Handmade with Raw African Black Soap by Laurel Essentials

Fatty hair solutions. Coconut oil for oily hair

Fatty hair you have solutions, for example, Do you know that organic coconut oil solves your oily hair if it has become unctuous and greasy? If this is your case, let's say you have oily hair and you do not know what to do with oily hair. Do not worry , in this article we will explain how to eliminate hair grease definitely by means of an infallible treatment for oily hair, following simple tips and using natural remedies, how to treat and improve with coconut oil greasy hair.

Oily hair is like oily skin. Sometimes that's how it is. And other times it's like that because of the habits we keep. Of course, the hair type too.
Keep reading and you will know how fatty oil coconut oil is perfect for you and you will know how to stop having oily hair.

Organic African Black Soap Shampoo (8oz) - 100% Natural Ingredients - Anti-Dandruff - Clarifying & Moisturizing, Handmade with Raw African Black Soap by Laurel Essentials
Organic African Black Soap Shampoo (8oz) - 100% Natural Ingredients - Anti-Dandruff - Clarifying & Moisturizing, Handmade with Raw African Black Soap by Laurel Essentials

Why do you have oily hair?

Oily hair is due to excessive production of capillary fat and needs special care. Oily hair is due to multiple factors ranging from genetics, that is, hair can be naturally oily or due to external causes such as pregnancy, menopause and hormones also play an important role when it comes to oily hair .

Why do you have oily hair?

Sebum keeps your hair healthy and smooth, and prevents hair from drying out and breaking. However, some sebaceous glands produce an excess of oil, which results in oily skin and oily hair.

Seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis?

It is important to see a specialist to determine if it is seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis. In the first the scalp only generates excess fat , while seborrheic dermatitis, also called seborrheic eczema, is a skin disease that involves a rash of the skin of the face and scalp, is a very common skin disease and of little gravity and accompany other symptoms such as inflammation of the skin, redness, itching and bad smell.

Why do I have oily hair all of a sudden?

Sudden fat? There are many cases in which hair health is not adequate and one of them is the seborrhea or oily hair that affects many people.

Why do I have oily hair all of a sudden? The first thing you should do is identify what things have changed in your routine lately, because the hair can be naturally oily or due to external causes.

Fatty pregnancy?

It is very common to hear phrases like these: "I am 24 weeks pregnant ... and in the last two weeks I noticed that my hair was getting more and more greasy, There are no signs of dandruff, it is very greasy" ; "I am 7 weeks pregnant and I have always had dry hair. In the past ... Even when I'm washing it with shampoo to lighten oily hair, nothing! "

Fatty pregnancy?

Fatty hair symptom pregnancy. The hair undergoes an alteration during pregnancy due to the presence of hormones, so if your hair is oily , the increase in the secretion of fat from the scalp will increase in pregnancy, consequently more fatty hair in pregnancy.

Fatty hair pregnancy girl? A curiosity about the symptoms of being pregnant with a girl. If you are interested is that if you are pregnant and you want to know if the baby will be a boy or a girl ? The answer is in your hair. If the hair begins to lose its shine and you notice your hair more greasy then it is because it will be a girl. 🙂
What to do with the oily scalp?

You are not the only one. The scalp has glands that produce sebum, which is the fat that protects the hair and that keeps it healthy, but both the greasy hair due to hormonal change , as well as oily hair due to stress and some medical treatments makes it one of the Main causes of having oily hair in men like oily hair in women. We advise you to eat vitamin A, such as carrots, spinach, melon, milk, egg and cheese.
If I have oily hair you can use coconut oil

If I have oily hair can I use coconut oil? Yes of course.

If I have oily hair you can use coconut oil

The fat in the hair is produced by the activity of the sebaceous glands and the fat is a kind of natural lubricant and the coconut oil makes it a lubricant.

Fatty hair man solution

Fatty hair man? The hair of men is more greasy than the feminine and needs a lot of care. Fatty hair man solution Actually, the secretion of oil is very good to maintain the strength of the roots of the hair, if the amount is not excessive. Because if this excessive secretion of hair will greatly interfere with your appearance.

Does coconut oil make hair greasy?

No, quite the opposite. The coconut oil for oily hair manages to control fat and at the same time moisturizes and nourishes the hair fibers in depth, avoiding dryness and other problems, such as split ends or frizz.

Does coconut oil make hair greasy? Next, discover what are the benefits of coconut oil for oily hair and how to use it step by step.

FAT HAIR SOLUTIONS. The Best Home Remedies for Oily Hair

Why do you put on oily hair? The hair stems are protected against breakage and your scalp is kept in good condition due to the sebaceous glands. A wash by excess of shampoo affects the pH of the skin and stimulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, or, by genetic factors can be inherited having the hair greasy.

How to stop having oily hair? These glands can secrete too much oil due to a variety of reasons such as hormonal fluctuations, hereditary conditions or the natural texture of your hair. Next we will explain in detail how to treat oily hair and reduce the excess oil in the hair at low cost.

Solutions for oily hair in 3 steps to eliminate hair grease

Take note of these 3 tips! If you also have a tendency to oily hair

  •     EXFOLIATE your scalp
  •     WASH dry and wet
  •     MASK. Use a mask for oily hair using home remedies such as coconut oil

1. EXFOLIATE your scalp.

The first thing you should do for a good treatment for oily hair is to exfoliate and clean the scalp well . Exfoliate it is basic to reduce impurities and dead cells, especially in oily hair where excess sebum can reach obstructing the follicles .

EVERY DAY, use specific combs to massage your scalp that will begin to balance, adjusting the secretion of sebum.

  • 1 TIME PER WEEK, make a hair scrub to remove excess capillary fat from your hair and scalp with a clay mask , as the clay absorbs fat and is ideal to fight against oily hair
  • 2. How to wash the oily hair? wash it every 4 days

What is good for oily hair? The oily hair must avoid the use of hair products containing SILICONES AND SULFATOS, because they clump the hair too much and would only aggravate the situation making the oily hair look even worse.

What is the correct way to wash your hair? Below I explain these remedies for oily hair . What is the correct way to wash your hair? The first day, wash it as if you were going to the hairdresser, but when washing your hair it is important that you do not massage your scalp too much. Use a shampoo for oily hair without sulfates, silicones or parabens to regulate the secretion of sebum. Second day : Pick up your hair. Better not touch it too much, to avoid oily hair.

How to remove grease from hair without washing it

This technique is ideal for you to know how to clean your hair without getting wet and you can also use it whenever you need it, although for us we will use it in your plan to wash your hair in 4 days, that is to say for your third day . For this occasion, use a dry shampoo to keep you from washing your hair, so you will hold another day. Only use it on the root and bangs if you have.

how to remove hair grease without washing it

Following your plan of how to wash the oily hair, finally comes the fourth day and simply wash with warm water, to open the cuticle and allow the grease and waste products to be removed.

How to wash dry hair with talc, greasy hair tricks

Does talc damage hair? If you do not have dry shampoo, another solution is to clean the hair with talcum is a quick, good and economical solution. To use talc correctly, you must be sure that the hair is dry, and you can sprinkle talcum powder on the brush you use to mold your hair. Wait a few minutes for the talc to absorb the fat from your hair and then brush the hair until the product is removed.

2.Dry hair with talc

Is talc bad for hair? Talc for hair is not bad, on the contrary the absorbent properties of talc allow to remove excess sebum from the skin and hair, but it does not clean your hair

Does talc work to add volume to hair? Yes, talcum powder can be used to regulate the excess fat of the scalp, also providing volume to it. When you apply it to dry hair through the lengths and ends you get at the same time that remove the oily hair, give volume.

Alternate the different methods for the hair and you will see the effects of talcum powder on the hair, how it leaves your hair softer, clearer and with a pleasant smell.

What shampoo is good for oily hair?

When your scalp accumulates a lot of fat the hair looks chafed and lifeless. We have easy solutions for your oily hair that you can apply.

Normal hair requires a fatty hair shampoo with a pH between 4.5 and 6.7, but oily hair requires more pH than that. So pay attention to the correct Shampoo that you will use if you want your hair to be always healthy. Use shampoo for oily hair and dry ends specially designed for oily hair. We recommend this to definitely remove hair grease:

When washing with shampoo, be sure to rinse your hair thoroughly. The rest of the shampoo will only attract more oil and dirt. Do not let soap or shampoo leave on your hair. It is important to wash the remaining foam soap in your hair to get clean hair. The rest of the shampoo will not only cause your hair to become oily, but it will also have detrimental effects on your hair.

Next, use a brush with natural bristles to remove all traces of oil.

3. MASK for oily hair
If your hair is oily and you do not know what you can apply to nourish it without increasing the sebum, you will love our homemade masks for oily hair. Learn how to make natural masks for oily hair with simple, economical and effective recipes.

This mask for homemade fatty hair applies 1 WEEK PER WEEK using home remedies for oily hair, such as organic coconut oil for hair. Discover it! It will serve as a treatment for oily hair and dry ends.

Coconut oil for oily hair

properties of coconut oil I have very greasy hair, what can I use? When our sebaceous glands are in over production, this oil will be your best friend. Use coconut oil on your hair, you'll see it's an excellent remedy for oily hair. Wonderful! can help you to reduce the excess of sebum that causes your hair to be oily, caked and with a dirty look in a very short time.

We explain below everything you need to know about this super hair treatment with coconut oil before buying your coconut oil.

3.1.Why buy coconut oil as a treatment for oily hair? Why buy coconut oil as a treatment for oily hair? Coconut oil is used for lots of things, including removing the fat from our hair. Coconut oil is made up almost 90% of saturated fats, such as lauric acid and capric acid, and also contains oleic acid which is a monounsaturated fat and contains polyunsaturated fats such as linoleic acid.

  •     Lauric acid : has a high affinity for hair protein as it easily penetrates the inside of the hair and nourishes it, which helps reduce the loss of protein in damaged hair .
  •     Oleic acid : which serves as an emollient
  •     Also the capric acid that penetrate the scalp
  •     and finally linoleic acid : helps prevent hair loss

It also has vitamin E and very potent antifungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help reduce excess sebum.

3.2. Is organic coconut oil the best for oily hair?

Is organic coconut oil the best Yes. Before getting down to work, it is best to buy organic coconut oil and as pure as possible. Coconut oil for hair is convenient for vitamin E which is an antioxidant that is present in coconut oil. It will help us to have a hydrated skin and stronger hair.

3.3.How to use coconut oil in the hair

The treatment for oily hair that you must carry out is very simple and consists of the following steps:
Homemade mask for oily hair and dry ends


  •     5 teaspoons pure coconut oil
  •     2 teaspoons fresh lemon
  •     2 teaspoons of grape juice

To make this homemade mask for dry ends and greasy root, mix 5 teaspoons of pure coconut oil with 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon and 2 tablespoons of grape juice. Apply the treatment 1 or 2 times per week, starting at the root and going down to the tips. Let the mixture penetrate for 5 minutes before rinsing it with hot water.

How to use the mask with coconut oil

  •     The coconut oil will be in solid state, so in order to apply it, you will first have to heat it a little in the microwave. Place 1 or 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a bowl and heat it in the microwave for a few seconds to turn it into liquid. The amount of oil to use will depend on the length and density of your hair.
  •     Then, apply the coconut oil on dry hair. It is best to start at the tips, continue through the media and finally reach the area of ​​the scalp. In this, make a small circular massage so that the product penetrates better in the hair follicles.
  •     To enhance its effects, cover your hair with a towel or a plastic cap and let it act for about 20 or 30 minutes, approximately.
  •     After that time, remove with plenty of warm water and wash your hair as usual. It is essential that you use specific shampoos and conditioners for oily hair, this way you will make your hair look cleaner and looser.

Mask vs conditioner

When to use mask and when conditioner ? These two products have different uses and benefits. Mask vs conditioner While the mask is applied after washing, after removing the moisture from the hair and leaving it to act between 5 and 15 minutes , the conditioner is used after washing, with the hair rinsed and it is not necessary to let it act for a long time so that it has effect. With a couple of minutes is more than enough. Both conditioner and mask should be rinsed with plenty of water, better if it is lukewarm.

Now you have clear the differences between mask and conditioner to make a correct use of both products.

3.4.How to remove the fat of the coconut oil from the hair with shampoo?

If you are wondering if coconut oil leaves oily hair, we will say NO. You must understand that there is sebum under the hair because it is produced naturally by the sebaceous glands to lubricate the scalp and thus protect the hair cuticle.

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer for dull and dry hair , but it can be difficult to get the right amount in your hair . In addition, coconut oil is able to control excess fat without causing

  If you do not have time the best thing is to comb with a dry shampoo that can absorb part of the excess oil, this combs from root to tip, we go as any shampoo for root fat and dry ends. You will see that the white hair is left to apply, but to give a little with the towel or a brush everything goes perfectly, it takes very little time to apply and remove, a couple of minutes in total and the result is very good.

When you have time, with very oily hair, it is best to shower with a shampoo for clarifying fatty hair is better to help remove it from your hair completely.

3.5. Use shampoo for oily hair with coconut oil

If your hair secretes more fat than normal, it is best to use coconut oil that does not contain sulfates, which will prevent stimulation of the sebaceous glands that secrete more sebum.

How to stop having oily hair? Ideally, choose a specific hampu for oily hair . A good coconut hair treatment is to wash it regularly to keep hair clean and oil-free. If your hair is dry, use only conditioner on the strands of hair just to keep it moist and soft. If you have oily hair and scalp, massage your scalp thoroughly while you wash your hair. Massage is a mandatory step to keep the scalp clean of oil and dirt that tend to adhere to the scalp.

3.6. Conclusion, How to use coconut oil to avoid greasing oily hair

  •     Do not use a large amount of coconut oil, since then you could grease the hair even more. Start by using a small amount and, depending on how you see your hair reacting to the treatment, increase it a little or not.
  •     Avoid the scalp: Although coconut oil seems to be beneficial for those who struggle with dandruff that has a fungal component, others can see the negative effects of using coconut oil directly on the scalp. Coconut oil can clog pores and cause irritation for some types of scalp (just as it does on certain types of skin), and it is better to use directly on hair and scalp not (of those that have the type of hair). hair).
  •     This treatment is ideal to combat excess fat in the hair and at the same time moisturize and nourish the means and tips, so it can be a great option for those who have a mixed hair, with greasy roots and dry ends.
  •     Do the treatment once a week and you will notice great results in a very short time, your hair will look healthier, beautiful and hydrated. It is not advisable that you carry out this treatment more days a week, since an excessive use of it could accentuate the problem of excess fat in the hair.

Nizoral A-D Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with Ketoconazole 1%, Dry Itchy Scalp Shampoo for Dandruff Control & Relief, 7 fl. oz

Fat roots: we help you fight them

Do you feel identified with this story? You leave the house with freshly washed hair, with a body and spectacular flexibility. But before midday arrives, your roots become oily and your hair loses all its style. Our tips will help you put a "dry" end to this serious problem.

When your scalp accumulates a lot of fat the hair looks chafed and lifeless. There are very quick solutions to combat it!

Nizoral A-D Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with Ketoconazole 1%, Dry Itchy Scalp Shampoo for Dandruff Control & Relief, 7 fl. oz
Nizoral A-D Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with Ketoconazole 1%, Dry Itchy Scalp Shampoo for Dandruff Control & Relief, 7 fl. oz

Simply dust off your fat roots!

Carry a bottle of talcum powder or corn flour with baking soda. Simply apply a small amount of one of these powdered substances to the roots of the hair and work the scalp with your fingers just as you would with a shampoo. Next, use a brush with natural bristles to remove all grayish residue from your hair.

Use alcohol on the fat roots

Spray a little lacquer on the roots of your hair (make sure to use a lacquer indicated for fine or oily hair, never for damaged hair) or massage a small amount of foam on your scalp. Alcohol, both lacquer and foam, absorbs excess fat and returns the body to the hair. Another simple method: use a cotton soaked in facial toner to clean excess oil from your scalp. The facial toners also usually contain alcohol that will help you clean the fat (check the ingredients in the product's packaging).

The fat under control!

Of course, washing your hair would be the right solution, but we can not always do it. In these cases, dry shampoo is very practical. Simply spray it on the hair, near the scalp, and use a towel to gently rub it. Brush your hair and wait a few minutes for the dry shampoo to take effect.

Keep hair away from the oily scalp

The closer the scalp hair is, the more fat it absorbs. Therefore, you should lightly brush the hair closest to the roots or the fringe. You will get more volume to your hair and keep it away from the source of sebum (fat).

More solutions for the roots of oily hair:

- The fringe is not entirely useful when it comes to hiding the roots of oily hair. The line on the side or in the middle is much more appropriate, you can always make the fat roots part of an ultra smooth or straight look.

- If a few hours after washing your hair your hair becomes very greasy, several wicks can be an ideal solution to this problem. The hair with wicks has a slightly rougher and drier structure.

- Be sure to use brushes, combs, curling irons and curling irons that are clean. Otherwise, the residues of conditioners, finishing products and sebum will cake your hair shortly after you have washed it. Ideally, clean the brushes and combs once a week with a mild shampoo and let them dry outdoors. (Drying the brushes and combs by leaving them on radiators would damage the bristles.) Regularly clean the hair straightener and curling iron with a cotton soaked in pure alcohol.

- If your scalp produces too much sebum (fat) you should not, under any circumstances, use hairdressing products that contain oils, such as wax. Alcohol-based fixation products such as foams, lacquers and fixative gels are much more suitable for oily hair. As always, start using a small amount, you can always add more if necessary.

- Use brushes with natural bristles (for example, boar bristles). These bristles are able to distribute the sebum in the hair.

Head and Shoulders, Shampoo and Conditioner 2 in 1, Anti Dandruff, Classic Clean, 23.7 fl oz, Twin Pack


Washing your hair is important to keep hair healthy, but does it make it more oily? Discover how to wash your hair affects the fat.

When your hair looks greasy, your natural reaction is to wash your hair to remove fat.

Washing your hair is important to remove excess grease, dirt and accumulation of products.

Hot water helps soften fat but does not eliminate it. You need to use shampoo to properly wash your hair and scalp.

Head and Shoulders, Shampoo and Conditioner 2 in 1, Anti Dandruff, Classic Clean, 23.7 fl oz, Twin Pack
Head and Shoulders, Shampoo and Conditioner 2 in 1, Anti Dandruff, Classic Clean, 23.7 fl oz, Twin Pack

The oils in your hair and scalp are hydrophobic, which means they "fear water" - the job of a shampoo is to emulsify the oils - it helps to mix them with the water and then to rinse them.

Natural oils are necessary to keep your hair and scalp hydrated and healthy.

So even if you want to eliminate the excess of accumulated products to avoid hair with greasy appearance and it is important not to eliminate all natural oils.

The body produces oils constantly - no matter how often you use your shampoo.

This means that washing more hair can lead to dry hair and scalp and your body can not compensate by producing extra oils.

Be careful with the conditioner.

Make sure you rinse the conditioner well since the buildup of it on the roots can make your hair look greasy.

All the world is different. If you are prone to having oily hair, washing it daily could be the best solution, look for a shampoo that is delicate for daily use.

Depending on the type of hair and lifestyle you may need to wash your hair more or less - our surveys people around the world tell us that people wash their hair an average of 3 times a week, but the habits are very varied. Just do what works best in your hair.

Our Instant Fat Control Shampoo has been proven to give your hair and scalp a deep cleansing, attacking dandruff and keeping excess oil under control.

Its formula with balanced pH is delicate in the hair and suitable for daily use.

Your hair will have a clean look that you will notice from the first wash.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Head and Shoulders, Shampoo, Anti Dandruff, Clinical Strength, 13.5 fl oz, Twin Pack

How to remove Olive oil from your hair

Rinse and condition hair Use other tricks Take appropriate precautions

For those who enjoy using natural products instead of chemical products and bought in stores, Olive oil is a basic household product. It has many benefits and uses beyond the kitchen, one of them includes serving as a deep conditioning mask for hair. However, it can be difficult to remove the Olive oil from the hair, due to its thick and greasy composition. But with a little extra care and cleaning, you can get all the benefits that Olive oil can offer to your hair while removing all the Olive oil residue.

Head and Shoulders, Shampoo, Anti Dandruff, Clinical Strength, 13.5 fl oz, Twin Pack
Head and Shoulders, Shampoo, Anti Dandruff, Clinical Strength, 13.5 fl oz, Twin Pack

Method 1
Rinse and condition hair

  •     Use a regular shampoo. Wash your hair thoroughly with the shampoo and conditioner you normally use. Apply the shampoo to the scalp and rub it gently. Rinse with warm water. Then apply the conditioner in the same way and rinse it. [one]
  •         Reapply the shampoo and conditioner if necessary. Repeat these steps until your hair feels less Olive oily because of the Olive oil.

  •     Wash your hair with a lightening shampoo. Lightening shampoos are shampoos designed to remove any buildup in the hair. This may include residues of wax, gel, lacquer, chlorine or a mask of Olive oil for the hair. Pour some lightening shampoo on the palms of your hands and apply it to the hair. Massage it gently into the hair, focusing on the scalp. Then rinse it with warm water. [two]
  •         This step is only necessary if your normal shampoo and conditioner were not enough to remove the Olive oil from the hair.

  •     Prepare a paste of baking soda. Combine baking soda and water to remove any residue of Olive oil. Mix the ingredients in your palm to create a paste. You simply add a little water to the baking soda until it becomes a paste. Cover your hair with it starting at the roots and advancing until you reach the ends of the hair. [3]
  •         Try covering the hair with a bathing cap, towel, plastic bag or other similar device. Let it sit for about 15 minutes. [4]
  •         Then rinse it thoroughly in the shower. Repeat these steps as necessary to remove any residue of Olive oil.

Method 2
Use other tricks

  •     Try a dry shampoo. Dry shampoo can do wonders to absorb any excess Olive oil you may have put on your hair. Simply apply it to dry hair as indicated on the package. Most dry shampoos come in aerosol containers, so spray the product and use a brush to comb through the hair. [5]
  •         Make sure you do not apply dry shampoo to wet hair.
  •         You can also rub a towel on your hair after applying the dry shampoo. The added friction should help get a little more of the Olive oil.
  •         If you do not have any dry shampoo on hand, you can use a little baby powder if necessary. Just spray a small amount on the crown and use a brush to comb through your hair.

  •     Use dishwasher detergent. Apply a small amount of liquid dishwashing detergent to damp hair if it is still Olive oily. Detergents are designed to remove Olive oils and can remove Olive oil from hair after other conditioners and shampoos have only part of the fat. [6]
  •         To avoid drying the hair unnecessarily, start with a small amount of detergent and use more as needed.
  •         Use a deep moistening conditioner after applying dishwasher detergent. This can dry your hair and remove all the natural Olive oils.

  •     Tie your hair back in a ponytail. If you can not get all the Olive oil out of your hair, try combing it in a tight ponytail. This style combed backwards will hide a little of the greasy residue of the remaining Olive oil and will give you more time to try to remove it. [7]
  •         You can make a ponytail on the top of the head or one on the back of the neck. You can even make a pretty ponytail at the base of the neck.
  •         Additionally, you might consider other hairstyles such as bows, French braids or other braids to hide the grease from your hair. These hairstyles are particularly effective for longer hair.

Method 3
Take appropriate precautions

  •     Give yourself a lot of time. Do not apply the Olive oil mask just before an event such as a wedding or a party. If you find problems to remove all the Olive oil, your hair may look lifeless or dirty. This can result in unattractive and greasy looking hair. [8]
  •         Make sure you only apply Olive oil treatments at least several days before any important event so that you have enough time to deal with any unforeseen circumstances or accidents that may occur.

  •     Avoid prolonged contact with the skin. Leaving hair in contact with the neck or forehead when applying and removing Olive oil can cause acne in those areas. Place your hair in a bathing cap or towel to avoid any potential skin problems. [9]
  •         Remember that hot Olive oil can burn your skin. Warm it lightly and be careful when applying it to hair.

  •     Dilute the Olive oil before use. Before applying Olive oil to hair, take precautions when diluting Olive oil with water. Dilute the Olive oil in half by adding one part and two parts water.
  •         Performing this step will make it easier to remove the Olive oil from the hair once you have finished with the application. This could save you a lot of trouble managing too Olive oily hair afterwards.

  •     Take everything out Leaving Olive oil in the hair for too long can be quite problematic and damaging to the skin on the scalp. It can cause pores in this area to become clogged which can result in imperfections and irritation. Additionally, you can make any skin flake (dandruff) stick to your head, which can aggravate the problem. [10]
  •         If one of the cleaning methods does not work, do not be discouraged. Keep washing your hair or trying other methods until your hair returns to normal.


  •     Olive oil is a natural way to keep hair conditioned and repair split ends. Depending on the texture and the natural fat of your hair, apply an Olive oil mask several times a week until once a month.
  •     Only apply Olive oil to wet or damp hair. It is much harder to remove the Olive oil if you apply it directly to dry hair.
  •     Warming the Olive oil lightly before applying it (for example, heating it in the palms of the hands) will make it more watery. This can make it easier to apply in small quantities.


  •     Do not apply too much Olive oil when making a hair mask at home. Start with small amounts and add more as you progress; otherwise, it might be difficult to remove it from your hair.

Things you will need

  •     Water
  •     shampoo
  •     lightening shampoo
  •     conditioner
  •     sodium bicarbonate
  •     liquid dishwashing detergent