Sunday, March 8, 2020

How to choose the most suitable watering time

How to choose the most suitable watering time

Choose the right watering time.

If possible, water in the morning. Morning watering is best. Because it follows the cycle of natural growth of plants The flower tree will be ready to receive water early in the morning. Is the sunrise But not yet high in the sky You can keep watering from this moment on. Until the sun is too hot Especially if the weather is very hot and regularly watering regularly Will make the tree strong and resistant to heat [1]
If waiting until noon or afternoon The sun is too hot. Watering will become a careless tree instead. The sun makes the water too hot for delicate stems and leaves. If burned up, it will be damaged for a long time.
Try to water before 10 o'clock in the morning. This will ensure that there is a time for the water to seep into the soil and slightly dry before the sun is too bright. If watering in the afternoon will waste water. Because most will evaporate before seeping into the soil

If morning is not convenient To water in the evening instead. Many people have a tight mission It is impossible to sit and water the plants early in the morning. If already missed the golden minute Had to wait until evening Or when the sun is shining The tree won't burn And had time to dry before the evening [2]
If waiting for the afternoon To water at around 4 o'clock onwards Because before that it was an afternoon Sunny and hot The tree definitely burns.
If really watering is necessary Do not do it regularly. Please only the days that are unavoidable.

Do not water at night. Night time watering The water will remain as per the leaves. Not volatile as normal The soil may hold water. Instead of absorbing and draining like the sun Makes the tree rot easily Because there are rato on the root Including the leaves and stems
The only case that can be watered at night Meaning that day cannot be sprayed on other parts of the day The trees were so dry that I couldn't water the day. Or can't wait until morning
If really need to be watered at night To water the land The tree will not get wet. And not much watering The soil will not absorb water. It is best to use drip tape or a waterproof hose.