Showing posts with label Alkaline-Batteries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alkaline-Batteries. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2019

Duracell Procell AA 24 Pack (Pack of 2)


Duracell Procell AA 24 Pack (Pack of 2)

Batteries are tools that store electrical energy, as you know. Since the first use of batteries in history, the format has changed a lot and has been produced in many types. Batteries are divided into different classes according to their energy storage, usage or external form. If you pay attention to the correct use of the batteries, you will get more from your cameras.

Battery Capacity
Generally, the amount of energy stored by the battery is indicated by "ampere-hour" or simply "Ah". Thus, a 1 Ah battery can generate 1 amp current for 1 hour. One thousandth of this unit is called milli ampere-hour (mAh). If batteries are used in jobs that require less power, for example 100 mA current is sufficient, a 1 Ah (1000 mAh) battery will provide energy for 10 hours. In general, the mAh unit is used as a measure of the energy capacity of the batteries. As this value increases, the energy stored by the batteries will increase.
However, in practice, different results are obtained from these values. Battery manufacturers measure capacity when using 5% of the battery's discharge capacity. The reason for selecting this value is that the battery provides the most efficient discharge of energy in this way. This means that if the discharge capacity is different from 5% while you are using the battery, you will get a different result from the mAh on the battery.

Articles on the battery
When handling a battery, you should first pay attention to its polarity and voltage. Poles are indicated as (+) or (-) on both ends of the battery. Insert the batteries correctly into the tool you will use. The correct placement is usually indicated on the inside of the battery compartment or on the lid. Voltage is information that helps you use the correct battery. If the vehicle on which you will use the battery is a sensitive electronic device, such as a weighing instrument or a watch, you should not use low-voltage batteries.

The type of the battery and whether or not it can be charged are also printed on the batteries. For example, if you see Ni Ni-MH ve and charge Rechargeable yazıl, you will know that your battery is nickel metalhydride and rechargeable. On rechargeable batteries, the energy storage capacity is also indicated in mAh. For example, with 750 mAh, you can achieve 75 milliamps of power for 10 hours under ideal conditions. Higher numbers mean more voltage.

You will also see information and advice on environmental pollution on the batteries. For example, a graphic with successive triangular arrows indicates that the battery is made of recyclable material. This means that if you give your finished battery to the system established by the municipalities or vendor companies, the chemicals or metals in the battery are separated and reused. You can also see information on disposing of used batteries in normal waste.

Battery Types
Batteries are divided into two according to their usage. Disposable batteries that are discharged over time and then disposed of are called "Primary Batteries". Batteries that can be recharged and reused when they are finished are called "Secondary Batteries". Users will immediately think about how to choose between so many battery types. You will read the information below.
Primary Batteries (Non-Rechargeable Batteries)
Zinc Carbon Battery (Standard Carbon, Leclanche Battery)
This was the first commercially successful battery produced by the French Georges Leclanche in 1860. In this battery, a box made of zinc serves as both a negative electrode and a semi-liquid electrolyte. The positive electrode, which is carbon, is in this electrolyte. The structure of these batteries is simple and inexpensive, but their capacity is poor. 500-1000 mAh power can be obtained from the pen battery (AA) type. Spontaneous discharge in time is very low. These batteries are also available on the market as the "heavy duty" or "ultra" amplified type, but this is not much power.
As a result, standard batteries are not used in vehicles that require a lot of power, such as a camera. They cannot be recharged, however they do not have to be destroyed by a special method. However, if not careful, the electrolyte in it, especially towards the end of its life, may flow out of the battery and cause damage to the electronic vehicle in which it is corrosive. Due to its disadvantages, we do not recommend using these batteries except in case of necessity. These batteries are not used in vehicles that require high power, such as cameras.
Alkaline Battery
The electrodes are zinc and manganese oxide, and the electrolyte is basic. These batteries are also called alkaline (basic). These days the market is easily and cheaper than before. These batteries are very powerful. The power of these batteries of different brands is often similar. Alkaline batteries are also available in more power types. They are used in vehicles that require high power, such as cameras or toys. The normal types of pen batteries produce 2400 mAh power. The rate of spontaneous discharge is very low when not used. For these types of batteries, the expiry date is usually printed on the battery. As you can see from here, these batteries can easily stand on the shelf for seven years. You can store the batteries in the refrigerator if you want to spend more time in this healthier way.
Alkaline batteries cannot be recharged, but rechargeable alkaline batteries are also produced. However, recharging alkaline batteries of any type cannot ensure efficient use. In the past, alkaline batteries contained mercury, but later mercury was banned. Do not dispose of old mercury-containing batteries when they are used up, but you should dispose of them in recycling systems established by municipalities or retailers. Mercury-free batteries can be disposed of in normal trash. The mercury content of the batteries is indicated, for example, by "0% Mercury-Cadmium".
Lithium Battery
The positive electrode consists of manganese oxide, the negative electrode consists of lithium and the electrolyte consists of lithium perchlorate dissolved in propylene. A 3-volt potential is provided in a lithium battery unit, which remains approximately constant over the life of the battery. Due to the light weight of the substances in the structure, these batteries are very light. In addition, when not in use, it has a very low rate of spontaneous discharge and can be kept in practice for ten years without being used. It runs more smoothly than other battery types at low ambient temperatures. Because these batteries provide high energy, they are used in vehicles that require power such as cameras and flashes.
You should not confuse the name of these batteries with rechargeable Li-Ion (Li-Ion) batteries. Lithium batteries cannot be recharged or may explode if you try to charge them. Lithium batteries are more dangerous than other types of batteries.
Lithium batteries are often used in cameras. Although these batteries have advantages in terms of their high power and durability, fewer and more brands prefer these batteries in the vehicles they produce.

Secondary Batteries (Rechargeable Batteries)
Nickel-Cadmium Battery (Ni-Cd or NiCad)

In such batteries, the electrodes include nickel-hydroxide and cadmium, and the electrolyte contains potassium-hydroxide. These batteries can be recharged, which means that when there is no energy left, you can recharge them using special chargers. This provides great convenience and savings.

NiCd batteries are cheaper than other types of rechargeable batteries and can be recharged 500-1000 times. If you charge NiCd batteries before they are fully discharged, the battery "remembers" it and reduces its charging capacity. This ensures that the battery runs out of consecutive discharges in a short time.
NiCd batteries contain chemicals harmful to the environment. Therefore, if you wish to dispose of them, you should leave your defective batteries in the recycling system of municipalities or retailers.
Although NiCd batteries vary slightly from the manufacturer, they often store very low amounts of energy compared to other types of rechargeable batteries. For example, a NiCd battery of the AA type can store up to 900 mAh of energy, whereas in NiMH batteries it can be 2500 mAh. Ni-Cd batteries produce a potential of 1.2 volts and can continue this until the energy in the battery is exhausted. Low voltage may prevent the operation of some electronic devices. For devices using a single battery, it may not be important that the voltage drops from 1.5 volts to 1.2 volts, but if four batteries need to be used, the voltage will drop from 6 to 4.8 volts. If you want to use a Ni-Cd battery, you should also consider this. We do not recommend the use of NiCd batteries due to their low power, memory and environmental impact.
Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery (Ni-MH)
The structure of this type of battery is somewhat more complicated. It contains titanium, nickel, cobalt, manganese, aluminum, vanadium, zirconium, chromium and iron compounds. A battery unit generates 1.2 volts of potential and has a large storage capacity. NiMH batteries also have some memory effect. This means that if you charge these batteries before they are fully discharged, you will not be able to use them at full capacity. However, if you allow full discharge after such a half-charge, the memory effect will disappear. (Maybe that's why some NiMH battery manufacturers state that it doesn't affect memory.)
Ni-MH batteries can be recharged approximately 500 times under appropriate conditions. They can be used easily at low temperatures as in winter. Especially new models can store 2400 mAh of energy. Since the amount of energy they store is approximately equal, they can be used in combination with non-rechargeable batteries when necessary. They can be used in devices such as cameras and toys as they can deliver high power. There is no special destruction process, you can throw it in the normal trash.
Li-Ion Battery (Li-Ion)
A Li-Ion battery unit produces 3.6 volts. Li-Ion batteries are being produced more and more powerful with technological innovations. More and more models are being used in cameras. We recommend that you prioritize models that use these batteries when selecting your camera.

Li-Ion batteries are more powerful than other rechargeable batteries. After charging, they can store energy longer and weigh less. They work better at low temperatures, for example, outdoors in winter, compared to other batteries. Another advantage of these batteries is the slow discharge rate without use. Li-Ion batteries discharge by 5% per month, while NiMH and NiCd batteries discharge by 20-30%.

Li-Ion batteries should be stored half-charged in a cool place when not in use. If it is fully charged, Li-Ion batteries lose 20% of their capacity each year; If you do not intend to use your camera for an extended period of time, you should let the battery discharge slightly and turn it off.

Fully discharging and recharging Li-Ion batteries shortens their lifespan, in practice they have a full charge life of 300 to 500 batteries. Li-Ion batteries have no memory effect under favorable conditions. If you purchase a spare Li-Ion battery for your camera, it will expire faster than the battery in use. You should therefore alternately use your replacement batteries.

Duracell Procell AA 24 Pack (Pack of 2)

Energizer Rechargeable AAA Batteries, NiMH, 800 mAh, Pre-Charged, 4 count (Recharge Power Plus) - EVENH12BP4

What is a rechargeable battery? How does it work?

Energizer Rechargeable AAA Batteries, NiMH, 800 mAh, Pre-Charged, 4 count (Recharge Power Plus) - EVENH12BP4

In recent years, almost everyone has started to have rechargeable batteries have started to take an important place in our lives. Some use it for cameras, others for wireless keyboards or mice. So what is this technology that is beginning to have an important place in our lives? What is the difference from non-rechargeable batteries? Let's look at the answers to these questions.

How Do Rechargeable Batteries Work?

The key to electrochemistry is oxidation and reduction. When a material is oxidized, it loses the electron, which means that it is charged with a higher level of oxidation. Similarly, a reducing agent acquires electrons, i.e. minus charged, i.e., reduces the level of oxidation.

Let's say A is easily oxidized , which means it likes to lose electrons, and B is a substance that likes to be reduced, that is, to gain electrons. When these two substances are placed in an electrolyte, a circuit from A to B is completed.

Rechargeable batteries operate very similar to normal batteries when discharging. However, when the battery is charged, the electrons move in the opposite direction of discharge until the battery is fully charged. Thus, the electrons are forced to return to A and the oxidized A is reduced , making the battery usable again. Although this may seem a simple process, it can only occur in certain combinations of substances and electrolytes.

What are the advantages of rechargeable batteries?

Perhaps the most important advantage of rechargeable batteries is that they reduce the amount of household waste. 15 million standard batteries thrown into the trash every year, the damage to the environment is reduced by the use of rechargeable batteries . Incidentally, the most ecological ones are Ni-Mh (Nickel - metal hydrade) batteries. These batteries, the latest technology in the industry, do not contain lead, mercury and other highly toxic substances.

Rechargeable batteries can be recharged many times (exactly 1000 times), saving you money. If we make a rough calculation, using a rechargeable battery in your digital camera will save you around $ 1300 a year. The charge you have purchased to this account including rechargeable batteries, charging machine and spent electricity.

Compared to alkaline batteries, which are known for their long life and high prices, we see that rechargeable batteries provide lower cost and higher efficiency. The development in rechargeable battery technology, which has been advancing for years, has gained momentum since it began to follow the path of digital . That's why it can meet the needs of high-consumption digital cameras.

What should be considered for long-lasting rechargeable batteries?

When you receive a new set of rechargeable batteries, fully charge them before use. When your batteries are fully charged, fully discharge them once (using a charger). After this, you can start using your rechargeable batteries. This simple operation, which will take only one time before you start using your batteries, will both prolong the life of your batteries and allow you to use them at their full capacity.

Make sure that your batteries do not remain uncharged for a long time. Store batteries that will not be used for a long time. Batteries that have been left empty for a long time both shorten their life and reduce their performance.

If you are using a Ni-Cd battery, fully discharge your battery from the charger every 5-10 charging cycles. This will help you avoid the memory effect.

When do Ni-MH batteries reach their maximum capacity?

Ni-MH rechargeable batteries start to operate at full capacity after charging 4-5 times. You can achieve the highest efficiency after starting to use the rechargeable NiMH rechargeable battery you have purchased and after charging and recharging 4-5 times. (source: Steve's digicams )

What is the Memory Effect on Ni-Cd batteries? How can I avoid this?

After use, batteries must be discharged using a charger. If the battery is not completely discharged, the charge will not be fully charged and a new and lower energy level will be determined. This is called the ' memory effect '. In other words, the memory effect means that in the case of batteries that are not fully discharged, the unused portion of the battery cannot receive and produce energy. As a result, the battery life will become shorter and have to be recharged more frequently.

To avoid the memory effect, it is necessary to fully discharge the batteries. This will prolong their life.

Ni-MH (Nickel-Metal Hydride) and Li-ion ( Lithium Ion ) batteries have no memory effect.

What is self-discharge?

The self- discharge , which applies to all rechargeable batteries, is that batteries that have not been used for a long period of time will lose some of their power, even if the device is turned off. You can avoid unpleasant surprises by filling batteries that have not been used for a long time before use. (source: Steve's digicams )

Can I use a 1.2V rechargeable battery on devices that normally work with 1.5V alkaline batteries?

Using a 1.2V battery will have no negative effect on your device or its performance. As a matter of fact, an alkaline disposable battery can only deliver 1.5V at the beginning of the discharge process. It then falls steadily and well below 1.2V. Eventually it drops to around 0.6V. Most devices work happily between 0.9V and 1.2V . Unlike alkaline batteries whose voltage drops quickly, rechargeable batteries have a more constant voltage of around 1.25V during their lifetime.

Therefore, new rechargeable batteries will replace alkaline batteries in devices that require regular and high-level energy such as digital cameras, flashes, camcorders, computers and mobile phones .

Energizer Rechargeable AAA Batteries, NiMH, 800 mAh, Pre-Charged, 4 count (Recharge Power Plus) - EVENH12BP4

EBL 8 Pack AAA Ni-MH Rechargeable Batteries AAA Batteries ProCyco Technology (Typical 1100mAh, Minimum 1000mAh)

What is a battery? How does it work ?

EBL 8 Pack AAA Ni-MH Rechargeable Batteries AAA Batteries ProCyco Technology (Typical 1100mAh, Minimum 1000mAh)

Electrochemical equipment used to store and convert chemical energy into an electrical form is called a battery. The batteries consist of one or more electrochemical cells, such as fuel cells or flow cells.

The oldest known man-made batteries are those made in Baghdad. B.C. It is estimated to have been built between 250 and 640 AD. The development process began in 1800 with a Voltaic battery developed by an Italian physicist, Alessandro Volta. Worldwide, the battery industry has reached a turnover of US $ 48 billion in 2005, which is now very large.

In general, batteries are divided into two as Non-rechargeable and Rechargeable batteries. Disposable (non-rechargeable) batteries;

Zinc carbon; used in low-cost, low-energy processes,

Zinc chloride is used in processes that last less than zinc carbon battery,

Alkaline “long life lar used in processes that require more power,

Silver oxide; commonly used in hearing aids

Lithium; they are generally used in digital cameras and are widely used in watches and computer clocks.

Mercury; usually used in digital watches,

The thermal battery has a high temperature storage structure and is generally used in military applications.


The lead acid battery is charged and used continuously in vehicles, alarm systems and uninterruptible power systems.

Lithium ion; is quite common. High charging capacity. It is used in portable digital devices such as laptops, mobile phones, music players and many more.

The lithium-ion polymer has the basic characteristics of a lithium-ion battery, the difference being that it has less charge density.

Nickel metal hydride is used in all applications of Li-Ion and Ni-MH battery types. These types are able to be recharged many times (approximately 1500 times) but store less energy than other types.

The structure that the batteries come together to form is called a battery. It was widely used in lamp radio receivers before the 1960s. Today, they are widely used in portable computers. On the other hand, mobile phones used 3-cell batteries when they came out, but today almost all phone models use single-cell lithium-ion types, but we still call them batteries. You need a habit.

For over 250 years of development, batteries are among the most expensive sources of energy. It can contain very expensive products and even risky chemicals in its structure. For these reasons; because it contains chemical substances can affect human metabolism can have no unpleasant consequences. Nowadays, centers have been established in order to carry out studies for the recycling of toxic substances in used batteries.

It is possible to make batteries from lemon or other acid-containing fruits. These types are called voltaic batteries as a result of converting chemical energy into electrical energy. Batteries are made using the logic of placing two separate metals in an acidic solution. In this way, when a lemon, for example a zinc-plated nail and a copper coin is dipped, the lemon juice forms the required acid solution and can generate electricity, but the electrical energy produced is very weak and is light enough to provide a light glow even in LED lights.

EBL 8 Pack AAA Ni-MH Rechargeable Batteries AAA Batteries ProCyco Technology (Typical 1100mAh, Minimum 1000mAh)

Duracell - CopperTop AA Alkaline Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose Double A battery for household and business - 8 count

How can waste batteries be recycled?

Duracell - CopperTop AA Alkaline Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose Double A battery for household and business - 8 count

Disposal of household garbage is one of the most attention to be disposed of, hazardous chemicals contained in the dangerous batteries that contain.

It is possible to recycle used waste batteries and the number of batteries collected on recovery is increasing in our country. Between 2007 and 2016, this figure tripled and reached 720 tons. Although this is good news, it is important that none of the waste batteries containing harmful chemicals are released into the environment and that all batteries are recycled.

What are the harmful effects of waste batteries on human and environmental health?

Even if the batteries do not cause any damage during use, if they are disposed of with other waste after the end of use, there is a possibility that their outer containers will rupture. This causes the metals and chemicals they contain to enter the soil and water and pollute the environment. At the same time, heavy metals such as mercury and cadmium can be mixed with food sources and cause harm to human and environmental health.

Why should I recycle waste batteries?

The danger of waste batteries to the environment and human health is caused by these heavy and semi-heavy metals, including mercury and cadmium.

It is not possible to reduce the proportion of cadmium in the batteries, only in the nickel / cadmium type rechargeable batteries. That's why there are restrictions on the devices that use these batteries. Experts predict that such batteries will no longer be available to individual consumers in the next 5 to 10 years.

The mercury content of the batteries is the most consumed battery types, zinc / carbon and alkali / manganese. As a result of pressure from environmental organizations and consumers, mercury in the batteries has been reduced rapidly. The maximum acceptable value for batteries today is 0.0005% (5 ppm). This means that there is about 5 grams of mercury in one ton of waste battery. The importance of controlled disposal of used batteries is of great importance as the number of waste batteries will increase and the proportion of mercury to the environment will increase.

However, the batteries still contain semi-heavy metals such as zinc, iron, manganese, nickel, lithium, cobalt, copper, aluminum, and various chemical solutions, and therefore waste batteries must be collected and disposed of separately.

It is recommended not to dispose of waste batteries in recycling bins. If a damage to the outer container of the batteries occurs, it can damage other recyclable waste. We therefore recommend that you store your waste batteries in a separate box.

How can I recycle waste batteries?

With a regulation published in 2004, the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry appointed some organizations to collect waste batteries. The only organization authorized for portable batteries from these organizations is the TAP Association, established in 2004.
TAP collects waste batteries through various types of boxes and bins available at collection points across the country. You can drop your batteries at the battery collection points in schools, universities, supermarkets, hospitals and pharmacies.

Migros Virtual Market Waste Battery Campaign

In addition, Migros Virtual Market; Within the scope of the new project that started in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, while delivering products at the door to customers who shop, it also takes waste batteries and delivers them to recycling centers.

In the campaign, where waste oils are also delivered, the wastes collected by customers are collected in waste batteries and vegetable waste oil accumulation equipment in Migros Virtual Market vehicles and these wastes are delivered to TAP Association, which is responsible for batteries, and vegetable waste oils are delivered to DEHA.

In return for vegetable waste oils delivered to DEHA, donations to TURMEPA Marine Clean Association contribute to the project of cleaning the seas.

Duracell - CopperTop AA Alkaline Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose Double A battery for household and business - 8 count

Panasonic BK-4MCCA8BA eneloop AAA 2100 Cycle Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries, 8 Pack

Waste Batteries Disposal and Recycling

Panasonic BK-4MCCA8BA eneloop AAA 2100 Cycle Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries, 8 Pack

Disposal and Recycling of Waste Batteries


Since waste batteries do not show biological degradation, they cannot be disposed of by composting methods. Likewise, waste cells are not preferred for incineration because they do not burn well due to their structure and as a result they do not show sufficient shrinkage in their mass.

Controlled storage of waste batteries under or above ground is still practiced in many countries. However, after the waste batteries are classified according to their chemical structure, it is best to dispose of them by recycling processes.

The fact that EU countries' metal and metal sprouts needs are dependent on imports in the order of 80 -100% (eg nickel 86%, cobalt 95%) and the fact that batteries constitute the richest resources following primary metal shoots and alloys in terms of metal contents have been realized in a short time and In the latest Directive 2006/66 / EC published on 26 September 2006, the obligation to recycle waste batteries was clearly emphasized. On the other hand, it is also important that the amount of energy consumed in the process of obtaining metals from metal shoots is much higher than that required for the recycling of waste batteries.


The objectives of recycling portable waste batteries are to protect the receiving environment from harmful emissions from waste batteries, to prevent heavy metals from entering the soil or water, and in particular to generate economic benefits by recycling certain precious metals within the batteries.

From the recycling of portable waste batteries, zinc and zinc compounds, manganese compounds, ferromanganese, ferronickel, nickel, cadmium and cadmium compounds, lithium, silver, cobalt and few rare earth elements are recycled in several large capacity plants. The recycling of mercury and mercury compounds has lost its importance as a result of the extremely reduced amount of mercury present in zinc-carbon and alkaline batteries.

Recycling methods can be mechanical, hydrometallurgical (chemical / physical) or pyrometallurgical (thermal). In the hydrometallurgical processes, it is possible to achieve a much higher degree of purity than in thermal processes. On the other hand, recycling efficiency in thermal processes is much higher.



A project titled esi Disposal of Waste Batteries and Development of Recycling Technologies ”was initiated in 2009 by TÜBİTAK Chemistry Institute. In this project, the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization is the customer institution and TUBITAK MRC is the executive organization. The aim of the project is to recycle waste zinc-carbon / alkali-manganese type batteries by various physical and hydro-metallurgical processes. EXITCOM Recycling Company was established in Kocaeli in the second half of 2017.


Recycling plant under turkey in place all waste batteries collected before installing or built on the place in controlled manner by storage in a sanitary landfill and mono- are disposed substantially by TAP.

Disposal of landfill waste storage area in Istanbul Sile / Komurcuo

(2010 and later)

Disposal in underground warehouses in İstanbul Kemerburgaz

(2006 - 2010)

Panasonic BK-4MCCA8BA eneloop AAA 2100 Cycle Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries, 8 Pack

Duracell - CopperTop AA Alkaline Batteries-16 count

Wondering about batteries

Duracell - CopperTop AA Alkaline Batteries-16 count

We have examined the types of batteries in most of the portable devices we use and the differences between these types for you.

T he different types of components in our computers, such as the display card and the hard disk, are constantly undergoing refurbishment, but they do not change much. On the other hand, peripherals are constantly redesigned to offer different features and innovations. User-friendly devices that are portable, with the exception of peripherals that depend on computers, are becoming increasingly common. Technologically progressive progress makes smart devices indispensable. The best example of this is smart devices that combine features like audio recording, video player and camera. These smart devices are of such a type that they can fit seven different features into a single volume. These devices are of course called MP3 players but they combine many different features.

Image MP3 players are highly ingenious

Most of the MP3 players, which are the subject of this month's test, have the following features: Playing digital music files, stereo FM radio, audio recording with built-in microphone, MP3 format audio recording via FM radio or audio input, USB portable memory, foreign language learning function and speak card reader card reader. Combining all these features, these devices can be used without any problems for years. All you need is a computer to transfer music files. Of course you might need something else. Even if some of these devices have a built-in rechargeable battery, some of them work with a pen battery (AA) or thin type battery (AAA). The advantage of internal batteries is obvious; but there are some disadvantages of this situation. For example, when you go on a long journey and the battery runs out, you need electricity or a computer for charging.

On the contrary, if you have a product that uses AA or AAA batteries, you can continue to enjoy your music without interrupting by inserting the spare batteries in your pocket. This applies not only to MP3 players but also to digital cameras, wireless keyboards - mice and wireless headsets. This is due to the fact that there are many different brand products and many different types of batteries in the market.
the general situation in Turkey

In Turkey the market is located approximately 90 different brands of batteries. However, at most 15 of these brands are known. It is also possible that some of these brands are produced by the same companies. These products, which have different names but the same features, can try their luck in different markets and with different marketing techniques. Consumers are often in demand for disposable batteries. The reason for this is the favorable prices of these batteries ranging from 500 thousand - 2 million TL. These one-time batteries use two different technologies; zinc - carbon and alkaline batteries. Zinc-carbon batteries, which can be produced much cheaper, have a long history. These batteries have the shortest life span of all types due to their technical limitations. On the other hand, alkaline batteries have 5 to 10 times more life than zinc - lead batteries. Since most users are not aware of this performance difference, approximately 90 percent zinc - lead batteries are sold throughout the market.

Voltage difference is insignificant
The voltage for rechargeable batteries is 1.2 Volt. The use of this type of battery does not adversely affect the performance of the devices. Although non-rechargeable batteries, known as 1.5 Volts, can only offer this voltage at the beginning, but over time, the voltage drops. The voltage drop in rechargeable batteries is slower. Do not store rechargeable batteries that will not be used for long periods of time. Even if you have fully charged these batteries, they will discharge themselves within 2 to 3 months. For this reason, it is useful to charge unused rechargeable batteries from time to time.
Capability concept

Image When we say shallow, we understand the total capacity of a battery. For example, if you use a battery with a capacity of 500 mAh on a radio with a power consumption of 100 mA, the battery is expected to run out after 5 hours. The current value of 100 mA is indicated on the instrument or can be calculated using the instrument's power consumption. If the specified power rating for this radio uses two 0.3 Watt and 1.5 Volt pencil batteries, then the current value can be found as 0.1 A, ie 100 mA, since it is '0.3 = (2 x 1.5) x Current' from the 'Power = Voltage x Current' equation.
Ses Kapa

The capacity of zinc - carbon batteries is quite low. Alkaline batteries have 5 to 10 times higher capacity (up to 1500 mAh in AA batteries). Therefore, you can make the right choice by looking at how much power the device consumes. For example, devices such as the remote control and the watch consume very little energy and can run smoothly for several years even with zinc - carbon batteries. In such a case you can of course also use alkaline batteries. However, if you need to make an economical choice, you can turn to zinc - lead batteries.
Advantages of rechargeable batteries

Although we say economic for alkaline batteries, in the long run, it turns out that this is not true. For example, in some cases, you may need to replace the batteries of your MP3 player every two days. This may result in significant costs for you. That is why the interest in rechargeable batteries has increased exponentially in recent years. The rechargeable batteries, which can be recharged on average 1000 times, are divided into two main categories. Rechargeable batteries, known as nickel - cadmium, which are described as first generation, have reached their capacity limits. A disadvantage of nickel-cadmium batteries up to a maximum of 1400 mAh (AA batteries) is the memory effect, the capacity reduction due to misuse. Although nickel - cadmium batteries can reach very high current values, they may decrease in a short time as a result of misuse. Charging the nickel-cadmium batteries before they are fully discharged reduces battery life and capacity. You should not charge these batteries before they are fully depleted, and you should charge them immediately after they are finished.

Image Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) batteries have capacities between 700 and 2300 mAh. It is not a problem to charge these batteries before they run out. Especially digital camera users should use Ni-MH batteries with a capacity of 2000 mAh and above. The same applies to MP3 players. Therefore, when choosing a rechargeable battery, we recommend that you pay attention to the type, capacity and number of rechargeable batteries. It is recommended to use compatible chargers to get the most out of rechargeable batteries and ensure long life. The biggest change in terms of chargers is the fact that charging times are gradually decreasing. Charging times of up to 15 minutes require very high current on the batteries. Although this kind of overloading and warming is thought to shorten battery life, you don't have to be afraid as long as the rules are followed and compatible batteries are used. The next generation devices are capable of automatically detecting the type of rechargeable battery used when the batteries are full. However, there is a risk of losing the capacity of these batteries when using different types of batteries. The car cigarette lighter adapter supplied with some of the chargers allows you to charge your batteries while in the car. The Camelion Smart Charger distributed by Evren Elektronik has this feature. On the other hand, it has protection features against overcurrent, overheating and battery insertion.

Image One of the biggest advantages of rechargeable batteries is that they do not cause environmental pollution. These batteries, which can be used for an average of 5 years, are not only economical but also extremely effective in terms of environmental protection.

We would like to thank Evren Elektronik for reviewing the products described in this article.

Making the right choice is a must
Batteries whose instantaneous current values ​​are not sufficiently high prevent even some high-powered devices, such as a digital camera, from operating. Unconscious users may even think that their devices are too inadequate. This is why it is essential to use battery types recommended by manufacturers (alkaline batteries are recommended many times). The so-called Ultra Alkaline versions of alkaline batteries are especially suitable for high-power devices. In some cases, users who don't know the differences between batteries can even opt out of using a particular brand. A person who is not satisfied with the zinc - carbon batteries of a particular company or who has purchased careless products beyond the expiry date may think that all of the products of this company are insufficient. Knowing the differences between batteries and being a conscious consumer is always an advantage.

Duracell - CopperTop AA Alkaline Batteries-16 count

Panasonic BK-3MCCA16FA eneloop AA 2100 Cycle Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries, (package includes 16AA blue or 16AA white)

How to Clean After Alkaline Battery Leak?

Panasonic BK-3MCCA16FA eneloop AA 2100 Cycle Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries, (package includes 16AA blue or 16AA white)

If a disposable alkaline battery leaks into personal electronic components, the leakage device may ruin it. Most cylindrical batteries, including AAA, AA, C, and D cells, are alkaline like most button-type batteries that fit watches and hearing aids. The alkali chemical in these batteries is potassium hydroxide. This chemical is toxic and irritating, but you can neutralize it with an acid and clean it without causing much trouble. Caution: In alkaline battery leaks, you are using a different substance than you would in acid battery leaks. There is a possibility that your leaking battery may contain acid electrolyte. If so, the safe will show it and you should not use an acid to neutralize it.

Wear chemicals in alkaline batteries can destroy electronic equipment.
Step 1

Remove the leaking battery from the device. Potassium hydroxide does not burn your skin, but it can irritate and damage your eyes, so wear rubber gloves and goggles.
Step 2

Put vinegar or lemon juice in a spray bottle. Both are weak acids that will neutralize the corrosive chemical in the leaking battery and their use is dangerous.
Step 3

Spray debris leaking from the battery and rub with a toothbrush. Use a paper towel to remove loose deposits, and to clean excess vinegar or lemon juice after cleaning.
Step 4

Repeat the process as many times as necessary to remove any battery build-up. Clean with a slightly moistened paper towel, then allow the cleaned device to dry for several hours.
Step 5

Use a similar procedure to clear the leak from the floor or desktop. Neutralize potassium hydroxide with vinegar or lemon juice, then rub with a toothbrush from the surface. When you are finished, wipe the area with a damp paper towel.

Panasonic BK-3MCCA16FA eneloop AA 2100 Cycle Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries, (package includes 16AA blue or 16AA white)

Duracell - Quantum AA Alkaline Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose Double A battery for household and business - 20 count

How to Recharge Non-Rechargeable Batteries?

Duracell - Quantum AA Alkaline Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose Double A battery for household and business - 20 count

Non-rechargeable batteries were our biggest problem and now we have the solution. Ways to charge dead batteries. Do not dispose of non-rechargeable batteries when they are empty ... Your batteries…

Non-rechargeable batteries will no longer be able to charge. In particular, exhausted charges and batteries have caused everyone to have a bad day.

That's where the Disposable Batteries Recharger comes in. At $ 79.95, this product is capable of charging non-rechargeable batteries when they are normally empty. With a microprocessor, the device can automatically detect the type and status of the installed batteries and adjust the charging process accordingly. Alkaline batteries can be charged approximately 10 times, at the same time 6 AAA, AA, A, C or D type batteries or two 9-volt batteries to charge the compartment. Of course, not only alkaline batteries, but also NiMH or NiCd batteries can be recharged. Furthermore, it is possible to see the batteries' fullness level via the LCD screen.

Duracell - Quantum AA Alkaline Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose Double A battery for household and business - 20 count

Energizer AA Lithium Batteries, World's Longest Lasting Double A Battery, Ultimate Lithium (8 Count)

Help Guide | Inserting the batteries

Energizer AA Lithium Batteries, World's Longest Lasting Double A Battery, Ultimate Lithium (8 Count)

Inserting the batteries

Insert the batteries.
Slide the battery compartment cover up, insert two LR03 (size AAA) alkaline batteries (supplied) or two NH-AAA rechargeable batteries (not supplied) with the polarity in the correct direction, and close the cover.


Do not use manganese batteries in this IC recorder.
When replacing the batteries, make sure that both batteries are replaced at the same time.
If you do not intend to use the IC recorder for an extended period of time, remove the batteries to prevent damage from battery leakage and corrosion.


The battery indicator in the display window shows the battery status.

: “LOW BATTERY er flashes. Replace the old batteries with new ones.

: “LOW BATTERY” flashes and the IC recorder stops operating.
When replacing batteries, recorded files or alarm settings are not deleted even if you remove the batteries.
You can use two NH-AAA-B2KN rechargeable batteries (not supplied).

Energizer AA Lithium Batteries, World's Longest Lasting Double A Battery, Ultimate Lithium (8 Count)

Duracell Procell PC1500 Alkaline-Manganese Dioxide Battery, AA Size, 1.5V, 24 Count

Why does the battery leak?

Duracell Procell PC1500 Alkaline-Manganese Dioxide Battery, AA Size, 1.5V, 24 Count

Battery leakage is an annoying situation that most of us face. So what exactly is the battery leakage? What causes this most often? Is there any harm to us? Does the quality of the battery affect the risk of battery leakage? You can find everything you wonder about in the following questions and answers.

1. What is battery leakage?

In order to discharge a small amount of gases during use, the batteries have a small hole that acts as a valve and is not visible from the outside. The leakage of the electrolyte inside the battery through this hole for various reasons is the leakage of the battery.

2. What causes battery leakage most often?

Incorrect use of the battery and improper handling of the battery, manufacturing failure, or use of a low quality battery.

3. Why is battery leakage harmful?

When the battery leaks, the electrolyte containing alkaline (base) potassium hydroxide will leak. Potassium hydroxide shows strong base properties and does all of its negative effects.

4. How can battery leakage damage people and devices?

Although the battery has negative effects for people of all ages, care must be taken especially for children. Discharge has a negative effect on the skin as it can cause high irritation. In particular, contact with eyes should be avoided. In devices, discharge can contaminate the device and cause high wear, rust, and even malfunction.

5. Does the battery quality affect the risk of battery leakage?

Materials used in battery manufacturing, design, manufacturing processes, quality controls, research and development directly affect the possibility of battery leakage. Therefore, the consumer should choose the brands he trusts.

Use Safely! Each Duracell battery has been checked for Leakage.

Duracell Procell PC1500 Alkaline-Manganese Dioxide Battery, AA Size, 1.5V, 24 Count

Anker Alkaline AA Batteries, Long-Lasting & Leak-Proof with PowerLock Technology, High Capacity Double A Batteries with Adaptive Power and Superior Safety (24-Pack)

Can different types of batteries be used in the same device?

Anker Alkaline AA Batteries, Long-Lasting & Leak-Proof with PowerLock Technology, High Capacity Double A Batteries with Adaptive Power and Superior Safety (24-Pack)

Can different types of batteries be used in the same device?
No. In the same device, alkaline, zinc-carbon and rechargeable batteries cannot be mixed. Battery leakage may occur.
Can old and new batteries be used together in the same device?
No. Using old and new batteries together in the same device may cause leakage. Replace the batteries in the device at the same time.
How can I understand the right VARTA Alkaline battery?

According to the products offered, finding the right battery is always complicated. The VARTA range makes selection easier. The VARTA has 2 types of batteries. Alkaline (primary) and rechargeable (NiMH) batteries.

VARTA Alkaline primary battery will not charge. Primary batteries are useful when long-term storage is required. VARTA alkaline batteries offer different products for different functions according to your expectations.

Max Tech batteries are suitable for high-tech devices and devices that require alternating energy such as MP3 players.
High Energy batteries are suitable for power-on devices such as a remote control or clock.
Longlife batteries are suitable for devices such as flashlights and alarm clocks that require low and continuous energy.
VARTA Professional Lithium batteries are suitable for analog and digital cameras. Due to its high performance, it is recommended to be used in professional devices.

We also provide the best communication by using symbols to make your choice easier. So, please do not hesitate to refer to pictograms!
Where can I dispose of my used alkaline batteries?

Batteries may be disposed of in electronic stores, supermarkets or shopping malls. Do not dispose of batteries in fire as this may cause an explosion.
Why not use the old battery with the new battery?
The performance of battery-powered devices is limited by the power of all batteries in the device. An old or weak battery may impair the performance of the product even if the other batteries in the device are new or fully charged.
How does the battery work?

Batteries may look simple, but distributing packaged power is a complex electrochemical process. When the device is switched on, electrons in the electric current begin to flow through the external circuit.

Then, the anode material, zinc, leaves unstable zinc ions behind and initiates a process called oxidation, which is given 2 electrons to each atom. After the electrons power the bulb, they re-enter the cell and combine with the active substance manganese dioxide to initiate a process called cell depletion.

The combined process of oxidation and reduction prevents the electrons from returning to the anode by balancing the external flow of the current.

This process is carried out by the action of negatively charged hydroxide ions contained in a water solution called electrolyte. Each electron entering the cathode reacts with MnOO form manganese dioxide. The electrolyte MnOO-reacts with water. In this reaction, water combines with the form MnOO-MnOOH to divide the hydroxide ions into electrolyte and hydrogen ions. The internal circuit is completed by the production of hydroxide ions during the cathode-anode current in the ionic current.
There, it is ensured that the electrons supplied to the external current and the unstable zinc ions formed in the anode merge. It produces zinc oxide and water. This completes the circuit (which is necessary for a continuous flow of electricity) and activates the flashlight.
Who Invented the Battery?

In 1748, the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta developed the first electrochemical cell. According to electronic devices, the term "battery" emerged with Franklin in the same year, mainly to describe a plurality of electrochemical cells. In 1791, while working at the University of Bologna, Luigi Galvani discovered that a frog muscle contracted when it touched a metal object. This phenomenon became known as animal electricity. With these experiences activated Volta positive plates (cathodes) such as zinc, lead, tin and iron; and initiated a series of experiments using copper, silver, gold, and graphite as negative plates (anodes), and invented the first battery, also known as volta, in 1800.
What's in the battery?

The battery is the result of an electrochemical process that converts stored chemical energy into electrical energy. The process takes place between three main parts of the battery such as anode, cathode and electrolyte. The anode is usually metal, the cathode is metal oxide, and the electrolyte facilitates ion flow.

Depending on the type of battery, the solution may be alkaline, zinc-air, zinc-carbon or etc. in the primary batteries, NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydrid) or NiCD (Nickel Cadmium) for rechargeable batteries.
Can the batteries remain in the devices for a long time?
No. Batteries should be removed when left in the device for a long time.
Where should batteries be stored?
Batteries should be stored in a cool, dry place. This should be avoided as temperature changes affect performance. Keep the batteries in their packages until they are used.
How to recycle batteries?

The battery must be recyclable when it becomes unusable. Most batteries are recyclable.

Alkaline batteries are recycled in the metal industry in steel, zinc, ferromanganese, etc. coating; NiCd / NiMH batteries are used in cadmium and nickel plating. Lithium-ion batteries recycled cobalt coating; button cells are used for mercury coating.

In 2006, the EU passed the Battery Directive to increase battery recycling. Approximately 70% of the batteries collected in the European recycling market are recycled. This ratio will increase in the coming years.
When should I remove the batteries from the device?
When should batteries be removed from devices:

If the device will not be used for several months
If the batteries are worn out (to prevent damage from battery leakage)
If the device is operated with mains power

How does cold affect batteries?
Batteries cannot produce much power when cold. Wait until the batteries reach normal temperature and try again before replacing the batteries.

Anker Alkaline AA Batteries, Long-Lasting & Leak-Proof with PowerLock Technology, High Capacity Double A Batteries with Adaptive Power and Superior Safety (24-Pack)

EBL AA Rechargeable Batteries 2800mAh Ready2Charge Quality AA Batteries - 16 Counts

Battery How To ...

EBL AA Rechargeable Batteries 2800mAh Ready2Charge Quality AA Batteries - 16 Counts

A battery is a device used to store chemical energy and convert it into an electrical form. Batteries consist of electrochemical devices, such as one or more electrochemical cells, fuel cells or flow cells.

The oldest known man-made batteries are Baghdad Batteries . It is estimated that it was built between 250 BC and 640 AD. The development of batteries began in 1800 with the Voltaic (Voltaic) battery developed by the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta.

The battery, which is one of the most important tools used today, was found by chance in 1800. Although information about electricity goes back to the 6th century BC, it was scientifically discussed for the first time in the 17th century. However, the type of electricity known until the 19th century is static electricity obtained by rubbing on a fabric or known as lightning electricity. In the 19th century, an electric current was added to it and a battery was invented to make continuous electric current possible. The initiator of this branch of electricity is Luigi Galvani (1737–1798), known for his famous frog experiment.

Galvani, who explained the results of his experiments in 1780 in 1791, put forward the theory of elektrik animal electricity.. This theory was created by observing that the nerves in the leg of a dead frog by coincidence contracted when cut with a scalpel. Accordingly, the cells that make up living things contained electricity.

Alessandro Volta (1745–1827), who continued Galvani's experiments in 1793, found that the frog-leg contractions were caused by two different metals. Stimulation of the leg was due to two dissimilar metals and the fluid contained in the cells. Then two different metals and liquids were needed to obtain electricity. Taking advantage of this, Volta took copper and zinc mines and placed sponges dipped in salt water between them and managed to obtain the electric current. So he found the battery called Volta Battery (1800).


In general, batteries are divided into two as Non-rechargeable and Rechargeable batteries.

Disposable (non-rechargeable) batteries:
Zinc-carbon battery - Low cost - for low energy applications.
Zinc-chloride - Zinc-carbon battery lasts a little longer.
Alkaline battery - Alkaline / manganese “long-lasting” batteries can be used in applications that require more power.
Silver-oxide battery - Usually used in hearing aids.
Lithium battery - Usually used in digital cameras. It is also used in watches and computer clocks. It is very long-lasting, but expensive.
Mercury battery - Usually used in digital watches.
Zinc-air battery - Generally used in hearing aids.
Thermal (Thermal) battery - High temperature stores. It is important in military applications.
Rechargeable batteries:
Lead-acid battery - Used in vehicles, alarm systems and areas where uninterrupted power is needed.
Lithium-ion battery - It is quite common type. High charge density. Used in portable digital devices such as laptops, mobile phones, music players and more.
Lithium-ion polymer battery - Carries the basic characteristics of a lithium-ion battery, the difference is that it has less charge density. The chemistry of this battery is that it can create a place of use advantage according to the manufacturer's needs. (For example, ultra-thin battery)
Sodium-sulfur (NaS) battery
Nickel-iron battery
Nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH) battery
Nickel-cadmium battery - can be used in all applications of the Li-Ion and Ni-MH battery types. This battery has a long number of charges (over 1500 times). However, it has less energy density than other types. Ni-Cd batteries are used in old technology and they are replaced by modern batteries due to memory problems. In addition, cadmium is limited and its use is limited.
Sodium-metal chloride battery
Nickel – zinc battery
Molten salt cell

Lithium Ion Battery How To ...

The battery groups formed by the batteries coming together are called “Batteries”. It was widely used in lamp radio receivers before the 1960s. Today, batteries are widely used in portable computers. In cell phones, 3 cell batteries were used when they came out. However, although almost all phone models currently use single-cell Lithium-ion batteries, they are incorrectly referred to as “batteries ile.
Battery production from fruit

It is possible to make simple batteries from lemon or other fruit containing acid. These types of batteries are called elektrik voltaic batteries nedeniyle because they convert chemical energy into electrical energy. Batteries are made with the logic of placing two different metals in an acidic solution. Accordingly, when a zinc-plated nail and a copper coin are dipped into the lemon, for example, the lemon juice forms the required acid solution and can generate electricity. However, the resulting electrical current is very weak and sufficient to provide a slight glow in the LED.
Environmental impact

Since its 250-year development, batteries have been among the most expensive sources of energy, and they contain very expensive products, sometimes even risky chemicals such as mercury, lead, and nickel. Therefore, as it is a chemical substance, it affects human metabolism and causes deadly reasons. Batteries can be dangerous and deadly if swallowed. Recycling centers have been established for the recovery of toxic substances from used batteries in most areas. risk.
Rohs Certificate

A document demonstrating the environmental compatibility of battery and battery waste, especially in order to limit the use of certain harmful substances in batteries, battery production and imports. Without this certificate, no importer or manufacturer can manufacture and import. With the Rohs Certificate, the following items are searched with batteries. These; Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg) Cadmium (Cd) Hexavalent chromium (VI) (Cr (VI) Certain brominated flame retardants (BFR's) Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB's) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE's) These tests are performed by accredited laboratories.

EBL AA Rechargeable Batteries 2800mAh Ready2Charge Quality AA Batteries - 16 Counts

ACDelco AA Batteries, Alkaline Battery, 48 Count - Recloseable

How are batteries used in electric vehicles?

ACDelco AA Batteries, Alkaline Battery, 48 Count - Recloseable

How are batteries used in electric cars that are more environmentally friendly than internal combustion vehicles and how are these batteries arranged?

One of the most interesting subjects of recent times is electric vehicle technology. Electric vehicles expected to dethrone fuel vehicles are shown as more environmentally friendly.

So let's take a quick look at what kind of batteries are used in these vehicles and how they are mounted in the car.

First, the batteries used in electric vehicles must be rechargeable.

Batteries are generally divided into non-rechargeable and rechargeable batteries.

Disposable batteries are listed as follows:

Zinc-carbon battery
Zinc chloride
Alkaline battery
Silver-oxide battery
Lithium battery
Zinc-air battery
Thermal (thermal) battery

Reusable batteries that can be used are:

Lead-acid battery
Lithium-ion battery
Lithium-ion polymer battery
Sodium-sulfur (NaS) battery
Nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH) battery
Nickel-cadmium battery

Lithium-ion batteries are the most preferred

Pb-acid (Lead-Acid), NiCd (Nickel Cadmium), NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydrate) and Li-ion (Lithium Ion) are commonly used in electric vehicles.

Compared to other battery technologies, lithium-ion batteries are preferred because they have significant advantages such as high rated voltage, high energy density, long life and no memory effect.

How big are these batteries and how are they installed in the vehicle?

Why does the battery consist of cells?

The answer is actually very simple. The cell model is used to dissipate heat and pressure, to prevent possible energy loss and damage to batteries. This system distributes the temperature condensations evenly to the cells, providing more battery charge and discharge cycles, increasing the life of the batteries.

At the same time, the center of gravity of the batteries in the middle of the car and the lower center of gravity is lower, which significantly increases the stability of the vehicle driving. Apart from this, it is an important advantage that the batteries can be easily inserted and removed, and thus easily replaced.

ACDelco AA Batteries, Alkaline Battery, 48 Count - Recloseable

Energizer MAX Alkaline AA Batteries, 4 Pack

How to recover a non-charged rechargeable battery?

Energizer MAX Alkaline AA Batteries, 4 Pack

Many users now use rechargeable batteries in electronic products. These batteries can be recharged, which saves a lot of money and sometimes causes problems such as non-charging. However, there is a very simple solution. Recovering non-rechargeable batteries from charging is much easier than you might expect.
The Lenvid channel, which prepares a short video to illustrate this, describes this simple process. You need two different things to save the battery in your hand. One of them is a metal tong that is in everyone's house and a fully charged battery. After that, all you have to do is put the negative side of the non-charged battery and the negative side of the fully charged battery together and hold it with a metal tong.
Stating that it is enough to hold both batteries in this position for only 30 seconds , the channel states that this technique works most of the time . Some poorly charged batteries cannot be brought to life even in this way.

Do not dispose of the rechargeable battery immediately.

The technique shown in the video looks really easy. There is no risk of harm to people, the process can be used actively in AAA batteries as well as AA . At this point, let us not mention. Whether you buy a rechargeable battery or a lithium-ion battery, always choose quality options. Don't be your expensive electronic product or your health because of a small savings.

Energizer MAX Alkaline AA Batteries, 4 Pack

AmazonBasics AA Rechargeable Batteries (16-Pack) Pre-charged - Battery Packaging May Vary

Rechargeable Battery or Disposable Battery?

AmazonBasics AA Rechargeable Batteries (16-Pack) Pre-charged - Battery Packaging May Vary

What is the difference between rechargeable batteries and non-rechargeable batteries? What type of battery should you choose when?

Most modern devices today use lithium-ion batteries that are capable of charging. However, there are still some devices that ask you to open the cover and place a few "pen batteries" in it.

Suppose you have a battery-powered device that you will purchase and assume that you need AAA batteries for this device. Which type of battery should you buy? Are rechargeable batteries better or disposable batteries? The difference is often hidden in the cost and technology used.

How Do Batteries Work?

Each battery has one positive and one negative connection. The positive connection is connected to the cathode and the negative connection to the anode. The cathode and anode pair are known as electrodes. Chemical reactions take place at the electrode that covers most of the battery. Electricity is the result of these electrochemical reactions.

Batteries work with oxidation and reduction. The anode oxidizes, which means it loses its electrons. At the same time, the cathode absorbs electrons in a process known as reduction. This process occurs only when the load between the two connections forms a circuit. This load is your device.
Why can't we charge all the batteries?

All disposable batteries are alkaline, ie cathode, manganese oxide, anode is made of zinc powder. The electrolyte (e.g., alkaline moiety) is formed from potassium hydroxide. The energy-producing reaction eventually erodes the anode and begins to inhibit reactions. At this point the battery dies.

There are several types of rechargeable batteries. Lithium ion batteries are used in phones and laptops. These batteries use lithium cobalt oxide as the cathode and carbon as the anode. Unlike disposable batteries, electrons can be transported from the cathode to the anode by providing external electric current.

However, instead of disposable batteries, the batteries are not lithium ions, but nickel cadmium (NiCd) or nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries. In NiCd batteries, the cathode is nickel and the anode is cadmium. These batteries lose their total charge capacity after several hundred charges, so they are not perfect.

Nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries lose their charge much slower than where they stand when compared to NiCd. A NiMH battery that has been on the shelf for one year retains much of its capacity. The total charge capacity of these batteries is 2-3 times higher.

So why are not all batteries charged? This is because of the cost. The materials used in disposable batteries are less expensive and are very suitable for devices with very low power. Lithium ion batteries are more expensive to produce and can produce plenty of power. The cost of nickel cadmium and nickel metal hydride batteries is in the middle.
Which Type of Battery to Choose?

This depends on your needs and budget. Disposable batteries cost much less in advance. Imagine you need to buy a few flashlights, a digital camera, a joystick, a radio, a fire alarm and a thermostat. If you buy a rechargeable battery for all, you can exceed $ 100. Instead, you can choose to buy a dozen cheap batteries for 15-20 TL.

However, particularly cheap disposable batteries will last much shorter than other disposable batteries. Here, of course, how much power the devices you use is important.

For devices that use faster power, such as a camera or joystick, you should use rechargeable batteries. For example, you can use a dual-charge battery of $ 20 several times. If you think about the environment, you have to choose the rechargeable battery. So instead of using hundreds of batteries in a few years, you can handle ten batteries.

Let us mention that the brand is important for rechargeable batteries. Duracell, Energizer, Panasonic and Sony have rechargeable batteries to choose from and offer a variety of options.

AmazonBasics AA Rechargeable Batteries (16-Pack) Pre-charged - Battery Packaging May Vary

Energizer Rechargeable AA and AAA Battery Charger (Recharge Value) with 4 AA NiMH Rechargeable Batteries

Identifying True and False Lithium Batteries

Energizer Rechargeable AA and AAA Battery Charger (Recharge Value) with 4 AA NiMH Rechargeable Batteries

With the development of people's standard of living, mobile phone, laptop, digital electronic products, camera and camera are widely used in people's daily life. Lithium batteries play an important role for these high-tech consumer products. Most of the electronic products that are sold in the market, used batteries have basically finished switching to NIMH Lithium batteries but there are still some manufacturers imitating Lithium batteries using nickel cadmium and nickel for hydrogen batteries. How to identify the right and wrong lithium battery too?

The following methods are acceptable under non-professional conditions:

1, the same capacity battery lithium battery Nickel Cadmium Batteries feel lighter than nickel hydrogen batteries,.

2, use the battery charger Lithium battery charger. If the battery is Ni MH, the battery and nickel cadmium battery are heated during the charging process. If the temperature is not changed greatly, it is Lithium battery.

3, battery, negative electrode "instantaneous" short circuit, cadmium battery nickel, if still "electric" nickel hydrogen battery, battery "electric" like a lithium battery.

Energizer Rechargeable AA and AAA Battery Charger (Recharge Value) with 4 AA NiMH Rechargeable Batteries

Duracell - Rechargeable AA Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose Double A battery for household and business - 4 count

Recharging a battery properly

Duracell - Rechargeable AA Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose Double A battery for household and business - 4 count

Connecting the phone to the charger before falling asleep is a routine for many phone users. By doing this, we seem to feel comfortable.

Almost all mobile phones come with a lithium rechargeable battery, which may be damaged by over-discharge or over-discharge due to its chemical nature. Someone can argue why I can't charge my phone all night. This is because most chargers are designed with a protective circuit to prevent overcharging / discharging. But what if the circuit doesn't work?

Here are some things to avoid when charging a battery:

Use a non-standard charger.

The battery does not charge until it is almost empty.

Recharge the battery even when the power is charged.

We recommend that a lithium rechargeable battery is between 45% and 75% of the power level and you can charge it for several minutes at any time.

Duracell - Rechargeable AA Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose Double A battery for household and business - 4 count

Duracell - CopperTop 9V Alkaline Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose 9 Volt battery for household and business - 4 count

Main disadvantages of lithium batteries

Duracell - CopperTop 9V Alkaline Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose 9 Volt battery for household and business - 4 count

1. The safety of lithium main batteries is low and there is danger of explosion.

2. The lithium-ion battery of lithium cobalt oxide can discharge in a large current and has low safety.

3. Lithium-ion batteries need to protect the line to prevent the battery from overcharging and discharging.

4. High production requirements and high cost.

Duracell - CopperTop 9V Alkaline Batteries - long lasting, all-purpose 9 Volt battery for household and business - 4 count

Energizer Rechargeable AA Batteries, NiMH, 2000 mAh, Pre-Charged, 4 count (Recharge Universal)

Long charging hazard and deep charging of the lithium battery

Energizer Rechargeable AA Batteries, NiMH, 2000 mAh, Pre-Charged, 4 count (Recharge Universal)

Long charging may cause overload. When the battery is fully charged, the lithium battery or charger will automatically stop charging. Charging the nickel battery charger for 10 hours is not called “turbulence.. In other words, if your lithium battery is full, the charger will have a white charger. And none of us can guarantee that the characteristics of the battery's charge and discharge protection circuit will never change and that the quality will be perfect, so your battery will be in danger for a long time. This is another reason why we refuse to charge for a long time.

On some machines, if you do not remove the charger after charging for a certain period of time, the system will not stop charging, but will initiate the discharge-charge cycle. Perhaps the manufacturer of this approach has its own purpose, but it is clearly not good for battery life. At the same time, the long charging process takes a long time and usually needs to be done at night. In China's electricity grid, the voltage fluctuates in many places at night, and fluctuates a lot. As mentioned above, the lithium battery is very sensitive, much less resistant to charge and discharge fluctuations than nickel, which creates additional danger.

In fact, the shallow charge is more beneficial for the lithium battery. Only when the power module of the product is calibrated to lithium battery, you need to charge deeply. Therefore, products using a lithium-ion power supply do not need to be trapped in the process and everything is convenient and can be charged at any time.

Energizer Rechargeable AA Batteries, NiMH, 2000 mAh, Pre-Charged, 4 count (Recharge Universal)

Duracell - CopperTop D Alkaline Batteries with recloseable package - long lasting, all-purpose D battery for household and business - 8 count

The right way to charge lithium batteries

Duracell - CopperTop D Alkaline Batteries with recloseable package - long lasting, all-purpose D battery for household and business - 8 count

In summary, the most important tips for charging and discharging used lithium batteries are:

1. Charge the first three times according to standard time and procedures even for new lithium batteries;

2, when the machine is too low, you should start charging as soon as possible (do not wait until auto shut off);

3. The activation of the lithium battery does not require a special method and the lithium battery is naturally activated during normal use of the machine. If you insist on activating the “first three 12 hour charging method”, it will not actually work.

It is therefore wrong to use single-cell lithium batteries for the full pursuit of the 12-hour ultra-long charge and for automatic shutdown. If you did it the wrong way, please correct it in time, perhaps it is not too late.

Duracell - CopperTop D Alkaline Batteries with recloseable package - long lasting, all-purpose D battery for household and business - 8 count