Monday, September 16, 2019

Fiber Choice Fruity Bites Daily Prebiotic Fiber Gummies, #1 Gastroenterologist Recommended*, Helps Support Regularity, Gelatin Free, 90 Count Assorted Fruit


Fiber Choice Fruity Bites Daily Prebiotic Fiber Gummies, #1 Gastroenterologist Recommended*, Helps Support Regularity, Gelatin Free, 90 Count Assorted Fruit
"All diseases start from the intestines," said Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. More than two thousand years after his death, scientific research proves the truth of this theory. Recently, a new disease that is frequently used by doctors and which is said to be the basis of many diseases has been heard. Poor permeability, chronic stress, excessive toxic burden and bacterial imbalance have caused high rates of permeable bowel syndrome. Essentially, permeable bowel symptoms are the result of a failure of intestinal junction areas. These tight junctions are a transition point between your bowels and blood circulation. Tight junctions have a very delicate function. They allow vital nutrients to enter the bloodstream and prevent foreign or harmful compounds from passing through your digestive system into the bloodstream. Having leaking intestines is like breaking the lids between our intestines and our blood circulation. Many of the particles that should never have been or are impossible to enter have now passed through. The majority of your immune system is found in the intestine, and if the intestinal permeability deteriorates, our immune system will suffer great damage. Acute inflammation, which is a normal part of the response of our immune system, which serves to fight infection and disease, is transformed into chronic inflammation at the root of many diseases. Well, what diseases arise as a result of this chronic inflammation; • Stomach ulcer • Chronic diarrhea • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) • Inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's colitis, ulcerative colitis) • Celiac disease • Esophageal and colon (colorectal) cancer • Allergies • Respiratory tract infections • Acute inflammation conditions (sepsis, SIRS, multiple organ failure) • Chronic inflammatory conditions (such as arthritis) • Obesity related metabolic diseases (fatty liver, Type II diabetes, heart disease) • Autoimmune disease (lupus, multiple sclerosis, Type I diabetes) • Parkinson's disease • Chronic fatigue syndrome • Obesity PERFORMANCE INTESTINAL SYMPTOMS 1. Food Sensitivities : As the immune system of people with intestinal permeability is damaged by toxins entering the bloodstream, a variety of diseases may occur due to digestion of these foods by making their bodies more sensitive to antigens in certain foods (gluten, milk). 2. Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Studies in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease have shown a significant deterioration of intestinal permeability. 3. Autoimmune Disease: These diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, vasculitis and many thyroid diseases, in which the body alienates itself and fights by producing antibodies against its own tissues. The relationship between autoimmune diseases and permeable intestines is explained by a molecule called zonulin. On Zonulin is the only physiological modulator of the tight junction points described so far in the tolerance / immune response balance. When the zonulin pathway is impaired in genetically susceptible individuals, intestinal and extra-intestinal diseases (allergies, joint defects) may result in autoimmune, inflammatory and neoplastic disorders. " Gluten is one of the most disturbing substances in this zonulin pathway. 4. Thyroid Problems: One of the autoimmune diseases that can be directly affected by permeable bowel syndrome is Hashimoto's disease, also known as tir chronic thyroiditis. Bozukluk This disorder is characterized by low thyroid function (hypothyroidism), metabolic disorder, fatigue, depression, weight gain and some other concerns. 5. Inability to absorb food (Malabsorption): Various nutritional deficiencies such as vitamin B12, magnesium and digestive enzymes have been observed in permeable bowel syndrome. Common nutritional deficiencies are that many functional medical practitioners prescribe many foods and multivitamins in addition to probiotics for people with leaking bowel problems. 6. Inflammatory Skin Diseases: The intestinal-skin connection theory was first described 70 years ago and explains that intestinal permeability is caused by acne and psoriasis. Creams and medications with multiple side effects are often prescribed for these skin disorders, but There has been dozens of evidence in recent years that some may exist in the intestines. 7. Mood Problems and Autism: According to a study published in Neuroendocrinology Letters, it has been shown that permeable intestines cause various neurocognitive disorders. For example, intestinal permeability triggers the release of some other chemicals that cause depression. Another recent study has shown that autism is associated with problems in the intestinal flora, particularly in the first year of life. It is critical that you pay attention to how many people are affected by the permeable bowel syndrome, which the majority of the medical community does not know or ignore. The good news is that many functional and integrated medical doctors are more likely to understand this and help you determine and repair whether you are suffering from leaking intestine. How to Repair Leaking Intestine? 1. Removing harmful foods and intestinal damaging factors from the diet 2. Adding healthy foods to the diet for intestinal flora 3. Intestinal repair with special supplements 4. Restoring balance with probiotic foods or probiotics 5. Restoration of tight junction with ONDAMED therapies 6. Fracture of the feeding area of ​​flora causing dysbiosis with ONDAMED 7. Initiation of ONDAMED cellular detox If you are worried that you or your loved ones may have symptoms of permeable bowel syndrome, or if you have one of the symptoms or diseases listed above, you should seek expert help. 18AXX
Fiber Choice Fruity Bites Daily Prebiotic Fiber Gummies, #1 Gastroenterologist Recommended*, Helps Support Regularity, Gelatin Free, 90 Count Assorted Fruit