Monday, September 16, 2019

Animal Flex - Turmeric Root Curcumin - Glucosamine Chondroitin - MSM - Hyaluronic Acid - Boswellia - Joint Supplement - Repair and Restore - Complete and Comprehensive - 44 Packs

Importance of Maintaining Intestinal Health in Old Age

Animal Flex - Turmeric Root Curcumin - Glucosamine Chondroitin - MSM - Hyaluronic Acid - Boswellia - Joint Supplement - Repair and Restore - Complete and Comprehensive - 44 Packs
Aging is a natural and immutable process of human life. Some changes occur in the human body in old age. In this period, all the functions in our bodies begin to decrease. Of course, these changes may occur at different rates in each individual due to reasons such as genetic characteristics, lifestyle and diseases. Age-related changes in aging do not normally result in loss of function, but there is a decrease in overall control of organ systems. Here, the digestive system is one of the systems that have changed during the old age . Changes in the digestive system with aging In the elderly , various changes occur in the gastrointestinal tract . In order for the person to have a healthy old age, he / she needs to know which of these changes may occur normally and which diseases may arise from the disease. For example, it is very normal that the feeling of hunger and eating habits decrease in old age. However, as malnutrition may weaken the health of the immune system , a balanced and regular diet must be taken into consideration. In addition, with the aging process, the duration of food emptying from the stomach is prolonged, which can lead to problems such as after-meal gas and bloating. Residual bowel movements are slower; therefore, constipation is one of the problems that may arise. Why is bowel health important in old age? As we mentioned above, these changes in the digestive system may cause various digestive problems and even diseases as the age progresses. Therefore, more importance should be given to healthy nutrition in old age. Maintaining intestinal health is not only important in terms of avoiding such diseases. It should also be noted that intestinal health is closely related to the health of the immune system. Maintaining intestinal health is also very important for having a healthy immune system. How is intestinal health promoted in old age? So what can be done to support intestinal health in old age, what measures can be taken? Here are some measures that can be taken to protect the health of the digestive system, especially intestinal health in old age: Considering that the desire to eat is reduced, care should be taken not to skip meals and a balanced diet. Feeding in 3 main and 3 meals a day helps regulate bowel movements and metabolism. Nutrient rich in pulp and fiber can be beneficial in decreasing bowel movements in old age. In this way, intestinal motility can be increased and possible constipation problem can be prevented. Regular exercise and physical exercise should be done. In this way, food intake can be increased and energy can be gained. In addition, digestive health can be improved by supporting bowel movements. Enough water should be consumed daily. Water is extremely important for the digestion of nutrients. Food variety and consumption of fruits and vegetables are very important in terms of meeting the necessary vitamins and minerals. All this is necessary for the health of the intestine and digestive system. Smoking, alcohol, such as substances should be avoided. All of these causes negative effects on general health, especially intestinal health. As can be seen, it is possible to maintain and support bowel health in old age with some healthy living habits. Remember that all these healthy habits are vital for a healthy digestive system! We wish you healthy days! 19AXX
Animal Flex - Turmeric Root Curcumin - Glucosamine Chondroitin - MSM - Hyaluronic Acid - Boswellia - Joint Supplement - Repair and Restore - Complete and Comprehensive - 44 Packs