Monday, September 16, 2019

Pure for Men - The Original Vegan Cleanliness Fiber Supplement, 60 Capsules - Proven Proprietary Formula


Pure for Men - The Original Vegan Cleanliness Fiber Supplement, 60 Capsules - Proven Proprietary Formula
The nutrient components that reach the colon without being digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract, are selectively fermented in the colon and stimulate the proliferation and / or activity of the beneficial bacterial groups in the colon are called prebiotic. prebiotics The prebiotics known today are nutrients. But not all food fibers are prebiotic. Some food fibers have no prebiotic effect. Prebiotics are also resistant to digestion in the small intestine. They become fermented in the large intestine. Glycemic indexes are low, they give less energy. They increase stool volume and frequency. Not all dietary fibers are prebiotic. In order to be prebiotic, they need to increase the growth and / or activity of one or a number of bacteria required for health, and they must also be fermented by colonic bacteria. Prebiotics are necessary for the nutrition of microorganisms that are beneficial for our body. There are generally two ways to promote probiotic flora in the intestine and to proliferate the beneficial bacteria present in the intestine by consuming prebiotics. Prebiotics are non-digestible nutrients that selectively increase the proliferation and / or activity of one or more types of microorganisms useful to the body. For a nutrient component to be prebiotic, it must have the following properties. 1- Must be resistant to digestion 2- The column should be hydrolyzed by microflora bacteria. 3- Stimulate the proliferation and / or activity of beneficial bacteria in the colon. 4- It should have positive effects on the health of the host. In the emergence of the concept of prebiotics, the long life of Bulgarian peasants was attributed to the consumption of fermented dairy products. galactose) are prebiotics.Inulin and oligofructose are the most commonly used.Hindiba (Cichorium intybus) and artichoke are rich in prebiotics.In india 15-20% inulin and 5-10% oligofructose. Inulin, which is found in most foods, is derived from chicory or synthesized from sucrose. Oligofructose is a partially hydrolyzed form of inulin. Beans, chickpeas, wheat, barley, rye, onions, artichokes, garlic, bananas, asparagus and leeks are also other prebiotic sources. prebiotics The prebiotics that reach the column unchanged are hydrolyzed by bacteria. The hydrolysis process is carried out in particular by bifido bacteria, which requires the enzyme betafruktofuranosidase. The fermentation process results in short-chain fatty acids, organic acids and short-chain carboxyl acids. Short-chain fatty acids have various injured effects for our health. It lowers the intestinal pH, in which the absorption of minerals, especially calcium, is better. While beneficial microorganisms can grow in acidic media, pathogenic microorganisms cannot. Short chain fatty acids are also an energy source for intestinal epithelial cells. Each of the short-chain fatty acids (acetate, butyrate, propionate) has distinct functions. As the acetate is a strong acid, it lowers the intestinal pH. Butyrate is the fuel of colon cells, influencing colon carcinogenesis by suppressing the proliferation of cancer cells. Propionic acid, on the other hand, inhibits hepatic fatty acid synthesis and lowers serum LDL cholesterol levels. Inulin and oligofructose also have fiber effects. Each gram of oligofructose, 1.3 g of stool weight, each gram of inulin causes an increase in weight of 2 grams. This effect is beneficial because there is an inverse relationship between the risk of colon cancer development and fecal weight. is an effect. Chemical Structure of Prebiotics: Oligosaccharides are sugars with a length of 2-20 saccharides. Other than oligosaccharides naturally present in plants and vegetables, some are obtained by polysaccharide hydrolysis or enzymatic reaction. Prebiotic compounds include: 1-Inulin 2-Lactulose 3-Fructo-oligosaccharides 4-Galacto-oligosaccharides 5-Soy-oligosaccharides 6-Lactosucrose 7-Isomalto-oligosaccharides 8-Gluco-oligosaccharides 9-Xylo-oligosaccharides Gentio-oligosaccharides. There are more than 130 different types of oligosaccharides in breast milk. The concentration of oligosaccharides in clostrum is 15-23 g / L, and in transitional milk and mature milk is 8-12 g / L. 75-85% of breast milk oligosaccharides are neutral and 15-25% are acidic oligosaccharides. The positive effects of prebiotics on our health: prebiotics The beneficial effects of prebiotics include inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria, laxative action, reducing the risk of diarrhea and colon cancer development, increasing mineral absorption, serum triglyceride levels, and lowering postprandial glucose and insulin levels in animal experiments. Prebiotics have beneficial effects on colon microflora, immune functions, mineral bioavailability, lipid metabolism and prevent colon carcinogenesis. Oligosaccharides act as cell surface analogs, bind pathogenic microorganisms to themselves and allow them to be excreted in faeces. Inulin indicates that oligofructose, gluco-oligosaccharide and galacto-oligosaccharides increase the absorption of calcium and magnesium, in particular. Oligofructose intake increases bone density in femur and tibia. It also has iron and zinc absorption enhancing effects. Gazi University Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology Intestinal Flora The gastrointestinal tract of the fetus is sterile. Immediately after birth, colonization begins with different microorganisms. The path of these microorganisms to the baby; contact persons, birth channel and environment. Nutritional status of the mother, delivery time, delivery and feeding type, immune status of the baby and antibiotic use are the factors affecting the baby's intestinal flora. It is known that in babies born by cesarean section, colonization is later than in babies born via vaginal route because they do not pass through the birth canal. It is known that Enterobacter species are dominant in infants who are fed and fed by commercial formula and bifidobacteria are dominant in flora in infants fed with breast milk. Bifidobacteria are seen in the intestinal flora of infants fed with food at the 6th month, but they are few in number. When the babies are 12 months old, whether they are born by caesarean section or vaginally, whether breastfeeding or breastfeeding, the intestinal flora gains the characteristics of adult flora and is almost similar. After the formation of intestinal flora, it usually remains constant and a permanent deformation occurs in certain situations. Although antibiotic use, changes in immune status, chemotherapy and radiation are among the causes of intestinal flora changes, we can mention the widespread use of antibiotics as the most important and most common cause in children. It is known that there are 400 different microorganisms in the intestine. This figure was obtained from the cultured microorganisms. If it is necessary to take into account the presence of microorganisms that cannot be produced in culture, it is estimated that the number of microorganisms in the intestine will be much higher than predicted. If we take into consideration the diversity and number of microorganisms in the intestinal mucosa, we can say that their metabolic activities may be very high. It is ironic that the authors refer to the literature as a forgotten organ for intestinal bacteria from time to time. PROBIOTICS IN PEDIATRY Although many definitions have been used in the literature for probiotics, the most explanatory; These are live microorganisms that are taken with foods and have positive effects by balancing the intestinal flora of the host when taken in certain amounts. Information about the benefit of living microorganisms goes back to very old years. It was observed for the first time that the lactobacilli taken orally by Bulgarian villagers had a positive effect on their health and prolonged their life span. A microorganism can be probiotic; It should be sought first of all to have properties such as not disrupting normal flora, being in the native flora of the host, not pathogen for the host, being non-invasive or noncarcinogenic, and resistant to acid Ph and bile salts for oral probiotics. When the literature information is examined, probiotics; We have seen that it has been used successfully in the control of the route virus diarrhea, in the control of CL difficile-related colitis, in the treatment of gastritis caused by H. pylori, in the enhancement of immune system and in reducing the symptoms of lactose malabsorption. PREBIOTICS IN PEDIATRIC Prebiotics are simply nutrients that are not digested. However, in order for these nutrients to be prebiotic; it must pass through the stomach and small intestine without hydrolysis and be nutritional for beneficial bacteria found in the colon and stimulate their proliferation. Prebiotics are fermented by beneficial microorganisms in the large intestine. It is an energy source for microflora in released metabolites. Thus, this ecological system is supported. We know that prebiotics are reliable. The recommended dose for children is 1-3 g / day. As a result, it is impossible to distinguish between prebiotics and probiotics. We believe that probiotics, which may block the mechanism of occurrence for each disease in the future or which may be effective in the treatment phase, will be introduced. 28AXX
Pure for Men - The Original Vegan Cleanliness Fiber Supplement, 60 Capsules - Proven Proprietary Formula