Sunday, September 15, 2019

Ultra Fast Keto Boost - Advanced Weight Loss with Metabolic Ketosis Support - 800MG - 60 Capsules - 30 Day Supply

25 Methods to Burn More Fat

Ultra Fast Keto Boost - Advanced Weight Loss with Metabolic Ketosis Support - 800MG - 60 Capsules - 30 Day Supply

The questions about yak burning more fat ”or“ burning fat faster especially are among the top questions among the questions that come to our magazine and our website, especially in the period when you are in the summer months.

In this article, we have prepared a list of 25 items in order to ease your burden and speed up your fat burning process. Following these recommendations will help you to keep your body fat under control and never forget that; you should start working for the abdominal muscles that you can proudly display on the beach.

1. Use Slippery Pads

Using slippery pads for bodyweight exercises makes movement even more difficult and makes more effort to maintain balance during each movement. So you burn more calories.

2. Heavy Lift

Increased oxygen consumption after exercise means a rapid metabolism after training. Researchers at the University of Physical Education and Sports of Norway have found that after several studies, low repetitive training with heavy weights leads to a higher and prolonged increase in resting metabolism rate than performing repeated repetitive training with light weights. However, we do not say to stop high repetitive training completely; occasional high-weight (3-7 repetitions) you can increase the amount of calories you want to remind you to burn.

3. Drink plenty of water

German researchers have found that drinking 2 glasses of cold water can increase your metabolic rate by an average of 30%. This effect is thought to be due to increased norepinephrine.

The benefits of drinking vinegar water have been discussed recently. You can read the benefits of vinegar water on slimming in our article mı Does drinking water with vinegar regularly weaken? ”.

4. Consume Slowly Digested Carbohydrates

Brown rice, oats and whole wheat bread keep your insulin levels low and prevent sudden insulin outlets that stop fat burning. A study at Penn State University found that those who followed a low-calorie diet with carbohydrates from whole-grain sources had more fat loss than those who consumed low-calorie but refined carbohydrates.

5. Consume Fat

Some fats, such as omega-3, do not increase your fat content or even cause fat loss. Make sure that 30% of your daily calorie intake comes from healthy fats. When it comes to healthy fats, you should think of salmon, sardines and trout. Olive oil, peanut butter and walnuts also include healthy oils.

For information about using Omega-3, please read Nasıl How to use Omega-3 ”.

6. Rest Less

The College of New Jersey researchers found that when subjects rested for 30 seconds between sets in the bench press movement, they burned 50% more calories than three sets of rest between sets. Rest less than 1 minute between sets to burn you more fat.

7. Citrus

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and fiber. In addition, it can help prevent paralysis and support your fat burning. A study from the Scripps Clinic in San Diego found that subjects consuming half a grapefruit or a glass of grapefruit juice (by continuing their normal eating habits) lost an average of 1.8 kg in 12 weeks, and in some subjects even up to 4.5 kilograms. Researchers say this may be due to grapefruit's ability to lower insulin levels. It is recommended that you consume half a grapefruit in several of your meals (including before training).

8. Chew Gum

Glasgow Caledonian University found that subjects who chewed gum between meals ate less food than those who did not chew gum. Researchers have reported that gum increases the feeling of satiety and therefore reduces the desire to eat.

9. Peel Oil

Soy protein is known as a fat-burning protein source. A review article published at the University of Alabama (Birmingham) in 2008 found that soy protein could reduce appetite and caloric intake. Scientists have discovered that subjects who drink 20 grams of soy protein per day for 3 months lose significant amounts of fat.

The relationship between soy and testosterone is a frequently discussed topic. In our detaylı Soybean and Testosterone ”article, you can find detailed information about the subject.

10. Use Free Weight

It has been shown that using free weights, especially in exercises that run multiple muscles such as squat, causes more calories to be burned than doing the same movements on the machine. Scientists say the difference may be due to the balancing muscles that are activated during free weights.

11. Do Intermittent Cardio

One study found that subjects performing 3 10-minute running cycles with 20-minute rest intervals were easier to practice in this way than 30-minute running of the same intensity. It has been found that intermittent cardion results in more fat burning and burning more calories after training than in continuous exercises of the same amount.

12. Consume Avocado

Avocados contain monounsaturated fats, which are usually not stored in the body as fat. Avocado contains manoheptulose, a type of sugar that reduces insulin secretion and improves calcium absorption. As we mentioned earlier, keeping your insulin levels low is important to support fat burning, and getting enough calcium in your body can support fat burning. You can add a quarter of avocado to your salad and sandwich.

13. Don't Skip Protein

Increasing your protein intake increases satiety, reduces appetite, and may limit your calorie intake to help with weight loss (1). A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2013 found that eating a high-protein breakfast (35 grams) can make you feel full for longer.

14. Use Power

Go beyond the point of failure by applying forced repetitions, static contractions, rest-pause, and reduced sets to burn more fat. A study of American football players from college to a set of high intensity weight training sessions from one set to 6-10 repetitions per failure, and applying them as forced sets and static contractions for a few seconds, to low-intensity exercises from 3 sets to 6-10 repetitions per exercise compared to 10 weeks. The reason for this result is said to be attributed to the large increase in growth hormones of soccer players in the high intensity training group; A study in Finland found that forced repetitions increase growth hormone 3 times more than when repetitions are taken to the point of failure. In addition, a study with overweight young people showed that the combination of strength training and aerobic exercise led to a significant reduction in visceral fat (2).

15. Light Lift

Working with high weights can burn more calories after training, but increasing the number of repetitions will burn more calories during training, says College of New Jersey researchers who attended the annual meeting of the National Strength and Conditioning Association in 2007. Exercise your light weight high repetition (10-20) and high weight low repetition (3-7). Another way to get the most out of these two working techniques is to perform most exercises from 4 sets and apply the first two sets as high weight low repetition and the other two as light weight high repetition.

16. Do not make water

To suppress your hunger when you diet, prepare your protein drink with less water. In a study at Purdue University, subjects consumed two nutritionally similar protein drinks and stated that they felt more satiated after drinking the more solid one.

17. Get More Calcium

Dairy products are rich in calcium and calcium can promote fat burning. This may be due to the fact that calcium controls the functioning of the hormone called calcitriol, which causes the body to produce fat and prevent fat burning. If you have enough calcium in your body, calcitriol and fat production is suppressed and fat burning increases. Eating low-fat curd cheese and yogurt (which can also be strained) increases your protein intake and helps you burn fat.

18. Seasoning

Capsaicin, a ingredient in hot pepper, is known for suppressing your calorie burning and hunger. Its effects are increased when used with caffeine, and research has shown that it increases fat burning during exercise. Add red pepper, hot pepper or hot sauce to your dishes. Capsaicin supplements are another option.

19. Sleep

In a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, subjects who sleep 5 or less at night tend to gain 13 kg and more in a third of their 16-year study compared to those who sleep 7 or more. This is thought to be due to an imbalance in leptin and ghrelin hormones: Leptin suppresses hunger and increases metabolic rate. Ghrelin increases hunger. Researchers at the University of Chicago reported that men who had two days of insomnia had increased levels of ghrelin hormone and had decreased leptin levels, as well as increased hunger feelings. Stanford University study found that leptin levels of low-sleeping subjects decreased and ghrelin levels increased. Fat rates were also higher compared to those who sleep 8 hours. We recommend that you sleep for 7-9 hours to support your recovery and to improve your health and also help you get rid of fats.

20. An Apple on Day

Apple polyphonelles are the compounds in the apple that are used for muscle strength, endurance and even getting rid of body fat. Genes that reduce fat production and storage have properties that increase movement, and their positive effects on endurance and strength can allow you to train harder and burn more fat. A large apple also contains 200 mg polyphenol.

21. Do HIIT

Repeated studies suggest that high-intensity intermittent training, such as running at 90% of your maximum heart rate and then exercising low-intensity (such as running at an average speed), causes you to burn more fat at 60-70% of your heart rate compared to 60 -70% of your heart rate. It was found.

22. Accelerate

Ball State University researchers recommend that weights lift faster. Researchers believe that fast-contracting muscle fibers burn more fat during exercise because they are less energy efficient than slow-contracting muscle fibers. For faster repetitions in your workouts, choose a weight equal to 30-60% of your maximum weight (1MT) that you can lift at a time for each exercise. Perform 3-8 quick repeats from 2 sets, and then apply 2-3 sets of repetitions at normal speed.

23. Climbing

A study from Italy found that rock-climbing subjects approached approximately 80% of their maximum heart rate, which is actually equal to an intensive cardio session. The subjects also burned 12 calories per minute (the value is for a male weighing 80 kg) or, in other words, 360 calories per 30 minutes. You can participate in rock climbing activities in the nature or indoors.

24. Greening

It is now better understood why organic meat and dairy products are expensive. British scientists have found that organic milk contains 70% more omega-3 than normal milk. A study published in the Journal of Dairy Science states that milk from cows fed in nature contains 500% more CLA than milk from cows fed by feed. The amount of omega-3 and CLA found in organic meat was also higher, which helps you burn more fat and build muscle.

25. Break the Shells

The Loma Linda University study found that low-calorie diets (diets where 40% of total calories come from fat and mostly almonds) improve fat burning within 24 weeks more than diets that contain a lot of carbohydrates and low fats but have the same calorie amount. Walnuts can also be a good choice.

Ultra Fast Keto Boost - Advanced Weight Loss with Metabolic Ketosis Support - 800MG - 60 Capsules - 30 Day Supply