Monday, September 16, 2019

Nutricology Mastic Gum Vegetarian Capsules, 120 Count

The fluid swallowed from the mother by the baby at birth is very important for health! (How to increase probiotics?)

Nutricology Mastic Gum Vegetarian Capsules, 120 Count
Useful friendly bacteria that support the immune system are first introduced into the body by swallowing the fluid accumulated in the lower part of the mother's vagina during contractions at normal birth. Nutritional and Diet Specialist Elvan Odabaşı stated that the beneficial bacteria passing from the womb to the baby lived in the intestines throughout human life and that it was important to consume foods such as bread, bulgur, ayran and kefir made from whole grain flour. Each person has an average of 1.5 kilos of bacteria in the intestines. Stating that babies born with caesarean section could not take these bacteria, Elvan Odabaşı continued: iyotik Probiotics are useful friendly bacteria living in our intestines. These friendly bacteria take lactobacilli, which are good bacteria and the first sip of the baby's life. Once they are in place, the intestinal flora makes an effort for a 70-year health map, the process being completed by the age of 3. From the first day the baby falls into the womb. It is very important for the mother to be fed during the first 1000 days, to have probiotic support, to feed the baby and to get probiotic support if needed. 'CAESARIAN AND BORN CAN BE PREPARATIVE TO ALLERGY' According to research, babies born with caesarean births are more likely to see allergies, Nutrition Specialist Odabaşı, "Research shows that children coming to the world by cesarean section and breastfeeding in the first 3 years as they are faced with more allergic disorders can use more antibiotics. As they come to the world with a community of bacteria, both are losing some amount of useful bacteria, "he said. BUL BULGUR IS ONE OF THE FAVOREST DISTRIBUTES ' Stating that some foods can be beneficial bacteria in the intestines, Elvan Odabaşı, an expert on the advice of external support can be taken, he said. Odabasi said that probiotics could lose their beneficial properties by being affected by the acidic environment in the stomach and said, "They will benefit as much as they live in the intestines to give the desired benefit in the body." TAKE THESE PRECAUTIONS IN THE KITCHEN! Nutritionist Odabaşı listed the precautions to be taken in the kitchen as follows: "In order to increase the number of our friendly bacteria, we first need to make some changes in our kitchen. In the first place, we should consume foods such as bread, bulgur prepared with whole grain wheat flour. With the fiber and vegetable proteins it contains, it helps the bacteria in the intestines to be longer lasting and capable. It is possible to increase and protect the beneficial bacteria, and fermented foods should be consumed, pickles should be consumed but should be less salty. Eat yogurt, buttermilk and kefir. " DAN CONSULT THE EXPERT TO INCREASE USEFUL BACTERIA ’ Stating that the precautions to be taken in the kitchen are important, Odabaşı stated that those who need probiotic support should consult with experts and said: "It is very important that you use the probiotics recommended by experts according to one's complaints to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut. What complaints are there? Do you have problems with vitamins, mineral deficiencies, constipation? Are you having problems in tolerating a food? Once all of these have been evaluated, probiotics can be recommended to support your daily diet according to your needs. " 'RED FRUITS SUPPORT THE VAJINA FLORA' Stating that probiotics also have benefits to vaginal flora, Odabaşı explained that nutrition rich in probiotics has advantages for women: "According to recent research, it is very important that mothers receive probiotic support up to 26 weeks of gestation both in terms of giving birth to the child in a normal way and comparing with a good bacterial population. In addition, you will be consuming more red fruits and fermented foods.You can put white cheese, tomatoes and peppers between the sourdough bread and you can also drink buttermilk. the vaginal flora will also be supported. " 27AXX
Nutricology Mastic Gum Vegetarian Capsules, 120 Count