Sunday, September 15, 2019

Natural Accelerator? - 60 Capsules (60 Servings)

What should be done to burn fat without losing muscle?

Natural Accelerator? - 60 Capsules (60 Servings)

There are many things that can be done to burn fat without losing muscle, but first you need to know that losing weight is not the same thing as losing fat. The result is water, glycogen and muscle loss along with fat, while often getting rid of excess fats is the underlying cause of weight loss.

The main thing needed to burn fat is the calorie deficit. When you get less than the calories your body needs to perform daily tasks such as moving, breathing, digesting, and pumping blood, the calorie deficit forces the body to use its fat stores and muscle tissue to produce energy. Or, on the contrary, if you burn more calories than you take daily, the calorie deficit will occur again.

Although you want your body to burn only fat without touching your muscles, it knows that in order to survive and function, it only needs to pull stored energy from a place. And this may mean fat, muscle or a combination of both.

Here are the things you can do to burn fat without losing muscle by creating a calorie deficit in your body:
1. Get enough protein

Adequate daily protein intake is the most important nutritional requirement for muscle preservation. Numerous studies have shown that it is necessary to get enough protein every day in the diet and diet program to burn fat without losing muscle. Even if you are not performing a weight training, the weight you lose will be body fat rather than muscle mass as a result of adequate protein intake. Thus, the first step of any muscle-preserving diet is to always take the ideal amount of protein during the day. So what is the ideal amount of protein? Research and experience have shown that you should take 0.4-0.8 g of protein per kg of your current body weight. Those who are overweight / obese need to be based on their ideal weight, not their current weight.
2. Use Your Muscles - Use or Lose

If you don't give your body a reason to cling to your muscles, it will break it down and use it for energy. If you want to lose fat without losing muscle, you need to do some strength and weight training.
If you try to diet without exercising, you will still lose fat, but the rate of muscle loss also increases. If you want most of your weight loss to come from fat stores, you should give your body a good reason to maintain your muscle.

With cardio exercises and resistance training, it is possible to burn fat without losing muscle. However, some studies have shown that resistance training provides full fat burning without losing muscle, while cardio training provides it partially.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in 1999 followed two obese groups who applied equally low calorie diet. One group received only one cardio exercise (walking, cycling, or jogging four times a week) and the other group received resistance training only three times a week. After 12 weeks, both groups lost weight.

Cardio exercise group given 12 pounds of fat, 12 kilograms of fat, 4 kilograms of muscle had gone. However, the resistance training group lost 14.5 pounds, and all of this was gone from fat.

In other words, the resistance training group burned significantly more fat and did not lose any muscle. In addition, when the resting metabolic rate was calculated after the study, it was found that the cardio group burned 210 calories less per day. In contrast, the resistance exercise group increased metabolic rates with 63 calories per day.

Here, two useful information can be extracted to lose fat without losing muscle:

1. You need to have a calorie deficit (with diet and exercise)

2. As mentioned above, to protect your muscle, you need to do resistance training when it is open.

However, this does not necessarily mean that you have to starve to create a calorie deficit, or that you have a very low calorie diet that is used for obese individuals in the study described above.

In fact, if you are not obese or a little overweight and just want to lose extra fat, a large calorie deficit, usually with protein support and strength training, you will lose some of your muscles. So to achieve fat loss without muscle loss, without starving yourself to be in the calorie deficit, your diet to provide sufficient amounts of protein and exercise program while doing regular resistance training in addition to cardio.
3. Perform high intensity interval training (HIIT)

If you plan to continue with cardio exercises while losing weight, you should know that low and medium intensity exercises will not allow you to burn calories after a while. Because no matter how much exercise you do, if your exercise time, shape and intensity are always the same (like walking at the same pace for an hour all the time), your body will not experience resistance and your metabolism will not accelerate any more. In high intensity interval training, the goal is to increase the intensity of your cardio training.

Studies have shown that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) provides approximately 50% more fat burning and increases endurance than low-intensity training. The best part of this training is that it increases your metabolic rate very much and you continue to burn calories even while resting the next day.

HIIT's rules are simple: work hard, get rest, then work hard again. If you are taking a group of fitness classes or working with a coach, your fitness instructor will already arrange your sets and rest periods. However, you do not need a gym, training plan or even any equipment to implement HIIT. Just find an activity that increases your heart rate and then apply the HIIT format. For beginners, a 1: 2 work / rest ratio is good. So, do an intense exercise of your choice for 30, 60 or 90 seconds, then relax for twice as long, then start the next set. (When you get better, you can switch to 1: 1 ratio.) Within these limits, your possibilities are endless.

For example, if your cardio exercise is walking, run 30 seconds very fast at one point of the exercise, 60 seconds rest, and 30 seconds too fast again. Instead of running you can climb the stairs quickly, if you are swimming you can swim at twice the normal speed for 30 seconds. If you're riding a bike, you can double up to 30, 60 or 90 seconds. Just add a high intensity workout into your low intensity workout and stick to work / rest periods.

Rest periods between each set are an indispensable part of training because if you don't take the time to build up your strength, you're not doing it right.
4. Do not lower your glycogen level

Muscle glycogen is required for all kinds of high intensity intermittent training. Muscle glycogen is produced from the glucose we produce. Excess amount of glucose from carbohydrates, glyconeogenesis and protein or glycerol (a byproduct of fatty acid metabolism), which is not immediately used in the blood stream, is transported by insulin into muscle and liver cells and converted to glycogen. The best way to make sure you don't reduce glycogen is to consume carbohydrates. If you do not tolerate carbohydrates well, you can consume them better during high insulin sensitivity periods, ie before and after breakfast and exercise.
5. Get food before and after exercise

Be sure to eat a reasonable amount of protein and carbohydrates before and after your workout. Depending on the amount of weight you intend to give, your nutritionist can guide you through what this food is and what size it is. Many studies have shown that taking food supplements before and after intense exercise improves fat burning while maintaining metabolic rate after exercise and preserving muscles.
6. Do not reduce calories too much

The biggest mistake to create continuous calories, especially when you are in a large amount of weight loss program, is to gradually reduce your calorie intake. If you reduce your calorie intake too much, your loss of strength and muscle increases. Hormonal problems, depressive mood, drowsiness, sugar fall and even if you have difficulty surviving, as well as metabolic slowdown may stop you to lose weight. Falling from power will disrupt your workouts.

Therefore, the way to burn fat without losing muscle is not to starve by not taking the nutrients your body needs, but to combine a balanced and healthy diet program with the right exercises under the control of a nutritionist.

Natural Accelerator? - 60 Capsules (60 Servings)