Sunday, September 15, 2019

Animal Cuts – All-in-one Complete Fat Burner Supplement with Thermogenic and Metabolism Support - Energy Booster, Raspberry Ketones and Thyroid Complex – 42 Packs

1-week fitness program to burn fat fast

Animal Cuts – All-in-one Complete Fat Burner Supplement with Thermogenic and Metabolism Support - Energy Booster, Raspberry Ketones and Thyroid Complex – 42 Packs

What to do for a fit, athletic, muscular or 34 body body? At what heart rate are we burning fat? 1-week fitness program to burn fat fast…

Uskudar University Head of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department Assoc. Dr. Defne Kaya, only changes in lifestyle can be a healthy person, he said.
Bad habits threaten health

Asserting that it is necessary to avoid unhealthy living habits in order to protect or improve our health, Assoc. Dr. Defne Kaya, ed What are these habits: smoking, low and inadequate sleep, excessive stress, watching too much television, a sedentary life (sitting for a long time in a fixed way during the day), unbalanced and poor quality of eating, living away from sports or exercise ”He said.
Veins of weak individuals may also be unhealthy

Asserting that our body fat ratio increases as a result of our unhealthy life habits. Dr. Defne Kaya pointed out the importance of vascular health and said:

“Particularly the greatest danger is the increase in the amount of unwanted fat that surrounds our internal organs and forms plaques in our vessels. This may not always have a direct relationship to whether we appear weak or overweight. Weak individuals, if they have unhealthy living habits, may be surrounded by unwanted fat mass in their internal organs or covered with plaques in their veins.
Undesirable fats disrupt blood circulation

Our veins are like the highways of our bodies. It brings clean blood, and therefore oxygen, to all our cells, and collects and brings back dirty blood. When the unwanted fats in our bodies surround our internal organs, they begin to impede the circulation by applying pressure on the vessels. The problem in the transmission of essential substances carried by oxygen and other clean blood to our internal organs progresses and begins to affect our other systems.

Less muscles, less bones, less oxygen, less blood. What about the oils in our veins? Although there are different amounts of fat in our blood vessels, there is fat. But the danger here is the increase in the amount of fat in our blood vessels.

34 exercise for strong veins, not for body
May cause paralysis

Microscopically, the first sign of atherosclerosis is the formation of fine fat lines within the vessel. These fat lines begin to form plaques within the vessel. These plaques cause narrowing of the vessel. Wherever that vessel goes, less blood begins to go to that area.

Sometimes, a piece of plaque breaks into the blood (throws a clot) and progresses to a place where it can not pass. Clogs the last vessel. When one of the main vessels that feeds the brain or heart is affected, the stroke results in a stroke. ”
Need to get rid of unwanted oils

Elbette Of course, how we look from the outside is very important, en he says. Assoc. Dr. Defne Kaya said, “It is important that we are especially happy with our own body, but when we look inside, we should look as fit and healthy as the outside. In the past, the body fat ratio for 20-40 years of age is 2-5% for men and 10-13% for women.
Fitness prescription

Assoc. Dr. Defne Kaya, to lose weight and to burn fat both aerobic (heart rate increases) and muscle strengthening (with weight) should be done by specifying the fitness, he said:
There are two important markers for a fitness prescription that is adequate and improves your health:

1) Your heart-lung system is evaluated and at which heart rate you start to burn fat

2) Muscle strength should be assessed and how much we load on your muscles, we support fat burning should be answered. Therefore, a good evaluation should give you a basic and effective exercise prescription.
At what heart rate are we burning fat?

The most well-known method is subtracting our age from 220. The number obtained gives us our maximum heart rate. We calculate either 60%, 70%, or 80% of this high-level heart rate, and load it into our hearts until we reach the resulting value. Today, this formula has been replaced by methods called CPET which calculate the most realistic result for each individual. Your aerobic exercise prescription for your heart rate calculated with the old formula or CPET may be drawn by your physiotherapist.

Today, as before, we do not expect aerobic exercises to be started and the fat burning period to be started after 30-40 minutes. High Intensity Intermittent (HIIT) exercises are used in which we constantly change the heart rate. Following warm up with dynamic stretching, this program of different exercises and cooling lasts for 20-25 minutes, but not less than 7 minutes.

34 exercise for strong veins, not for body
How can we increase our muscle strength?

It is essential to calculate your muscle strength. Muscle strength is measured by the isokinetic system which is accepted by the world as it is calculated by 1 maximum repetition method. Half a pound of muscle consumes 6-10 calories of energy while sitting. The more you increase the strength of your muscles, the more calories you spend.

Especially when you increase the strength of the muscles in the front and back of your thigh and the muscles of your trunk, your body will burn more calories when you sit down. All body weight training using body weight is more preferred.

You can also use colored resistance bands, sandbags or other weighting equipment. Your physiotherapist will draw you the most healthy and correct exercise program while preserving your body structures. You'll still spend calories for up to 39 hours after a full-body strength training. Ile
1-week fitness program for fast fat burning:

A weekly sample fitness program to burn fat, get rid of excess weight:

Monday: Whole body strengthening exercises

Tuesday: HIIT operation: 30 sec. active rest (walking or light jogging), 30 sec. loading (repeated more than 7 times)

Wednesday: Whole body strength exercises

Thursday: HIIT operation: 30 sec. active rest (walking or light jogging), 30 sec. loading (repeated more than 7 times)

Friday: Whole body strengthening exercises

Saturday and Sunday: Rest
Pay attention to health criteria, not body size

Assoc. Dr. Defne Kaya listed his recommendations as follows: hareket Act for health le You can keep your outer and inner appearance healthy for many years with both your heart and muscles. Pay attention to health measures, not body measurements. Act for the health of your heart, muscles, soul and brain, exercise and exercise, eat well, smile and be happy. Consult your physiotherapist for a correct and healthy workout program. ”

Animal Cuts – All-in-one Complete Fat Burner Supplement with Thermogenic and Metabolism Support - Energy Booster, Raspberry Ketones and Thyroid Complex – 42 Packs