Monday, September 16, 2019

Vitafusion Fiber Well Fit Gummies

What is Rota virus that causes stomach-intestinal infection?

Vitafusion Fiber Well Fit Gummies
How to deal with the route virus that occurs in autumn and winter and affects children, especially infants? In order to protect children and babies from the virus that causes stomach, intestinal infection, Batıgöz Health Group Pediatric Specialist. Fikret İşbilir gave information and warned… Rota virus is one of the most common viruses in autumn and winter, which causes gastrointestinal infection in children, especially in infants. In some cases, this virus can be confused with adeno virus or amoebic dysentery. Rota virus from Batıgöz Health Group, which causes panic in families due to symptoms and goes to death in case of delayed treatment, is a disease which should be taken seriously and can be confused with different diseases due to some similarities in symptoms. However, it can be easily detected by looking at the antigen in the stool test. In general, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, weakness, bloodless but watery diarrhea (repeated 10-15 times a day) manifested route virus, infants and children with electrolyte loss due to excessive water loss can lead to death or even into a coma can lead to death. Rota vaccine is a protective vaccine that should be given in infants before the age of 6 months. However, for the time being, it is not necessarily one of the routine vaccinations made by the state. But because it is medically necessary, we do great efforts to be routine by physicians. VACCINATION IN ADULTS There are 2 different types of this vaccine, which is provided by families. These are oral or oral vaccines. The effect of vaccines administered in two or three doses will be reduced if the baby is 6 months of age. In adults, the vaccine is completely ineffective. If the baby has been infected with the virus before vaccination and there is an infection that is present; fluid loss control is done to stabilize the electrolyte balance. If necessary, serum is inserted and followed by hospitalization. Probiotic and zinc treatment is supported. No antibiotics are given. Routine vaccination can be given after the baby survives. HANDS MUST WASH Child Health and Diseases Specialist Fikret İşbilir explained the route of transmission of the route virus: Contaminated water can be transmitted by well-washed foods, swimming pools, hand-in-hand contact. However, breastfeeding is very rare. A breastfeeding mother can continue breastfeeding even if she is infected with the route virus. Although the route virus is mostly seen in infants and children, it is also found in adult individuals, but the symptoms and course of the disease in adults are much more mildly overlooked than a baby. Infants and children are more likely to get into shock or coma due to severe symptoms and have no time to treat. Vaccine is the primary method of protection against rotavirus diarrhea. For this reason, it is highly recommended by our physicians to make a route vaccination before the first 6 months of life. DOOR HANDLES Hygiene needs to be very careful. The route virus can be easily transmitted to other people around by a wide range of tools such as door handles, telephone, elevator button, toys, cups that the person touches. Only pasteurized milk and bottled juice should be given to children, fresh fruit and vegetables should be washed with plenty of water before eating, meat, fish and seafood should be cooked well, before and after eating, after the toilet and after changing the baby's hands should be washed thoroughly. Rota virus can survive on dry surfaces for up to 2 months. For protection, clean water should be drunk. 8AXX
Vitafusion Fiber Well Fit Gummies