Sunday, September 15, 2019

Flawless Keto Diet - Advanced Weight Loss Supplement - Ketogenic Fat Burner - Supports Healthy Weight Loss - Burn Fat Instead of Carbs - 30 Day Supply

How to Burn Fat? Accelerate Fat Burning!

Flawless Keto Diet - Advanced Weight Loss Supplement - Ketogenic Fat Burner - Supports Healthy Weight Loss - Burn Fat Instead of Carbs - 30 Day Supply

"Every diet is doomed to failure"

No one said that, I say it. Ultimately, every diet will fail. The people I know at the beginning of the university, including myself, have had and still have weight problems at the end of college. In the same way, people who had a good physique and a good physique had a good physique when they graduated.

Even though we sometimes lose weight as people with weight problems, "diet" we have given back to the weight and we have always had weight problems so far. I'm sure you're in this group.

Then he must do something! We have no choice but to change the way we live and eat rather than diet. Moreover, we must make a difference with small changes gradually, not by frightening ourselves with radical changes and cooling them off. I've been researching this topic for a while, browsing many forums, reading many articles, and deciding to compile the most important things. First of all , it is important that you read and understand these two articles explaining the importance of glycemic index and how to burn fat by controlling insulin hormone .

Click below for more!

Since the most important thing is getting rid of fats, we can get rid of our fats in the long term by increasing the fat burning with small tips and nutritional changes, so we also have weight problems. The key word of each diet is ım fat burning ".

Of course we can diet and get rid of the excess weight that I am doing this right now, but then we need to maintain the weight lost, this little changes, accelerating the burning of fat passes.

First of all, let me give you the bad news! Unfortunately, there is no regional fat burning . Fat burning in our body is becoming general and going from all the fat cells. Regional exercise will only tighten that area, not fat!

The second bad news is that there is no "fat burning" product! So no natural product essentially burns fat as the first purpose. The basic principle of fat burning is "increasing the metabolic rate".

There are two basic ways to increase metabolic rate. These two paths are ways that work alone, but work together when they are together;


Cardio (Kardi yo) - How to do it?

When it comes to Cardio, the first thing that comes to mind is running, cycling, elliptical equipment, swimming. This type of activities that burn you calories, water and metabolic rate that allows you to throw away activities. The most important feature and beauty of the cardio at that moment when you burn calories, water, as you do with the cardio exercise, your body's metabolism rate will increase, after the end of sports in the following hours you will burn more calories and fat.

It is perhaps the most important element of the diet, fat burning is indispensable cardio exercises. You cannot go a long way in fat burning unless proper nutrition is supported by cardio. If you want, you can run in the gym, ride a bike, swim if you want, and you can walk and run fast in the morning outdoors. Now that the summer is over and the weather cools, gym membership may be best for you :)

But the main question, how should we do cardio exercise ? Those who are interested in sports have heard and apply HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) tactic. Although not certain, many opinions and scientific articles say that cardio exercises performed with HIIT lead to more fat burning and more calorie burning in the long term. What kind of technique is this? For example, if we are going to run for 20 minutes, we must take 100 meters outrun 5 times in the remaining 17 minutes after 3 minutes of warming. For those who are on the treadmill, for example, the first 10 minutes walk at 6.0 km / h, then at 12 km / h for 1 minute, then 2-3 minutes at 7.0 km / h with a fast walking pace and then 1 km / h for 1 minute. sprint How many you will do in this way depends, of course, on your strength, fitness, and limits. In other words, the aim is to increase the pulse rate, then to lower the rest and then raise again. In this way, we will increase the metabolic rate more and improve our condition better. When you first start doing sports, don't tire yourself out and don't cripple you, you will sit down with the HIIT technique. You can apply this logic in running while cycling, swimming or riding on an elliptical bike.

If you have a chance to measure your heart rate during cardio exercise, it is beneficial to have a healthier cardio, without losing muscle and for a more appropriate cardio for fat burning.

You can calculate the maximum pulse rate with the following formula;

Max. Pulse = 220 - Your age + 10.

Try not to exceed 70% of your maximum pulse in order to make sports longer and more comfortable and to accelerate fat burning. If you pass this pulse during your launches, you can also reduce your speed or time. Over time, you can adjust your speed and time, or increase the incline if you are on a treadmill or elliptical bike.

Nutrition - How to Eat?

Of course your goal is to lose weight! Pizza, hamburger v. If you eat, forget this job :) Especially because we will combine our diet with our food list should be mainly protein. What is protein? Meat, eggs, poultry products, cheese and dairy products may come to your mind .. Vegetables, peanut butter also contains protein, but our most useful animal protein, not vegetable protein. Proteins will not only make you lose muscle, they will keep you more full and lean protein digestion will spend 5% more calories on your body.

First trick is breakfast ! What did we say? The basis of fat burning is to accelerate metabolism. If we pass the breakfast without eating it, the body will slow down the metabolism in case I'm starving and I'm going to stay, and it's likely that this food will turn into fat in the afternoon! Therefore, one of the most golden rules of fat burning is to have breakfast in the morning. Of course, not all of us have a chance to have a healthy breakfast table! That's why you'll eat protein milk with plain cornflakes, muesli, oatmeal cut out for breakfast. They will keep you satiated with the high fiber rates they contain, will not disturb your sugar balance and will help you not to gain weight with low calories.

The second trick is Dinner! If we are going to eat heavy meals, this must be between morning and evening. Our dinner should be as light as we can and it should consist of vegetables and fruits. Although most dietitians do not eat anything after 6, this rule is a very difficult rule to apply when considering the Turkish family structure. Do not eat after 20:00 at least and eat fruit and snacks at the latest 2 hours before bedtime.

The third trick is junk food and sodas! Especially if you like someone who likes junk food and sodas a lot, you're in trouble. We need to gradually remove them from our lives, but rather reduce them. So why? The most important element that prevents fat burning in our body and even stores fat is the fluctuations in our sugar level. If I explain it in a very simple language, fatty foods such as hamburgers, sweet drinks such as cola, products containing plenty of fat and sugar such as junk food, as soon as we take them to our blood sugar ceiling and then the body will reduce this blood sugar quickly. Since all of this is in a very short time, as soon as the blood sugar drops, we get hungry again and want to eat them again. This is a difficult-to-go cycle, fat burning is prevented and weight gain cycle!
Vegetables, protein-weighted foods, meats when we eat sugar levels will rise in a balanced way, will decrease in longer time, will send an order that will lead to body fat storage and will take longer to get hungry.
That's why we should not be fooled by these products, no matter how low in calories or fat. Light products such as Coca Cola Zero that we drink without sugar contain artificial sugar and make this fluctuation worse.
Moreover, most of them contain a serious carcinogenic substance called "aspartame".

In addition to this trick, eating too much tatlı sweet ve and tuzlu salty (foods (which requires a very small amount) will cause the body to retain water and cause temporary swelling . If we start a very heavy diet when we start the first diet will lose 1-2 pounds immediately and then stops that weight loss. In fact, this is 1-2 pounds, the water we throw from the body, not the fat burned, and so we think we give back immediately to the weight.

If we manage to apply these 3 tips slowly, it is time for feeding tips.

Which nutrients help to increase fat metabolism rate?

First of all, I think that we all understand that we should never starve the body, and eat low-calorie, low-fat, healthy foods with snacks. What should we do now? Many natural and tasty foods surprisingly increase our metabolic rate. We need to start this by integrating them into our lives!

Green Tea - Natural Miracle ..

One of the many miracles that nature offers us is Green Tea. It tastes good, there are endless benefits. Hold the cancer cells, until the blood pressure. I'm not going to mention these here, but I'll touch on the benefits that are relevant to our topic. Thanks to its content, Green Tea helps to burn fat by increasing our body's metabolic rate, and it is also very useful for water discharge because it is diuretic. I can say green tea indispensable for my diets and my life. 1 cup on an empty stomach in the morning, 1 cup of lying in the evening and 1 cup of green tea during the day and we can see this beautiful effect in a very short time if we consume a sip of hot and sip.

I recommend Çaykur's Plain Green Tea for brewing rather than green tea. You get the best benefit from it. If it sounds difficult to brew, the best and quickest method you can use for this is the french press.

Cinnamon - Adds Flavor to Green Tea

If you take tar cinnamon bark yanında next to your green tea and throw it into the green tea you have brewed in a french press or teapot, you will better maintain your sugar balance and be less affected by the fluctuations mentioned. Moreover, cinnamon is known for closing the appetite and reducing the conversion from food to fat through sugar balancing. Naturally, it must be one of the sine qua non of your diet.

Hot Pepper - Burns fats bitterly

The substance called capsaicin, which is also contained in hot pepper, increases the metabolic rate significantly (around 20-25% as far as I know) and facilitates fat burning. And if you love it, you're lucky, you can use it in almost every meal, every soup. The benefits, of course, do not stop only by accelerating metabolism.

Calcium - Ligh Dairy products come to mind

According to research, calcium reduces the fat effect by volume and helps to lose weight. Of course, the most important source of calcium is dairy products! Light milk, light cheese and light yogurt come to mind first.

Curry and Mustard Sauces - Who says every nice thing becomes unsavory?

The most delicious sauces for me are curry sauce and mustard sauce. Whenever I say chicken, it's a "curry" sauce. Mustard is just as beautiful. These two flavor-friendly sauces reduce fat storage and balance sugar . You prepared yourself a nice salad for dinner, how about using mustard or curry sauce before eating?

Ginger - Increases heat

Garlic and ginger can increase the body's temperature and increase the metabolic rate around 20% . Although garlic is hard to eat and consume socially, ginger is both easy to find and easy to consume. I put a pinch of ginger into the green tea I prepared in French Presets, with cinnamon bark and it is very delicious.

Omega 3 - Regular Use

There is no need to discuss the benefits and necessities of Omega 3 for the body that you can get from the fish to your body. It is known to help burn fat in regular use and is a substance we should all take. We need to eat fish at least twice a week to get enough, but I don't think it's realistic. So Omega 3 supplements will also work out in a healthy way. I regularly take Amway's Omega 3 pill.

Flax Seeds - Tiny but Great in Function

Those who know the tiny sesame-like grains, without spoiling the taste of soup, yogurt, corn flakes, muesli, etc. prepared in the morning. you can mix flax seed accelerates weight loss as well as many benefits .

Grapefruit - Taste Bitter but Worth

We all know that fruit juices are banned for dietary people because they are quite sweet and calorie from time to time, but at this point, their sugar and calories are very low, and the vitamin C it contains makes grapefruit juice a completely different juice. Thanks to its low glycemic index (does not make blood sugar peak), it lowers insulin and cholesterol levels, while controlling, inositol, a natural fat burner contained in it, accelerates metabolism and facilitates fat burning. In addition, this substance is also the substance that gives the bitter taste of grapefruit.

Beans - All Kinds of Useful

We can call every kind of beans a panacea :) Bean species which are low in fat and rich in vegetable protein keep both satiated and regulate cholesterol and cause metabolism to work fast.

Fennel - Tea is acceptable

Although I don't like it, fennel is a panacea as well as essential oils in the plant, accelerating metabolism, increasing the formation of enzymes and preventing the storage of fats . It must be on our daily list.

Tea and Coffee - Unsweetened

Tea and coffee are the most indispensable diets. If you don't have cellulite problem, of course and sugar free, it will help you burn fat by increasing your metabolic rate with caffeine that contains 2 cups of coffee and 2-3 cups of tea and will cause you to throw water with diuretic properties. I don't need to mention too much because everyone is indispensable :)

Water Water Water ..

Perhaps the most important need of the body is "water". Needless to say, we should drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water daily! Especially when we are on a diet, when we lose water by doing sports and when coffee & tea consumption increases, this amount should go even higher. Keep in mind that the body is dehydrated for the body, for your kidneys, the bells are ringing. God forbid!

What should we do with snacks?

In addition to all these recommendations;

1 Apple is both nutritious and helps you eat less by keeping full. In addition to apples, fruits such as quince, pear and strawberry may come to mind. Although watermelon and melon are quite sweet, it is still a healthy and beautiful choice. It is worth staying a little away from the grapes, there is an amazing calorie and sugar in it.
Max 10 nuts or a handful of walnuts or a handful of almonds helps to burn fat, is a source of protein and a very healthy snack.
Ülker Kellogs Special K Crackers, which I wrote on the blog before, are quite delicious and a nice alternative that is easy to carry with us for snacks.
A regular bowl of fruity or light yogurt would also be a nice selection. Above we talked about the benefits of calcium.
If we want to have an innocent getaway, 1 ice cream is 110 calories and is a very convenient getaway. But of course, don't put your mouth on a calorie and fat monster product like Magnum.
If you haven't eaten in the morning, alternatives like muesli are also rich in oats, so it keeps satiety and helps to control weight by keeping insulin in balance because it has a low glycemic index.
It is not known, but provided that it is lean and unsalted ( which has machines ), 1 bowl of popcorn is also suitable for both escaping and a meal under 200 calories.

I hope all of us with these easy and small changes, by integrating diet and sports in our lives to protect the weight we lose and fail to refuse our lives with diets!

Remember that you can really change your life and body with such simple advice.

The only rule is that you will benefit in the " long term ", that you do not expect anything " immediately " as if the magic wand has touched, and that you never lose your motivation for a " healthy life "!

Success in everyone's diet and long-term diet to add these beauties!

Warning: This article from all my forums, comments, experiences, recommendations from my friends, teachers, etc. I gather from places. Of course its accuracy cannot be guaranteed and may vary by individual. Nevertheless, it is always useful to consult with an expert. None of the articles on our site is a doctor's advice. The application or use of the subject is the responsibility of the person, we are not responsible for any damages that may occur.

Flawless Keto Diet - Advanced Weight Loss Supplement - Ketogenic Fat Burner - Supports Healthy Weight Loss - Burn Fat Instead of Carbs - 30 Day Supply