Sunday, September 15, 2019

VINTAGE BURN Fat Burner - The First Muscle-Preserving Fat Burner Thermogenic Weight Loss Supplement – Keto Friendly, Appetite Suppressant - For Men and Women - 120 Natural Veggie Diet Pills


VINTAGE BURN Fat Burner - The First Muscle-Preserving Fat Burner Thermogenic Weight Loss Supplement – Keto Friendly, Appetite Suppressant - For Men and Women - 120 Natural Veggie Diet Pills

Cardio is the abbreviation of dır cardiovascular eden which refers to the cardiovascular system of the body together with the heart and blood vessels. Iyo Cardio im, which I will talk about in this article, is the name we give for the exercises that run the cardiovascular system. Cardio has benefits such as a strong heart, endurance and low stress. However, we usually do these exercises to spend calories, burn fat and lose weight.
How to Do Cardio?

We do cardio training whenever the rhythm of the heart increases and breathing is accelerated. Running, walking, swimming, playing tennis, cycling are cardio exercises. However, there are two basic cardio exercises that we can do systematically to burn fat. These are: light tempo cardio (LISS) and high tempo interval cardio (HIIT). In this article, we examine these two cardio forms together with their pros and cons; We will try to find the most convenient cardio form to lose weight and burn fat.


High-temp intermittent cardio (HIIT) is the interval between high and low-tempo activities. For example, after 30 seconds of sprint, 60 seconds of light tempo runs, followed by sprint again and lasts 20-25 minutes. In this training, the heart rate is around 85% of the maximum heart rate.

Light-tempo-level cardio (LISS) is a form of training that lasts for 45 to 60 minutes at a tempo of around 65% of the maximum heart rate. The tempo is a tempo that you can talk at the same time while you work. Examples include brisk running and cycling.
Which Cardio is Better for Fat Burning?

There are two main ways to burn fat: eat less or move more. Our goal in cardio training is to increase the amount of calories we spend by moving. Therefore, it is best to train us to spend maximum calories.

Now, let us list the pros and cons of these two basic forms of exercise.
LISS cardio

Light-tempo cardio does not tire much. If you are following a proper weight training, it will probably take time to regenerate your muscles. In this way a cardio does not cause your muscles to wear out. It is a relaxing, stress-relief training that supports muscle development by triggering anabolic hormones .

Many people find this kind of work boring, but you can turn it into an opportunity. In these days when the fast flow of life is fashionable, you can consider this kind of work as an escape. You can also listen to your head, listen to music & books while doing sports, so you can shoot two birds on a stone.

But there are also points where this way of working is not perfect. You will not spend too many calories in a short period of time. To create a calorie deficit when the tooth touches, you should work for at least 40-50 minutes. Some people may not have time for this. If you work in the gym instead of outdoors, in a nice setting, this can easily bore you. Weights that can be considered entertaining in the gym may not be preferred when there are exercise machines. In addition, as your condition increases in the long term, it may be easy for you to work in this way, even after an hour you may feel that you are not working enough. When you reach this point, you can strengthen your workout with an extra resistance. For example, a weight vest or a backpack supporting the spine may be suitable. You can also increase the difficulty of the equipment you use.
Does LISS break down muscle?

hardioo There is another point to be mentioned for LISS. I've often seen on the Internet that doing cardio in this way will cause muscle destruction. I would like to give a detailed answer to this, but I did not see an argument behind the claim that should be refuted. You can read such articles on the Internet or in market magazines. You can also read that they are supported by “scientific research fakat but I can say briefly, there is no such thing.

In any training or hunger situation, there is a decrease in the food stores of the muscles and this may give the person a slightly weakened feeling. But this is not muscle destruction, it will return to normal after a healthy meal. Muscle destruction is not something that a person who already leads a normal life, doing sports and at the same time taking care of his diet should not worry. I guess when you feel this way, some products are sold easily.
HIIT Cardio

If you look at the other option (HIIT), it is noticeable that the work will consume good calories in a short time, plyometric-style explosive strength and speed increase structure and accelerate metabolism. With a good HIIT workout, you can burn enough calories in 15 minutes. You don't need to have a lot of time or a suitable place to do this. It doesn't even matter how you do the exercises. For example, if you are swimming, you can try to swim very fast and slow intermittently. Sports such as boxing, MMA and wrestling are also ideal HIIT trainings. When you shadow boxing against the mirror, you improve your technique and quickness and burn calories. In this way, studies that accelerate heart rhythm will accelerate your metabolism and cause you to spend more calories than normal during the day.

Are there any drawbacks to intermittent high-tempo cardio? Unfortunately I do. First of all, such a tempo requires serious power. Not everyone can manage to be active for 20 minutes. Although I had a sports background before, I could not lift my arm after 10 minutes in MMA studies. Such a performance cannot be expected for a beginner. A workout that does not end properly cannot be expected to give a correct result. Let's say you're strong enough and you're following a power or hypertrophy program. This time your muscles will often be unable to withstand such intense extras due to weight training. You don't let your muscles regenerate when you say you spend some calories.

Without HIIT, will the fat not be burned?

HIIT training accelerates the metabolism and the amount of calories burned is worth a close look. This type of cardio training, which has recently become fashionable under the name of burn afterburn effect yazık, is unfortunately not as useful as it is attempted to be shown. If you ask the Internet, magazines, HIIT doesn't do it, but we need facts, not fashion. In summary, HIIT studies are not the king way to burn fat.
What Cardio Type Do We Apply?

As I mentioned above, both working methods have flaws. Just sticking to one, and scorning the other will not help us. We need to achieve maximum calorie burning by pragmatically assembling the pieces.

To do this, I would think of combining both of them at their right time. Light tempo cardio in the fresh air on an empty stomach in the morning brings both the physiological and spiritual benefits mentioned above and a good fat burning. Since you have not eaten since the previous evening, glycogen stores in the muscles will be reduced. In this way, cells will also resort to fatty acids for energy production. This will be more beneficial to us than the cardio. Light tempo cardio will not be too heavy for the body. In fact, you can work this way every day, but if you don't have the opportunity, it will be useful in many ways even once a week. In support of this, after some weight training in the gym, we can do some HIIT work when we feel ready. Or if you are interested in any sport, you can do it.

Remember ...

Remember that weight loss or fat burning is more important than training. Cardio is just a supportive tool. The main thing is to concentrate on nutrition. You can get the necessary advice from the nutrition section of our website. There are also supplements to help you, they can be both healthy and beneficial to burn fat. We also examined them in our supplement guide .

VINTAGE BURN Fat Burner - The First Muscle-Preserving Fat Burner Thermogenic Weight Loss Supplement – Keto Friendly, Appetite Suppressant - For Men and Women - 120 Natural Veggie Diet Pills