Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite Weight Loss Supplement, Designed for Hardcore Weight Loss, Energy & Enhanced Focus, 100 Servings (200 Pills)

Turn your body into a fat burning machine

Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite Weight Loss Supplement, Designed for Hardcore Weight Loss, Energy & Enhanced Focus, 100 Servings (200 Pills)

Our body works to protect itself, not to lose weight. You can turn your body into a fat burning machine by following some rules, such as the consumption of protein or carbohydrates

In order to lose weight, we need to know our body well, know how it works, and even learn the logic of the machine. Historically, our body's systems work to gain weight to protect itself, not to lose weight. In ancient times, people's diet was herbs, wild meats (most of them lean meats), root crops, vegetables, legumes, whole wheat, all natural, unprocessed, largely low calorie foods. Nowadays, we have broken the systems that allow us to lose weight and strengthened the systems that enable us to gain weight. Thus, we can say that we disrupt our anatomy and turn our bodies into fat storage machines. Instead of a fat tissue like pudding, or even jelly, we have to have a very hard body, muscles and also hard fat organs. What should we do about it? First of all, we need to increase our body's fat burning capacity. Fat tissue is a form of tissue in which the body stores the excess energy it receives. In order to restore the fat in the tank, the energy taken into the body must be reduced. Reducing energy alone is not enough for the body to burn fat. The body will either burn fat or break down muscle tissue. The body must be ordered to burn fat by pointing at the fat tissues. This order is related to the meal and the content of the person and varies from person to person such as fingerprints. This is why most people cannot lose weight despite a very low calorie diet.


We need to increase our body's muscle mass. For the development and repair of your muscles, you should eat lean, high quality, appropriate amount of protein for you, and exercise for your health and age. Of course, the details of all your meals are of great importance. The main advantage of the muscles is that they are fed with calories. This gives the metabolism the ability to burn calories every time the muscles move. Every half a pound of muscle burns 40 to 120 calories just to survive, whereas fat requires only 1 to 3 calories. As time goes on, this makes a huge difference in metabolic rate and calorie burning rate. Therefore, in order to increase our muscle mass, our diet should include low-calorie, low-fat protein, and at the same time, the amount of protein should be appropriate for the height, weight and health of the person. The more lean the protein source, the better. We should also consume the right amount of proteins without exaggeration and be aware of the right protein sources.

A large part of our body, including muscles, organs, skin, hair and enzymes, consists essentially of protein. Protein is present in every cell and is essential for life. A portion of the protein consisting of amino acids is produced in the body. The other nine, known as essential amino acids, must be taken with food. Foods of animal origin, such as eggs, meat and fish, contain all of the essential amino acids and are considered to be 'complete' proteins. Plant-derived nutrients are incomplete proteins; The amino acids that are not present in their structure need to be complemented by other sources. For this reason, vegetarians have to eat in certain combinations to get full protein; with whole wheat rice and beans, hazelnut butter and whole grain bread, whole grain pasta and cheese. The only vegetable source known as exception; soy products such as soybeans and tofu. They are full protein.


Keep in mind; vegetable foods such as soy products, nuts and cereals; salmon, oysters, scallops and sardines, as well as seafood and skimmed or low-fat dairy products. A woman can meet her daily protein needs from most foods. For example; 90 g. tuna or 90 gr. consuming turkey breast and also the amount of protein in the day 7.8 g. a bowl of lentil soup and 6 gr. which can meet daily protein needs by consuming foods such as eggs. A person who is fed a high protein diet loses weight because he chooses more low-calorie foods. If you don't take a group of carbohydrates that are half of the total calories in your diet, or if you severely restrict your intake, you will inevitably lose weight. However, after you stop dieting, you will recover a large portion of your weight.


The protein diet and its subsequent transition to protection need to be exercised with extreme caution. Otherwise, it is inevitable to recover the weight given. Keep in mind that everyone's machine works differently and the protein that they need to take daily varies from person to person. It is a proven fact that you endanger your health if you eat uncontrolled high protein. The more protein a person receives, the more calcium it throws and increases the risk of osteoporosis. Damage to the kidneys in vulnerable bodies leads to the risk of renal failure. Therefore, it is very important to consciously adjust the diet.


Turkey; niacin is a good source of vitamin B12 and B6. All three of these vitamins are used for energy production in the body. It is observed that niacin reduces the risk of heart attack and death from heart attack.

Inadequate consumption of folate, vitamins B6 and B12 leads to elevated levels of homocysteine, an amino acid-like substance that can be a risk factor for heart disease. Turkey is one of the rich sources of zinc, an important nutrient found in all body tissues. This important mineral is essential for a healthy immune system. It accelerates the healing of wounds and provides normal cell division. A 90-gram serving of turkey breast meets about 14 percent of our daily zinc requirement.


500 g. turkey chest
4 cloves of garlic
3 red meat peppers
1 hot red pepper
1 potato
2 carrots
2 tomatoes
3 onions
Cumin, curry, black pepper

Chop the turkey breast flaked. Roast with oil and spices until thoroughly absorbed. Then add all the vegetables and cook in a tea glass of water for 30 minutes.

Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite Weight Loss Supplement, Designed for Hardcore Weight Loss, Energy & Enhanced Focus, 100 Servings (200 Pills)