Monday, September 16, 2019

Benefiber Kiwi Strawberry Fiber Supplement Drink Mix 24 Sticks

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Acid Reflux: What is the link?

Benefiber Kiwi Strawberry Fiber Supplement Drink Mix 24 Sticks
IBS, Reflux Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common condition that affects the large intestine, or colon. Symptoms usually include abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and flatulence. Other symptoms of IBS may include urgent bowel movements or a feeling of incomplete evacuation. IBS patients are more responsible for moving food through the intestine than they may contract more irregularly or intestinal muscles. It pushes food through abnormal system. If waste material moves too quickly, it may cause diarrhea. it can cause constipation if it moves too slow. While your bother, IBS does not cause inflammation, nor does it permanently damage the colon. Understanding acid reflux GERD Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) is a disease that significantly damages the esophagus tissues and cells over time. This is the chronic form of acid reflux. The stomach is weak due to functioning lower esophageal sphincter (LES) back up the esophagus when stomach acids occur. LES is a muscle band that acts as a valve between the esophagus and the stomach. GERD, both acid reflux and the main symptom is frequent heartburn. Other symptoms may include burning a sour liquid taste behind the throat or mouth. Although occasional reflux is normal, GERD symptoms are persistent and typically require treatment to alleviate symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and difficulty swallowing. IBS / Stomach connection IBS is classified as a functional disease. This is a condition in which the symptoms are true, but physiological causes are not easily identifiable. Although the causes of IBS are not known, it's often increasing with stress. IBS is also often accompanied by GERD. This dual presentation suggests that two conditions may share common disease mechanisms, but this is not well understood. One mechanism may be weak muscle function of the intestines. Some IBS and acid restore can be a coordination disorder of the line muscles of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, both contributing to the symptoms. Another observation is that both individuals with IBS and GERD report more episodes of abdominal pain than sleep difficulties and people who may have IBS or illness alone. However, IBS is a complex situation and less GERD is better understood. An individual who contributes to IBS has a variety of intestinal and environmental factors. This makes the relationship between GERD and IBS even more complicated. IBS triggers Different stimuli can trigger symptoms of IBS in different people. For example, a person's things, such as intestinal infection or medication, can lead to symptoms, while others may react to certain foods and stress. Women are more likely than men suffering from IBS. Often, women will notice that the symptoms of IBS are bad during menstruation. This has led researchers to believe that hormones can play a role in the development of IBS. Foods to avoid Perhaps surprisingly, IBS, reflux is usually not triggered by the same types of foods. Those who suffer from one or both situations may find relief by avoiding the following: alcoholic beverages caffeinated drinks such as coffee, carbonated drinks such as cola, chocolate citrus fatty and fried foods garlic and onion spicy foods Tomato-based foods, such as pizza and spaghetti sauces, certain sugars such as high fructose corn syrup and lactose cut sugar alcohols such as sorbitol and xylitol IBS instead of lactose intolerance Trigger foods include milk products, such as milk, cheese or ice cream, may have problems with lactose intolerance , not IBS. People with cramps or bloating after eating should only stop eating these foods for a period of two weeks to see if the symptoms of dairy products have passed. If symptoms subside after avoiding milk, talk to your doctor about the possibility of lactose intolerance. If other non-lactose foods in addition to milk can worsen your symptoms, you are more likely to have IBS. IBS treatments for acid reflux Along with drugs can provide relief in many cases, both acid reflux and IBS are the preferred treatment lifestyle and nutrition modification for most people. In addition to avoiding certain foods, people with IBS or GERD may find relaxation by learning to reduce weight, quit smoking and stress-reducing techniques such as deep breathing, exercise or yoga. Although lifestyle and diet changes can benefit many people with IBS, some medications can help if you have GERD symptoms as well: Omeprazole , such as proton pump inhibitors , are preferred drugs for those with GERD. Antacids may be sufficient to alleviate their symptoms for people who are as well as soft acid reflux. Anti-gas drugs such as simethicone (Gas-X) can occasionally work for gas, bloating and indigestion. Medications that focus on the management of IBS vary greatly depending on whether the main symptoms are constipation, diarrhea or both. Your doctor can guide your treatment. If you have symptoms of GERD, IBS or other intestinal problems, consult your doctor for a detailed exam. Depending on your symptoms, you probably need to be diagnosed and evaluated and tested to determine which treatment options are best for you. 47AXX
Benefiber Kiwi Strawberry Fiber Supplement Drink Mix 24 Sticks