Thursday, February 21, 2019

Hemorrhoid Treatment Pills Hem-Ease All Natural – Rapid Absorption, Long Lasting Comfort, InstantPain Relief –Calm Swollen Hemorrhoids, Minimize Bleeding & Burning, Improve Colon Health

What to eat if I have hemorrhoids

If we have this problem we should consume two food groups: On the one hand, those that contain fiber , and on the other, those that provide vitamin K.

  •     Food with fiber: They favor the expulsion of feces and help them to be softer.
  •     Foods with vitamin K: They stop the bleeding and prevent the hemorrhoids from getting worse.

1. Flax seeds

The oils provided by this seed reduce constipation and also prevent inflammation of the inside of the anus . Flax is rich in fibers and Omega 3 fatty acids.

    You can add a spoonful (10 g) in a glass of yogurt, juice or milk (200 ml) for breakfast.

2. Apple
Apple for hemorrhoids

Actually, most fruits are advisable when you have hemorrhoids. These are important because they provide a good amount of fibers.

Add apples, oranges and strawberries to your daily diet. Also, do not hesitate to consume pears, peaches and figs.

3. Whole grains

Whole grains (for example, brown rice) are a great source of fiber. In addition, they are much healthier than their refined "versions".

It is advisable to eat whole grains every day to get constant and softer stools. Try rice, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, etc.

Hemorrhoid Treatment Pills Hem-Ease All Natural – Rapid Absorption, Long Lasting Comfort, InstantPain Relief –Calm Swollen Hemorrhoids, Minimize Bleeding & Burning, Improve Colon Health
Hemorrhoid Treatment Pills Hem-Ease All Natural – Rapid Absorption, Long Lasting Comfort, InstantPain Relief –Calm Swollen Hemorrhoids, Minimize Bleeding & Burning, Improve Colon Health

4. Agar

This algae, which is obtained in powder in the naturist houses, is very good for bowel evacuation. In addition, it helps to reduce the pain caused by hemorrhoids when defecating.

It can be added to meals, as it has no flavor . Take agar agar at breakfast with yogurt, juice or toast with cheese.

5. Beetroot

Also called beets , this vegetable has many properties that can help us if we suffer from piles. For example, it provides a good amount of dietary fiber (2.8 grams per 100 grams of beet) and vitamin C (which prevents bleeding from the anal blood vessels).

    You can eat this raw purple vegetable, in salads, smoothies or juices . You can also cook it and add it as a garnish to all kinds of dishes.

6. Lentils
Lentils for hemorrhoids

We recommend that you eat all kinds of legumes (beans, beans, peas, etc.) in moderate doses. This type of food provides the body with the fiber it needs .

Be careful because they can cause flatulence. To avoid this you can cook them with fennel or cumin during cooking.

    Do you want to know more? Lee: Lentils, source of proteins and antioxidants

7. Oats

You can not miss your diet if you have hemorrhoids. It has a good percentage of soluble fiber that forms less voluminous and softer stools.

Oats prevent constipation and reduce pains when evacuating . If you do not want to add it to juices or dairy at breakfast you can enjoy the rich and healthy oatmeal water (which also serves to lose weight ).

  •     1 cup of oat flakes (50 g)
  •     Stevia or honey to sweeten (to taste)
  •     1 teaspoon of vanilla essence (5 g)
  •     1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (3 g)
  •     8 glasses of water (1.6 l)
  •     Ice cubes (to taste)


  •     Leave the oatmeal to soak overnight (about 7 hours).
  •     Strain and wash well.
  •     Place the essence of vanilla, cinnamon and water in the blender jar together with the chosen sweetener.
  •     Mix well until there is a homogeneous liquid.
  •     Put in a jar and add the ice cubes.
  •     Drink a cup on an empty stomach and the rest throughout the day.
  •     Keep in the fridge.

8. Broccoli
Broccoli for hemorrhoids

All the vegetables of the cruciferous group can be very helpful, due to their contribution of vitamin K. One of them is broccoli, which is very healthy.

In addition to broccoli, we recommend consuming cabbage of all kinds. However, keep in mind that, as with legumes, they can cause flatulence.

9. Almonds

Nuts, in general, contain soluble fiber. In addition, this type of food satisfies the appetite immediately.

Although they are high in calories, almonds can be the ideal snack if we suffer from hemorrhoids. Do not eat more than a handful per day.

Prohibited foods if we have hemorrhoids

As we have said, diet is so related to the symptoms of piles. For this reason, we advise you to reduce the intake of those foods that can hinder evacuations:

1. Refined cereals
Whole grains for hemorrhoids

White flour is one of the enemies for our body. It does not provide fiber and, in addition, increases the accumulation of fats.

    Do not eat pizzas, cookies, pasta or cakes made with refined grains. Opt for the integral. In addition, it has a satiating effect and improves intestinal function.

2. Refined sugars

With sugars, something similar happens with the flours. Predispose to obesity, promote constipation and increase pain in hemorrhoids.

Opt for another type of healthy sweeteners. For example, honey, stevia, coconut sugar or cane honey.

3. Spicy
Spicy is harmful to hemorrhoids

Finally, the spicy accentuate pain or itching when evacuating . The same goes for very spicy or salty dishes.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid spices and sauces or consume them in very small quantities. To season the food opt for aromatic herbs (basil, oregano, mint, etc.), vinegar and olive oil.

4 Options to treat external hemorrhoids

The treatment for external hemorrhoids can be done with homemade measures such as, for example, sitz baths with warm water. However, anti-inflammatory medications or ointments for hemorrhoids can also be useful in relieving pain and discomfort, reducing hemorrhoids quickly.

When hemorrhoids are very large or arise frequently, the proctologist may indicate a surgery, but generally these homemade options are effective and have a lasting effect.

To control hemorrhoids in 2 days it is necessary:

1. Take a sitz bath with warm water

Warm water helps relieve inflammation and pain, and should be done 15 to 20 minutes, as many times as necessary. Some medicinal plants with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain in a few minutes and can be added in the bucket with warm water are: chamomile, lavender, arnica and witch hazel.

2. Ingest more fibers and drink more water

A diet high in fiber and with a high intake of water, helps regulate intestinal transit and soften stool, facilitating their exit. For this reason, during these two days it is necessary to increase the fiber content in all the meals that are made.

A good strategy is to eat foods rich in fiber such as fig, papaya and oats, but it is also possible to add a water-soluble fiber called Metamucil, which is purchased at the pharmacy. Just mix 1 tablespoon of this powder in a glass with water, in soups or in juices, being able to be consumed maximum 3 times a day.

It is important that, in conjunction with the increase in fiber, you drink at least 2 L of water per day, because the fibers cause the volume of the faeces to increase and the water hydrates them to soften them and facilitate their exit. If the consumption of fiber is increased and water is not drunk, the stools will be harder and may aggravate the hemorrhoids.

3. Use pomade for hemorrhoids

Some examples are Neobatín, Proctoacid and Ultraproct, which can be indicated by proctologist or internist doctor. These ointments relieve pain in a few minutes and decrease the size of the hemorrhoid.

4. Take an analgesic or anti-inflammatory

Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can be used under medical guidance to relieve swelling and pain caused by hemorrhoids. But by following the 3 previous tips, you probably will not need to use these medications. Diabetics should only use medication for hemorrhoids under medical guidance.

Usually, external hemorrhoids are relieved immediately after the sitz bath and an anti-inflammatory ointment, and should disappear within 2 to 3 days. In the most severe cases, when the symptoms do not improve with all this care, surgery may be necessary.
Care during treatment

During treatment, the individual must have some care such as:

  •     Avoid using toilet paper, washing the anal region with soap and water after bowel movements;
  •     Do not lift weight;
  •     Do not eat foods that are spicy or spicy;
  •     Perform regular physical activity type walk or zumba;
  •     If necessary, a ring-shaped cushion with an opening in the center for sitting can be used.

Another important suggestion is not to perform force when evacuating, as this increases the risk of more hemorrhoids forming. See in the following video the correct position to sit and facilitate the exit of the stool.

Surgery for external hemorrhoids

Surgery for external hemorrhoids is indicated by the proctologist in the most serious cases, when evidence of excessive bleeding, which are hard, painful and / or inflamed, being in these cases removed. However, after surgery, the individual must maintain a diet rich in fiber and avoid making efforts to evacuate to prevent the appearance of new hemorrhoids.

Signs of improvement

Signs of improvement of external hemorrhoids include: pain relief, especially when sitting and evacuating; decreased swelling and; the decrease or disappearance of blood in the stools. Also, if the individual no longer feels the hemorrhoid it means that it disappeared.

Signs of worsening

Signs that external hemorrhoids are getting worse include: increased pain, mainly when sitting or evacuating; increased swelling and; increased bleeding during bowel movements