Saturday, February 16, 2019

Phillips’ Colon Health Probiotic Capsules

Probiotics and Prebiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms (good bacteria) that promote the health of the entire digestive system, in addition to synthesizing vitamins, enzymes and essential amino acids for the health of the digestive and immune system. These "good bacteria" fight against those bacteria that cause diseases; they adhere to the intestinal mucosa from where they stabilize the composition of the bacterial flora and produce substances such as vitamins and enzymes that improve and activate the defenses.

Its importance in health

Probiotics are essential for health. They are implanted in the colon or in the small intestine and from there they balance the organism:

Phillips’ Colon Health Probiotic Capsules
Phillips’ Colon Health Probiotic Capsules

  • -They maintain the acidification of the digestive tract (stomach, small and large intestine), allowing the bacterial flora to be balanced and functioning correctly.
  • -They help to have a more efficient digestion, as well as the production of essential vitamins for the body.
  • -Improve and activate our immune system.
  • -Favor the absorption of nutrients.

The best known

Lactobacillus acidophilus: It is a bacterium that lives in the large intestine and allows the body to produce natural antibiotics , keeping the digestive system toxins at low levels and adequate for health.

Bifidobacterium bifidum: This probiotic bacteria lodges in the colon and relieves digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea and constipation . In turn strengthens the immune system.

75% of the immune system is in the intestine, so a healthy intestine is synonymous with an organism with more defenses.

Where to find them

Probiotics can be found naturally in the following foods:

Natural or 'birdie' yogurt:   It is one of the best probiotic foods, as long as it is made by hand. 1 or 2 cups are recommended daily.

Kefir :   This dairy food comes from the fermentation of goat's milk. It has a large content of lactobacillus and bifidus bacteria, in addition to having a high percentage of antioxidants. The ideal portion is 1 or 2 cups a day.

Sauerkraut :   This food that has fermented cabbage, has large amounts of probiotics and vitamin A, B, C and E. It is healthy to add it to salads, 1 or 2 cups, especially if you have a weak digestive system.

Spirulina and chlorella:   These microalgae interfere beneficially in the digestive system, since they increase the amounts of lactobacillus and bifido-bacteria. 350 g daily is recommended.

Green pickles :   Those that are made by hand and in vinegar are usually an invaluable source of probiotic bacteria. It is important to integrate them into the daily diet together with the other probiotics mentioned.

Kombucha tea :   It has a high amount of amino acids and enzymes, in addition to probiotics. Once fermented, it has large quantities of microorganisms beneficial for the health of the intestinal tract. 300 cc per day is recommended.


  •     They create a protective barrier
  •     Help fight irritable bowel
  •     Decrease meteorism and flatulence
  •     Regulate intestinal transit
  •     Detoxify the body


  •     Immunosuppressed patients: HIV, chemotherapy

Natural sources

Fermented foods (not cooking them, because temperatures kill microorganisms)

  •     Sauerkraut
  •     Pickles
  •     Miso, fermented soybean paste à Shiro Miso organic
  •     Birdie Yogurt (1 day at least)
  •     Kefir
  •     Commercial yogurts (should not lose the cold chain, since microorganisms die)
  •     Cocoa

Supplements (daily use reconstitutes microorganisms daily)

  •     Spirulina
  •     Chrorella


Food (substrate) for probiotics, within the family of fibers, which do not undergo digestion.


  •     They develop and improve the flora of probiotics
  •     They stimulate the immune system
  •     They facilitate the absorption of calcium, magnesium and iron
  •     They reduce the meteorismo and improve the digestion
  •     Reduce the appearance of colon cancer (SCFA)
  •     Help in obesity and cholesterol profile

Natural sources

  •     Banana
  •     Onion
  •     Garlic
  •     Artichoke
  •     Asparagus
  •     Coconut water