Friday, February 22, 2019

Hemodas - CODE RED 5 Day Anal Support, 30 Capsules - #1 Recommended: European Crisis Solution for Anal Vein and Blood Vessel Support Crisis Care 5-Day

Ten tips to prevent and fight hemorrhoids

Constipation, genetic inheritance, over-abdominal effort caused by pregnancy, bad eating habits and advanced age are causes of hemorrhoids or piles, which is the dilation and inflammation of the venous structures located in the anal canal. They are common among people who are between 25 and 60 years old.

"In the early stages, hemorrhoids cause more or less mild discomfort such as itching, inflammation of the skin, burning, pain or small bleeding associated with bowel movements," explains Aurora Garre, medical adviser to Cinfa. "In the most severe cases, the fleshy masses go outside and get to stay out of the sphincter most of the day, which can be very painful."

Hemodas - CODE RED 5 Day Anal Support, 30 Capsules - #1 Recommended: European Crisis Solution for Anal Vein and Blood Vessel Support Crisis Care 5-Day
Hemodas - CODE RED 5 Day Anal Support, 30 Capsules - #1 Recommended: European Crisis Solution for Anal Vein and Blood Vessel Support Crisis Care 5-Day

How to prevent and fight them

For the prevention of hemorrhoids it is essential to avoid constipation by means of regular physical exercise, balanced diet and abundant fluid intake. According to the expert, the recommendations for those suffering from this pathology to have a better quality of life are:

1. Consult the doctor as soon as the first discomforts are felt. Look for an accurate diagnosis that determines the appropriate treatment. Only in advanced stages and with severe symptoms is surgery necessary.

2. Avoid overexertion. Adopt healthy habits in the bathroom, how to avoid suppressing the desire to defecate or stay too long in the toilet.

3. Eat fiber, a great ally to avoid constipation and hardening of the stool. It is achieved by adding whole products, fresh fruits and vegetables to the daily diet.

4. Do not eat spicy foods, fats and spices, foods that produce gases, such as legumes. Moderate the consumption of rice, sugars, caramels and cured cheeses, which harden the stool making it difficult to expel.

5. Drink plenty of fluids. At least, two liters of water daily, In addition to drink infusions, juices, vegetable broths ...

6. Fight against a sedentary lifestyle. Do regular physical exercise, such as walking, running or swimming.

7. Quilt the seat and rest by walking. If work requires a long time sitting, use a small cushion or pillow on the chair to relieve pressure on the area. Likewise, our body will appreciate that we rest from this position dedicating a few minutes each hour to walk.

8. Take care of anal hygiene. You should avoid scratching the hemorrhoids and, after going to the bathroom, clean the area with warm water and a neutral soap. The excess of washing can make disappear the natural fatty mantle of the anal skin, reason why it can be recommendable to use an antihemorrhoidal ointment or vaseline to avoid the irritations. Also natural remedies such as compresses with chamomile can be beneficial.

9. Use anti-inflammatory creams and suppositories, if they provide relief to the patient. Do not use without medical control, as some contain cortisone.

10. Use natural anesthetics. If the pain is very intense, there is always the option of relieving it with warm-cold sequences: ice or cold packs should be applied and then alternated with hot sitz baths.