Thursday, February 21, 2019

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8 measures to prevent hemorrhoids

They are annoying and are more frequent with a sedentary lifestyle, however hemorrhoids can be treated successfully.

A diet low in fiber, low water consumption, the permanence of long periods of time sitting, as well as making great efforts to evacuate, pregnancy and frequent diarrhea, are some of the factors that contribute to the appearance of hemorrhoids .

"Its appearance is more common from the age of forty and with age, its incidence increases, being the bleeding after the evacuation the main symptom - although not the only one - of this disease", explains the coloproctologist Antoine Lagunes.

Ofanyia Natrual Hemorrhoids Cream Anal Cream for Internal Hemorrhoids Piles External Anal Fissure
Ofanyia Natrual Hemorrhoids Cream Anal Cream for Internal Hemorrhoids Piles External Anal Fissure

The expert explains that this condition, to be located in the anorectal region, has a negative connotation of shame, embarrassment and discomfort, which causes that the people who suffer, instead of going to the specialist, prefer to practice a series of remedies that they only worsen their health situation.

"The most advisable thing before starting any type of therapy is to visit the coloproctologist to confirm that it is indeed a hemorrhoidal disease , since there are other diseases that present the same symptoms , such as anal fissures, polyps, the disease inflammatory bowel and even colorectal cancer, "says the specialist.

It is important to clarify that according to its stage of development, medical treatment may or may not be surgical, which includes the application of corticosteroid creams to reduce pain and swelling, as well as the intake of laxatives to try to soften the stool.

He adds that in some cases heat treatment is required, known as infrared coagulation , which seeks to shrink hemorrhoids and that can only be determined by the doctor.

He also recommends using cotton underwear and avoiding the use of toilet paper with perfumes or colors. The expert adds that taking sitz baths in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes helps decrease swelling.

Antoine Lagunes clarifies that if hemorrhoids can not be controlled, then the next step will be surgery to eradicate them, and that only the specialist can determine after the evaluation and, depending on the case, the treatment.

To avoid its appearance, the specialist recommends:

  •     Maintain good anal hygiene .
  •     Add greater fiber intake through vegetables, fruits and wholemeal bread.
  •     Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
  •     When the diarrheas appear, go to the doctor.
  •     Avoid very spicy, spicy and fatty foods.
  •     Do not force the evacuation, or stay for long periods in the effort.
  •     Maintain an adequate body weight
  •     Avoid sedentary lifestyle, exercise at least three times a week to improve circulation.

Going to the specialist to receive a timely and appropriate diagnosis is the difference between an effective cure or stay with the hemorrhoids with the risks and discomfort that this entails.