Monday, February 25, 2019

ObboMed? SV-2500 (15"") Folding Inflatable Portable Ring Donut Seat Pillow Cushion – Relieves pain from hemorrhoids, Tailbone and Coccyx, bed sores, perineal pain, sciatica post child birth

Tips to prevent and treat hemorrhoids

The most frequent symptoms are a slight bleeding after the deposition, pain in the anal area and the appearance of a slight lump.

The Spanish Society of Community Pharmacy (SEFAC) has developed a set of recommendations to the population on hemorrhoids, a disorder that affects between 10 and 25 percent of the adult population, without differences between sexes.

The origin of hemorrhoidal disease, commonly known as hemorrhoids or, in colloquial language, piles, is the alteration of vascular structures (blood vessels) located in the anus. This alteration manifests in the form of bleeding, itching, pain and swelling of the affected area, and its most common cause is excessive exertion during defecation.

ObboMed? SV-2500 (15"") Folding Inflatable Portable Ring Donut Seat Pillow Cushion – Relieves pain from hemorrhoids, Tailbone and Coccyx, bed sores, perineal pain, sciatica post child birth
ObboMed? SV-2500 (15

Depending on the affected vascular area, we could talk about internal, external or mixed hemorrhoids. Normally hemorrhoidal disease is not considered a serious pathology, so it can be treated at home with hygienic-dietary measures and pharmacological treatment. However, in some cases it could become complicated, which would require even a surgical intervention. Be that as it may, there are preventive measures and treatments that help to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids.


1. The main preventive measure of this pathology is to avoid excessive efforts during defecation.

2. Both to prevent and to treat hemorrhoids, it is recommended that you avoid as much as possible the constipation, maintaining a diet rich in fiber (vegetables, fried, cereals ...) and ingesting plenty of liquid (1,5-2 liters of water per day).

3. Try to take "black" fruits with some frequency, such as blackberries, plums or grapes, as they contain flavonoids, which act as protectors of the blood vessels.

4. If the diet is not enough to prevent constipation that can cause hemorrhoids, it would be convenient to associate a natural fiber; consult your pharmacist and he can tell you all the possible options.

5. If you have hemorrhoids, it is convenient that you do not exert pressure with the paper when cleaning after defecation; in this case the use of hygienic or washed wipes is recommended.

6. Avoid as much as possible the spicy foods, as well as the consumption of alcohol, as it would act as a vasodilator, worsening the symptoms.

7. It can also be helpful to perform physical exercise, and above all you should not spend long periods sitting or standing, without moving.

8. Try to do sitz baths, with warm water, for ten or fifteen minutes a day, two or three times a day, or apply ice packs to the affected area. This will help you avoid the venous dilation associated with this pathology.

9. In addition to the hygienic-dietetic measures, there are pharmacological treatments that can be of great help, such as ointments or antihemorrhoidal suppositories. Check with your pharmacist, who will tell you which would be the best in each case.

10. If the hygienic-dietetic measures have not been useful, it is important that you consult with the doctor, since there are non-surgical treatments such as sclerosing injections or the placement of rubber bands that could be very effective in some cases. In the most extreme, the doctor will assess if surgery should be removed.