Sunday, February 24, 2019

EmuaidMAX? Ointment - Antifungal, Eczema Cream. Maximum Strength Treatment. Use Max Strength for Athletes Foot, Psoriasis, Jock Itch, Anti Itch, Ringworm, Rash, Shingles and Skin Yeast Infection.

Tips to combat and prevent Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a very common ailment in adults , especially between 45 and 65 years. However, many of those affected do not go to the doctor because of embarrassment and tend to self-medicate, two big mistakes.

There are two types of hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids when they are inside the anal canal and external hemorrhoids when they do it on the surface of the anus.

In the following video, Dr. Deus Fombellida gives us some tips to prevent hemorrhoids and explains how the treatment is.

Half of the population will have hemorrhoids at some point in their life but most of these cases can be prevented by following these simple tips. The discomfort, itching or blood in the stool are the main symptoms of a hemorrhoidal crisis.

EmuaidMAX? Ointment - Antifungal, Eczema Cream. Maximum Strength Treatment. Use Max Strength for Athletes Foot, Psoriasis, Jock Itch, Anti Itch, Ringworm, Rash, Shingles and Skin Yeast Infection.
EmuaidMAX? Ointment - Antifungal, Eczema Cream. Maximum Strength Treatment. Use Max Strength for Athletes Foot, Psoriasis, Jock Itch, Anti Itch, Ringworm, Rash, Shingles and Skin Yeast Infection.

For the prevention of hemorrhoids it is essential to avoid constipation by means of regular physical exercise, balanced diet and abundant fluid intake.

Dr. Deus Fombellida is an expert in Operation of Hemorrhoids in Zaragoza . In his previous article he told us about the causes, diagnosis and treatment of Hemorrhoids , and then he gives us some interesting advice against hemorrhoids .

Hygiene advice

  •     Try to make a single daily deposition . Do not suppress the desire to defecate.
  •     Avoid straining when defecating . Do not sit too long on the toilet.
  •     Do not use toilet paper . For cleaning it is preferable to perform, after the deposition, a wash with cold or warm water (never hot), using carefully the clean fingertips.
  •     Dry without rubbing , pressing gently with a towel.
  •     If the hemorrhoids come out after defecation, try to return them to the interior by gently pressing with your finger into the anus. If the hemorrhoids are always out and you can not introduce them, try not to touch the underwear by placing cotton or gauze in the middle.

Dietary recommendations

    Avoid constipation

1. Increase daily fiber intake.

2. Drink plenty of liquids (2-3 liters a day): water, juices, soups ....

3. Follow regular meal times.

4.Get food well.

  •     Avoid diarrhea . Consult your doctor before taking any laxative.
  •     Cook foods preferably boiled or grilled . You can take some fried with oil or sofrito sofrito.
  •     Avoid overheated or overnight foods, as well as frying oils several times

Foods to include in the diet if you have hemorrhoids

  •     Liquids : 2-3 liters / day: water, juices, soups ...
  •     Vegetables : Turnips, carrots, radishes, beets, radishes, garlic, onions, leeks, chives, asparagus, chard, broccoli, spinach, artichokes, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, avocado ...
  •     Natural fruit: apple, melon, watermelon, pear, cherry, medlar, plum, peach ...
  •     Contribute abundant fiber to your diet: in the form of bran, whole wheat bread, corn, cereals, etc.

fruits vegetables
Foods that should be decreased in the diet or taken in moderation

  •     Foods that produce flatulence: cabbage, cauliflower, tender beans, peas, potatoes, chickpeas, beans, lentils, apricot, banana ...
  •     Astringent foods: rice, pasta, potatoes, white bread and cocoa.
  •     Acid or little ripe fruits: orange, lemon, tangerine, strawberries, pineapple, grapefruit, papaya, kiwi, quince, jelly ...
  •     Milk and its derivatives.
  •     Light pastries : (without animal fats): sponge cake, cookies ...

Foods that should not be included in the diet

  •     Alcohol : all kinds of liquors, snacks, wine, beer ...
  •     Spicy : especially pepper, paprika, chilli peppers, mustard, chili, sausages, spicy, spicy foods, vinegar.
  •     Carbonated drinks
  •     Salted .
  •     Strong cheeses or very cured.
  •     Chocolate, nuts and seafood.
  •     Coffee and tea in large quantities.
  •     Foods rich in fat such as sausages.
  •     Heavy pastries: marzipan, nougat, chocolate, butter, and excess sugar

The importance of physical activity

  •     Avoid spending a lot of time sitting or standing all the time. If your job forces you to stay seated for a long time, stand up every hour for a few minutes.
  •     Refrain from long trips by car .
  •     Try to use upholstered seats with wool or fabric and do not use chairs upholstered with rubber or synthetic leather. Use wool fillings and avoid synthetic foams.
  •     Do not use hard surfaces (wood, iron) or seats that sink excessively. In the car use hollow floats or seats with grid.
  •     Avoid lifting heavy objects from the ground, as well as carrying heavy weights.
  •     Use large and comfortable clothes . It is not recommended to wear tight-fitting clothes in the abdomen, nor to use tight belts, pants with tight seams, or tubular girdles or thongs.
  •     The use of synthetic underwear is not recommended.
  •     Sports such as swimming, walking or hiking are beneficial.
  •     You must avoid certain sports such as horse riding, cycling, tennis, squash, motorcycling ...


  •     If you are pregnant you should know that hemorrhoids are very common in the late stages of pregnancy and postpartum.
  •     Consult your doctor about the particular therapeutic measures to be taken.

What should I do if I have hemorrhoids?

  •     Consult your doctor immediately.
  •     Do not self-medicate .
  •     Keep rest in bed, raising the pelvis with a pillow.
  •     Take sitz baths (3-4 a day) on the bidet with cold or warm water, never hot water, for 10-15 minutes especially after each deposition.
  •     Keep a strict diet .

The application of these measures are of great interest for patients with hemorrhoids , especially considering that many of them are reluctant to consult their problem, to speak freely during the consultation, to be allowed to examine, etc.

These are the reasons why all these recommendations must be known and applied by all those people who suffer in silence this frequent problem. Following these tips can find a great relief and improvement of your particular situation.