Friday, February 22, 2019

LUCID 12 Inch Full Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Motion Isolating Springs - CertiPUR-US Certified

When should we change the mattress?

A question we ask ourselves often is whether our mattress, in which we sleep every night for many years, is fulfilling its function. And we ask this question when we feel, rather, when we experience (first hand) that something is not right in our rest.

Surely you are already tired or tired of hearing that if a person sleeps well he gets up full of energy and you, no matter how hard you try, do not get up like this in the morning. So, in Dormitorum we tell you that something is wrong, that you have a problem with your rest. But, keep calm! that problem is easier to solve than you think.

LUCID 12 Inch Full Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Motion Isolating Springs - CertiPUR-US Certified
LUCID 12 Inch Full Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Motion Isolating Springs - CertiPUR-US Certified

Have you considered changing the mattress of your bed? Yes, the solution is as simple as making a small change. If you consider that you have a full life, without health problems and enjoy optimal psychological and emotional well-being, you do not have to sleep badly. On the contrary, with these conditions you have more than assured rest.

So here, the problem is not you but your mattress. Yes, as you read, mattresses (like yogurt) have an expiration date. And now just ask: how old is your mattress?

How often is it advisable to change the mattress?
The rest equipment has expiration date, its useful life is exhausted due to a series of factors, mainly by the progressive wear of the materials and the use that is given, among other conditions. The good condition or poor condition of the mattress is what determines the quality of the sleep you have, and the importance of rest should be one of the fundamental points if you want to enjoy a full life.

In Dormitorum we do not want you to have health problems, so we are going to give you some guidelines so that you can make an exhaustive analysis of the condition of the mattresses in your home, since it may be time to change some, especially the one that you use all the nights to sleep.

Factors to consider
You do not need to be an expert in rest to know when you have to change the mattress of your bed. You do not have to go to a mattress store to ask if you should renew it (although if you come to Dormitorum, of course we will be happy to assist you!). You do not need to search the Internet on thousands of sites when you should renew your mattress. You do not have to be an expert in the field. Why?

Because there are some factors that tell you that it is your mattress that needs a definite rest since it has already done its job of giving you every night the restful sleep you need. Anyway, in Dormitorum we want to give you some tips so that you have them in mind.

Mattress age
The average life of a mattress is estimated at 10 years, of course this has its nuances as we will see in the next point. With the passage of time, the materials from which the mattress is manufactured are suffering progressive wear, which will end up damaging the quality of sleep night after night.

Therefore, it is best to change the mattress every 10 years or so. In any case, there are materials that are more durable than others, after what we have.

Use that has been given
Obviously, the use that is given to a mattress has a great weight in the wear of the material. The life of your mattress will depend on whether you use it daily or if it is a sporadic mattress.

As you can imagine, the wear of a mattress on which you sleep every day, night after night, for many years is much greater than the one you use only to sleep sporadically on weekends, which will last some more time. But beware, using it once in a while does not mean that your life will be twice as long, only that it will hold you a little longer.

Fabrication material
The type of material can also influence the durability of the mattress. Quality is always synonymous with profit and a mattress made of quality materials will last much longer than a mattress of inferior quality. But beware, that quality is no longer synonymous with expensive.

At present there are mattress stores that manufacture their own products using high quality materials and, in this way, they can sell them at cost price. By the way, do you know that Dormitorum is one of these manufacturers that sells quality at low cost?

Signs that indicate that you must renew it
We just taught you the theory, which is always good to know, right? But the practice is what really tells you if your mattress is the one that needs a permanent rest. So all you have to do is be alert for signs that your mattress is in poor condition. Let's move on to evaluate the following factors.

You get up tired
Numerous research and scientific studies have shown that resting is synonymous with health, we have been listening to the consequences of a bad sleeping life for years. And surely you are tired or tired of listening to it, because you have verified that it is true.

They're going to tell you that you do not know! That every day you're looking forward to bedtime to lie in your bed and sleep like a log. And at that moment two situations can occur.

One of them is that even if a bomb falls by your side you are not able to wake up, not even the noise of a fly with the desire to be gay can get you awake. But despite sleeping all night long, you wake up with a terrible fatigue, as if you had only slept two or three hours. And when you touch the alarm and you get up (you do not know how), you wonder how this can happen to you?

The other situation that occurs is the opposite, that you can not sleep. Despite being very tired or tired from having a day full of activities (work, home, children, a little sport, shopping, your social life, etc.), the time comes when you lie in bed , you relax, you're about to fall asleep and ... a lap, another lap and so on all night. And you think why? with what my body and mind need to rest and (without having any kind of concern) you can not recharge the batteries.