Wednesday, February 20, 2019

HemClear for Hemorrhoids - Vegan, 100% Natural Formula for Hemorrhoid Relief & Vascular Health - Maximum Strength 1 Bottle

5 ways to reduce the pain caused by hemorrhoids

The treatment for hemorrhoids can be done with analgesic and / or anti-inflammatory medications prescribed by the proctologist to relieve pain and discomfort, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. Also, the doctor may also prescribe the use of ointments such as Proctoacid or Ultraproct, or in the most serious cases, performing surgery.

Some homemade measures such as sitz baths with warm water, as well as maintaining some care such as avoiding using toilet paper, also help to treat hemorrhoids, mainly in cases of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Learn more about the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnancy .

HemClear for Hemorrhoids - Vegan, 100% Natural Formula for Hemorrhoid Relief & Vascular Health - Maximum Strength 1 Bottle
HemClear for Hemorrhoids - Vegan, 100% Natural Formula for Hemorrhoid Relief & Vascular Health - Maximum Strength 1 Bottle

Here are some important treatments for treating hemorrhoids:

1. Make a diet rich in fibers

To help treat and prevent hemorrhoids from getting worse, you will increase your intake of fiber-rich foods such as brown rice, bread with cereals, flaxseed and wheat germ every day to make the stools softer and not cause pain at the time of evacuate. See what are fiber-rich foods .

Also, it is equally important to drink around 2 liters of water per day, because the fiber in the food helps to increase the size of the feces and the water moisturizes them making them softer, facilitating their expulsion.

2. Going to the bathroom just feel like it

Some important strategies that can help relieve pain is to avoid doing too much force to evacuate, as well as not making efforts like lifting weights, for example. Should go to the bathroom as soon as I feel like it.

Likewise, you should avoid the use of toilet paper to clean yourself, especially at times when you have a crisis, you should only wash the area with soap and water, not to feel so much pain, not cause the hemorrhoid to rupture and not hurt the skin that is very sensitive.

3. Practice physical activity

Regular physical activity such as walking, jogging or swimming helps to stimulate the intestine because it increases mobility, also makes the feces are softer and molded, preventing them from igniting and facilitating their expulsion.

In addition to this, to avoid discomfort in those who work many hours sitting a day, it is also possible to use a circular cushion that has a hole in the center to sit, this relieves the pressure on the hemorrhoid decreasing discomfort.

4. Apply ointments for hemorrhoids

The pomades for hemorrhoids such as Proctoacid, Doxiproct plus, Ultraproct are widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, because they possess substances with vasoconstrictive, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The ointments should be indicated by the doctor and should be applied directly on the hemorrhoid, performing a very gentle massage 2 to 3 times a day, while the treatment lasts. Know what are the ointments used for hemorrhoids .

In some cases, the doctor may also recommend the intake of tablets to relieve pain as analgesics and / or anti-inflammatories.

5. Perform sitz baths

Sitz baths can be prepared with warm water 3 to 4 times a day. Warm water helps relieve pain, decrease inflammation and discomfort. To prepare a sitz bath, just fill a large bucket with warm water and sit inside it, without underwear, for about 20 minutes or until the water cools.

Also, for the seat bath is more effective you can add some substances with anti-inflammatory and vasopressor properties to water, such as: witch hazel, cypress or onion.

Signs of improvement
Signs of improvement of hemorrhoids include relief of pain and discomfort, mainly when evacuating and when sitting. Also, the presence of blood in the stool disappears or after cleaning the anal region, as well as the or the protuberances in the anal region, in the case of external hemorrhoids.

Signs of worsening

Signs that hemorrhoids are getting worse include increased pain and discomfort, especially when sitting or evacuating; increase in size or number of bumps in the anus and; increased blood in both the stool and toilet paper after evacuation.

New red laser technique for hemorrhoids and fistulas

The Proctology Unit of USP Sacred Heart of Seville is a pioneer in Spain in the application of a new laser surgical technique for hemorrhoidal desarterialisation guided Doppler (HELP) in the treatment of hemorrhoids and the sealing of fistulous trajectories (FILAC) for the fistulas. The aim of these innovations is to achieve better and better results with minimal complications and to alleviate postoperative pain as much as possible.

One of the most frequent causes of consultation in surgery is the proctological pathology and it is estimated that eight out of ten citizens will ever demand assistance for these anal diseases, highlighting the anal fissure, the perianal fistula and the hemorrhoids , whose symptoms are mainly bleeding, itching, discomfort and pain.

Ignacio Durán, surgeon of this unit, explains that the laser desarterializes the hemorrhoids . "Using a Doppler system, we look for the arteries that go to the hemorrhoids, locate them and then seal them with the laser, which means that these hemorrhoids will tend to decrease in size because the blood supply does not reach them."

This technique is performed intraanally and would be "mainly indicated for internal hemorrhoids, external ones will also improve, but tend to have less visible results," he said. Among the advantages that it presents compared to the techniques used previously, the patient needs low doses of anesthesia -in some cases it is not necessary-, minimal later analgesia and absence of postoperative cures. "It is not an aggressive technique," Duran emphasized, "and the results are immediate, as is the incorporation into daily life."

Perianal fistulas
One of the major concerns of surgeons in the therapeutic approach of perianal fistulas is the danger of working in a field where the anal sphincter apparatus is located -with the risk of producing incontinence to the patient- and the rate of recurrence they present. For this reason, more conservative techniques become more important today and attempts are made to seal this fistulous path with biological or prosthetic sealants .

However, according to this surgeon, the novelty of the laser technique is that it uses the fistula itself as a sealant for the fistulous tracts. "The action of the laser denatures the tissue along the entire path of the fistula, using it as a sealant." Therefore, the advantages over other techniques are that it keeps the sphincter intact and does not use prosthetic or synthetic material , in addition to not needing further cures.

The unit has become a training center for other specialists in the country, having carried out several training courses to date. "We have been using this technique for about nine months and the results in hemorrhoids are spectacular: more than 90 percent of the patients present disappearance of the symptoms , mainly bleeding, from the next day, and the short-term results of the fistulas reach a success rate of 75 percent, "said the specialist.