Thursday, February 21, 2019

Hemovir - Best Hemorrhoid & Fissure Treatment for Rapid Healing; Reduce Itching,Irritation, Bleeding & Burning !100% Natural Ingredients - 45 Capsules - 60 Days Money Back Guarantee!

Healthy eating to prevent hemorrhoids

Treating and controlling hemorrhoids is possible with good nutrition . Eating healthy is essential for health, since many of the functional aspects of the body are affected by our diet.

Hemorrhoidal disease is a pathology that affects a large number of subjects, in Spain and Latin America 40% of the adult population has suffered at least once in their lives because of problems related to these important vascular structures in the anal canal.

What are piles and how can we prevent them?

From the clinical point of view, it is a condition of the excessive dilation of the veins that supply blood to the hemorrhoids, which are the anatomical structures critical to the continence of the feces, with the consequent bulging of the walls of the blood vessels involved.

Hemorrhoids , as a result, become inflamed and can significantly affect the conduct of satisfying daily life. The associated pain is in fact capable of reaching disabling levels, which makes it very difficult to perform many basic activities.

Hemovir - Best Hemorrhoid & Fissure Treatment for Rapid Healing; Reduce Itching,Irritation, Bleeding & Burning !100% Natural Ingredients - 45 Capsules - 60 Days Money Back Guarantee!
Hemovir - Best Hemorrhoid & Fissure Treatment for Rapid Healing; Reduce Itching,Irritation, Bleeding & Burning !100% Natural Ingredients - 45 Capsules - 60 Days Money Back Guarantee!

The cure of hemorrhoidal inflammation is possible if measures are taken in a timely manner, avoiding the condition of deterioration and preventing the disease from intensifying. In this sense, preventive treatment is important, with special attention to what is decided to put on the plate, it is very important and in the following lines you will find some quick and easy tips to have a correct and effective nutrition to prevent the appearance of piles.

What are the best foods for hemorrhoids?

The recommended food source for treating hemorrhoids includes mainly fibers , as they play a vital role in increasing the volume of stool, thanks to its ability to retain water. Faeces not only increase their volume, but are softer to expel . They also become softer and their transit makes it less likely to irritate the hemorrhoids. A diet high in fiber also implies a special attention in the daily intake of liquids .

In this case, it is possible to orient yourself taking into account the most frequent medical indications, which advise approximately 2 liters of water daily , the adequate amount for the maintenance of a satisfactory level of health in general.


Frutas dieta saludable prevenir hemorroides

To take full advantage of all the benefits brought by fruits and vegetables we must put on the plate a mixture of the main fruits that are beneficial to include in a diet to prevent or relieve hemorrhoidal symptoms , it can be said that very acid fruits such as oranges or lemons are not advised.

  •     Apples
  •     Strawberries
  •     Pears
  •     Bananas
  •     Plums
  •     Papaya


We do not just talk about the fibers of the vegetables. When talking about the relationship between hemorrhoids and food, it is often discovered that in order to prevent and treat this disease, the choice of what we eat is fundamental; This means, for example, taking an appropriate variety of fruits and vegetables . Vegetable foods are usually rich in Vitamin K , which improves the bleeding of the piles by intervening in the coagulation of the blood.

  •     Broccoli
  •     Radishes
  •     Cabbage
  •     Turnip
  •     Cruciferous
  •     Carrots
  •     Artichokes
  •     Potatoes
  •     Spinach

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Because nuts are a very rich source of fiber it is convenient to add them to our diet , yes, do not abuse them because their fat content is high and can make our digestion heavier, nuts and seeds More recommended are:

  •     Almonds
  •     Nuts
  •     Dried figs
  •     Raisins

Whole grains

That is well known that cereals are much healthier to take them in its integral version, this feature becomes more important if we suffer from piles, the fiber of cereals will facilitate the digestion of food and will not suffer from constipation .

  •     Rice
  •     Corn
  •     Oats
  •     Wheat
  •     Wholemeal bread
  •     Wheat bran
  •     Whole pasta


Like whole grains, legumes are a very good source of fiber . If your tolerance is correct we can include it in our diet against hemorrhoids, such as:

  •     Lentils
  •     Jewish
  •     Chickpeas
  •     Soy
  •     Green peas

Tablespoon agar

This product mixed with cold water forms a consistent gelatin that can be eaten in a very easy way, favoring the intestinal transit, thus decreasing the pains in bowel movements. The agar agar can be included in other dishes to make it tasteless.

List of bad and forbidden foods for hemorrhoids

    "Do you know what are the BEST and WORSE FOODS IF YOU HAVE ALMORRANAS?" Find out the DIET that you have to follow to eliminate hemorrhoids HERE ==> "

To complete our diet against piles we have to know which are the most harmful foods if we suffer from this disease. There is a list of substances that are not recommended and that can aggravate the symptoms of hemorrhoids, that is why here is a list of prohibited foods and to avoid if we want to eliminate or prevent this disease. These are the ones that you have to avoid .

Food with spicy and very spicy

Avoid spices such as chili pepper, hot pepper, pepper or mustard , which can be very irritating to the intestinal tract. In addition, foods with many condiments such as salt can also irritate us and produce burning and heaviness.

The sugar

Sugar is present in many foods , even those that should not carry, that is why the total consumption of sugar in the population is very high, and among other evils, it is not advisable to take if we suffer from this disease. A good way to control the daily amount of sugar we consume is to eat fresh and unprocessed foods.

As we have said, whole grains are beneficial , on the contrary, refined or non-integral flours can be harmful and contribute to the correct treatment of hemorrhoids. Avoid taking processed foods full of these flours is the best form of prevention.
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Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages

Alcohol, coffee and drinks with caffeine such as tea must be suppressed from the diet or consume very little, in the case of alcohol the reduction is total. These drinks are stimulants and are not beneficial for people suffering from piles.

Diet and nutrition, the best way to fight hemorrhoids

The relationship between hemorrhoids and food is much closer than you think and fundamentally influenced by the frenzy that characterizes the lives of many people, which translates into the short time spent selecting healthy foods .

Be careful with what is put on the plate to prevent and cure hemorrhoids ; This also means the elimination of certain substances that are powerful irritants, such as caffeine, spicy foods and some types of sausages .

As you can see, a little attention may be enough to fight a disease that is one of the most frequent causes of localized pain in the rectal area. The natural remedies that go in the direction of a healthier diet are the best solution , mainly because they avoid the introduction of drugs in the body that can cause intoxication phenomena ...

The remedies that nature offers us are some of the best options when faced with such invasive and painful problems. In many situations, the cause of this disease is in fact linked to bad habits and only very little is needed to restore the balance of the evacuation.

Proper local treatment with specific natural products can help relieve pain and promote regression of the problem. However, this does not mean that you do not have to pay attention to certain customs once the condition improves or the pain fades more or less completely.

To successfully treat hemorrhoids we have to act on several fronts and not just act on the symptoms. Balanced diet, good habits and a specific local therapy that works in synergy with the other recommendations are the perfect combination to get rid of the problem.

It is not surprising that the real one is key to the resolution of the hemorrhoidal disease being a way to approach the problem from the root. Treating and preventing hemorrhoids is really possible, especially if you know the best tricks to cure them and the solutions to change our lifestyle forever.

For this reason, my advice is to try to apply , when it is still possible, a treatment method based on natural remedies and healthy lifestyle that pay particular attention to the correct habits to adopt a close relationship between food and hemorrhoids .

    Do you know any other good or bad food that may affect the hemorrhoidal disease? Share it with the community, surely many of us will appreciate it!