Monday, February 25, 2019

HEMOROL 12 suppositories - The preparation also contains components of local styptic, anti-inflammatory and diastolic effects.

How to prevent and treat hemorrhoids in pregnancy

It is a taboo health problem for many women, however, it is best to talk openly about it to know what they are, why they are more common in pregnancy , how to prevent them and how to treat them. To hide them only means that physical pain is accompanied by psychological anguish.

HEMOROL 12 suppositories - The preparation also contains components of local styptic, anti-inflammatory and diastolic effects.
HEMOROL 12 suppositories - The preparation also contains components of local styptic, anti-inflammatory and diastolic effects.

Hemorrhoids are the result of excessive pressure on the anus so they generally occur in cases of constipation by causing the veins and anal tissues to swell. During pregnancy there is a conjunction of different elements that promotes the appearance of hemorrhoids, also popularly known as piles , as there is a constant pressure on the perineum and constipation is more common. In addition, during labor is pressure on the anus multiplies exponentially and progesterone makes the tissues more flexible, also those of the venous walls, making it easier to widen. The symptoms are pain, itching and bleeding in the rectal area causing great discomfort and discomfort in those who suffer.

To prevent them there are two main tips:

  •     Strengthen the perineum . Perform exercises daily to help strengthen your perineal area. Those known as Kegel exercises favor circulation. Your midwife can give you the guidelines to perform these exercises properly and achieve the result you are looking for.
  •     Avoid constipation Of course, the weight of the baby pressing on the perineum is something you can not avoid, but you can avoid constipation as much as possible. Follow a balanced diet, rich in fiber, perform soft sports, brisk walking daily is enough to promote bowel movements. And, of course, keep well hydrated for what, in addition to drinking water, can incorporate into your diet soups, gazpachos, infusions or natural juices.


During pregnancy it is not recommended to use all topical treatments so it is a little harder to get the desired relief . Hence the paramount importance of prevention. However, it is not always achieved. If this is your case, to begin with, extreme hygienic measures and try not to spend a lot of time sitting or standing, to relieve pressure as much as possible.

After the evacuations it is better to wash with warm water than to use the traditional toilet paper. Seat washes can provide relief, as well as apply cold or alternate cold and heat. And do not hold it when you feel like going to the bathroom. It is also interesting to wear breathable cotton underwear and, in general, comfortable clothes that do not tighten. And, of course, it's embarrassing and ask your doctor what type of calming or treatment you can use.