Monday, February 25, 2019

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How to prevent hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a very common problem in the population, especially among women. Both its technical name and the most popular of almorrana have the same origin: the first comes from the terms heme (blood) and rrhois, flow; and the second of previous derivations haima, blood, and the word to flow. In both cases, the meaning is blood flow and it is very uncomfortable and painful to the sufferer. That is why we can take some actions to try to prevent hemorrhoids.

Hemodas - Once Daily Anal Vein Support 250mg Capsule, 50 count - #1 Recommended: European One a Day Solution for ongoing Anal Vein and Blood Vessel Support
Hemodas - Once Daily Anal Vein Support 250mg Capsule, 50 count - #1 Recommended: European One a Day Solution for ongoing Anal Vein and Blood Vessel Support

You may also be interested: What are the causes of hemorrhoids?

Steps to follow:


First, it should be noted that those who must take more measures to prevent hemorrhoids will be those with a direct history , since there is a very strong family component. So, genetics takes a very important value in the appearance of piles, so if you know in advance that your parents have suffered this condition, it will be essential that you take action on the matter as soon as possible.


Likewise, another of the factors that most affect the fact of suffering piles or hemorrhoids is constipation . And is that exerting exertion to evacuate will cause excessive pressure on the blood vessels of the anal area, such as hard feces irritate this duct. Therefore, it will be very important to follow a proper diet rich in fiber to regulate intestinal transit, as well as to follow these tips on how to treat constipation.


Also, sedentary lifestyle also greatly influences the appearance of hemorrhoids or piles, either by spending many hours sitting or even standing. This is why it will be necessary to exercise regularly and avoid spending many hours in the same position.

If your profession forces you to do this, you should move your legs and get up every so often to avoid excessive pressure on the anal area that occurs when sitting so many hours, and on the contrary in those who spend the day standing.


Even so, people who already have hemorrhoids or have a high chance of suffering from them should not do too much physical activity . For example, they should not lift objects that are too heavy or carry out activities such as cycling or riding, as this will increase the pressure and only worsen the condition.

It is therefore to activate blood circulation with gentle activities such as swimming, walking, yoga, etc. You can expand this information in our article about what exercises you can do if you have hemorrhoids.


In turn, overweight and obesity also increase the possibility of hemorrhoids appearing because the pressure on the pelvic floor is increased. This fact is directly related to other factors that we have already mentioned, such as the fact of following an incorrect diet or sedentary lifestyle habits. Therefore, it will be very important to maintain our proper weight and prevent hemorrhoids.


However, when it is too late to prevent the appearance of piles or hemorrhoids, you must know how to treat hemorrhoids to reduce their effects and pain.

In the same way, we also suggest you consult this article about how to cure hemorrhoids with home remedies in order to alleviate the discomfort they cause and get rid of them.

This article is merely informative, in a HOW we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to prevent hemorrhoids , we recommend you to enter our category of diseases and side effects .