Sunday, February 17, 2019

Jarrow Formulas Jarro-Dophilus Eps

Good Bacteria: Know Everything About Probiotics and Their Vital Functions

We have more bacteria in our body than our own cells. This statement can generate a great deal of concern if we think of bacteria as synonymous with disease. But, fortunately, the advances of science show the exact opposite: there is an intimate positive relation of the bacteria that inhabit our body with the health of our organism . The intestinal microbiota, or intestinal flora, is the largest community of bacteria that inhabit our body and has the power to influence our health , our weight , our mood or even our immune response . Kefir, curd, fermented milk, sauerkraut (fermented cabbage preserve), miso, cucumber, some cheeses and soy sauce are some foods that contain probiotics, many times consumed via supplementation.

With this explosion of interest in the subject "intestinal microbiota," we can find on the supermarket shelves and in pharmacies a huge variety of probiotic products (products containing bacteria and living yeasts) that claim to be able to influence our intestinal microbiome for the better. But is this really possible?

Jarrow Formulas Jarro-Dophilus Eps
Jarrow Formulas Jarro-Dophilus Eps


Fermented dairy products have long been associated with the ability to confer health benefits on those who consume them regularly, was Ellie Metchnikoff who in 1908 made the first theorizing of the impact of these foods on the bacterial microbiota of the intestine.

In fact, many of the foods that contain probiotics appear in the form of fermented dairy products such as yogurts and kefir. Probiotics are living microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host as shown in several studies. Probiotics can be consumed in foods that contain these microorganisms in large quantities or in the form of supplements that are made up of these living organisms.


One of the main ways in which probiotics can exert beneficial effects is in altering the intestinal microbiota. This can be done by introducing new species into the gastrointestinal tract or by promoting the growth of existing beneficial bacteria.

Some studies show that the consumption of probiotics is associated with an increase in bacterial strains considered beneficial, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, while simultaneously decreasing harmful species such as Clostridium perfringens.

The consumption of probiotics was also able to reduce the severity of Giardia intestinalis infection by modulating the immune system. In addition, probiotics have been shown to inhibit the adherence of harmful bacteria such as Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli. In general, studies using probiotics have found that there is a shift from an innate immune response to an adaptive immune response, as well as increases in immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels that relate to improved immune tolerance.


Allergic diseases have been growing in developed countries for decades, leading to a higher incidence of diseases such as asthma and food allergies. Many allergies, especially those related to food, are developed early, with most food allergies developing in the first 2 years of life.

Although most food allergies developed early in life do not persist, some can become permanent conditions. Recent work has shown that an increasingly important factor in determining whether a child will develop an allergic disease, be it food allergy or asthma, is the level of complexity and specific organisms present in the intestinal microbiota.

Higher levels of lactobacillus (L. acidophilus, L. delbrueckii and L. helveticus) in the intestines of infants have been associated with a lower incidence of allergic disease in adult life .

Supplementation with Bifidobacterium, in turn, has been shown to influence the intestinal microbiota of newborns at weaning , reducing Bacteroides levels, which has been associated with a lower incidence of food allergy.


Although not as popular as other fermented dairy products (such as yogurt and cheese), kefir has its benefits widely studied and associated with health. Present originally in communities of the Caucasus Mountains, it was discovered in the second millennium BC, which means that this is the oldest fermentation method that exists. One of the characteristics that distinguish kefir from many other fermented dairy products is the requirement for the presence of kefir grain for fermentation.

Kefir grains are a colony of symbiotic microorganisms immersed in a matrix composed of polysaccharides and proteins. Unlike yogurt that is fermented only by lactobacilli, kefir requires lower temperatures and is fermented by more than forty different types of microorganisms in its colony, including yeast. The preparation of this rich colony is traditionally made from cow's milk but can be prepared with goat's milk, sheep's milk, vegetable source or even water.

Due to the highly complex microbiota of kefir, there is a multiplicity of organisms and metabolic products present in fermented milk. This combination of live microbial organisms and metabolites contributes to a wide range of effects attributed to kefir, many of which are beneficial to health. It has been shown that Kefir grains are able to reduce milk lactose levels through the fermentation process and also to reduce cholesterol levels present in up to 84% after 24 hours of fermentation.


According to nutritionist Luna Azevedo during the preparation of kefir, hygiene is essential. Reserve the utensils used in the preparation of the grain just for this purpose. It in water may have fungus contamination if the brown sugar is not properly stored and has contact with a lot of moisture. Do not leave the bottle with the kefir grains exposed to the sun. Store it in a kitchen cabinet and away from any chemicals. Never wash the beans, just wash the bottle, when you make milk or water + sugar. And do not use soap or detergent, just water.

Advantages: It has already been observed in laboratory tests that kefir microorganisms have the power to inhibit Salmonella and E. coli pathogens (bacteria that cause disease). This colony has more than 40 living microorganisms, being much more complete than any product in the lyophilized market.

Disadvantages : Keeping grain for years requires kefir to be prepared almost daily or some special conservation precautions. Kefir can be frozen for some time, but it has to be revitalized after a few weeks. The kefir of water + brown sugar should be taken care of conversation of sugar pada to avoid contamination and growth of fungi. It must be taken into account that water kefir does not contain the same microflora as kefir made with milk. Although microorganisms consume lactose (milk sugar), anyone who is severely intolerant may still feel sick.

It is worth remembering that the use of probiotics should be done with medical or nutritionist guidance. In fact, living microorganisms are extremely important in our health and deserve full attention. For them to remain alive in the intestinal tract, they should be administered preferably with prebiotics (nondigestible fibers and used "food" for these living beings). There are versions with pre and probiotic (symbiotic) as well, it is possible to receive your donation of kefir. Always have the guidance of your doctor and nutritionist for possible indication according to each case.