Sunday, February 17, 2019

Five Strain Bifidobacteria Probiotic Powder by Custom Probiotics (100 Gram)

How to choose a probiotic

What are probiotics and prebiotics?

To be able to choose well among all types of probiotics that exist in the market before we must define what they are, how they help us and differentiate them from prebiotics. It is easy to confuse the two terms by their grammatical similarity, but in reality they are distinct concepts.

Probiotics are live non-pathogenic microorganisms that, given in an adequate dose, reinforce our health, both at the digestive and immune levels. Each type of probiotic has a different property, so the importance of knowing a little more each of them. These bacteria or yeasts can be consumed through food such as dairy or other fermented products and foods fortified with probiotics, or through pharmaceutical preparations if we are faced with a situation where the needs are higher.

Five Strain Bifidobacteria Probiotic Powder by Custom Probiotics (100 Gram)
Five Strain Bifidobacteria Probiotic Powder by Custom Probiotics (100 Gram)

On the other hand, we find the prebiotics . Unlike the above are not living organisms, but nondigestible ingredients of foods, usually fibers, that positively affect the growth of bacteria in the colon and the absorption of certain minerals in adequate doses. (2)

After comparing these two types of functional foods we need to know how to choose the best probiotic for each situation. Probiotics differ according to genus, species and strain. A good quality, healthy and therapeutic probiotic should be able to withstand a hostile environment in our body.

The most used genera belong to lactic acid bacteria (BAL), such as Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Streptococcus , but yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and others are also used as probiotics. (3)

Characteristics of probiotics

Before choosing a probiotic supplement we must make sure it is safe and healthy. The following are some keys to guarantee the quality and therapeutic effect of the probiotic . He must:

  •     They must have biological safety, ie be safe and harmless under any circumstances for the human being.
  •     Contain organisms resistant to the degradation of stomach acids, bile and enzymes to survive throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  •     Being able to adhere to the intestinal epithelium.
  •     Be able to colonize and grow in the gastrointestinal tract.
  •     Be able to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacterial organisms.
  •     Depending on the probiotic, be stored and transported under refrigeration to protect it from loss of efficacy. (1)

Studies have shown that different strains of probiotics offer distinct benefits to human health. Some have been described to prevent diarrhea linked to the consumption of antibiotics, to treat inflammatory bowel or vaginal diseases, alterations in immunity, even to prevent atopic dermatitis or to treat atopic eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, cirrhosis of the liver or to lower the cholesterol. Although in general, the most established clinical evidence in favor of probiotics is related to its use in improving bowel health and boosting immune function. (3)

The intestine is the organ related to the most important immune function of the organism. Probiotics have an effect on intestinal bacteria by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria and decreasing the population of potentially pathogenic microorganisms. At the intestinal level probiotics digest food and compete with nutrient pathogens, modify the environment conditions to create an unfavorable environment for pathogens, increase the function of the intestinal barrier and modify the toxins of pathogenic origin. (3)

Probiotics and Immune System

If what is sought is a support for the immune system will be important to consider some of the following probiotic strains:

  •     Bifidobacterium Lactis (HN019) : this strain helps to modulate some aspects of the immune system in adults. (4)
  •     Bifidobacterium Lactis (Bb- 12): Restores intestinal flora in children, relieves and reduces flatulence, diarrhea and constipation. It also increases the immune response in children. (5) A double-blind study has shown that administration to pregnant mothers along with Lactobacillus Rhamnosus (GG) improves fetal development. (6)
  •     Lactobacillus acidophilus (NCFM) : maintains and restores the health of the microflora in the digestive system, the vaginal flora and supports the immune system, inhibiting different pathogenic bacteria. (7)
  •     Lactobacillus reuteri : present in breast milk, this strain protects the host from infections by the immune system.
  •     Lactobacillus Rhamnosus (GG) : decreases the incidence of gastrointestinal, respiratory infections and also diarrhea associated with the consumption of antibiotics. (8) It has also been shown to reduce the incidence in children developing eczema and in children with atopic conditions including rhinitis and food allergy. (7)
  •     Lactobacillus Plantarum (CECT7315 and CECT7316 ): they have an immunostimulatory effect that helps to prevent infections and contribute to a better clinical evolution. (12) In addition, they improve the response to the flu vaccine in the elderly. (13)

Probiotics and digestive system

If you are looking for a support for the digestive system it will be important to consider some of the following probiotic strains:

  •     Lactobacillus Rhamnosus (GG) : has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of acute infectious diarrhea in children. As well as for the prevention of adult and pediatric diarrhea. (7.9) It has also been shown to reduce pain associated with irritable bowel symptoms in children. (10)
  •     Bifidobacterium Lactis (Bl-04 ) and Lactobacillus paracasei (Lpc-37): in a study together with 2 more strains showed that they restored intestinal flora during and after antibiotic treatment. (11)
  •     Lactobacillus casei (DN-114001) : are used in fermented milk along with other probiotics as an adjuvant therapy for the eradication of Pylori . (7)
  •     Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Boulardii) : this is a fungus that inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and also for antibiotic-associated diarrhea in both adults and children. (7)
  •     Lactobacillus Plantarum (299v) : in addition to its antioxidant activity helps to maintain intestinal permeability, ie, the barrier to nutrient absorption. It also helps in the treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, reduces the feeling of bloating, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation and relieves gastrointestinal pain and inflammation. (7)
  •     Bifidobacterium infantis (35624) : may improve pain and relieve some symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It also prevents enterocolitis and also belongs to the group of bacteria that produce B vitamins and digestive enzymes. (7)

It is not possible to establish a general dosage for probiotics, the dosage must be individual for each product and will also be taken into account if it is an adult patient or child. The products marketed should indicate a recommended dose, which should be based on the physiological effect.

Therefore, after seeing some of the many probiotics that exist, it is important to emphasize that not all probiotics are the same or offer the same therapeutic action. Your diet should always be recommended by a health professional and always as a supplement to a balanced diet.