Monday, February 25, 2019


How to avoid hemorrhoids

Chewable tablets for prevention and treatment

The rhythm of current reality and the inevitable tensions of each day, whether you want it or not, affect mood and health. Routine, stress, poor nutrition in fibers and proteins, sedentary lifestyle, environmental factors, alter your quality of life and may even cause high-impact diseases in the body .

Among them, hemorrhoids are highlighted by pain, itching, and the discomfort they generate in all those who suffer from it. They can originate as a result of a condition of constipation, due to the effort of evacuating, obesity, pregnancy, eating very spicy foods, working long hours on foot, postponing evacuation, chronic diarrhea, etc.


When the pressure on the blood vessels around the anus increases, the venous tissue expands and also becomes inflamed. The piles , as they are popularly known, can be internal, external and sometimes produce bleeding . They can be presented at any time, and they feel when you go to the bathroom or when you eat very seasoned foods.

As to avoid its appearance , it is recommended: maintain good body hygiene, eat more fruits and vegetables, drink at least two liters of water per day, perform physical activity and avoid fat and spicy.

It is a problem that can be smoothed and even controlled by a health professional . It is not about self-medicating but about finding a trained doctor to face the issue from the administration of adequate medicines, especially those that privilege in their composition medicinal plants, such as Ruscus Aculeatus . This is how Nikzon was born: science, technology and innovation united in order to alleviate the symptoms and manifestations of this invasive pathology of complementary prescription. Two chewable tablets are suggested accompanying the meals and according to the testimonies: it works because it relieves hemorrhoidal varicose veins, especially if it has the support of a diet rich in fibers and more water is drunk.

This drug is contraindicated for children under eighteen years of age, pregnant women, patients with renal insufficiency.

Constipation, why does it occur?

For obstruction of the colon or rectum, anal fissures, depression, spinal cord injury, dementia, muscle weakness, diabetes, pregnancy, thyroid, menopause, an unbalanced diet, etc.

A practice quite repeated and harmful, has to do with the fact of enduring the desire to go to the bathroom. The pressure on the colon containing a load that should be expelled causes the hardening of the stool and its consequences, which if not treated immediately can cause serious damage to the psychophysical state of the human being.

A situation that can be overcome with the consumption of bananas, apples, cereals, legumes, nuts, stimulants of good intestinal transit .

As to take into account, a banana provides the twelve percent fiber needed by the organism for its satisfactory operation.

It is not complicated, but requires the conviction of facing the disease. Modifying habits and nutrition are two fundamental aspects to achieve little by little with medical monitoring, the desired improvement.

As for the recommended physical activities for those suffering from hemorrhoids, they excel: swimming, stretching, walking, yoga, weight training, running and jogging, etc.

An opportunity to get reacquainted with movement , the outdoors, visits to parks, squares and ... why not? with the gym. From the purpose of developing a routine tailored to your preferences and needs. Balance, well-being, beauty, and attitude go hand in hand and as we usually say: it's never too late for a change of rudder, to pamper yourself, and enjoy this magnificent journey that is life.