Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Best Price Mattress Adjustable Bed Frame - 7 Inch Metal Platform Beds w/ Heavy Duty Steel Construction Compatible with Twin, Full, and Queen Size

Structure of bed and other furniture as decorative elements

The bedroom should be our resting temple. Therefore, it is essential to take care of decoration and order in it. The bed structure is one of the elements to consider together with the tables, the wardrobe, some dresser, dresser ... It depends on the tastes and the available space, of course.

In today's post we will see all those elements that can be included in the decoration of a bedroom, making it more cozy, functional and appetizing.

Best Price Mattress Adjustable Bed Frame - 7 Inch Metal Platform Beds w/ Heavy Duty Steel Construction Compatible with Twin, Full, and Queen Size
Best Price Mattress Adjustable Bed Frame - 7 Inch Metal Platform Beds w/ Heavy Duty Steel Construction Compatible with Twin, Full, and Queen Size

The structure of bed and other bedroom furniture

To see all those elements that we talked about, we are going to go from the essential to the accessory.

The bed structure

The piece of furniture that occupies the most visual space in the bedroom is the bed. Unwillingly, and unless we have a very large space, will always be the center of attention that captures the look as you enter the room. Therefore, it is important to take care of its appearance. We have two possibilities: a bed structure or a conventional bed with headboard.

The bed structure is a piece of furniture with a mattress and mattress. We can find bed structures in infinity of finish and designs. From the most modern to the most classic, through designs in wrought iron, wood ... The main advantage of these structures is that they are a decorative element in themselves and are very solid. As a disadvantage, we can say that they occupy more space than a conventional one, so it will have to be taken into account for smaller bedrooms.

In Colchón Exprés we have perfect bed structures to decorate your bedroom with style and without sacrificing the comfort and quality that characterizes us.

In the case of deciding on a conventional bed, that is, a base and mattress, we can add a headboard. The great advantage of this option is that it occupies less space than a bed structure and that we can also add the type of base we want without restrictions.


The second most spectacular piece of furniture in the bedroom is the wardrobe. More and more people are deciding to place fitted wardrobes in their rooms. In this way, the furniture is integrated into the architecture of the room. It seems that it does not occupy space and also allows to take advantage of every corner for storage.

When you lack the space in your closet and you can not include other furniture, you can resort to folding canapés. It is an excellent way to take advantage of the space available under the bed.

The bedside tables

The bedside tables are necessary to have a base of support for the alarm clock, a glass of water, a lamp or a book that we are reading. And if we can also choose a model with drawers, we will be gaining storage space for small objects.

nightstands are essential in the bedroom


The dresser is an element that should not be missing in the bedroom. They are especially useful for storing small items of clothing: underwear, scarves, ties, handkerchiefs ... In addition, they serve as support for other decorative elements: some flowers, some pictures, ceramic pieces ...

The dressers are ideal for storing small objects in the bedroom

A bench or a shoe remover

If you have a large bedroom, there is a series of furniture that can be very useful. For example, a small bench or a shoe remover. They help to dress, take off, or just sit down when necessary.

Dressing table

There are people who would love to have a dressing table in their bedroom. It is not always possible, because of a space problem. Although we can improvise one by adding a mirror on the dresser. It will be enough to incorporate some small jewelery storage accessory for accessories and make-up to have a dressing area.


When decorating a bedroom, do not forget about accessories. They are the ones who will give that personal touch to the environment. Pictures, photographs, flowers, bedding , a mirror ... All this helps create your ideal space for relaxation.