Saturday, February 16, 2019

Florastor Daily Probiotic Supplement for Men and Women – Saccharomyces Boulardii lyo CNCM I-745 (250 mg; 100 Capsules)

Probiotics: What they are and what is their importance

Supplementing the diet with probiotics is becoming increasingly popular among people seeking a healthy life . Of course, runners are not the exception.

Maybe you have heard the term "probiotic" but still do not know exactly what it is and what it helps us , that is why in today's article we will answer these questions and we will tell you some of the benefits and the simple way to include them in your diet.

Florastor Daily Probiotic Supplement for Men and Women – Saccharomyces Boulardii lyo CNCM I-745 (250 mg; 100 Capsules)
Florastor Daily Probiotic Supplement for Men and Women – Saccharomyces Boulardii lyo CNCM I-745 (250 mg; 100 Capsules)



Probiotics are microscopic living organisms , they are "good" bacteria that are present in food, medicine or supplements.

According to the official definition, probiotics are "live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a benefit to the health of the host ."

That is, they can be found naturally in some foods or in the form of a capsule . These microorganisms have the characteristic of staying alive and active in the intestine helping your well-being.

Probiotics should not be confused with prebiotics , which are dietary fibers that help feed the friendly bacteria that are already in your gut.

Although probiotics are often referred to generically, in fact there are dozens of different probiotic bacteria that have been shown to have health benefits. The most common groups include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium .


Some benefits of probiotics and hence its importance for your health is:

  • .- Promote a better immune system .
  • .- They hinder the growth of harmful bacteria and favor beneficial intestinal flora.
  • .-Reduces the negative effects of taking antibiotics .
  • .- It facilitates the absorption of calcium, magnesium and some vitamins.
  • .- Improves digestion, avoiding irritability, gas and inflammation.
  • .- Reduces diarrhea or constipation.
  • .- It can reduce lactose intolerance.

As we can see, the greatest benefits of consuming them lie in the digestive system but also defends us from infections such as the common cold, improves energy by facilitating digestion and avoiding annoying stomach discomfort.

The use of probiotics is not new, in fact since 1950 they are used as a supplement to the daily diet, but for many years, the advertising of medicines became more profitable.

However, more and more society has become aware of the importance of recurring to the natural and the prevention of diseases. That is why probiotics have once again had the interest of industry and research.


Where can we find them? These are the main sources of probiotics :

  • .-Yogurt: Natural unpasteurized with bifid bacteria or lactobacilli.
  • .-Gherkins: Packed in vinegar and sea salt. Miso: fermented soy food very common in Japanese cuisine.
  • .- Bitter chocolate of high quality.
  • .- Sauerkraut: Fermented cabbage, is used as a complement to meals in Germany.
  • .- Seaweed.
  • .- Kombucha tea.
  • .- As supplements in capsules or powders.

It is important to read the label to make sure that the product contains these microorganisms, you must specify "live active cultures" or even mention the name of the bacteria. The most common in the market are Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus .

As athletes, we know the need to prioritize our health to be able to perform in all aspects of our lives. Fulfilling the trainings in addition to work and family make staying healthy and with a good level of energy the pillar of every day. Adding probiotics to our daily habits is a very simple way to do it.