Sunday, February 24, 2019

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How to prevent hemorrhoids: say no to piles

Having piles is a common problem that, if you have not suffered at some point, you may develop it at some point in your life. To prevent hemorrhoids it is important to take some measures, either so that they do not reappear or to avoid their first appearance. Unfortunately, there is no measure that guarantees you 100% that you will not suffer from piles, but they will help you to be less prone to suffer your discomfort.

Remedies to prevent hemorrhoids

To prevent hemorrhoids you have to know what is producing them. When we exert too much pressure on the anal area, the small blood vessels in the final part of the rectum and anus can dilate . This causes pain, but also itching, stinging, irritation and even bleeding from hemorrhoids.

Hem-Control Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment Supplement - Fast & Lasting Pain Relief Pills - 180 Vegan Capsules for Hemroid & Colon Health with Blond Psyllium Husk
Hem-Control Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment Supplement - Fast & Lasting Pain Relief Pills - 180 Vegan Capsules for Hemroid & Colon Health with Blond Psyllium Husk

There are many daily gestures that cause more pressure in the area of ​​the piles that they can withstand. For example, the effort to defecate with constipation , when the stools are harder and more compact, makes the hemorrhoids more prone to dilation. Overweight people and pregnant women can also suffer from hemorrhoidal disease. Being sedentary or spending a lot of time standing or sitting are also common causes of the appearance or worsening of hemorrhoids.

To prevent all these discomforts, it is necessary to make a healthy change in the routine. They are simple actions that will make you less likely to develop hemorrhoids or, once you have already suffered them, have less pain. Take note of the following tips .

1 Feeding to prevent hemorrhoids

Having a varied diet, in which there is a sufficient amount of fruit and vegetables, is essential to feel good. You should eat foods that give you a lot of fiber and vitamin K , which will help you fight against constipation.

Take apples, artichokes, whole grains, legumes such as lentils, oatmeal, broccoli, nuts ... Your fiber will make it less expensive to go to the bathroom and, therefore, your hemorrhoids will suffer less. In case of suffering from hemorrhoids, very spicy foods and refined products (above all sugars and cereals) are also discouraged.

As in the treatment that is followed to eliminate hemorrhoids , in prevention it is also important to drink a lot of water to improve traffic.

2 Never be hungry

It is important not to delay bath time . When you feel the need to go to the toilet, do not hesitate to do so, because if you delay the stools accumulate becoming drier and that will make the force you have to exercise to expel it is greater. The more force you have to do, the more likely you are to bleed and that your piles suffer.

Also, it is not convenient to force the hemorrhoids by holding a large amount of stool, as this will increase the weight they have to bear directly.

3 Reduce the time in the bathroom

The time spent in the toilet can also be counterproductive. Long periods of time sitting on the toilet will cause you to exert more pressure in the anal area and, therefore, that the inflammation of your piles persists. For that reason, however much we like to go to the bathroom with a cell phone or a book, it is advisable to go without any distraction to reduce the time we are on the toilet.

If you want your hemorrhoids to suffer less while, you must change the position in which you sit on the toilet. Experts recommend raising your feet on a small step so that your knees are close to your chest. From 90 degrees, your knees should flex to approximately 35 degrees.

Consejos para prevenir las hemorroides o almorranas

4 Keep your weight

Another handicap for hemorrhoids is weight, since hemorrhoidal disease is one of the complications that obesity can cause. Being overweight can cause inflamed hemorrhoids because more pressure is exerted on the anal area. In part and over distances, it is also this extra pressure that causes pregnant women to have more problems with hemorrhoids. The extra kilos make the pelvic floor have to support more weight.

For hemorrhoids and for the rest of the health problems that obesity can cause, patients are recommended to see a doctor to recover their health. Your doctor will recommend the best diet to lose weight or, if necessary, design a treatment to make you feel better.

5 Do daily exercise

Sport is always recommended, but for hemorrhoids even more. Performing aerobic exercise such as walking for about half an hour each day will help you facilitate the removal of stool and maintain an ideal weight. In addition, you will have greater well-being since sedentary lifestyle is one of the great scourges of our current lifestyle.

If, despite these prevention tips, you can not avoid getting piles, you can go to your regular doctor's office . This will study your case and, if deemed appropriate, will recommend that you go to the proctologist, the specialist doctor in the colon, rectum and anus.

In any case, not all types of hemorrhoids need medical treatment, depending on the degree to which they are, in which the I is the least dangerous and the IV the most serious. The milder piles are well controlled with pharmacy medications such as ointments or home remedies such as ice or sitz baths. However, the more serious ones may need to be removed by surgery.

Many people do not feel comfortable talking about their hemorrhoids but your experience can help a lot of other people who are suffering from them right now. Tell us in the comments your remedies to prevent hemorrhoids.