Sunday, February 17, 2019

GoLive Probiotic Products Probiotic and Prebiotic - Flavored Packets - Citrus Blueberry and Lemonade - 10/.47oz - 1 each (Pack of 2)

Probiotics for your overall health

Probiotics (meaning "pro life") are non-pathogenic live microorganisms (in simple words: good bacteria) that resist normal digestion to reach the living large intestine. They have beneficial effects on health when consumed in the right amounts and in a sustained manner over time.

Most probiotics currently marketed belong to the genera Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium.

To be considered a probiotic, the bacteria must be of human origin (although some are from plants or dairy), must resist gastric acidity, conjugated bile salts and enzymes, surviving the transit in the digestive tract. They must also be able to adhere to the cells of the gastric, intestinal or colonic epithelium to facilitate the stay in the digestive tract.

GoLive Probiotic Products Probiotic and Prebiotic - Flavored Packets - Citrus Blueberry and Lemonade - 10/.47oz - 1 each (Pack of 2)
GoLive Probiotic Products Probiotic and Prebiotic - Flavored Packets - Citrus Blueberry and Lemonade - 10/.47oz - 1 each (Pack of 2)

How do probiotics work?

  •     They contribute to restore the microbiota, that is to say the microorganisms that normally live in the intestine, modifying the pH.
  •     They compete with pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine, inhibiting bacterial toxins and avoiding infections. They protect us from bad bacteria.
  •     They produce antimicrobial substances (intestinal mucosa) against other unwanted organisms.
  •     They stimulate the immune system, restoring intestinal permeability.
  •     They can act in diverse organs, for example in the respiratory, digestive, urinary system, etc.

Benefits :

  •     Prevent and treat infectious diarrhea associated with the use of antibiotics.
  •     They improve the immune system.
  •     Prevent some allergic manifestations (rhinitis, atopic eczema).
  •     Treat and prevent colic in the infant.
  •     Reversal of symptoms of poor digestion.
  •     Replacement of the microbiota caused by antibiotics.
  •     They favor, depending on the strains of microorganisms, in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori eradication, high respiratory infections, irritable bowel syndrome among others.

Probiotics in food:

  •     They can be found in fermented dairy products such as yogurt, dairy drinks, milks grown and cheeses, to which we have added live and known crops such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. Take care that the sources from which you get them do not contain added sugar since they are usually found in this type of products.
  •     Other foods: sauerkraut and fermented soy drinks.
  •     Pharmaceutical presentation.

Useful Data:

  •     The properties of probiotics depend on specific strains.
  •     Once your intake is suspended, the effect soon disappears, so you should try to consume them regularly.
  •     When purchasing foods that contain probiotics and require refrigeration, it is important to keep the cold chain to survive microorganisms and be functionally active when consumed. This means that you do not leave, for example, the yogurt in the car since if it warms the microorganisms die.
  •     There are nutritional supplements with probiotics and as in food, they are strains that have specific functions and it is recommended to use them preferably with medical indication.