Monday, February 25, 2019

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How to prevent hemorrhoids in summer

It is estimated that between 30 and 50% of the adult population has suffered at some point in their lives.

What are the causes of hemorrhoids

  • -Increased blood flow to hemorrhoidal packages
  • -Weakening of the tissue of the rectal channel that surrounds the hemorrhoids.

Factors such as stigma, obesity, overweight, pregnancy, chronic bronchitis, excessive and prolonged efforts or jobs that require a prolonged sitting, as well as sports such as riding, cycling or lifting weights can cause the increase in abdominal pressure and, consequently, a hyperflow of blood to hemorrhoids. Situations such as chronic diarrhea, prolonged efforts during evacuation, abuse of laxatives, prolonged maintenance of the erect position, a sedentary lifestyle and the passage of time, on the contrary, are related to the weakening of the mucosa that It holds hemorrhoids.

Molded Foam Ring Cushions - 18"" - Donut

Take care of the food

The ideal diet to prevent hemorrhoids is rich in fibers that provide the following benefits:

  • - Crawling during the intestinal transit of food, with reduction of unwanted fermentations.
  • -Increased fecal mass, which facilitates evacuation, increase the satiety index of food.
  • - Enrichment of the intestinal flora with useful microorganisms with prebiotic function
  • -Strengthening of the wall of the entire digestive tract
  • -Prevention of colon cancer and gastric ulcer.

Fiber and lots of water

A diet rich in fibers helps regulate intestinal transit and prevent both blood hyperflow and weakened tissues that cause hemorrhoids. Therefore, the diet should not miss whole grains and lots of fruit and vegetables, always accompanied by plenty of water - at least 2 liters a day. That's right, fibers need water to swell and develop their functions. Assuming a lot of fiber without the proper supply of water could cause the opposite effect. The foods richest in fibers are legumes, broccoli, artichokes, almonds, wholemeal flours and oats.

Also the use of food fiber integrators can help enormously, although not all fiber integrators are suitable for hemorrhoids. In fact, they are currently marketed in various types, which can be divided into soluble fibers and insoluble fibers.

The soluble fibers create a gel inside the intestine that slows down the emptying and, at the same time, reduces the absorption of carbohydrates and lipids, decreasing the levels of cholesterol in the blood and the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Insoluble fibers, on the other hand, absorb large amounts of water, thus increasing the volume of the feces and making their consistency softer. This facilitates and regularizes the evacuation and that type of fibers is useful to prevent stigma and hemorrhoids.

Among the insoluble fibers we remember:

Bran: rich in insoluble fibers, absorbs water up to 400% of its weight. The integration of bran accompanied by at least two liters of water is indicated in case of constipation, irritable bowel disease, diverticular disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, overweight and obesity, as it improves intestinal transit, offers a feeling of fullness and reduces the absorption of fats and cholesterol. The drawbacks can be bloating and abdominal swelling and an impoverishment of vitamins and mineral salts.

Rubber karaya is the gummy secret that leaves the trunk and branches of some plant species native to the mountainous areas of India and Pakistan. Karaya gum is usually used as a mass laxative in the treatment of constipation but is contraindicated in case of intestinal irritation.

Zaragatona: is a mucilage that when in contact with water expands to increase 25 times its own weight and softens the fecal bolus, favoring evacuation and reducing constipation. In addition, it has prebiotic effects to improve immune defenses and is useful even in case of diarrhea, as it manages to absorb excess fluids and regularize the intestine.

Due to this regularizing effect on intestinal transit and the consistency of faeces, psyllium is also useful in case of colitis and irritable bowel and its lubricating effect makes it ideal also in case of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Glucomannan: it is a suitable fiber to reduce the corporeal weight, since it generates a soft gelatinous mass in the intestine that reduces the absorption of fats and sugars. Very useful in the diet of diabetics, it is suitable in case of constipation thanks to its sanitizing and regulating action.

In case of hemorrhoids, dietary fiber integrators based on Zaragatona are the most suitable because they resolve constipation in a delicate way, especially in people with irritated bowel, as in the case of hemorrhoids, thanks to its emollient action and anti-inflammatory on the intestinal mucous membranes.

Do physical exercise and control body weight.

Leading an active life helps to prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids since it strengthens the abdominal muscles and promotes intestinal transit. In addition, it helps control body weight, which can increase abdominal pressure if it is too high, with the consequent increased risk of hemorrhoids.

It is not necessary to become athletes, due to the fact that even practicing some sport at the agonistic level can be considered a cause of hemorrhoids. It is enough to do light physical activity for at least 20 minutes a day, such as taking a walk or a light run, swimming or stretching gently.

You can also do exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor, the set of muscles and ligaments located at the base of the abdomen, with the aim of preventing the risk of prolapse of hemorrhoids. The most effective exercise is to contract the muscles around the anus and vagina, as if the stool or urine stream had to be interrupted.