Saturday, February 23, 2019

LUCID 10 Inch Twin XL Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Moisture Wicking - Odor Reducing - CertiPUR-US Certified

When should I change my mattress?

When to change the mattress
There are many questions that arise about whether our rest team needs a change or can use one more season. Most people are not aware of what it means to sleep on a quality mattress and in good condition . These are some data that will surely interest you:

  • We spend an average of 14400 minutes per month on our rest equipment .
  • A mattress of more than 10 years, stops being completely healthy and becomes harmful, regardless of the use that has been given. This is explained by Asocama (Spanish Association of Bed) after several clinical studies.
  • Over the years, our body experiences metabolic or physical changes (loss or weight gain, growth, pregnancy, bone or muscle diseases, injuries ...), and the mattress that a few years ago fitted us perfectly, can not be the healthiest after these circumstances, because our characteristics and physical conditions have varied.
  • The importance of a healthy rest
  • A good rest is as important in our day to day as a healthy diet and a correct physical activity. When there is a sleep disorder or a bad rest, from the first day the rest of factors that condition our stability as people are also affected . For example, not sleeping well affects our physical performance (we feel more tired), and our fatigue conditions our intellectual performance (less concentration at work, less attention to important tasks of day to day, forgetting important issues, disorientation), and even our humor and our ability to assimilate the routine.

LUCID 10 Inch Twin XL Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Moisture Wicking - Odor Reducing - CertiPUR-US Certified
LUCID 10 Inch Twin XL Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Moisture Wicking - Odor Reducing - CertiPUR-US Certified

Over time, if a solution to this problem is not achieved, it can lead to serious problems that will require the help of a specialist to overcome them: insomnia, chronic fatigue, vertigo, muscle injuries ...

According to a study by Asocama, 18% of the population suffers from muscular pain, 6.8% suffer from allergy problems, 5.4% suffer from insomnia, and 20% suffer from other types of illnesses that could be related to rest. In addition, 18.5% feel tired and without energy when they wake up in the morning, and 13.5% get up with muscle aches. According to this, we can affirm that more than 30% of the population is not resting on the most adequate and healthy rest equipment . In addition, the older the rest equipment used by sleepers, the greater the percentage of people who do not sleep well, wake up exhausted or in pain.

The conclusion of all this can not be other: people are not aware that many of their health problems are related to their rest equipment. Because if they were aware, they would most likely invest in their health.

You need to renew your rest equipment if ...
After what was explained above, here are a series of situations in which you probably need to renew your mattress:

You get up tired usually . This condition can be due to various causes such as specific diseases, poor diet, depression or when we are taking strong medications that can cause fatigue. However, in most cases, when there is constant exhaustion, and especially if it is accompanied by muscular or lumbar ailments, our rest team may be responsible.
Your rest equipment is between 8 and 10 years old . The maximum life of a mattress is 10 years. However, not all mattresses achieve this durability, since it also depends on the use that is given, the quality of them, or the materials that form it and even the characteristics of the sleepers that use it. Make sure that the mattress you are going to use every day does not belong to an economic range, since in the medium term it will cost more. You can find more information in our Mattress Guide.

Your mattress is sunken or deformed . As we said, the life of a mattress also depends on the use that is given to it. If your mattress suffers a deformation in its guarantee period (usually during the first 2 years), it is probably due to a manufacturing problem, in which case you should contact the manufacturer of the mattress. If, on the other hand, the mattress loses firmness, sinks or becomes deformed in the following years, it is most likely due to the use that has been given, or because the physical characteristics of the sleepers with problems such as overweight, for example , do not adapt to the benefits that mattress offered (low quality, little firmness). In many cases, in addition, the deterioration of a mattress in the first 5 years of use is due to poor maintenance of the mattress (it has not been turned over or ventilated, or it has been used on bedspaces or incompatible or defective bases).

You have experienced physical changes . Throughout the years people and metabolism are changing, and we must adapt our rest equipment to our new physical conditions. This is: if you have become pregnant, if you have gained weight in recent years, if you have had an accident or illness that has affected your physical condition or even if you have gone through a stage of life (childhood, youth, adulthood or old age) and you feel that your physical conditions are not the same. Each person needs a certain type of mattress in each period of their life.

You have been a mother or father, or your son has grown up . Children of growing age need to change their rest equipment more often than when they reach adulthood. The needs of a 6-month-old baby are different from those of 4, 12 or 16 years old. Find out what mattress is the most recommended for your child. You can do it in this report on mattresses for children .

You have moved On many occasions people who start a new life in a new home, change their old mattress for a new one taking advantage of the move and the purchase of new furniture. In these circumstances it is very common for the furniture store to offer a gift mattress for the purchase of the furniture. If it is your case, you must ensure the quality of the mattress that you are going to give, because they are almost always mattresses with very basic characteristics and that have not been offered after evaluating your needs, preferences and physical conditions. It is quite risky to trust this type of mattress for daily use.

Your mattress is worn . As many people are not aware of the important role that our mattress plays in our health, many people do not know that the mattress or base on which they support their mattress can harm the condition of it. That is, if your mattress is defective and your mattress is new, there is a great chance that your mattress will end up damaged by the mattress, in which case the manufacturer's warranty would not be responsible for the incident. If you change your mattress, change your mattress.
You need a guest bed or a second home . If this is your case, you can get fantastic offers for those auxiliary beds that are only going to be used on certain occasions, since it is generally not worth making a significant investment in a mattress that is hardly going to be used. In our cheap mattresses you have several options.
If these are your circumstances, the only thing left for us to say is that you should not forget that, when choosing your rest equipment, it is advisable to consult a specialist in rest, because after asking you some questions about your tastes and conditions physical, may recommend the healthiest mattresses for you.